Научная статья на тему 'Координационные свойства октаэтил- и октафенилтетрапиразинопорфиразинов в протонодонорных средах'

Координационные свойства октаэтил- и октафенилтетрапиразинопорфиразинов в протонодонорных средах Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Кокарева Е.А., Петров О.А., Хелевина О.Г.

Исследовано взаимодействие октаэтили октафенилтетрапиразинопорфиразинов с диметилсульфоксидом, а также изучено образование Mg комплекса октаэтилтетрапиразинопорфиразина в пиридине.

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Похожие темы научных работ по химическим наукам , автор научной работы — Кокарева Е.А., Петров О.А., Хелевина О.Г.

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Coordination Properties of Octaethyl- and Octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazines in Proton-Acceptor Media

The interaction of octaethyland octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazines with dimethylsulfoxide was investigated. The structure of proton transfer complexes has been defined. The complex formation of magnesium octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine was studied in pyridine. Kinetic parameters of the reaction are defined and the assumptions of the reaction mechanism are given.

Текст научной работы на тему «Координационные свойства октаэтил- и октафенилтетрапиразинопорфиразинов в протонодонорных средах»

Порфиразины Porphyrazines



Статья Paper

Coordination Properties of Octaethyl- and Octaphenyltetrapyrazino-porphyrazines in Proton-Acceptor Media

Elena A. Kokareva, Oleg A. Petrov, and Ol'ga G. Khelevina@

Department of Organic Chemistry, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo,153000, Russia Corresponding author E-mail: helevina@isuct.ru

The interaction of octaethyl- and octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazines with dimethylsulfoxide was investigated. The structure of proton transfer complexes has been defined. The complex formation of magnesium octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine was studied in pyridine. Kinetic parameters of the reaction are defined and the assumptions of the reaction mechanism are given.

Keywords: Porphyrazine, Mg complexes, proton transfer complexes.


Now much attention is paid to the investigation of porphyrazines, which contain different types of heterocycles annelated to the pyrrole rings of the macrocycle. Such compounds display the properties of semiconductors and liquid crystals. They are used as materials for sensory devises and for medicine. The annelation of heterocycles changes not only the properties of porphyrazine reaction center but also creates additional coordination centres on the periphery of molecules. Thus the research of the relationship of their chemical structure and the reactivity in the reactions of different type is important. Central nitrogens of metal-free porphyrazines behave as N-acids and can loose hydrogens in basic media forming mono- and dianions:[1,2]


H2Pz < al > HPz- + H+ (1)


HPz < ^ > Pz2- + H+ (2)

In [3] the UV-vis spectra of porphyrazine acid ionization were analyzed on the basis of the "four-orbital" Gouterman's model[4] and the first order perturbation theory. The analysis showed that two components of the

absorption Q-band should be merge at dianion formation. The calculations of porphyrazines and their dianions model by PPP method predicated that Q-band should be shifted hypsochromically.[5]

Porphyrazines can be deprotonated in basic solvents forming proton transfer complexes. The proton transfer complexes are H-associates (H2Pz- Solv) or H-bonded ionic pairs mainly.[6] It was shown that porphyrazines form the H-associates with DMSO with multicenter hydrogen bonding.[7]

In electron absorption spectrum unsplit Q-band, typical for D4h symmetry of n-chromofore, is observed as a result of the removing of two protons from the reaction center by two DMSO molecules.

The theoretical investigations of connection of macrocycle structure and its acid properties were carried out in [3]. The semi-empirical method AMI was used for these investigations. This method is appropriate for theoretical calculations of acidity of weak organic acids in gas phase.[8] In accordance to that the strength of acid may be estimated quantitatively as enthalpy of deprotonation. The correlation was established between values of enthalpy of porphyrazines deprotonation in gas phase and constants of their acid dissociation on the first stage in DMSO (titrant tetraalkyl ammonium hydroxide).[3] Using empirical

Хелевина Ольга Григорьевна родилась в 1941 г. В 1973 г. она начала свою научно-исследовательскую работу под руководством Б.Д. Березина, а в 1991 г. защитила докторскую диссертацию «Координационая химия азапорфиринов в неводных растворах». Сейчас является профессором кафедры органической химии ИГХТУ и занимается исследованием координационной химии тетраазапорфиринов.

Prof. Khelevina Ol'ga Grigorievna, was born in 1941. She has begun her research work with B.D. Berezin in 1973 and in 1991 received the degree of "Doctor of Chemical Sciences", presenting the dissertation "Coordination chemistry of azaporphyrins in non-aqueous solution". At the moment she is Professor of Organic chemistry department, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (ISUCT). Her current research interests are focused on the study of coordination chemistry of tetraazaporphyrins.

formulas the values of pKa1 were estimated in DMSO on the basis of enthalpy values.[3] In accordance to the calculated pKa1 values porphyrazines with annelated heterocycles have much high acidity in DMSO. So the calculated pKa1 values equal to 11.23 and 5.82 for the phthalocyanine and tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine accordingly.

Such calculated constants of acidity are in accordance with observing deprotonation of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine in DMSO solution in the absence of a strong base in contrast to the phthalocyanine. More high acidity of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine is conditioned by electron-acceptor character of pyrazine fragments owing to electronegative inductive and mesomeric effect.

High acidity of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine allowed to investigate the rare reaction of Mg incorporation into macrocyclic core. Usually Mg complexes are obtained by template synthesis.


The octaethyl-(I) and octaphenyl-(II)tetrapyrazinoporphy-razines were prepared according to [9] and were characterized using standard analytical procedures (NMR, IR, UV-vis and elemental analysis).[10]

Methylene chloride was distilled over 2-aminoethanol (b.p. 400C). Glacial acetic acid of chemically pure grade was subjected to repeated freezing and boiling with a calculated amount of acetic anhydride, followed by fractional distillation (b.p. 1180C). Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was maintained during 12 hours over annealed MgSO4 and CaO and then it was distilled under the reduced pressure. Pyridine was dried over KOH and then distilled (b.p. 114 0C). The magnesium acetate was recrystallized from glacial acetic acid and dried (m.p. 80-85 0C).

Acid-base interactions were studied by spectrophotometric titration at 298 K using Hitachi U-2000 spectrophotometer, following the procedure described earlier.[11] The concentration constants of acid-base interactions (K) were determined by the equation:

-lgK= lg(Ci/Ci_1)+« lgCDMS

C/C,-1 =A - AM A



Here, A0 is initial optical density of the solution at analytical wavelength, Aa is the optical density corresponding to the complete transformation of the porphyrazine into proton transfer complex, Ai is the optical density in ith run, n is the number of DMSO molecules involved into the acid-base interactions.

To carry out the kinetic measurements the cuvette with porphyrazine solution and magnesium acetate of the known concentration at the set temperature was placed into the cell of Hitachi U-2000 spectrophotometer. The cell was maintained at a constant temperature and optical density was measured at stated intervals on the wavelength, corresponding to the absorption band maximum of the forming complex (X = 639 nm).

Current and initial concentrations of ligand were determined according to the equation:



where A0, AT and Am - the optical densities of solutions at the initial moment of time, at the moment of time t and after completion of the reaction, C0 and C are the current and the initial porphyrazine concentrations.

Results and Discussion

Acid-Base Interactions of Octaethyl- (I) and Octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine (II) with Dimethylsulfoxide

The reactions of acid-base interactions of octaethyl-(I) and octaphenyl-(II)tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines with dimethylsulfoxide in dichloromethane were investigated.




M 8


Stucture of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine R=C2H5 (I), R=C6H5 (II)

The electron absorption spectra of octaethyl- (I) and octaphenyl-(II)tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines in CH2Cl2 have two maxima at 615 nm (Qx) and 651 nm (Q ) for (I) and 637 nm (Qx) and 669 nm (Qy) for (II). The addition of DMSO reduces the intensity of these bands. The intensity of Qy (615 nm) for (I) and Qy (637 nm) for (II) is decreased during the spectrum changes in the range of DMSO concentration from 0.014 to 2.76 M and from 0.07 to 1.76 M respectively. In the electron absorption spectrum of the compounds unsplitted Q-band is observed, what is typical for D4h symmetry, in contrast to the splitted Q-band in neutral solvents. For compound (I) Q-band has maximum at 640 nm, for a compound (II) Q-band has maximum at 657 nm (Figures 1, 2).

The number of DMSO molecules involved into the acid-base interactions was determined as a slope of linear dependences of lg(Ci/Ci-1) vs. lgCDMSO and equals to 1.87 (I); 1.80 (II), that is ~ 2 (Figures 3, 4).Thus it was established that proton transfer complexes (H2Pz- 2DMSO) are formed upon the interaction of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines with DMSO.

RPz + 2 DMSO H Pz • • 2DMSO


To prove the structure of proton transfer complexes a reaction of their interactions with acetic acid has been carried out. Into the solutions of tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines in DMSO 100% acetic acid was added. The intensities of the Q-bands at 641 nm for I and at 660 nm for II were decreased. Q-band is splited into two components Qx = 646 nm and 665 nm, and Qy = 634 nm and 645 nm for the compounds I and II respectively. The spectrum changes in the range of acetic acid concentration from 0.044 to 0.874 M for I, and from 0.087 to 2.63 M for II are presented in Figures 5, 6. On the basis of experimental and calculation data linear dependences

E.A. Kokareva, O.A. Petrov, O.G. Khelevina

A 0,6






Figure 1. Spectral changes during the interaction of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with DMSO in СН2Cl2.




Figure 2. Spectral changes during the interaction of octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with DMSO in СН2Cl2.




N,- 0,5-

0.0 log CDMS0

-0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0 \ _ 0,2 0,4


Figure 3. The plot of lg(Ci/Ci-1) vs. lgCDMSO for acid-base interactions

of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with DMSO in CH2Cl2 at


. is. log Cdmso

■ -1,0 -0,8 -0,6 -0,2 0,0


^ logic./cj ■ N.

Figure 4. The plot of lg(C/C 1) vs. lgCDMSO for acid-base interactions of octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with DMSO in CH2Cl2 at

^MSO = 007 - I.76 M

700 A,nm

Figure 5. Spectral changes of ^Pz ■ 2DMSO for compound I in CHCOOH-DMSO.

Cdmso = 0.014 - 2.76 M.

500 600 700 800 X, rnn

Figure 6. Spectral changes during ^Pz- 2DMSO for compound II in CH3COOH-DMSO.




Figure 7. The plot of lg(C/C ^ vs. lgCCH COOH for acid-base interactions of H2Pz- 2DMSO for compound I in CH3COOH-DMSO at C„ = 0.044 - 0.874 M.


lg(Ci/Ci-1) vs. lgCCH COOH were obtained with the slope of 2. Thus, two molecules of acetic acid take part in the acid-base interactions. The p^ values for the studied equilibrium were determined as 1.14±0.02 for I, 0.45±0.02 for II (Figures 7, 8).

H.Pz- 2DMSO < > H.Pz + 2DMSO




The very small additions of acetic acid into the octa-ethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine solution in DMSO (from 0.001 to 0.03 M) lead to the hypsochromic shift of g-band on 5 nm and the growth of its intensity (Figure 9).

The data of spectrophotometric titration (Figure 10) show that one molecule of acetic acid is involved into acid-base interactions.


H2Pz- 2DMSO < > H2Pz DMSO + DMSO (9)


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The p^ value equals to 1.20±0.01. We suppose that the complex with transfer of one proton into DMSO molecule

700 X, nm

Figure 9. Spectral changes during of H2Pz- 2DMSO for compound I in CHCOOH-DMSO.



