Научная статья на тему 'Language personality in the aspect of manifestation of history of culture'

Language personality in the aspect of manifestation of history of culture Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bagirova Gunay Fakhraddin

The article has been devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of language personality. It is noted that the understanding of expression of human personality in the language, directly existed in science and it was also noted in the ancient times as well. Theory of language personality has been created in the works of such scientists as V.V.Vinogradov and U.N.Karaulov. In the article the problem of appearance of language personality of the writer is considered. As an investigated language material F.S.Fitzgerald’s book “Diamond in the size of the Hotel Rits” is taken Hermenevtic analysis is carried out, as a result of which depth of psychological and historical-cultural character of the narrator is determined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Language personality in the aspect of manifestation of history of culture»

4. Borkhes Kh. L. Circling Time. Collection in - 3 volumes. - M. Polyares, - T. 1, - 1997, - P. 206-210.

5. Comrie B. Tense. Cambridge University Press, - 2006, - 139 p.

6. Grunbaum A. Philosophical problems of space and time. M. Progress, - 1969, - 590 p.

7. Ionina A. A. English grammar of the XXI century, universal effective course. - M., Ekspo, - 2012, - 416 p.

8. Irtenyeva A. F. Grammar of the Modern English. Theoretical course, - M., - 1956, - 191 p.

9. Jespersen O. Philosophy of Grammar. Publish h foreign literature, - M., - 1958, - 404 p.

10. Turner L. Bases of structural syntax, - M., Progress, - 1988, - 655 p.

11. Thomson A. T. General linguistics, - Odessa, - 1910, - 378 p.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-7-12

Bagirova Gunay Fakhraddin, Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) E-mail: xatireaslanova@yahoo.com

Language personality in the aspect of manifestation of history of culture

Abstract: The article has been devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of language personality. It is noted that the understanding of expression ofhuman personality in the language, directly existed in science and it was also noted in the ancient times as well. Theory of language personality has been created in the works of such scientists as VVVinogradov and U.N.Karaulov. In the article the problem of appearance of language personality of the writer is considered. As an investigated language material F.S.Fitzgerald's book "Diamond in the size of the Hotel Rits" is taken Hermenevtic analysis is carried out, as a result of which depth of psychological and historical-cultural character of the narrator is determined.

Keywords: language, personality, culture, society, text, interpretation, background information.

1. Introduction the similar phrase on the notion which can be called that

Modern linguistics creates its own terminological language is nothing more than the house of being. In the system, its own metalanguage and accordingly its sci- fundamental works of M. Haydegger called "being and

entific apparatus. It is not only a mere designation of old impression on the linguistic culturally marked words, but it is also a new conception. "Language personality" introduces one of the most actual conceptions of modern linguistics. It is clear, that this notion is not taken as an independent understanding, in the isolation of its self-belonging semantic field, created by anthroseptic paradigm. Each of fundamental notion of modern linguistics often is understood as absolute conception. In this appears the value of the very concept, so the cultural words standing behind it. The term language personality can be well enough considered as tautology. Human personality exhibits itself in the language as well as the people leave memories about themselves in the written languages. In the history of culture two periods — written period and the period before writing appeared are distinguished. Written language is oriented for the preservation of the speech in the language. In this respect, we think it should be worth mentioning the thoughts of M. Haydegger. As a rule linguists, reminding the German philosopher, repeat

time" we come across more essential consideration on the language. Haydegger writes: A person seems to be an existence, which speaks" [4, P. 165].

2. Ancient Greek Impact on language personality

M. Haydegger bases upon the ancient Greek impression on the human being and points out that the naming of the person as a clever animal is a later factor, because for the Greek a person was before everything a speaking animal. He writes: "Is it an occasional event that the Greeks in their daily existence exhibited themselves advantageously in speaking to one another and at the same time possessed eyes to see one another which in both philosophical conception and the conception before philosophy were equally explained as presence of a person determined the existence of a person as Z^ou Xoyou e^ou. The latest interpretation of this definition of a person in the meaning of animal rationale "Witty living existence", telling the truth is not "a lie, but it conceals a phenomenal ground, from which this existing definition has been formulated" [4, P. 165].

In the first place in the process ofcultivation human beings stood mastering the language of this society. V. V. Kras-nikh writes: "Socialization is the process of upbringing a child in civilized society; main process lies in the fact that a child gains the experience accumulated by, before coming generations; in the process of civilization an individ becomes a personality, a speaking person, a member of a definite national linguocultural society" [2, P. 160].

