Научная статья на тему 'LANGUAGE POLICY PROPOSAL'

LANGUAGE POLICY PROPOSAL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Azimova Maftuna

This article indicates some issues in educational establishment including Public school. It also illustrates varieties of levels of the pupils in this school and provides data about English textbooks. Also, this article demonstrates methods of the teachers as well as the aim of the curriculum. In addition, recommendations are provided in order to support students to achieve their goals.

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Текст научной работы на тему «LANGUAGE POLICY PROPOSAL»

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №11. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60

UDC 81 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60/59


©Azimova M., ORCID: 0000-0003-0551-8469, SPIN-code: 9820-5815, Tashkent State Uzbek and Language University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, maftunazimova96@gmail.com


©Азимова М., ORCID: 0000-0003-0551-8469, SPIN-код: 9820-5815, Ташкентский государственный университет узбекского языка и литературы, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан, maftunazimova96@gmail.com

Abstract. This article indicates some issues in educational establishment including Public school. It also illustrates varieties of levels of the pupils in this school and provides data about English textbooks. Also, this article demonstrates methods of the teachers as well as the aim of the curriculum. In addition, recommendations are provided in order to support students to achieve their goals.

Аннотация. Эта работа указывает на некоторые проблемы в образовательном учреждении, включая государственную школу. Она также иллюстрирует различные уровни учеников в школе и предоставляет данные об учебниках английского языка. Кроме того, эта статья демонстрирует методы учителей, а также цели учебной программы. Даны также рекомендации для поддержки студентов в достижении их целей.

Keywords: curriculum, learner centered, methodology, lexicon, diagnostic assessment, formal assessment.

Ключевые слова: учебная программа, ориентированность на учащегося, методология, лексика, диагностическая оценка, формальная оценка.


As it is known that assessment is a crucial part of learning languages. In this article, the assessment and teaching methods of the teachers in Public school are mainly discussed. Apart from this, the English materials of this educational establishment are also analyzed by the author. The author mentions that all supplementary materials should focus on the communicative approach. As well as it is highly recommended for teachers to conduct a need analysis at school in order to check students' levels and needs. Furthermore, teachers are supposed to take into account the students' feedback and their interests in their coursebook. It is analyzed from the research that teachers are mainly using the grammar-translation approach rather than the communicative approach in teaching the English language. In the English textbook, the audios are provided with poor quality. Generally, each state has its own content and educational standards which are followed by educational establishments. One of the vital implementations for developing effective language learning is designing 'Curriculum'. While implementing the curriculum, it mainly focuses on how learners' skills and knowledge should be learned by students as well as how educational systems such as teaching and learning should be planned and evaluated. 'Curriculum' is a far broader concept. It is all those activities in which children engage under the observation of the school. This includes not

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №11. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60

only what pupils learn, but how they learn it, how teachers help them learn, using what supporting materials, styles, and what kind of facilities [1]. Moreover, one of the main important assumptions of developing a curriculum is providing need analysis. Before implementing a curriculum, creators should take into consideration a learner's needs such as identifying the problems which learners are experiencing and what they are not capable of doing in particular language skills. This following proposal will provide a clear understanding of the description of the school and the language backgrounds of students including, some issues and other facts as well as goals that are related to the context. Apart from this, recommendations will be briefly given to the inventory which is going to address some deficiencies of the curriculum.

Material and research methods

In teaching the English language, there are wide ranges of methods and approaches. Moreover, the curriculum is very vital in the educational system. As Rodgers mentioned the curriculum does not include only what learners are acquiring but also how they are learning, how instructors are providing materials, and help their learners. Additionally, it should also provide a need for analysis.

This proposal provides a clear description of one of the Public schools and some issues in acquiring the language along with the language backgrounds of the students. Also, it illustrates various levels of students in this school and the judgments of their textbooks. As well as in this research all the textbooks reliabilities are mainly checked. From the results, the textbooks are not appropriate to the level of the students and it does not meet with the needs of the students as well. The textbooks of the 7th and 8th grades focus only on pronunciation tasks such as letter combinations and finding out the letter. In the lesson, teachers tend to conduct their lessons using the grammar-translation method rather than using a communicative approach in order to develop students' speaking skills. The educational establishment which is going to be described briefly is the Public school located in the Syrdarya region, the city of Yangiyer. The school was established in 1986, in the city of Yangiyer, Bobur district. There are roughly 40 teachers who have been working in the school, including 700 students. Until 2017 the school was in a good condition. However, during the period 2017-2018, there have been noticeable changes only in some parts of the outlook of the school. The majority of schoolteachers are not provided with technical devices, not all teachers have no excess to use laptops and projectors while conducting the lesson. There is one laptop and projector for all the teachers in this school. The school is not specialized in any subject. For each subject, such as English, Maths, Biology, Geography, and others are given for 3 academic hours in a week. In one academic year, 34 hours are assigned for English classes. In Uzbekistan, Uzbek schools and other educational establishments started to integrate teaching the English language in their curriculum when the state of Soviets released a decree in 1932 promulgating "the necessity of providing every secondary school graduate with the knowledge of a foreign language'' [2].

