Научная статья на тему 'Комплексное исследование качества иммуностимулирующего напитка "иммуно плюс"'

Комплексное исследование качества иммуностимулирующего напитка "иммуно плюс" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Dzyuba N., Telezhenko L., Valevskaya L., Zemlyakova E.

С помощью методов теоретической квалиметрии проведена комплексная оценка качества иммуностимулирующего напитка «Иммуно плюс». Представлена иерархическая структура свойств готовой продукции, включающая органолептические и физико-химические показатели, а также показатели пищевой и биологической ценностей. Приведены расчеты конкурентоспособности полученного напитка по методике моделирования

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Comprehensive research into quality of the immunostimulating beverage "immuno plus"

Based on the methods of theoretical quality measurement, the integrated quality assessment of the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus” was carried out. The hierarchic structure of the properties of the finished product, which includes organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, as well as the indicators of nutritive and biological value, was presented. It was shown that enhancement in consistency, uniformity and stability of the beverage is explained by the presence of glutin, which acts as hydrocolloid, it is according to these indicators that consumers determine the beverage quality. The profiles of the vitamin and mineral composition of the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus”, as well as the content of nonreplaceable amino acids were presented. The obtained comprehensive quality indicator of the beverage “Immuno plus” proves high quality of the new product. The calculated competitiveness of the enriched beverage is 1.5 times higher in comparison with the control sample. The authors presented calculations of competitiveness of the beverage with the improved nutritive and biological value by using the procedure of modeling, which includes the indicators of product quality, the information of the analogs of the developed goods and the principle of introducing innovations. It was established that the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus” will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine due to the improved organoleptic indicators, increase in the content of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances, as well as existence of preventive properties.

Текст научной работы на тему «Комплексное исследование качества иммуностимулирующего напитка "иммуно плюс"»

:"*•;"*•; jf-Tifi

-□ □-

За допомогою методiв теоретичног ква-лiметрii проведено комплексну оцшку якостi iмуностимулюючого напою «1муно плюс». Представлена iерархiчна структура власти-востей готовог продукцп, що включае орга-нолептичш та фiзико-хiмiчнi показники, а також показники харчовог i бiологiчноi цтнос-тей. Наведено розрахунки конкурентоспро-можностi отриманого напою за методикою моделювання

Ключовi слова: комплексна оцтка якост^ iмуностимулюючий напш, показники якост^

профшактичний продукт


С помощью методов теоретической ква-лиметрии проведена комплексная оценка качества иммуностимулирующего напитка «Иммуно плюс». Представлена иерархическая структура свойств готовой продукции, включающая органолептические и физико-химические показатели, а также показатели пищевой и биологической ценностей. Приведены расчеты конкурентоспособности полученного напитка по методике моделирования

Ключевые слова: комплексная оценка качества, иммуностимулирующий напиток, показатели качества, профилактический продукт -□ □-

UDC 663.85-021.465:613.3:615.37

[dOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.98199|



N. D z y u b a

PhD, Associate Professor* E-mail: adya282@rambler.ru L. Telezhenko Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor* E-mail: telegenko@ukr.net L. Valevskaya PhD

Department of grain storage technology** E-mail: ludmila_valev@mail.ru E. Zemlyakova Assistant*

E-mail: Elena_zemiyakova_00@mail.ru *Department of restaurant and health food technology** **Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

1. Introduction

One of the important factors, which determine health of the population, is nourishment. In recent years, the health condition of the population of Ukraine has considerably deteriorated: there has been an increase in mortality as a result of cardiovascular and oncologic diseases, hyperlipidemia and obesity. The consumption of foodstuffs, containing a large amount of animal fat and simple carbohydrates, leads to an increase in the excess body weight and obesity. Thus, a problem of the lack of macro- and micronutrients in food rations is rather acute [1].

To a considerable degree, nutrition disorders among the population of Ukraine are caused by the critical state of production and processing of food raw materials and food products, by the worsening of economic condition of the major part of the population of Ukraine, as well as by its low purchasing power.

An analysis of the structure of nutrition of the Ukrainian population at present shows that the protein deficiency in food ration of the Ukrainians amounts to 26 %. Protein insufficiency develops due to the lack of protein in the human organism, which leads to disturbances in the synthesis of ferments, functions of pancreas and intestines, negative nitrous balance, muscle atony, and decrease in the resistibility of organism to the agents of diseases [2].

In this connection, development and quality assessment of new immunostimulating beverages with the increased food and biological value is absolutely relevant.

2. Literature review and problem statement

The quality of food products covers different consumer preferences, which determine their food and energy values, full biological value of composition, assimilation, food safety, price and consumption effectiveness. Functional products are considered not as the sources of plastic substances and energy, but rather as a complex of biologically active materials.

At present, scientists are working on the compositions and technologies of products with a high content of protein and immunostimulating substances. Such new products can include dry cereals of functional purposes [3], grain breakfasts [4], oxygen beverage "Glotok zdorovia" (ukr. "A sip of health") [5], flour confectionery [6], biologically active additives [7] and others.

The composition of instant cereals of functional purposes includes extruded grain of wheat, rice, corn, collagen preparation and liquorice root. Grain cereal supplies organism with the product, balanced by its amino-acid composition.

The functional beverage based of the juice of Chinese magnolia vine, concentrated grape juice, extract of pink


radiole and sugar is well known. The beverage is considered not only as toning, but also as immunostimulating [8].

Article [9] gives description of the use of aerated functional products for preventing hypoxia. The author describes the possibility of using plasma proteins of pigs as a foaming agent, which also contributes to the optimization of ami-no-acid composition of the beverage.

Serum is the source of valuable milk protein, casein. A structure of the casein molecule is complicated and gives the possibility to enrich food products with an easily assimilated form of calcium [10].

For the stabilization of protein metabolism and prevention of diseases, connected with its disturbance, it is necessary that food products should include proteins and their hydrolyzates. Complex proteins may become matrices for the immobilization of vitamins, ferments and other biologically active materials. Collagen may be one of such proteins. Promising randomized studies showed that the oral intake of 10 g of hydrolyzate of collagen per day within three months decreases pain and improves the function of joints in patients with diagnosed osteoarthritis and osteoporosis [11, 12].

The integrated assessment of food products quality is used by authors for determining the competitive ability of the oxygen cocktail "Glotok zdorovia". The oxygen cocktail "Glotok zdorovia" contains the necessary amount of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances for children's nourishment [5].

The integrated assessment of beverages quality, taking into account the content of macro- and micronutrients based on milk serum, was also conducted by the scientists at Albert University (Edmonton, Canada) [13]. Seven different beverages based on serum, including six commercial products, and the experimental laboratory prototype, were analyzed to establish the content of protein, carbohydrate and other basic components. The scientists concluded that serum-based beverages might be recommended as effective sources of calcium and riboflavin.

Relying on the method of QFD-methodology, demands of users for grain products were generalized and structured, and then their needs were ranked by priorities.

It was established that the most important quality indicators of grain loaves include organoleptic indicators, the presence of biologically active substances, health-improvement effect, safety and low price [14].

Thus, development of a new immunostimulating serum-based beverage and determination of its competitiveness on contemporary market appears quite promising.

3. The aim and tasks of the studies

The purpose of present work is to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the immunostimulating beverage "Immuno plus" taking into account the content of the most important nutrients, as well as marketing characteristics.

To accomplish the aim, the following tasks were to be solved:

- to develop the formulation of the beverage with a high content of immunostimulating substances;

- to determine the content of basic macro- and micro-nutrients;

- to conduct a comprehensive product-marketing estimation of the new product and to run an analysis of competitiveness of the beverage "Immuno plus".

4. Materials and methods for developing an immunostimulating beverage

In order to obtain a comprehensive quality indicator, which would be the function of particular quality indicators, its product-marketing estimation was carried out. A comprehensive product-marketing estimation considers all requirements for the organoleptic, physical-chemical indicators, indicators of food and biological value, as well as safety indicators.

Glutin was obtained by the method of multistage alkaline hydrolysis, as it is described in the patent for a useful model [15]. Molecular weight and homogeneity of glutin were determined by the method of electrophoresis in the 15 % polyacrylamide gel by the Lamley method. Amino-acid composition of the glutin macromolecule was defined on the amino-acid analyzer Hitachi L-8900 (Japan) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Amino-acid analyzer Hitachi L-8900

It is possible to find a more detailed description of materials and methods for developing the immunostimulating beverage in paper [16].

5. Results of examining the quality indicators of the beverage "Immuno plus"

To determine the factors, which influence quality of the finished product, we carried out the analysis of technology of the product manufacturing at a modern enterprise. According to the obtained data, the Ishikawa diagram was constructed (Fig. 2).

This approach is a graphic method for investigating and determining the essential causal interrelations and it allows us to reveal key interrelations between different first order factors:

- raw materials;

- production technology and modes of processes;

- applied equipment;

- qualification of personnel;

- duration of the implementation of technological process (Fig. 2).

In Fig. 2:

- 1.1 - maintaining the formulation and standard documentation;

- 1.2 - sanitary-hygienic indicators of technology;

- 1.3 - parameters of technological processes;

- 1.4 - maintaining the dosage of components;

- 1.5 - sanitary-hygienic conditions;

- 2.1 - product quality;

- 2.2 - quality of basic raw material;

- 2.3 - quality of auxiliary raw material;

- 2.4 - maintaining the storing conditions of raw material;

- 3.1 - technical equipment of an enterprise;

- 3.2 - productivity of lines;

- 3.3 - proper working order of equipment;

- 3.4 - existence of control points;

- 4.1 - qualification of personnel;

- 4.2 - interest of workers;

- 4.3 - industriousness of personnel;

- 4.4 - working conditions;

- 5.1 - timely preparation of components;

- 5.2 - timely reception of orders (for restaurants) or existence of sale schedule (for health resorts);

- 5.3 - manufacturing collagen preparation;

- 5.4 - availability of basic raw material;

- 5.5 - availability of all auxiliary materials.

which is 27.6 points. In other words, the enriched beverage, produced with the introduction of glutin, exceeds the control sample by 5.8 %.

Table 1

Formulation of the beverage "Immuno plus", which is high in immunostimulating substances

Components Amount

Apple juice, cm3 20

Serum, cm3 45

Sweetbrier pulp, g 5

Banana puree, g 10

Honey, g 5

Glutin, g 15






' control

— beverage "Immuno plus"

Fig. 2. Causal diagram of quality formation of immunostimulating beverage

Taking into account specific factors of the first level, factors of the second level were established, which are presented with the appropriate cipher. There are a number of common factors in the technologies for preparing any culinary production, and their effect was considered even at the stage of enterprise designing. In order to enhance the quality level, it was necessary to consider the role of all factors in the technological process. The factors of the second order, which are specific when creating the quality level, determined special features of the developed technologies, namely, the development of preventive products for elderly people, athletes and children, who require special quality control over the immu-nostimulating beverage.

Functional properties of collagen imply physical and chemical characteristics, which determine its behavior when made into foodstuffs, and those, which provide the necessary structure, technological and consumer properties of a product. The most important functional properties include durability of foam and foaming, ability to stabilize dispersed systems (foam, emulsion, suspension), to form gels, adhesive and rheological properties of protein systems.

The collagenic preparation of the rare amino acid of hy-droxyproline, which is high in protein (13...15 %), was used as a hydrocolloid-foaming agent for the production of the immunostimulating beverage (Table 1).

General estimation of the beverage "Immuno plus" according to organoleptic indicators is 29.3 points in comparison with the control sample, the overall estimation of

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Fig. 3. Organoleptic profile of epy beverage "Immuno plus"

Microbiological indicators of the beverage "Immuno plus" are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Microbiological indicators of the beverage "Immuno plus"

Indicators Norm (DSTU 4552:2006)

Escherichia coli, in 0.1 cm3 Not found (GOST (State Standard) 30726-2001))

Pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria of salmonella genus, in 25.0 cm3 Not found (DSTU IDF 122C:2003)

S. aureus, in 10 cm3 Not found (GOST (State Standard) 30347-97))

The beverages, which meet requirements of normative documentation, were selected as the base indicators (Pbas).

Relative quality indicators of the control sample and the beverage "Immuno plus" are given in Table 3. The profiles of vitamin and mineral composition of the developed beverage "Immuno plus" are shown in Fig. 4.

A study of vitamin composition of the beverage "Immuno plus" revealed a high content of vitamins-antioxidants. An introduction of sweetbrier pulp and banana puree contributes to the enrichment of the beverage with food fibers (0.9 g/100 g), which on average covers 6...18 % of the daily need. The use of glutin makes it possible to obtain the beverage, which satisfies the need for protein by a human on average by 7.57 %. The content of fats and carbohydrates is 0.2 and 12.02 g/100 g, respectively. Energy value of the beverage "Immuno plus" in this case was 77.28 kcal.