For e. g. it is considered that culture unites around a fundamental text. In this case identification of a personality is oriented on such kind of fundamental text. For e. g. Arabic consciousness was formulated on the Koran. A. Shimmel, who is the investigator of Muslim mystic philosophy says that it shows itself even in the ko-ranization of the Muslim mystic [5, P. 38-44]. Russians up to the present time consider, that not only modern Russian literary language is the language ofA. S. Puskin, but the consciousness of people have also been formulated with the spiritual world of Pushkin.

The experience of the last decades monolaterally speaks on the fact that the types of language personality (consequently, and language collectives) even today are formulated. Perhaps this process always remains uncompleted. It is quite true to relate the formulation of language personality to the differentiation of languages as to the spheres of activity. If a language is a social phenomenon, it serves to meet the necessities of the collectives, then differentiation of the sphere of activity brings to the differentiation of the language. Such a differentiation is also logical and successive. In this respect D. E. Rozen-tal pointed out: "Language as a social phenomenon carries out different functions, connected with this or that sphere ofhuman activity. The most social function of the language is communication, information and impact. For the realization of these functions historically different varieties of the language were formed" [3, P. 18].

The founder ofthe theory oflanguage personality in the Russian-speaking linguistic discourse, with absolute background academician V. V. Vinogradov can be considered.

3. Role of V. V. Vinogradov in the formation of literary language

Factually already in his fundamental "Essays on the history of Russian literary language of XVII-XIX centuries" and also in his "History of Russian literary language" V. V. Vinogradov lays the basis of the theory of the literary language. Different problems of formulation of language personality are touched upon by them in such works as "Materials and investigations in the field of historical lexicology of the Russian literary language", "Word and meaning as the subject of historical lexical study", "Notes on

lexis of "Life of Savva Osveshenniy" and others. V. V. Vinogradov considers the history of formulation of national Russian literary language in the context of formulation of Russian culture as a whole. History of the formulation of Russian language personality thus, is analyzed on the ground of formation of norms of the national Russian literary language. U. N. Karaulov carried out a special investigation on the phenomenon of language personality. It is worth mentioning that in the book called "Russian language and language personality he speaks about historical perspectives of forming the idea of language personality as one of the central theme in linguistics. U. N. Karaulov determines four paradigms in the history of linguistics: historical, social, psychological and system-structural paradigms. U. N. Karaulov determines the paradigms taking the domination of general imagination on the object into consideration. So, he reminds the words of G. Paul on the fact that language is all through historical [1, P. 12] and speaks on the fact that the sense of historic understanding of the language was dominating in the XIX century, accordingly, it was possible to determine the historic paradigm. At the beginning of the XX century, interest to the psychology of the language increased and consequently, psychological paradigm was formulated. F.de Sosseur determined such thesis as "language is all through a system", successively, systematic and social paradigm in linguistics [1, P. 14]. As we see, here we deal with a priority of ideas or even complication of interests to this or that side oflan-guage, but not on the paradigmatic meanings which was determined by T. Kun.

4. Realization of language personality through literary works

In this article we are interested by the manifestation, appearing on the obvious level of phenomenon of language personality of a writer. The object of investigation has been taken the literary material called "Diamond with the size of the hotel Rits" written by F. S. Fitzgerald. In the space of literary work each of the personages composes a certain language personality, i. e. historical-cultural consciousness realizing itself in the language. Here we are interested by the personality of the writer-narrator, which are revealed in the narrative, often in the subconscious level. In the quality of cultur-ological prerequisite for the analysis we can mention that F. S. Fitzgerald emerged from well-equipped American family. Besides his great grandfather cousin had been the author of the anthem of the USA. So, the writer belonged to the people who had built up the country and mentality of its residers. He studied in elite teaching institutions, which left its imprints in his character.

Besides, many other things which were mentioned left undoubtedly their imprints on the character of the image of the narrator. Understanding of "narrator" possesses its specific peculiarities of which we think it necessary to mention. The matter is that the narrator acts as a formal category and clearly is opposed with the writer himself. Very often the narrator and narrated discourse are opposed with scientific discourse, because the narrator translates cultural tradition, while scientific discourse speaks about new occurrences and in this sense it is opposed with cultural standards. Thus, narrator in the natural manner introduces culture in his language. In this respect the role of narrator in the narrative of F. S. Fitzgerald in the highest degree is characteristic. The language picture of the narrator is revealed from the first lines of the narrative.

John T. Unger came from a family that had been well known in Hades — a small town on the Mississippi River — for several generations. John's father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-box to hot-bed" as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a certain time, he was to be away from home. That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents. Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midas's School near Boston — Hades was too small to hold their darling and gifted son [6, P. 5].

Already this small introduction to the narrative is extraordinarily characteristic for the addressee ofAmerican history. The key signs of the discourse are such words as Hades, several generations, golf championship through many a heated contest, from hot-box to hot-bed, political addresses, had danced all the latest dances from New York, away from home, respect for a New England education, bane of all provincial places, drains, seized upon his parents, nothing would suit them, Hades was too small to hold their darling and gifted son.

As we see, too many words and expressions in the text perform the role of keywords. Some of them bear deep conceptual character. In the text even hipper reference are discovered intended for the highly — educated reader. For e. g. just with such hipper reference this introductory fragment ends. The expression Hades was too small to hold their darling and gifted son monosemantically relates to excited remark of Filip Makedonski, addressed to the son of Alexander, who had just curbed the rabid Butsefal: "Find yourself a reign, who is deserving you, my son. Macadony is too small for you!"

This fragment implicitly contains characteristics of elite American society. This is not position of narrator as a language personality, he does this easily and simply. But it also contains explicit ironical relation to this elite position. This is already conscious relation of the author as a language personality. The last sentence monosemantically characterizes this moment. The remark bears a veiled character, but it is absolutely obvious. Simultaneously it characterizes a person, having received a good education and having learned the history of ancient Greece.

The sentence produces an intertext, may it only indirectly relate to the situation in Ancient Macedonia. In the sentence keywords and concepts are distinguished. These are such words as too, small, to hold, gifted and son.

For the hipper mark it is an important fact that the city is not simply small but it is too small, because the word "too" directly is related to the "son". Just for him it is not simply small but too small: "Macedonia is too small for you". In this context the word too performs expressive load, as in the informational relation the word small is good enough.

If Alexander subjugated Bucephalus, then the associative sign here is the word "gifted".

It is symbolical from the view point of language personality, as the bearer of a certain culture is already the name of the city Hades. It is not accidentally said that the basis of western culture composes two wholes: ancient culture and Christianity. Hades means Aid, under earth rain or rain of the dead. Association with ancient Greek Aid is absolutely obvious. In the explicit level only the name was introduced, moreover, being the sign of cultur-ological comprehension, Hades makes demanded very large volume of grounded information. It is clear that much depends on the comprehension of the addressee, but not depending on the addressee and on the degree of his comprehension the sign Hades introduces the whole volume of culture and culturological information.

5. Two directions in the formulation of associative space

Despite the fact that Hades possesses one and the same denotant in the significative level, it is possible to distinguish two directions, each of which formulates its own associative space. So, the first associative direction forms significate "reign of the dead", but the second forms — "under earth reign". In both cases for the ancient Greeks one and the same associative mechanism works. But in the space of the literary text both directions are actual, because they swing about different semantic field.

Hades is associated with the reign of the dead, because the author considers the high society of this city

to be dead but not those of simple people. Herein, by the way, and bible association is associated as well. For e. g. when the Christ calls his pupil to go with him, he says that he will bury the father and will follow him, Christ tells him: "Come after me and let the dead bury their dead (The Gospel from Matfey, 8:22).

This place of the Gospel is never understood mono-semantically. Those who are far from the truth, the Christ calls them the dead. Let's also recall the well-known expression of Marcel Prusta, who said that "life is only effort in time". Putting them in other words, when a person enjoys life, he/she doesn't simply live. So, in the western European culture and in mentality impressions on the life have been formulated as the way of efforts, directed to achieve great results. Simple life, without tense physical and spiritual labor is understood as being, existence. In this case semantic field swinging about the concept "reign of the dead" is specially actualized by the author.

The most important side of the thing is that it is spoken not about the dead, but about their reign. Reign is associated with government, i. e. herein there is not simply a graveyard, where the dead lie, but the government, where they carry out certain jobs, they rule over, argue, consider themselves higher or lower someone and even dream of something. There no attempt as to time. Consequently, there is no life at all. Perhaps just this dim feeling of absence of life compels the parents to think that this city is to small for their son and is not able to take their son in with all his talent.

