Djuraeva D.M.
Abstract: the following article is about the effectiveness of the method called "role play" in teaching and learning foreign languages. In the first part of the article the author gives broad illustration about the certain phenomenon, about its functionality and use in real life conditions. She also stated the distinction of the term done by different scholars. According to their claim, role play is the method that creates real communication environment for learners which in turn very important in possessing any foreign language. The second part deals with the ideas about the similarities and differences ofparticular features of role play such as simulation, games and activities.
Keywords: communicative ability, simulations, role, meetings, telephone calls, and social situations.
Nowadays, language teaching has concentrated on the learning process rather than the teaching of language. The emphasis is put not only on linguistic competence of the language learners but also on the development of their communicative ability. In order to increase the learners' communicative ability a teacher needs to create a scheme to teach the target language in a vibrant, active and interesting manner. Thus, extended activities in the form of a role play, simulations and problem solving are vital in developing the communicative ability of the learners. These activities require the learners to go beyond a text. They demand the learners to have a sound understanding of a text and be able to apply their knowledge outside the classroom and their own experiences into the activities. According to D. Crookall and R.L. Oxford [1], there is little consensus on the terms used in the role playing and simulation literature. A few of the terms often used interchangeably are simulationgame, and role play simulation and role playing game. Extended activities can be carried out at different levels depending on the learners' language proficiency. The role of the teacher in such activities will often depend on the learners and their language abilities. However, the teacher is not wholly responsible for the learners' language acquisition as students must also play their part to be motivated in following the lesson. Role plays, whether structured or less structured, are important in the communicative approach because they give learners an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different social roles. A role play is a highly flexible learning activity which has a wide scope for variation and imagination. According to G.P. Ladousse [4], role play uses different communicative techniques and develops fluency in the language, promotes interaction in the classroom and increases motivation. Here peer learning is encouraged and sharing of responsibility between the teacher and the learner in the learning process takes place. A role play can improve learners' speaking skills in any situation, and helps learners to interact. As for the shy learners, a role play helps by providing a mask, where learners with difficulty in conversation are liberated. In addition, it is fun and most learners will agree that enjoyment leads to better learning.
A simulation simulates real life situations, while in role playing the participant is presenting and experiencing some character type known in everyday life. A role play differs from simulation in that the participants are asked to adopt a new character who may have different attitudes and opinions from their own [3]. Role plays have to be prepared in details in advance (there are lots of ready-made ones to be found in books or management training materials). They are suitable for mixed-interest groups and groups who do not have specific
needs and they usually work better with imaginative learners who can think themselves into the role they are assigned.
Pre-experience learners will be more likely to respond well to role play than job -experienced learners, perhaps because they are less likely to have strong opinions of their own. Simulations, on the other hand, allow the learners to be independent. There will be a situation to be acted out (a business dilemma or a problem), but they can express their own ideas and opinions as if they themselves were in the imagined situation. In this respect, simulations are easier for some personality types. Both a role play and a simulation can focus on a variety of business skills such as meetings, telephone calls, and social situations.
In short it is very fruitful process which is impossible to state information within 1-2-3 paged sheets. Generally role play is the most effective ways of learning foreign language. The next decade simply facilitates learners with the need to use role play, because other options of learning become traditional.
1. Crookall D., Oxford R.L. Simulation, Gaming, and Language Learning. New York: Newbury House; Burns A.C. & Gentry J. W., 1998.
2. Klippel F. Keep Talking, Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Reaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
3. Kaplan M.A. Learning to Converse in a Foreign Language: The Reception Game // Simulation and Gaming., 1997. № 28. P. 149-163.
4. Ladousse G.P. Role Play. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Sobirova D.H.
Abstract: in this article the focus goes on some peculiarities of reading skill and especially on the talk about the ways to improve children's reading comprehension. Author state descriptive examples to strengthen her words toward the explanation of the criteria she has mentioned.
Keywords: perception, competency, words, complex.
Reading is a many-sided process involving word perception, competency, fluency, and motivation. Reading is making meaning from print. It requires that we:
• Determine the words in print - a process called word recognition
• Build an understanding from them - a process called comprehension
• Organize identifying words and making meaning so that reading is automatic and accurate - an achievement called fluency [3].
Sometimes you can make meaning from print without being able to identify all the words. Remember the last time you got a note in messy handwriting? You may have understood it, even though you couldn't decipher all the scribbles.
Sometimes you can identify words without being able to construct much meaning from them. Finally, sometimes you can identify words and comprehend them, but if the processes don't come together smoothly, reading will still be a labored process. For example, try reading the following sentence: