Научная статья на тему 'Language culture in ethnic mobilization of modern society'

Language culture in ethnic mobilization of modern society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Buriak Natalya Yurievna

The author of the paper reflects on contemporary culture defined as one having its own specific mode of existence, the organization and development of human being. Since culture is a complex phenomenon, different approaches are used while analyzing it. Considering the relationship between language and culture, the author rightly argues that language as a communication tool aimed at the mass addressee, whereas in the culture elitism is valued; unlike language, culture is not capable of self-organization. Scientific novelty of the different reasoning of the author is regarding language as one of the differentiating characteristics of the ethnic community, which is the quintessence of ethnic culture.

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В данной статье автор определяет современную культуру как имеющий свою специфику способ существования, организации и развития человеческого бытия. Поскольку культура представляет собой явление сложноорганизованное, при ее анализе используются различные подходы. Рассматривая взаимоотношение языка и культуры, автор справедливо утверждает, что язык как средство коммуникации ориентирован на массового адресата, тогда как в культуре ценится элитарность; в отличие от языка, культура не способна к самоорганизации. Научной новизной отличаются рассуждения автора относительно языка как одного из дифференцирующих признаков этнической общности, представляющего собой квинтэссенцию этнической культуры.

Текст научной работы на тему «Language culture in ethnic mobilization of modern society»




Buriak N.Yu. Email: Buriak1794@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the author of the paper reflects on contemporary culture defined as one having its own specific mode of existence, the organization and development of human being. Since culture is a complex phenomenon, different approaches are used while analyzing it. Considering the relationship between language and culture, the author rightly argues that language as a communication tool aimed at the mass addressee, whereas in the culture elitism is valued; unlike language, culture is not capable of self-organization. Scientific novelty of the different reasoning of the author is regarding language as one of the differentiating characteristics of the ethnic community, which is the quintessence of ethnic culture.

Keywords: language culture, ethnic mobilization, national identity, communicative behavior, culture, cultural values.


Буряк Наталья Юрьевна - кандидат культурологии, доцент, кафедра технологий сервиса и деловых коммуникаций, Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий, г. Краснодар

Аннотация: в данной статье автор определяет современную культуру как имеющий свою специфику способ существования, организации и развития человеческого бытия. Поскольку культура представляет собой явление сложноорганизованное, при ее анализе используются различные подходы. Рассматривая взаимоотношение языка и культуры, автор справедливо утверждает, что язык как средство коммуникации ориентирован на массового адресата, тогда как в культуре ценится элитарность; в отличие от языка, культура не способна к самоорганизации. Научной новизной отличаются рассуждения автора относительно языка как одного из дифференцирующих признаков этнической общности, представляющего собой квинтэссенцию этнической культуры.

Ключевые слова: языковая культура, этническая мобилизация, национальная идентичность, коммуникативное поведение, культура, культурные ценности.

УДК008(100) (075.8)

Modem culture can be defined as one having its own specific way of existence, the organization and development of the human being. Since culture is a complex phenomenon, different approaches are used in its analysis. "Culture is the language that unites humanity" [4]. Some common features are typical for language and culture: these are forms creating and reflecting the view of the people and the human; they are in a constant dialogue, as the subject of communication is always the subject of a specific culture; they have individual and social forms of existence; both phenomena inherent normativity, historicism, and the mutual involvement of one sphere into another.

Language is an integral part of the culture, the main instrument of its assimilation, the carrier of specific features of national mentality. On the other hand, "culture is included in the language, because it is modeled in the text" [2]. At the same time, there are significant differences between them: the language as a means of communication is focused on the mass audience, whereas culture is valued by elitism. Unlike language culture is not capable of self-organization. These are different semiotic systems, their mutual substitution is not allowed.

Language is an efficient living system, generating knowledge and mediation of the empirical and transcendental intersubjectivity having the condition of possibility and the importance of understanding and self-understanding. Language performs the functions of symbol and message,

providing a verbal interaction and reflecting social relationships of the speakers. Any language performs a number of basic functions, such as: communicative, informative, emotive, and the function of fixing and storing of the entire complex of knowledge and understanding about the world of speakers of a particular language [5]. The language represents the model of the world. These functions are universal because of correlation with all the languages of the world.