The Concept of "under earth reign" as it was noted, in the actual context is not identical with "reign of the dead". This concept is known before everything to characterize the territory in which to live is unbearable. It is not occasional that further on, in the text it is spoken about John in school and each time they asked him, how they live below, isn't it too warm for them?

Both context and their actualization in the context monosemantically characterize the author's mentality, more exactly, introduce him as a personality, formulated directed under the influence of European spiritualism. It is also important to mention the interweaving of mythological, historical and Christian motives with one another. Another characteristic detail is that this information bears hidden character and is discovered only as a result of hermeneutical analysis. It might seem to be quite a neutral expression several generations which absolutely, monosemantically characterizes the author, but it characterized already as a typical American, and moreover it characterizes him as a representative or as off spring of elite American family.

Understanding the fact that culture is the gaining of many generations, always characterized west European mentality and differed it from the understanding of world of many other peoples of the world. For e. g. great Russian poet Pushkin always compared Russia with Western Europe in this respect and came to troubled consequences. He considered that unrespect to the names of saints (is the first sign of illiteracy and weak mindedness) unfortunately is considered in our country as not only permittable but also praise worthy.

6. Economic background determining the language personality

In the quality of the most important economic background of English conservatism it is necessary to remember the right of primogeniture. Just the right of primogeniture laid historical-economic foundation of those cultural traditions, which brought the western Europe to blossom. Speaking on the fact that John came out from a family which during several generations took advantage of the reputation and respect of Hades, F. S. Fitzgerald makes an extraordinarily serious motive. In the context of the very discourse, which the author has created the expression several generations denotes that John's family was one of the families which created this Aid. Consequently, they were the bearers of the culture which characterized this place.

Expression of golf championship monosemantically characterizes the author as a language personality. Even it is difficult to determine as to the context that pointing to this condition bears non-conscious narrative character, or it is a conscious designing, the peculiarity of the personage characterizing him as the representative of a certain culture and the representative ofthe class ofthis culture. Golf is the game played by wealthy Americans, that's why just the word golf in the conscious of knowledgeful addressee monosemantically is associated with America and with Americans. Another substantial detail lies in pointing to the father of John who for several years repeatedly kept the first place in golfplaying. This is not a neutral information. Implicitly introduced signal speaks of the fact that John's father spent much time and energy in golfplaying otherwise he could no longer keep the first place in the golf championship.

The expression heated contest in itself in the neutral context wouldn't speak of anything. Nevertheless this expression is necessary to be analyzed in the context of the taking place discourse. The keyword here is certainly, heated, because it is associated with Hades and enters the paradigm with the sign, denoting "heat", "fire", "intolerance" and so on. Just this paradigm includes also the expression from hot-box to hot-bed. Here it is spoken

on the fact that John's mother reported with a political speech which was distinguished with its emotionality and storminess. The expression hot-box denotes steamer-pot, hot-bed — heated covered place where plants are grown-parnic. As we see the theme of "heat" is continuing and is strengthening.

Absolutely, the expression of political addresses might seem a neutral expression and also it discovers close link between cultural-historical context and monosemantically characterizes language personality of the narrator. The mentioned word combination can be considered absolutely ordinary from the point of view of not only Americans, but also western European culture as a whole. This culture is directly linked with the phenomenon, which in the west is called the history of Democracy. Making reports with political speeches in the ancient Greece is an ordinary phenomenon, which became the highest standard in the social life of just in the United States. A special expression to the theme is brought by a female character, being a part of social debates. Ground information standing behind this sign differs both as to the volume and as to the quality, because simultaneously history of female movement appears to be demandful, particularly in suffragette.

So, Misses Anger was known from boiler still hotbed workers with his political speeches. With one hint F. S. Fitzgerald creates typical character of American provincial survivor of middle prosperity or even local aristocratess.

In the American culture during the whole twentieth century special place occupies dances. This type of art was used with special popularity, simultaneously ability to dance fashionable dances was considered as a visiting card of modern person. F. S. Fitzgerald speaks about the young Jhon informing that he had danced all the latest dances from New York. It is very important here to mention that he danced all the latest dances, i. e. new dances and especially those dances which came from New York. Implicit information is so that John having appeared in New York, would wipe his nose by the capital dandies. One more witness is that Hades is too small for that city.

