Научная статья на тему 'Конверсия как средство словообразования в сфере физики'

Конверсия как средство словообразования в сфере физики Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
слово / язык / конверсия / существительное / глагол / физика / формирование / лингвистика / word / language / conversion / noun / verb / physics / forming / linguistics.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Макаев Ханиф Фахретдинович, Макаева Гузаль Зайнагиевна, Минсафина Аделина Ильдаровна

Статья посвящена рассмотрению конверсии как доминирующего способа терминообразования в сфере физики. Выявлена широкая распространенность конверсии именно в английском языке благодаря совпадению звуковых форм глаголов и существительных. Доказано, что формирование отглагольного существительного является наиболее часто встречающимся типом конверсии в настоящее время в сфере физики.

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The work is devoted to considering conversion to be one of the dominant ways of term forming in the sphere of physics. Observed is the fact of conversion’s being wide spread in the English language due to coincidence of its noun and verb sound forms. Proved is that terms in the sphere of physics are mostly formed by transition of verbs into nouns at present.

Текст научной работы на тему «Конверсия как средство словообразования в сфере физики»

4. Meretukova M.M. Skazka kak chast' angliyskogo natsional'nogo fol'klora // Sbomik nauchnykh trudov Sworld, 2011. Vol. 24. No. 3. S. 84-85.

5. Avetisova S.O. Opyt provedeniya netraditsionnykh urokov pri izuchenii inostrannogo yazyka / S.O. Avetisova // Sredneye professional'noye obrazovaniye, 2008. No 8. S. 11-13.

6. Natalin V.P. Kriteriy soderzhatel'nosti autentichnosti uchebnogo teksta / V.P. Natalin // Inostrannyye yazyki v shkole, 2009. No 2. S. 50-52.

7. Tekhnologiya obucheniya sredstvami fol'klora v protsesse professional'noy podgotovki uchitelya angliyskogo yazyka v nachal'noy shkole / K.O. Sorokina // Tez. dokl. na mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf. po psikhologii i pedagogiki, Ufa, May 23, 2015. S. 163-167.

Авторы публикации Authors of the publication

Асмоловская Мария Владимировна - Asmolovskaya Mariya Vladimirovna - lecturer,

преподаватель кафедры иностранных Department of Foreign Languages for Natural

языков для естественно-научного Sciences, Institute of International Relations, направления Института международных Kazan Federal University, Kazan,

отношений Казанского федерального Russian Federation

университета, г. Казань. Email:asmolovskayamaria@yandex.ru Email:asmolovskayamaria@yandex.ru

Валеев Агзам Абрарович - доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков для естественнонаучного направления Института международных отношений Казанского федерального университета, г. Казань. Email:agzam.valeev1952@yandex

Valeev Agzam Abrarovich - Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), professor. Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation Email: agzam.valeev1952@yandex

Поступила в редакцию 30.04.2018. Принята к публикации 10.05.2018.

УДК 10.02.00


Х.Ф. Макаев1, Г.З. Макаева2, А.И. Минсафина1

makaev-63@mail.ru, makaeva.guzal@mail.ru, minsafinaadelina@mail.ru

1 Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия 2Казанский государственный университет архитектуры и строительства, г. Казань,


Аннотация. Статья посвящена рассмотрению конверсии как доминирующего способа терминообразования в сфере физики. Выявлена широкая распространенность

конверсии именно в английском языке благодаря совпадению звуковых форм глаголов и существительных. Доказано, что формирование отглагольного существительного является наиболее часто встречающимся типом конверсии в настоящее время в сфере физики.

Ключевые слова: слово, язык, конверсия, существительное, глагол, физика, формирование, лингвистика.

Для цитирования: Макаев Х.Ф., Макаева Г.З., Минсафина А.И. Конверсия как средство словообразования в сфере физики // Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2018, том 1, № 1 (1). С. 26-31.


Khanif Makayev1, G. Makayeva2, Adelina Minsafina1

makaev-63@mail.ru, makaeva.guzal@mail.ru, minsafinaadelina@mail.ru

1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia 2Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. The work is devoted to considering conversion to be one of the dominant ways of term forming in the sphere of physics. Observed is the fact of conversion's being wide spread in the English language due to coincidence of its noun and verb sound forms. Proved is that terms in the sphere of physics are mostly formed by transition of verbs into nouns at present.

Keywords: word, language, conversion, noun, verb, physics, forming, linguistics.

For citation: Makayev Kh.F., Makayeva G.Z., Minsafina A.I. Conversion as a Term Forming Way in the Sphere of Physics // Kazan linguistic journal. 2018, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1). Pp. 26-31.

Nowadays scientific society in the sphere of linguistics defines conversion as one of the dominant ways of term formation. Researchers state that conversion is an extremely effective possibility of physics vocabulary enrichment. The phenomenon is revealed in many languages, but it is determined to be spread wider in comparison with other languages. This fact may be interpreted by coincidence of noun and verb sound forms due to the loss of their endings, due to French borrowings as well [1, p.12]. I.V. Arnold proves that conversion is a dominant way of word formation in English [2, p. 103].

