Научная статья на тему 'Language integrated learning as a new pedagogical model'

Language integrated learning as a new pedagogical model Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Muhammadjonova Nilyufar Ibrohimovna

The main goal of the study was determined the approaches of integrated skills while teaching four language skills. The literature review the researcher made on the issue helped him to infer that effectiveness of integrated skills have been suggested by different educators all over the world lately. These researchers claimed that in modern pedagogical technologies are appropriate for dealing with FL as various learners can completely draw the learners’ attention from the main purpose of the lesson. Using integration can help students to easily understand and realize the main points that they have learned in the classroom.

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Основной целью исследования были определены подходы интегрированных навыков при обучении четырем языковым навыкам. Обзор литературы, сделанный исследователем по этому вопросу, помог ему сделать вывод, что в последнее время различные педагоги во всем мире предлагали эффективность интегрированных навыков. Эти исследователи утверждали, что современные педагогические технологияи подходят для борьбы с FL, поскольку различные учащиеся могут полностью привлечь внимание учащихся к основной цели урока. Использование интеграции может помочь учащимся легко понять и осознать основные моменты, которые они изучили в классе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Language integrated learning as a new pedagogical model»

LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING AS A NEW PEDAGOGICAL MODEL Muhammadjonova N.I. Email: Muhammadjonova681@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the main goal of the study was determined the approaches of integrated skills while teaching four language skills. The literature review the researcher made on the issue helped him to infer that effectiveness of integrated skills have been suggested by different educators all over the world lately. These researchers claimed that in modern pedagogical technologies are appropriate for dealing with FL as various learners can completely draw the learners' attention from the main purpose of the lesson. Using integration can help students to easily understand and realize the main points that they have learned in the classroom. Keywords: integration, communication, bilingual program, educational module, instruction, interrelation, input, visual sensory.


Мухаммаджонова Нилюфар Иброхимовна - преподаватель, кафедра интенсивного обучения второму иностранному языку, Узбекский государственный университет иностранных языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: основной целью исследования были определены подходы интегрированных навыков при обучении четырем языковым навыкам. Обзор литературы, сделанный исследователем по этому вопросу, помог ему сделать вывод, что в последнее время различные педагоги во всем мире предлагали эффективность интегрированных навыков. Эти исследователи утверждали, что современные педагогические технологияи подходят для борьбы с FL, поскольку различные учащиеся могут полностью привлечь внимание учащихся к основной цели урока. Использование интеграции может помочь учащимся легко понять и осознать основные моменты, которые они изучили в классе.

Ключевые слова: интеграция, общение, двуязычная программа, учебный модуль, обучение, взаимосвязь, ввод, визуальный сенсор.

UDC 81-139

Introduction. Substance and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is another academic model for second dialect instruction, created in Europe in the mid-1990s. The approach depends on the success of the Canadian drenching model that started in the mid-1960s, in which standard educational programs content (e.g. Science) is instructed through the medium of the students' non-local dialect (e.g. French).

As Krashen has argued: Canadian inundation isn't just another fruitful dialect showing program; it might be the best program at any point recorded in the expert dialect educating writing. No program has been as altogether examined and reported, and no program, has done also.In any case, outside of the Canadian training framework inside which it developed, immersion has been hugely hard to recreate effectively, particularly at a framework wide level [2]. Nationally, Victoria has been a pioneer in Australian bilingual instruction initiatives, establishing the Victorian Bilingual Collages

Program in 1997, construct to a great extent in light of principles underpinning the Canadian drenching approach. As at 2011, there were 14 bilingual programs running crosswise over 12 Victorian government collections, cooking for 1727 understudies at primary level. Dialects incorporate Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Macedonian, Vietnamese, and Auslan [4].

Methodology. A standout amongst the most significant points that we, educators, have been managing as of late is the issue of Teaching Languages in an integrated approach. Initially, I might want to state that various instructors and counsels are now buckling down planning materials and placing them into training with their understudies. A major exertion is being made so educators in all arrangements wind up mindful of how vital this is and on account of Getxolingual, a significant number of us began considering the likelihood of instructing the three or four dialects learned at our compositions - Basque, Spanish, English and French in a coordinated way. The Plurilingual Projects being completed at huge numbers of our compositions are an incredible help when utilizing this approach towards the educating of dialects [1].