The phase sounding on the necessity to leave the house which possesses no special meaning at all acquires symbolical sounding in the context of American culture. The phrase in the type of away from home is not only the mere standard of American literature and cinematography, they reflect the language map ofthe world. Here the main role is played by the constituent part away. Perhaps it would be true to understand this phrase in accordance with the internal form of this word: прочь из дома. This expression

too sends great volume of cultural information. American pioneers are called pioneers just for this reason, who toured all through the country by carts. The character of the courageous pioneer is known to us in the novels of F. Kuper, J. London and other writers which up to now excites the American youth. So John's house acquires new sense in the context ofAmerican history of mastering the wild west.

On the ground of above considered expression respect for a New England education appears to be quite innocent. The phrase really bears universal character. The matter is that in all times wealthy provinces were considered as the provinces to be closed space for themselves, meaning monosemantically as failed fate. All the provinces in all times made attempts to go out of the "frames" of the provinces. Unless they managed doing themselves then it was needed to make attempts for the children. Consequently piety before the central education was an ordinary case. But and in this case, in the considered phrase lies great ground.

It is peculiar for the Americans kneeling down before the civilization of their own. But in the western consciousness civilization always was associated with education, then it becomes clear, that respect for a New England education is quite objective law. Certainly, ground information includes the imagination on the serious capital investment for the education, which is as much as in America. The standard situation is so, that activity, into which much money is invested, is extraordinarily attractive. No matter how rough and how practical the Americans seemed to look, in the eyes of Europeans, just Americans thought of investing great capital into the work which brings profit after only ten years.

When Fitzgerald speaks on the respect for a New England education, he means to say not only ordinary longing for the ordinary for the society of the mankind, but giving children a good education. The keyword for the demand for the information background is New English Education. The carried out analysis shows, that here it is spoken just on the attitudes of Americans culture to education and science.

Simultaneously American thinking compels the writer consciously appreciate the situation. He understands that longing to go out of the borders of his own cultural environment, his life in his primordial environment obj ectively brings him to bane of all provincial places. Longing for education in this form, which is characteristic for the America makes the best ones leave the provinces and in the true meaning of the word run away from home.

This situation is familiar to us even on the novel of O.de Balzac. It is good enough to remember only

Rastinyak and Loosen de Rubampre. Thousands of youths leave their houses with the hope of subjugating Paris. Today this theme is exploited by the Russian cinematographs. Despite the universality of the theme, its all humanist character, we think in the narrative of F. S. Fitzgerald she actualizes purely American spacetime information. All American Patriotism compels F. S. Fitzgerald at the same time to have pity on the fact that piety to the education in the New England in the true meaning of the word dries up the province. The writer as all the other patriots, ideals wants all the American lands to develop parallelly.

Certainly it is not accidental that in this context such an expressive word as drain was used. The level of Textual expression directly characterizes the attitude of the writer to the described fact. Longing for receiving just new English education dries up the provinces.

In this context it is necessary to interpret also quite an ordinary expression on the fact that the mentioned longing gripped the parents of John too. Such an impression meaning "seized upon his parents" means to appear at the feet of a wild animal.

In this context nothing would suit them is the objective completion. Simply this phrase on the ground of all which was said, extreme snobbism is characteristic. Americans and today think that nothing in the world

passes for them, neither nothing goes with them, no matter what comparison it might be.

6. Conclusion

"Language personality" introduces one of the most actual conceptions of modern linguistics, which can be considered a new conception. In the formulation of the term language personality M. Haydegger's role is great and that's the reason we have supported his thoughts.

From the Russian writers V. V. Kranish and V. V. Vi-nogradov have managed developing the concept of language personality.

Investigations show that the role of Christianity and ancient Greek philosophy had great impact in formulation of civilization.

In the formulation of language personality economic background plays great role. That's the reason why we have taken F. S. Fitzgerald as the object of our investigation. F. S. Fitzgerald emerged from a well-equipped American family. Besides his great grandfather cousin had been the author of the anthem of USA.

The carried out analysis creates a certain imagination on F. S. Fitzgerald himself as a language personality.

It becomes obvious that language personality is before everything a cultural-historical personality, introduced in the language. Moreover language shows itself as if the only means of manifestation of personality.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-12-15

Vukolova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Alfred Nobel University, lecturer, Department of Applied Linguistics and Methods

of Teaching Foreign Languages E-mail: high-flyer86@mail.ru

Representation of lexical-semantic peculiarities of the Pittsburgh Speech: impact of social status

Abstract: The present paper deals with the peculiarities of the lexical units' usage of the Pittsburgh Speech due to the social status of the English-language-speakers. Five sense-groups of words appropriate

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