The research aimed at investigating the issue under consideration as a dominant kind of term forming in the English language. The first thing to be revealed was the reason of conversion's being wide spread especially in the English language. Of great importance was also paying attention to the types of the phenomenon under consideration.

To conduct the research we dealt with such methods as the method of comparison, the method of observing, and the method of collation, the main ones being comparison and observing methods.

Investigation of conversion began long ago, from the very remotest times. This linguistic phenomenon was mentioned first in G. Suit's English Grammar in 1891. Since then the term has been the subject of serious discussions. It is called differently by different researchers. Some researchers call it conversion (I.V. Arnold), transposition (R. Quirk), someone can call it a functional shift.

Many researchers state that conversion is a morphological phenomenon in its nature, while others support a syntactic approach, where lexemes are deprived of categorical information in the lexicon and are put to use in different syntactic contexts. Such researchers as O'Grady and de Guzman prove that conversion is the transition of an existing term to a new lexical category without adding an affix. Here we come across a so called zero derivation, which supposes appearing of a new term derived from an existing term's lexical category and meaning without affixes. O'Grady and de Guzman explain that "even though it does not add an affix, conversion is often considered to be a type of derivation because of the change in category and meaning that it brings about" [3, p. 138]. According to some researchers, there can be pointed out some examples of conversion with gaining some affixes by term forming process as well.

We can consider four types of conversion: syntactical, morphological syntactical, semantic syntactical, and semantic. Syntactical conversion is peculiar to all speech parts. It considers the use of terms of one part of speech instead of the same ones in another speech part unchangeably. Morphological syntactical conversion form serves for converting terms of one speech part into another one by obtaining the affixes of the grammatical categories of that speech part. The next form of conversion can be taken as substantivization which serves in the Russian language for considering this phenomenon in studying noun formation on the base of transition of adjectives and participles into its stratum ("method of brokens", "method of indivisibles"). Semantic form of conversion can be observed by loss of semantic and grammatical relations of a word with one speech part and its conversion into the other speech part [4, p. 202]. All these kinds of conversion occur in word formation in many spheres, in physics one too.

The methods of comparison, observing, and collation used in our research helped us conclude that in physics term sphere verbs tend to enter noun stratum more than the words of any other speech part from grammatical point of view in the form of participle and action verb (adiabatic cooling, adiabatic heating, boiling point). According to above said, in current English conversion is studied as one of the main word forming methods and an effective means of physics language stratum enriching by new lexical units without affixation. Here we come across with a so called semantics shift [5; 8], that is term forming without altering the shape of existing term by affixation, for example act (to act, an act), capture (to capture, a capture) which serve as nouns and verbs simultaneously. Attention here should be paid not to the form of the term but to its role.

Affixation in its turn as a term forming method can offer such examples as resist (verb), resistance (noun), resistible (adjective), resistant (adjective), resister (noun). Physics sphere terms formed by conversion have similar root in different speech parts. For instance, the same term act as a verb root operates as a noun unit differing in their paradigms. Act operating as a noun can have such word changing suffixes as -'s, -s, -s' (act's; acts; acts'), as a verb it can gain -s, -ed, -ing (acts; acted; acting). This factor defines these verb and noun units as different lexical units formed by changing the paradigm.

In scientific society conversion along with a morphological way of term forming is defined as a syntactical term forming way too. This situation encourages us to call conversion a

combined morphological syntactical term forming way which takes into account changing of both paradigms, and changing of the lexical unit's syntactical function.

Conversion may concern semantic processes as well. It is necessary to state that the quantity of a lexical unit's meanings from which derivatives are produced is more than these derivatives' quantity. This idea could be impressively proved on the term capture with the number of meanings more than the number of its derivative noun. Altering the conversion's meaning takes place not on standard but on composite, sometimes individual semantic relationships. Because of this we can designate conversion as morphological syntactical and semantic term forming way [6; 10; 9].

Some American and English researchers consider conversion to be the consequence of shifting of terms from one speech part into another one. They suppose that the same lexical units can function in different speech parts simultaneously. This idea means that in English there is no division of lexical units into different grammatical groups, as one and the same word cannot belong to different parts of speech at one and the same time [7].

Transition of terms from one speech part into another can be classified as their going over from noun to verb, from verb to noun and from adjective to verb. Terms' going over from noun to verb is considered to be a very popular kind of term formation in the English language. According to our research, we can state that terms' going over from verb to noun is also very popular in physics sphere. There exist semantic, synonymic, frequency and word forming criteria on determining the creation of physics terms.

According to going over from verb to noun creation of nouns with regard to speech parts may be defined by analyzing semantic connections between the terms being observed, for example, permit - permittivity, transform - transformer, etc. Semantic connections may be established between verb and verbal noun, noun and noun, adjective and noun: action - the process of action (scan - scanning, normalize - normalizing), action - the one who acts or an acting object (keep - keeper, accept - acceptor), noun - noun (capacity - capacitance, bunch -bunching), adjective - noun (audible - audibility, frequent - frequency).