. -u -1,0 -0,8 -0,6 ^ a -¡¡2 0,0 0,2

; logcq/cj ■





-2,0 J

Figure 8. The plot of lg(C./C. 1) vs. lgCCH COOH for acid-base interactions of H2Pz- 2DMSOfor compomd II in CH3COOH-DMSO at C^ = 0.087 - 2.63 M


is formed at this stage. Its Uv-vis spectrum is similar to that of complex with transfer of two protons into DMSO molecules.

On the basis of the data[12] the electron absorption spectrum of one proton transfer of p-octa(^-methylpyridine-4-yl)porphyrazine complex differs greatly by g-band width and by less intensity from that of two proton transfer complex. A similar fact has been discovered for octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine by us.

With an increase of acetic acid quantity a neutral form of porphyrazine is formed very quickly, i.e. equilibrium is displaced to the formation of the ligand and the determination of p^2 value was impossible.





H2Pz + DMSO (11)

^ DMSO(CH3COOH) (12)

Thus, it is possible to assume, that overall equilibrium constant of process of DMSO molecules splitting for compound I (p^ = 1.14) is an equilibrium constant of one DMSO molecule splitting (p^ = 1.20).

It was impossible to carry out a similar experiment for octaphenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine because of association process in high acidity media.


-0,2 ■

-0,4-0,6-0,8-1,0-1,2 ■



1 1 1 1 1 ■ -1,8 -1,6 -1,4 -l^N^ -1,0 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 \i

: logcq/c^) ■

Figure 10. The plot of lg(C./C. 1) vs. lgCCH COOH for acid-base interactions of H2Pz- 2DMSO for compomd I in CH3COOH-DMSO at C^ = 0.001 - 0.03 M.


Complexation of Octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with Magnesium(II) Acetate in Pyridine

The porphyrazines react with metal salts in basic media forming chelate complexes.[6] The high acidity of NH bonds in reaction centre of porphyrazines allows to investigate the rare reaction of Mg incorporation. Usually complexes of porphyrins and MgII are obtained only by template synthesis. We studied the reaction of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine interaction with Mg(OAc)2 in pyridine, but not in DMSO, since the formation of proton transfer complexes in DMSO hesitates to study the reaction. Octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine does not form the proton transfer complexes with pyridine in the conditions of complex formation (Figure 11).

A, nm

Figure 11. The electron absorption spectrum of octaethyltetrapy razinoporphyrazine: I (X 651 nm, XII 615 nm) and of complexes: II - Mg (X 639 nm), III - Zn (X 636 nm), IV - Cu ((X

° v max '' v max '' max

633 nm) in pyridine.

Complex formation reaction between porphyrazines and magnesium acetate in pyridine proceeds according to the following equation:

H2Pz + [Mg(Py)6](OAc)2 ^ MgPz + 2HOAc +6Py (13)

The inner coordination sphere of MgII ion in pyridine is formed by six pyridine molecules and acetate anions are in the outer coordination sphere: [Mg(Py)6](OAc)2.[6]

Figure 12 displays changes in the UV-vis spectra of porphyrazine I in the presence of Mg(OAc)2 in pyridine. The reaction proceeds in a large excess of the metal salt, i.e. in pseudo-first-order conditions. The linear dependences of lgCH Pz on the reaction time indicate that the reaction of magnesium complex formation has the first order by porphyrazine (Figure 13). The observed rate constants (kobs) can be calculated from the following equation:

A 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2-1 0,1

E.A. Kokareva, O.A. Petrov, O.G. Khelevina 639 651




700 \ nm

Figure 12. Spectral changes of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine during the process of complex formation with Mg(OAc)2 in pyridine.

logC°/C 348K338K 328K 318K 0,9-

Figure 13. The plot of lgC0/C vs. time t (s) for the reaction of Mg octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine complex formation.



-2,6 -2,8 -3,0 -3,2 -3,4 -3,6 -3,8


_348K -338K

-328K -318K




■4J-4J-4,l-4,0 -3,9 -3,8 -3,7 -3,6

i c°

, 1 , H2Pz s-1

= —In—2— , s


Figure 14. The plot of lgfcbs vs. lgC0Mg(OAc) for Mg complex formation reaction in pyridine. 2

The kinetic parameters of Mg complex formation are given in Table 1. The experimental data show that the observed rate constants are almost independent in respect to the salt concentration.