Determining the relative quality indicators of the control sample and the beverage "Immuno plus"

Measurement units Quality indicators Relative quality indicators

Points Designation Control sample "Immuno plus" Designation Control sample "Immuno plus"

p 4.4 4.9 KP1.1 0.86 0.96

p 1.2 4.4 5.0 KP1.2 0.86 0.99

Pl.3 4.4 5.0 KP1.3 0.86 0.99

Pl.4 4.5 5.0 KP1.4 0.88 0.99

Pl.5 4.9 5.0 KP1.5 0.96 0.99

Pl6 5 4.4 KP1.6 0.99 0.86

% P 1.5 2.5 KP2.1 0.51 0.96

% P 2.2 3.0 5.0 KP2.2 0.58 0.98

units. pH P r2.3 2.0 4.5 KP2.3 0.44 0.98

g P3.1 0.20 0.9 KP3.1 0.21 0.95

kcal P 3.2 63.0 77.28 KP3.2 0.81 0.99

mg P 4.1.1 0.05 0.18 KP4.1.1 0.27 0.97

mg P 4.1.2 0.06 0.19 KP4.1.2 0.31 0.97

mg P 4.1.3 0.1 0.25 KP4.1.3 0.38 0.98

mg P 4.1.4 0.1 0.48 KP4.1.4 0.20 0.98

mg P 4.1.5 0.12 0.41 KP4.1.5 0.29 0.98

mg P 4.2.1 1.0 22.0 KP4.2.1 0.04 0.96

mg P 4.2.2 5.0 28.0 KP4.2.2 0.07 0.97

mg P 4.2.3 3.0 9.0 KP4.2.3 0.3 0.90

mg P 4.2.4 2.0 37.0 KP4.2.4 0.05 0.97

mg P 4.2.5 0.5 2.9 KP4.2.5 0.17 0.97

mg P 4.3.1 0.2 0.83 KP4.3.1 0.24 0.99

mg P 4.3.2 0.11 0.39 KP4.3.2 0.28 0.98

mg P 4.3.3 0.10 0.80 KP4.3.3 0.12 0.94

mg P 4.3.4 0.20 1.70 KP4.3.4 0.12 0.99

mg P r 4.3.5 0.02 0.18 KP4.3.5 0.11 0.95

mg p 4.3.6 0.12 0.59 KP4.3.6 0.20 0.98

mg P r 4.3.7 0.01 0.17 KP4.3.7 0.10 0.94



Fig. 4. Profile of the composition of basic mineral substances and vitamins of the beverage (mg/100 g)

As it is shown in Fig. 4, the beverage "Immuno plus" contains such mineral substances, necessary for the human organism, as sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Fig. 5 shows the content of nonreplaceable amino acids in the beverage "Immuno plus".

1,80 1,60

Fig. 5. Contents of nonreplaceable amino acids in the beverage "Immuno plus" (g/100 g)

To evaluate the finished produce and the methods of its treatment, we use the concept of quality as the totality of all qualities, which characterize the produce or the techno-

logical process. The variety of methods of manufacturing culinary produce has a special purpose and causes the need for its assessment and ranking in order to reveal the most effective and promising [24]. Quality assessment of the culinary produce is characterized by the generalized indicator, where the comprehensive indicator of quality (CIC) is accepted as the optimization criterion. The calculation of comprehensive criterion (CIC) of the developed beverage "Immuno plus" was conducted according to data on the actually established single indicators, which are converted into the dimensionless ones. Determining the CIC makes it possible to construct graphically the quality models of the developed beverage. The importance of the indicators in the range of each group and between the group indicators was determined by experts. According to their data, coefficients of importance of each indicator and intergroup coefficients were calculated. After calculating the weight coefficients, their alignment with the conditions was tested. According to data in Table 2, the following importance factors were calculated:


£ MP = 0,2 + 0,1 + 0,2 + 0,1 + 0,2 + 0,2 = 1,



£ MP2 = 0,35 + 0,3 + 0,35 = 1,



£ MP3 = 0,5 + 0,5 = 1,



£ MP4 = 0,06 + 0,06+0,05 + 0,06 + 0,05 +


+0,06 + 0,06+0,06 + 0,06+0,06 + 0,06+

+0,06 + 0,06+0,06 + 0,06+0,06 + 0,06 = 1.

