LANGUAGE IS A MEANS OF COGNITION AND COMMUNICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
cognition / cogniscere / sociophysical experience

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tukhtayeva F.I.

The following article discusses what means language of cognition and communication.

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culture and morality of people.


1. Винер Н. Кибернетика, или Управление и связь в животном и машине. М.: Советское радио, 1968. 344 с.

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3. Кара-Мурза С. Манипуляция сознанием. М., 2001. 586 с.

4. Рыжова Н. И., Литвиненко М. В. Направления развития системы подготовки специалиста в условиях информатизации образования // Информатика и образование. 2007. № 7. С. 119-121.

5. Шеннон К. Работы по теории информации и кибернетике / пер. с англ. В. Ф. Писаренко. М.: Изд-во иностр. лит., 1963. 832 с.

6. Эшби У. Введение в кибернетику / пер. с англ. Д. Л. Лахути; под ред. В. А. Успенского. М.: Изд-во иностр. лит, 1959. 336 с.

UDK 81-13

Tukhtayeva F.I.

Teacher of department "English and literature "

Bukhara State university Uzbekistan, Bukhara city LANGUAGE IS A MEANS OF COGNITION AND COMMUNICATION

Annotation: the following article discusses what means language of cognition and communication.

Key words: cognition, cogniscere , sociophysical experience.

As we know language is a significant feature that differentiate human from other living beings. It is a central figure of our lives. We found our personality as individuals and social beings when we get language during childhood.

At the beginning of XIX century some linguists, especially, one of members of naturalism August Schleicher emphasized that language is a living organism. However, Wilhelm von Humboldt is against naturalism and he stated that language is a system. He also mentioned about the approaches of language and mind and the connections and differences between them. Some linguists such as, a Swiss linguist F. de Saussure stated language as a system of signs and means of communication. However, modern science studies language as reflecting nature of conceptual structure and cognition. It analyzes the relationship between human language and mind. According to these opinions the new theory emerges in modern science which is called cognitive linguistics. This term came from a Latin word "cogniscere" which means cognize and cognition. Cognitive linguistics has its origins in scholarship which came up in the 1970s, conducted by some scientists that include Charles Fillmore, George Lakoff, Ronald Langacker, and Leonard Talmy. In 1980 famous linguists G. Lakoff and Jonsons wrote "Metaphors we live by" which helped this science improve strongly.

Cognitive linguistics characterizes a modern approach to language,

language learning, and conceptual structure. Furthermore, it provides an outlook for language and the mind which is diametrically opposed to both Grammar and Formal Semantics. Cognitive linguistics investigates the relationship between human language, the mind, and sociophysical experience.

The famous linguist Nino Kirvalidze defined that language is a means of cognition and communication. It enables us to express our ideas and emotions, to think for ourselves or set control over others. But language is first and foremost a means of transmitting information which helps us cooperate with other people in our community. When we know a language, we are able to speak and be understood by other people who know this language. Acquiring a language gets us to combine words to make, and phrases to form sentences. Yet every group of words doesn't form a sentence well in a language. For that reason, in addition to knowing the lexis of the language, linguistic knowledge involves instructions for their combination to make sentences and give our own opinions. These instructions must be controlled in length and number and it can be kept in our mind. But, they must allow us to make and understand new sentences. May be we have a dictionary of any language; however, it can't include all the words of the language, because no dictionary can list all the possible sentences. Knowing a language means being able to produce new sentences never spoken before and to understand sentences never heard before.

The famous linguist Noam Chomsky stated this ability as a creative feature of language use: creativity is a universal property of human language. Every speaker of a language can probably not make great literature, however all people who are aware of a language, they are able to create or know an infinite set of new sentences in the procedure of human communication. Therefore, creativity or creative aspect of language includes the skills to make and know an infinite set of new sentences in the procedure of human communication.

Language is a system of signs. These parts are the phonological system, the lexical system and the grammatical system. They play a big role in human language.

• The phonological system controls the phonetic forms of its significative units, such as phonemes, sounds, intonation and so on.

• The lexical system studies lexis, the lexical meanings of words, constant word groups.

• The grammatical system determines the grammatical meaning of the words, grammatical categories and grammatical forms in the process of discourse. These following subsystems are conducted by different linguistic disciplines. The sound system is studied by phonology, the lexical meaning of words is studied by lexicology and grammatical meaning of words and sentence formations are studied by grammar.

What is grammar? The term "grammar" comes from a Greek word "gramma" which means art of letters. Actually, the ancient Greeks used this term as the rules of reading and writing correctly. Nowadays the term "grammar" is

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used in two meanings. Firstly, in general, this term states the description of the speaker's linguistic competence. Secondly, the term "grammar" refers to the study of morphology (i.e. the rules of word formation, parts of speech and their grammatical categories) and syntax (i.e. the rules of sentence formation), often complemented by phonology, lexicology, semantics and pragmatics. It studies a particular language, its grammatical system and structure. Our ability to speak and understand, and to make judgments about the well-formedness of sentences, reveals our knowledge of the grammar of our language. The former Greek scientist Plato (427-347 BC) used the word "grammar" in his work named "Cratylus" However, it only means rules of reading and writing correctly.

The latter the members of the scholarship "Alexandria" revealed grammar as an independent subject. About two thousand years ago the Greek grammarian Dionysius Thorax created the first Greek grammatical book named "Art of Grammar". He began to classify parts of speech and separate nouns from verbs in his works. He divided parts of speech into 8 groups. They are: nouns, verbs, prepositions, participle, pronouns, adverb, conjunctions and articles. He defined grammar as that which allows us either to speak a language or to speak about it.

In the middle ages, grammar was the study of Latin. In England, this conception of grammar continued until the end of the 16th century. Latin grammar was the only grammar learned in schools. Until then there were no grammars of English. Most of linguists emphasized Robert Lowth as the creator of the first English grammar. His work "Short Introduction to English Grammar" which published in 1762 was the most influential grammar of English. . It began the period of prescriptive grammar.

However, some researchers stated that grammarian Alphric firstly wrote on the system of English Grammar in his book named "Glossary. The grammar of English, Brief Grammar for English, written by William Bullokar, was published in 1585. " Later famous linguist Samuel Jonson (1709-1784) wrote "A grammar of English tongue".


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2. Blokh M. Y. A Course in theoretical English Grammar. Moscow, 1983. -384 p.

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5. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. WIREs. Cognitive linguistics. Cognitive Science, 2012. -13 p.

6. Kirvalidze N. Theoretical course of English grammar. Tbilisi, 2003. - 105p.

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