Linguistic picture of the world is subjective, it captures the world's understanding of the particular ethnic group, includes subjective judgments, aesthetic and moral categories, particular worldview. National mindset is reflected in the national language. Without a doubt, the word is a formation of the code, the visual image of an object or prototype, and each national language picture of the world is lexically expressed complex data of prototypes. Not having the knowledge of national-specific prototypes (images) it is impossible to penetrate into the foreign language picture of the world.

A typical expression of national identity is the category of "mother language", organically focusing on the past of its people, its cultural history, as well as promoting awareness of the correlation of the individual with a form of linguistic unity of the national ethnic group [1]. The category of "mother language" is complex and poorly designed. The difference of interpretations of the term is explained by using different criteria and priority of any of them. The definition of the term "mother language" is influenced by the following criteria: the time criterion of assimilation, ethnicity, competence criteria, functionality, the external identification, self-identity, and others.

There are some criteria that were used as the definition of "native language" in different historical times. Contradictory criteria, terminological uncertainty, confusion of values both in the scientific literature and in everyday use encourage some researchers to abandon the concept of "native language", replacing it according to above-mentioned criterion of the terms: "the first time mastering language", "ethnic language", "dominant language", "the first functional language", "majority" and "minority languages" and so on.

It seems that the criterion of self-identification is a basis for the possible theoretical and empirical study of the phenomenon of bilingualism in modern conditions on an example of a specific region. Such approach is not only seen as an opportunity to identify internal subjective criteria, on the basis of which bilingual individuals distinguish one language as their mother tongue, but also study the social factors that determine this choice. In a multi-ethnic society, in terms of bilateral and multilingualism, the term "native language" becomes ambiguous. Language identification with the symbol of the ethnic group, the recognition of its value as a part of the ethnic culture contributes to the preservation of the native language. Associations of people willing to group actions on realization of national interests are based on the recognition of ethnic identity and the interests of its people [7]. This awareness, in turn, is based on ethnic identity which is defining feature of the ethnos.

Ethnic consciousness as the system of images of the world, giving a description of the ethnic group consists of congenital and acquired in the process of socialization factors. Acquired factors are cultural stereotypes, appeared at the moment when a person begins to identify himself with a particular ethnic group. In the context of the dialogue of cultures repeatability of functionally mutually acceptable forms of activity is a premise for the compatibility of different cultures.

Getting to know a different culture makes a person open to dialogue, provides access to the past and future of a particular ethnic group.

The process of globalization and pragmatism has an impact on the existence and functioning of languages. In modern society which is oriented on the value of personal success, it is practical and logical to use "prestigious" language in public and business spheres of life [3]. And in this case we have to admit instrumental approach to the functioning of language, based on the rational and logical understanding of the world.

It should be noted the reverse process as well. Nowadays, such component of national relations as accounting specificity and originality of national culture became of a particular importance. Modern ethno-contact situation strengthens the position of bicultural orientation. Cultural and philosophical approach to the interpretation of the language claims its defining role in the realization of the national language picture of the world. It seems that the language belonging as an important element of ethnic relatedness can not only limit the social competence, but also to promote it [6].

Ethnic and cultural diversity, tolerant nature of the coexistence of different languages, cultures, history and mentality of the people is a significant factor, which is a kind of potential development of the regions and the state as a whole. A necessary condition for developing of this potential is the communicating of cultures, their willingness to engage in dialogue. The open borders, the need for the participation of the majority of nations to address global challenges call for dialogue and emphasize its importance.

Dialog is able to provide the cultures with the transition to a higher metaphor. Variability of reminiscences in the use of the arts is the evidence of the high level of metaphor and social transformation process of archetypes. Adoption of the dialogic theory of perception of the world makes it possible to create a sphere of symbiotic compatibility, as well as to generate values. Dialogue does not only help to understand their own and others' system of stereotypes, but also claims the new rules of their lives, allowing rationalization of cross-cultural forms of life [8].

Language is a naturally developed dynamic model of human culture, which value system, moral values, attitude toward the world, to its and other peoples are stored in idioms. In addition to such features as common territory, common socio-governmental organization, the similarity of economic order, the common language, life and culture are of no less importance. Language as one of the differentiating features of ethnic communities, is the quintessence of ethnic culture and its specificity, so raising the prestige of the national language is the most important sphere of activity, both in public institutions and the national intelligent people.


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8. Sorokin Yuri, Markovina I.Y. The concept of "alien" in the linguistic and cultural context. Dnepropetrovsk, 1988.

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