To bring together quality assessments of separate properties, the additive model of comprehensive assessment was accepted in the form of the weighted average arithmetical magnitudes:

K0 = £Mi ■ Ki, (8)


where M; is the importance coefficient of the i-th indicator; Kj is the relative quality indicator.

For the group of organoleptic indicators:

KP = (MP1.1 ■ KP1.1)+

+(Mp, ■ KP1.2)+(MP1.3 ■ KP1.3) +

+(MP1. 4 ■ KP1.4 ) + (MP1.5 ■ KP1.5 ) + (MP1.6 ■ KP1.6 ) .

For the control sample KP1=0.71, for the examined sample KP1=0.76.

For the group of physical and chemical indicators:

KP2 = (MP21 ■ KP21) +

+(Mp, Kp,) + (MP2.3 ■ KP2.3).

For the control sample KP2=0.507, for the examined sample KP2=0.973.

For the group of indicators of nutritive value:

KP3 = (MP31 ■ KP31)+(MP3, ■ KP3 2).

For the control sample KP3=0.51, for the examined sample KP3=0,97.

For the group of indicators of biological value:

KP4 = (MP4. , 4 KP4. , ,) + (MP4. , 2 KP4. , 2) +

+(MP4 , з ■ KP4. , 3) + (MP4. , 4 ■ KP4. , 4) +

+(MP4 , 5 KP4. , 5) + (MP4. 2. 4 KP4. 2. ,) +

+(MP4 2. 2 ■ KP4. 2. 2) + (MP4. 2. 3 ■ KP4. 2. 3) +

+(MP4 2 4 ■Kp. 2 4) + +(MP4 2 5 ■Kp 2. 5) +

+(MP,. 4 ■ KP4.3. ,) + (MP4.3.2 ■ KP4.3. 2) +

+(MP. 3. 3 ■ KP4. 3. 3) + (MP4. 3. 4 ■ KP4. 3. 4)

+(MP„ ■KP4.3.5) + (MP4,6 ■ KP4.3J + (MP4.3.7 ■ KP4,7).

For the control sample KP4=0.188, for the examined sample KP4=0,966.

The calculation of the comprehensive quality assessment of the immunostimulating beverage "Immuno plus" is:

KP0 = (MP ■ Kp) + (MP2 ■ KP2) +

+(Mp ■ KP3) + (MP4 ■ KP4).

Obtained data on the comprehensive quality assessment of the beverage "Immuno plus" are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Comprehensive quality assessment of the beverage "Immuno plus"

Quality assessment

Samples Properties Comprehensive assessment

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Control 0.25-0.71 0.20-0.507 0.20-0.51 0.35-0.188 0.45

Examined sample of beverage 0.25-0.76 0.20-0.973 0.20-0.97 0.35-0.966 0.92

Since a consumer first pays attention to the organoleptic indicators and nutritive value, these criteria were given the highest weight coefficient (Table 5).

Results of calculation of competitiveness of the control sample and the immunostimulating beverage are presented in Table 6.

Scale of assessment of competitiveness of the immunostimulating beverage and the control sample

Title of indicator Kweight Quality level, points Characteristics of quality levels

4 3 2 Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2)

Organoleptic parameters

Appearance 5 20 15 10 Homogeneous, uniformed Homogeneous Non- homogeneous

Color 3 12 9 6 Uniform throughout all surface Uniform Not pronounced

Flavor 5 20 15 10 Intensively pronounced Weakly pronounced Not pronounced

Fragrance 3 12 9 6 Intensively pronounced Weakly pronounced Not pronounced

Consistency 3 12 9 6 Homogeneous surface Homogeneous surface Non- homogeneous

Homogeneity 4 16 12 8 Homogeneous Weakly homogeneous Non- homogeneous

Physical and chemical parameters

Mass fraction of carbohydrates, % 10 40 30 20 not less than 2.5 1...2 less than 1

Mass fraction of dry substances, g/100 g of product 5 20 15 10 not less than 5 2...5 less than 2