Words transmitting from one part of speech to another one exist in the system of word forming relations. These relations connect the terms of common root with each other in definite structural semantic unities, called "term forming "nests" the central part of which is considered to be their main root word. Let's take thermal, for instance. Its derivations are thermalize, thermalization, thermodynamics, thermic. The speech parts these terms belong to could be defined by their forms. For instance, suffixes -tion, -ance, -er, -ivity are added to verb stems, suffixes -ization, -ing, -tion are added to noun ones. In these examples we come across morphological (sometimes it is called morpheme) way of professional word forming in which words change their form. Defined are such ways as suffixed, affixed, suffixed and affixed, none suffixed and combining ones. The research also showed that there are "nests" of professional lexical units which belong to one and the same speech part (noun) and have semantic connections: noun - noun (bunch - bunching, capture - capture.). The second example represents semantic way of noun-to-noun conversion only, not undergoing any morphological changes. Here we concern none suffixed way of term forming by changing terms' semantics of definite speech parts followed by semantics shift.

Thus, as the research showed, conversion may be of syntactical, morphological syntactical, semantic syntactical and semantic kinds. Observations of the literature on the issue of defining

the specifics of conversion, the results of our collation and comparison showed that conversion is a widespread kind of term forming in the physics sphere. It is mostly represented by verb-to-noun type. The next research may be devoted to comparing the phenomena "conversion" and "substantivization" as two main ways of word formation in the English language as well as in the sphere of physics, the first being much more wider than the second one in physics terms stratum enrichment process.


1. Smirnitsky A.I. On Conversion in the English Language // Foreign Languages at School. № 3. 1953. Pp. 12-24.

2. Arnold I.V. Lexicology of Modern English. M., 1959. 154 p.

3. O'Grady W. and de Guzman V. (2010). Morphology: The analysis of word structure. In O'Grady W., Archibald J., Aronoff M. and Rees-Miller J. (Ed.), Contemporary linguistics: An introduction (6thed.) (Pp. 115-153). Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's.

4. Gadimova L.S. The Conversion in the English Language.International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 6, № 1; 2016. Pp. 202-208.

5. Arthur G.K. Conversion and Confusion of the Parts of Speech // Reading in Modern English Lexicology. Leningrad, 1975.

6. Meshkov O.D. Word Formation of Modern English. M., 1976.

7. Ginsburg R.S. A Course in Modern Lexicology. Moscow, 1979.

8. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of Linguistics Terms 4th Iss. M.: KomKniga, 2007. 576 p.

9. Bagiyan A.Yu. Determinalization of English Technical Terms in Scientific Discourse.Summary of Candidate Dissertation, Pyatigorsk, 2015.

10. Superanskaya A.V. General Terminology: Issues of Theory. M.: Nauka. 1989. 246 p. (coauthors N.V. Podolskaya, N.V. Vasilyeva). Iss. 2. M.: URSS, 2003. 246 p.

Авторы публикации Макаев Ханиф Фахретдинович -

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков для физико-математического направления и информационных технологий Высшей школы иностранных языков и перевода Института международных отношений Казанского федерального университета, г. Казань, ул. Межлаука, д. 3. Email: makaev-63@mail.ru

Authors of the publication

Makayev Khanif Fakhretdinovich - the

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation. Email: makaev-63@mail.ru

Авторы публикации

Макаева Гузаль Зайнагиевна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Казанского государственного университета архитектуры и строительства, г. Казань.

Email: makaeva.guzal@mail.ru

Минсафина Аделина Ильдаровна -

студент Института физики Казанского федерального университета, г. Казань. Email: minsafinaadelina@mail.ru

Authors of the publication

Makayeva Guzal Zainagiyevna - the

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia. Email: makaeva.guzal@mail.ru

Minsafina Adelina Ildarovna - Student of Institute of Phisics of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia. Email: minsafinaadelina@mail.ru

Поступила в редакцию 10.05.2018. Принята к публикации 30.05.2018.

УДК 8116


Г.К. Гизатова guzelgizatova@hotmail.com

Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия

Аннотация. В определении сущности фразеологии важную роль играет уяснение ее объективных функций и структуры. Это может быть достигнуто путем применения в исследовании данного феномена системного подхода. Автор использует структурно-функциональный метод для рассмотрения языка как инструмента речевого взаимодействия людей, что является одним из принципов системного исследования. В работе предлагается новая оценочно-установочная парадигма рассмотрения функциональной характеристичности фразеологизмов.

Ключевые слова: системный подход, лингвистика, структура, функция, фразеологизм

Для цитирования: Гизатова Г.К. Роль системного подхода в определении функций фразеологизмов // Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2018, том 1, № 1. С. 31-38.

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