The reaction order in magnesium acetate (calculated as the slope of lgkobs vs. lgCMg(OAc)2 (Figure 14) is close to zero (the values vary from 0.1 to 0.2). Thus, the limiting stage of the complex formation is monomolecular.

Table 1. Kinetic parameters of Mg complex formation in pyridine (C0H Pz = 6.02T0"6 M).

C0M (OA) -104 M Mg(OAc)2 , T, K k-103, s-1 obs E, kJ/mol AS,* J/(mol-K)

298 0.16 ± 0.01

318 0.57 ± 0.01

0.55 328 1.30 ± 0.01 44 ± 2 -178 ± 6

338 1.70 ± 0.01

348 2.31 ± 0.01

298 0.19 ± 0.02

318 0.53 ± 0.04

0.83 328 0.95 ± 0.25 40 ± 4 -190 ± 12

338 1.70 ± 0.01

348 2.01 ± 0.04

298 0.13 ± 0.04

318 0.53 ± 0.04

1.10 328 1.10 ± 0.01 51 ± 7 -156±22

338 1.70 ± 0.01

348 2.70 ± 0.03

298 0.18 ± 0.01

318 0.57 ± 0.01

1.38 328 1.10 ± 0.01 42 ± 2 -184 ± 6

338 1.51 ± 0.02


2.20 ± 0.02

298 0.20 ± 0.03

318 0.63 ± 0.06

2.70 328 1.30 ± 0.01 43 ± 2 -180 ± 6

338 2.11 ± 0.04

348 2.60 ± 0.02

The octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine has the strong electron-acceptor pyrazine fragments, which favors the de-localization of negative charge in the deprotonated form of the ligand and leads to the dianion Pz2- formation in the transition state. If dianion is formed, then owing to its high complexation reactivity one should expect a monomolecular reaction and the dissociative mechanism.[6] Thus the complexation of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine is supposed to occur through the stage of dianion formation as follows:

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by interaction of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with Zn11 and Cu11 salts. These reactions proceed almost in a moment at 298 K (Figure 11). Therefore we could investigate only the reaction of Mg incorporation.

The observed rate constants of Mg complexes formation in pyridine are given in Table 2.

According to the published data[13] and our experimental data the rate of complex formation increases in the series:

H2Pz + 2Py ^ Pz2- + 2PyH+





Pz2- + [Mg(Py)6](OAc)2 ^ MgPz + 2AcO" + 6Py (16)

The limiting stage of the reaction is dianion formation. The high complexation reactivity of the dianion is confirmed

Table 2. The observed rate constants of Mg complexes formation in pyridine.


k b 298, s-1

obs '

Tetraazaporphine, H2TAP

Octaphenyltetraazaporphine, H2TAPPh8

Octa(«-bromophenyl)tetraazaporphine, H2TAP(C6H4Br8)





0.96-10"8 0.0110-4

0.0098-104 0.41-10"4 1.72-104

H2TAP(C6H4SO2NHC!8H37)8 < H2Pz(Bt8Pyz4).

This series shows that the coordination rate of octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with Mg ions is higher than for other porphyrazines. This is due to the increasing of the NH bonds acidity owing to electron-acceptor character of pyrazine fragments.


In proton-acceptor medium CH2Cl2 - (CH3)2SO tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines can undergo two steps of acid ionization with the formation of proton transfer complexes, containing two molecules of DMSO (H2Pz 2DMSO). It is found that the splitting of two DMSO molecules from proton transfer complex proceeds stepwise in acid medium.

The reaction of complex formation of magnesium with octaethyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine in pyridine was studied and its kinetic parameters were determined. The scheme of the reaction mechanism is proposed.



E.A. Kokareva, O.A. Petrov, O.G. Khelevina


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Received 06.06.2009 Accepted 25.06.2009

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