Active acidity 10 40 30 20 not less than 4.5 3.4.5 less than 3

Indicators of nutritive value

Mass fraction of food fibers, g 9 36 27 18 not less than 0,9 less than 0,4

Energy value, kcal 10 40 30 20 not more than 80 60.75 less than 70

Preventive properties 8 32 24 16 many directions 3-4 directions 1-2 directions

Indicators of innovative activity

Formulation novelty 10 40 30 20 Protected by patent Not protected by patent Not available

Indicators of marketing studies

Advertisement 7 28 21 14 Television, newspapers, outdoor advertisement Newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertisement Not available

Market analysis, demand 8 32 24 16 No competitors, high demand Weak competition, high demand Strong competition, weak demand

Table 6

Competitiveness of the control sample and the immunostimulating beverage "Immuno plus"

Title of indicator Kweight Quality level, points Assessment of samples

4 3 2 Control sample Beverage «Immuno plus»

Organoleptic parameters

Appearance 5 20 15 10 10 20

Color 3 12 9 6 6 12

Flavor 5 20 15 10 10 20

Fragrance 3 12 9 6 6 12

Consistency 3 12 9 6 6 12

Homogeneity 4 16 12 8 12 12

Physical and chemical parameters

Mass fraction of carbohydrates, % 10 40 30 20 20 40

Mass fraction of dry substances, g/100 g of product 5 20 15 10 15 20

Active acidity 10 40 30 20 20 40

Indicators of nutritive value

Mass fraction of food fibers, g 9 36 27 18 18 36

Energy value, kcal 10 40 30 20 20 40

Preventive properties 8 32 24 16 16 32

Indicators of innovative activity

Formulation novelty 10 40 30 20 20 40

Indicators of marketing studies

Advertisement 7 28 21 14 14 21

Market analysis, demand 8 32 24 16 16 32

Integrated indicator of competitive ability 100 400 300 200 209 389

Price for 100 ml 5,0/6.2 5.0/6.2 5.0/6.2 5.0/6.2 5.0 6.2

Competitive ability 20/16.1 80/64.5 60/48.4 40/32.3 41.8 62.7

6. Discussion of results of examining the quality indicators of the beverage "Immuno plus"

An analysis of organoleptic indicators proves high qualitative characteristics of the beverage "Immuno plus". Studies of stability indicators of the beverage allow us to assert that the enhancement of consistency, uniformity and stability of the beverage is explained by the presence of glutin, which acts as hydrocolloid; it is according to these indicators that consumers determine the quality of the beverage.

An analysis of the component composition of the developed beverage showed that the use of selected components in the optimal proportion makes it possible to obtain the product with high nutritive properties.

According to microbiological indicators, the developed beverage "Immuno plus" matches the requirements of current sanitary legislation of Ukraine. The integrated quality assessment of the beverage "Immuno plus" demonstrated that the product is characterized by the improved nutritional and biological value in comparison with the control sample.

Competitiveness of the immunostimulating beverage "Immuno plus" ia 62.7, which exceeds that of the control sample by 1.5 times. Based on this, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the immunostimulating beverage "Immuno plus" will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine due to the improved organoleptic indicators, increased content of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances.

7. Conclusions

1. Based on the technological studies, the indicators, which influence the quality of production in the process of its manufacture, were determined. With the help of the Ishikawa diagram, the generalization of technological requirements for the quality of production with subsequent structuring was carried out. It was established that the most important technological parameters are the raw materials, production technology and the modes of processes, the equipment used, qualification of personnel and the duration of implementation of the technological process.

2. The optimization of component formulation of the beverage "Immuno plus" is carried out with the use of the nested folder "Solution search" in the MS Excel (WIND0WS-2010) software package. The formulation of the immunostimulating beverage includes apple juice, milk serum, banana puree, honey, sweetbrier pulp, and glutin. Data, obtained in the course of the study of the nutritive composition of beverage "Immuno plus", enables us to assert that the beverage is the source of easily assimilated macro- and micronutrients and may be considered an immunostimulating product. It was established that when developing the beverage "Immuno plus", it is necessary to provide the immunostimulating effect through the introduction of biologically active components made of non-traditional raw materials.

3. Data, obtained in the process of assessment of competitiveness of the new product, demonstrated that the immu-nostimulating beverage "Immuno plus" will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine.


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