Regardless of almost three many years of the Victorian Bilingual Collages Program it has not been conceivable to scale the program up past a couple of select arrangements, and remains unviable as a model for framework wide advancement. Indeed, even with critical bargains to the conventional drenching model, for instance, conveying just 7.5 hours (or 30%) in the target dialect every week, rather than the base half required to meet the Canadian definition of no less than a 'halfway' submersion program, the assets and expertise required for effective inundation collections make it untenable for main stream Language instruction change over the training framework [2].

Steady with investigate on drenching and different models of added substance bilingual education, CLIL has been appeared to have various etymological, scholarly, and social beneficial outcomes. Not shockingly, CLIL understudies have been observed to be commonly more drew in than students in customary second dialect programs, because of the realness of the substance that drives the learning background [3].

In like manner, CLIL students improve the situation on trial of second dialect competence compared to understudies in customary second dialect programs [4]. However, students in CLIL and comparative added substance bilingual projects likewise normally do as well, if worse, on trial of their first dialect abilities (e.g. English dialect/literacy), compared to understudies taking in their first dialect in a monolingual program [4]. This is reliable with explore on the supportive interrelationship amongst first and second dialect improvement [3].

Scholastically, CLIL students cover a similar educational modules content as those in a relating monolingual program, with an attention on course-proportionate/age-correspondent knowledge, abilities, and ideas, instead of 'impaired' units of work [5]. Notwithstanding, regardless of concentrate a similar educational modules in their non-local dialect, CLIL students have still been appeared to perform, by and large, at any rate too on trial of content knowledge than those taking in a similar educational modules material in their first language [5].

At last, CLIL students have likewise been appeared to exhibit more elevated amounts of intercultural competence and affectability, including more uplifting dispositions towards other cultures [2]. As elaborated with in the National Statement and Plan For Languages Education in Australian Collages 2005- 2008 [1], intercultural ability makes an imperative commitment to understudies' overall educational encounters, including aptitudes to better comprehend oneself as well as other people, and to appreciate and utilize 'different methods for knowing, being, and doing': 'Such capacities assist learners to live and work effectively as semantically and socially mindful subjects of the world. Blanton [1] offers a clarification for why CLIL tends to deliver so many positive results for learning. The key reasons include:

1. Students advantage from higher quality educating and from input that is significant and understandable.

2. CLIL may fortify students' capacity to process enter, which sets them up for higherlevel thinking aptitudes, and upgrades subjective improvement.

3. In CLIL, education improvement happens in the main dialect, which is cognitively beneficial for the kid. Afterward, proficiency aptitudes will exchange to the extra dialects.

Conclusion. Integrated skills can be used in different way and in developing several language skills. First, it is a reading material. Secondly, it has pictures relating to the topic that can help to imagine easily and memorably. Next, it is writing which is useful to develop writing skill; listening and speaking are helpful to develop communication skills.

Learning is a complex process affected by different factors. Sensory system is one of these factors, as proved above, our visual sensory is more receptive and memorable one, therefore, the effectiveness of the integrated materials are valuable and can be explained by the fact that information is stored easily and for a long time when it is received by visual sense. Using variety of integrated materials in the lessons, especially in elementary and intermediate learners' classes give the opportunity to keep learners motivated and to achieve efficiency by creating positive learning condition, as they are interesting and motivating.

References / Список литературы

1. Blanton Linda L., 1992. A Holistic Approach to College ESL: Integrating language and content. ELT Journal. №46 (3). Рp. 285-293. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2. Brown Douglas H., 2001. Teaching by Principles; an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

3. Coyle D., 2007. Content and language integrated learning: Towards a connected research agenda for CLIL pedagogies. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. № 10 (5). 543-562.

4. Hess N., 2001. Teaching integrated skills, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

5. Meziani Ahmed, 1987. The Skill of Integrating Language Skills. In Integrating Language Skills. A. Meziani (Ed.) Рp. 17-22. Proceedings of the seventh annual MATE conference in Marakech, Morocco.

6. Nunan David, 1990. Designing Tasks for Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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