In the Soviet era, Soviet learners began English classes with the fifth grade. English classes were offered for the grades of 5and 6, four academic hours in a week while it was assigned for grades from 7 to 9 for three hours in a week. The academic year was averaging 33 weeks. At that time it was very vital for students to master the Russian language in order to start to learn foreign languages. The Russian language was not only considered as a tool of communication but it was the second language of non-Russian speakers in the Soviet Union. At this time learners had the opportunity to use one variety of English: British English in schools and other higher educational institutions. Apart from this, all teachers of the Soviet Union were non-native speakers who were

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №11. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60

trained in RP. It is also important to note that English classes were based on "Student-centered". However, all the text-books were mainly focused on grammatical rules, grammatical analysis as well as translation exercises. An important vehicle for promoting an open and democratic society in Uzbekistan, the English language became the language of international communication. In 1990, there were noticeable changes in the area of teaching English as a foreign language. In July 1992, the Education Act was declared by the Ministry of Education which focused on revising textbooks as well as curricula. The Ministry of Education published textbooks which were relied on a communicative approach with the initiative of the British Council. Moreover, at this school English is taught from 1st grade to 11th grade relying on School Educational Framework. All teachers are given extra hours to conduct extra English classes for three hours a week. The level of proficiency is determined according to the CEFR standard of Uzbekistan for the B1 level [3-4].

Results and discussion

The requirements of foreign language teaching, as well as learning, are based on SES (State Educational Standards) and CEFR. According to CEFR standards students from 1to 4 grade should achieve A1 level and from 5 to 9-grade students are expected to obtain A2 level. Moreover, there are 10th-grade students who are required to get the B1 level by the end of the year. The main goal of Curriculum is unrealistic as given texts-books are not appropriate to the level of the student and it does not meet the needs of learners. The main goal of this proposal is to focus on the unreliability of teaching materials. The textbooks of 7 and 8th grades only focused on pronunciation tasks such as letter combinations, finding out the letter, and pronouncing the word. Text-books provide some grammatical rules and exercises but not sufficiently. Furthermore, most listening materials are provided with poor-quality especially secondary level tracks. Also in class-book context of 8 the grades do not consider cultural values mainly Uzbek people while selecting the process of textbook materials. The needs and levels of students are not taken into consideration in designing curriculum and the textbook of 10th-grade students does not meet students' needs and their level as well. By the end of the year, they are expected to achieve B1 level however most of them are elementary-level students [1]. The objective of the curriculum is to develop learners' linguistic ability in foreign languages to communicate appropriately in different social contexts and express their views on social and political issues. According to CEFR standards, after the graduation of the school 10th-grade students should require B1 level: relying on CEFR, Student who achieves B1 level, they are considered as "Independent user". Independent users can communicate essential points and ideas in a familiar context. The Pupil's book of the 10th-grade student of the secondary school includes all four skills such as listening, speaking, writing, reading as well as integrated grammar and vocabulary. However, the main character of this course-book focuses on interactive and learner-centered methodology. This textbook does not meet the student's needs and levels as well.


These following recommendations will help to solve some issues:

1. In order to provide students with supplementary materials, teachers should provide "need analysis" at school. Ned analysis can give teachers the opportunity to identify students' needs and level and use adequate materials according to their levels and needs as well.

2. Providing situational analysis among students as well as in designing curriculum

3. The supplementary materials should be focused on the communicative approach as it is one of the objectives of the curriculum to develop learners' linguistic skills in foreign language to communicate properly and give their viewpoints in different social context

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №11. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60

4. Supporting pupils with authentic materials in order to relate English classes with the real world and make it more integrative.

5. To give opportunity students give their feedbacks about textbooks and take into consideration their interest in providing need analysis.


Assessment is the most important process of the study. The assessment might be addressed to what teachers have taught or what they are going to check in class. There are two appropriate assessments such as criterion-referenced assessment, formative and diagnostic assessment for students. Criterion-referenced assessment measures a students' performance and teachers can assess what they have taught. It can progress check, multiple-choice test. Informative assessment teacher can form or create tests according to the level of students. One of the most effective assessment is "Diagnostic assessment'' which assesses students' strengths, weaknesses, and skills according to the instruction. However, it can give teachers the opportunity to define students' weaknesses and strengths.

These processes will take much more time as situational analysis can take two terms. One term will be taken for Need analysis from the students in order to define their levels and needs. In the second term, students will be taken some feedbacks about materials which will be added for them. Moreover, it will take more than a year to develop students from A2 level to B1 level.

Inventory / Funding

Generally, it is very challenging to make changes and improve all the textbooks. Moreover, it takes more responsibility and hardworking from teachers. However, it would be enough for reallocating exact amount of sum for supplementary materials such as "Round up", "Grammar way". At school, there is special funding for the directors of the school. The funding also can be taken from government support and also official establishments who are involved in education such as the Ministry of Education might allocate funding.


1. Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. Ernst Klett Sprachen.

2. Stewart, T. W., & Vaillette, N. (2001). Language files: Materials for an introduction to language & linguistics. Ohio State University Press.

3. Kaiser, D. J. (2018). Growing your opinion: Teachers as writers of Language Planning and Policy Proposals. Webster University.

4. Hasanova, D. (2007). Teaching and learning English in Uzbekistan. English Today, 23(1), 3. https://doi .org/10.1017/S0266078407001022

Список литературы:

1. Richards J. C. Curriculum development in language teaching. Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2001.

2. Stewart T. W., Vaillette N. Language files: Materials for an introduction to language & linguistics. Ohio State University Press, 2001.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice https://www.bulletennauki.com

Т. 6. №11. 2020 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60

3. Kaiser, D. J. Growing your opinion: Teachers as writers of Language Planning and Policy Proposals. Webster University, 2018.

4. Hasanova D. Teaching and learning English in Uzbekistan // English Today. 2007. V. 23. №1. P. 3. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078407001022

Работа поступила в редакцию 16.10.2020 г.

Принята к публикации 21.10.2020 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Azimova M. Language Policy Proposal // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2020. Т. 6. №11. С. 465-469. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60/59

Cite as (APA):

Azimova, M. (2020). Language Policy Proposal. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 6(11), 465469. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/60/59

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