LEARNING INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES AND RECOGNIZING THEIR BENEFITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
international languages / cognitive skill / multilingual / bilingual / problem-solving skill. / международные языки / когнитивные навыки / многоязычие / двуязычие / умение решать проблемы.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dilmurodova, Feruza Boybo’Ta Qizi

The teaching of modern foreign languages such as English, German, and French has gained global prominence. In Uzbekistan, the government has made significant strides by mandating foreign language instruction in all primary schools starting from grade 1. This initiative is designed to provide students with crucial linguistic skills that offer extensive academic, professional, and personal benefits. This article explores the advantages of learning international languages, strategies for effective language acquisition, and the broader implications for education and career prospects.

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Преподавание современных иностранных языков, таких как английский, немецкий и французский, приобрело мировую известность. В Узбекистане правительство добилось значительных успехов, введя обязательное преподавание иностранных языков во всех начальных школах, начиная с 1-го класса. Эта инициатива направлена ​​на то, чтобы предоставить учащимся важные языковые навыки, которые предлагают обширные академические, профессиональные и личные преимущества. В этой статье рассматриваются преимущества изучения международных языков, стратегии эффективного усвоения языка и более широкие последствия для образования и карьерных перспектив.


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7



The teaching of modern foreign languages such as English, German, and French has gained global prominence. In Uzbekistan, the government has made significant strides by mandating foreign language instruction in all primary schools starting from grade 1. This initiative is designed to provide students with crucial linguistic skills that offer extensive academic, professional, and personal benefits. This article explores the advantages of learning international languages, strategies for effective language acquisition, and the broader implications for education and career prospects.

Keywords: international languages, cognitive skill, multilingual, bilingual, problem-solving skill.


There are so many different languages spoken across the world and some are very prominently spoken languages. But why is learning a foreign language so important?

Today learning foreign languages is becoming crucial all over the world. The advantages of learning foreign languages can set you up for success in nearly every aspect of your life. The benefits of learning foreign languages continue to increase as the world gets more globalized, and bilingualism is arguably the most important real-world skill ever.


This study employs a qualitative approach, incorporating data from Uzbekistan's educational policies, student surveys, and academic records. The analysis includes government directives on language education, feedback from students and educators, and the impact of language proficiency on scholarships and university admissions. Additionally, the cognitive benefits and career impacts of multilingualism are examined through a review of relevant literature and case studies.


What Are the Most Beneficial Languages to Learn?

Dilmurodova Feruza Boybo'ta qizi,


Uzbekistan State World Languages University


SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

There are numerous advantages to learning a new language, but which languages should you learn? There are many options. There are several languages to learn, and which one is best for you depends on your personal interests and goals.

There are several factors to consider when selecting a language to learn. Consider the countries where the language is spoken first. If you want to travel or conduct business in those countries, learning the language will make your life much easier.

Another factor to consider is the language's efficiency in terms of career opportunities. Some languages are more in demand than others, so learning one of those languages may be worthwhile if you want to advance your career.

International languages provide more chances than other languages. Because they are official languages of world-famous nations and recognized by the world, and a greater number of people communicate in those languages than in other noninternational languages. Therefore, the acquisition of international languages has many benefits for other foreign languages. There are six international languages that the world has recognised:

•English •Spanish

• Chinese(Mandarm) •Russian •French •Arabic.

English is the language of technology, science, computers, aviation, diplomacy, and tourism. Wherever we go we can communicate in English with foreigners without any problem and understand them because a large amount of people know this language and it is confessed as a second language in some countries, many students are learning English as a foreign language and it is very easy to find any kind of information from any sort of social media in English because many information were included in this language.

There are more than one billion Mandarin speakers all over the world and most of them live in China. China is gaining prominence as the world's largest economy.

Another widely-spoken language is Spanish, with approximately twenty countries bragging about it as their official language, also several countries use Spanish as a second language. Compared to other international languages, English has a similar vocabulary same alphabet, which means it is much easier to learn Spanish than the people who know English. At the same time it is hitting two birds

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

with one stone\students can learn two international languages which are similar to each other.

Arabic is one of the most widely spread languages in the world and twenty-four countries admitted it as their official language.

French has been an international diplomatic language for a long period and it gives more opportunities to overseas students.

The Federal state of Russia occupies a large territory and its languages are also considered international and students who learn Russia will also have the opportunity to learn other similar languages.

These languages allow you to communicate with more people and gain an advantage at work, such as being a better candidate, being lined up for success, getting a promotion, receiving a higher salary, or having more job opportunities. Traveling to different countries, improving communication skills, getting more information or entertainment from the internet, or learning about different cultures. Furthermore, it boosts our self-esteem when we travel abroad. Knowing that there are people who speak at least one international language lets you to study at prestigious universities in well-known countries.

What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

1. Educational Policies and Student Perspectives

The Uzbek government's policy to integrate international language teaching from the first grade has been positively received. Despite initial scepticism from students about the feasibility of learning multiple languages simultaneously, significant progress has been observed. Effective learning strategies have been crucial in this success, particularly the recommendation to study languages with distinct differences, such as Arabic alongside English. This approach minimizes confusion and enhances mastery.

2. Easy access to online lessons

Nowadays, taking online lessons are increasing and these lessons are being taught within international languages and it is very easy access to online lessons when student knows one international language specifically.

3. Depth of Language Learning

There is a clear distinction between students learning languages for certification purposes and those studying language philology in depth. While the former group focuses on vocabulary and grammar, philology students engage in comprehensive studies that include the history, literature, customs, and traditions of the language. This broader educational scope leads to a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the language and its cultural context.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

4. Scholarships and University Admissions

In Uzbekistan, students who obtain international language certificates are eligible for additional scholarships. For example, medical students with an IELTS certification in English receive increased financial support, sometimes doubling their previous scholarships. Proficiency in an international language is also a critical factor for university admissions, often allowing students to bypass entrance exams, thereby streamlining the admission process.

5. Study Abroad Opportunities

Language proficiency opens doors to educational opportunities abroad. Students proficient in international languages can pursue higher education in countries like the United States, Canada, and China. Mastery of the local language is essential for adapting to new environments, excelling academically, and building meaningful relationships. These language skills facilitate attendance at prestigious universities such as Oxford, Harvard, and Peking University, enabling students to become experts in their fields on a global scale.

6. Career Prospects

Proficiency in international languages significantly enhances career prospects. Multilingual candidates are highly valued in the job market for their ability to communicate with international clients and partners. This skill set often leads to higher salaries and faster promotions. Employers seek out multilingual employees for their ability to interact with diverse communities and navigate the complexities of global business. Additionally, language skills are crucial for employees interested in working abroad and participating in international conferences.

7. Cognitive Benefits

Learning international languages has been shown to improve cognitive abilities. It enhances memory, multitasking, analytical skills, and creativity. Language learners often develop strong problem-solving abilities and a deeper understanding of their own and other cultures. This cognitive development contributes to personal growth and a broader worldview, making language learners more adaptable and culturally aware.

8. Makes travelling easier and less stressful

It is much easier to travel when you speak the language of the country you are visiting. You won't have to rely on others to help you with translation or navigation if you know a foreign language.

You can easily communicate with locals and find your way around, order food at restaurants, understand signs and menus, and ask for directions. This can make your trip much more enjoyable and less frustrating.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7


The study highlights the extensive benefits of learning international languages across various domains. In education, language skills lead to significant advantages such as scholarships and improved university admission prospects. In the career realm, multilingualism enhances job opportunities, earning potential, and promotional prospects. The cognitive benefits associated with learning multiple languages further underscore the importance of language education.

Strategies for Effective Language Learning

To mitigate the confusion that can arise from learning multiple languages simultaneously, choosing languages with distinct differences is recommended. This strategy facilitates clearer cognitive separation and more effective learning. Incorporating cultural studies into language learning also enhances comprehension and retention, providing a richer educational experience.


The promotion of international language learning in Uzbekistan aligns with global educational trends and offers numerous advantages. From improved academic outcomes and career prospects to enhanced cognitive abilities and cultural understanding, proficiency in multiple languages is valuable. Future policies should continue to support and expand language education, ensuring that students are well-equipped for the demands of a globalised world.

In summary, learning international languages such as Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic provides significant benefits in education, career development, and personal growth. Multilingual employees are often more successful in the job market, earning higher salaries and advancing more quickly. In education, language skills open doors to scholarships and study abroad opportunities. Despite potential challenges, such as confusion between similar languages, effective strategies and cultural immersion can lead to successful multilingual proficiency. Overall, the advantages of learning international languages far outweigh the challenges, making it a critical component of modern education.


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3. Dalton-Puffer, C., 2007. Outcomes and processes in Content and Language Integrated

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4. Learning (CLIL): current research from Europe, in: Future Perspectives for English

5. Language Teaching. Carl Winter, Heidelberg.

6. Piaget.J. Le Langage et la penséechez l'enfant (1923);The Language and Thought of the

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8. Foreign language learning leads to cognitive benefits in students, experts say -The Daily Universe (byu.edu)

9. The 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World (babbel.com)

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