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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Имаева Эмма Шаукатовна, Ряхова Анна Григоревна, Мазидуллин Денис Нарисович

Методика преподавания в высшей школе подразумевает применение методов оптимизации обучения, поиск новых приёмов обучения, особенно в аудитории с иностранными студентами. Совокупность применяемых методов преподавания общетехнических дисциплин включает универсальный набор символов, терминов, мнемотехнику, правила и мыслительные процедуры, наполняющие память. В нерусскоязычной аудитории также важны такие факторы, как владение преподавателем культурой речи, сформированной терминологической системой дисциплины, фонетическими нормами и наличие демонстрационных средств обучения. Преподаватель должен учитывать междисциплинарные связи, заключающиеся в языковой и терминологической преемственности с такими курсами, как «Речевая коммуникация» и «Русский язык как иностранный». На примере дисциплины «Теоретическая и прикладная механика» показаны пути усовершенствования методологии её преподавания в аудитории нерусскоязычных студентов.

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The teaching methodology in higher education implies the use of teaching optimization methods, the search for new teaching methods, especially in the classroom with foreign students. The set of applied methods of teaching general technical disciplines includes a universal set of symbols, terms, mnemonics, rules and mental procedures that fill the memory. In a non-Russian-speaking audience, factors such as the teacher’s proficiency of the culture of speech, formed by the terminological system of the discipline, phonetic norms and the availability of demonstration teaching aids are also important. The teacher should take into account the interdisciplinary relationships, which consist in linguistic and terminological continuity with such courses as “Speech Communication” and “Russian as a Foreign Language”. On the example of the discipline “Theoretical and Applied Mechanics”, the ways of improving the methodology of its teaching in the classroom of non-Russian-speaking students are shown.


развития, не способны компенсировать низкий уровень развития за счет других более высоких и развитых компонентов. Поэтому нельзя недооценивать значение физической готовности военнослужащих. Физическая готовность - это такое состояние военнослужащего, которое соответствует требованиям современного боя и позволяет успешно выполнять боевые задачи применительно к его боевому предназначению. Формирование физической готовности военнослужащих к предстоящей боевой деятельности обеспечивается под воздействием всех составных частей их жизнедеятельности при ведущем значении физической подготовки. По данным исследований проведенных военными учеными, получен вывод о том, что показатели военно-профессиональных приёмов и действий к концу учений у военнослужащих, имеющих удовлетворительную и неудовлетворительную аттестацию по физической подготовке, снижаются на 35-40%, а у военнослужащих с хорошей и отличной аттестацией лишь на 10-15%. Современные и настоящие реалии жизни требуют от военных специалистов установления, образования и поддержания на высоком уровне морально-волевых и физических качеств, ну и конечно же способности выдерживать тяжелые психические и физические нагрузки, и напряжения, испытываемые военнослужащими в условиях, приближенных к боевым. Это дает огромное основание полагать о том, что физическая подготовка, основополагающая составная часть физической готовности военнослужащих, которая занимает огромное место в системе боевой подготовки военнослужащих и их формированиях, и является её неотъемлемой частью. В современное время место такого предмета как «физическая подготовка» в системе подготовки военнослужащих и их формированиях четко определено. Во всех программах боевой готовности содержится предмет «Физическая подготовка». Физическая подготовка теперь представляет собой систему, формирующая и преобразовывающая наиглавнейшие физические качества, и конечно же будет такой системой, которая будет развивать необходимые элементарные способности человеческого организма, и которая будет учитывать основные виды деятельности специалистов военной сферы деятельности. Все вышеизложенное убедительно обосновывает значение физической подготовки - как основной составляющей боевой подготовки военнослужащих и их формированиях к выполнению боевых и других задач в соответствии с их предназначением и одного из ориентированного вектора увеличения боеготовности военнослужащих РФ (НФП-2009) [6, С. 121.

Выводы. Подводя итог вышеизложенному, мы приходим к выводу о том, что физическая подготовка позволяет значительно повысить устойчивость физиологических и психических функций организма человека для полноценной профессиональной деятельности военнослужащих и обеспечить в условиях физических нагрузок и психических напряжений физическую и умственную работоспособность на высоком и квалифицированном уровне. Следовательно, значение физической подготовки для полноценной и высококвалифицированной деятельности военнослужащих заключается в: оснащении физической подготовки к выполнению профессиональных задач, укреплении состояния здоровья, улучшении уровня физического развития организма воина, создании правильного представления о здоровом образе жизни; воспитании этичности и нравственности, морально-волевых и психических качеств, привития желания и организованности выполнять физические упражнения регулярно; формировании командных, организаторско-методических умений и навыков; формирования устойчивости организма к неблагоприятным факторам военной службы. Только понимание сплоченности взаимосвязей между физической подготовленностью и результатами боевой подготовленности может обеспечить наиболее эффективное применение в интересах увеличения и улучшения боевой готовности военных специалистов того обширного арсенала методических приемов, которые разработаны в системе физической подготовки специалистов в военной сфере деятельности Министерства обороны Российской Федерации.


1. Верхошанский, Ю.В. Основы специальной силовой подготовки в спорте / Верхошанский Ю.В. - М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1977. - 215 с.

2. Галкин, Н.Б. Самоконтроль при занятиях физической подготовкой и спортом / Галкин Н.Б., Яичникова Л.П. - Л.: ВДКИФК, 1989. - 123 с.

3. Дедов, А.Е. Основы теории и методики физической подготовки слушателей и курсантов военно-учебных заведений некомандного профиля / Дедов А.Е., Пшеницын А.В.: Уч. пос. - Ярославль: ЯВФЭИ, 2004. - 342 с.

4. Организация и методика проведения физической культуры (физической подготовки) в военно-учебном заведении / Дедов А.Е., Чайкин И.Н., Пшеницын А.В. [и др.]: Учеб. - Ярославль: ЯВФЭИ, 2004. - 478 с.

5. Миронов, В.В. Физическая культура / Миронов В.В., Собина В.А., Яцковец А.С.: Учеб. - М.: Воениздат, 2005. - 462 с.

6. Наставление по физической подготовке и спорту в Вооруженных Силах Российской Федерации (НФП-2009). - М.: Ред.-изд. центр ГШ ВС РФ, 2009. - 198 с.

7. Руководство, организация и обеспечение физической подготовки в воинской части и подразделении: Уч.-метод. пос. - М.: Воениздат, 1990. - 169 с.

8. Теория и практика спорта в СА и ВМФ: Учебник / Под ред. Л.А. Вейднер-Дубровина и В.П.Силина: Учеб. - Л.: ВДКИФК, 1984. - 434 с.


UDC 378.018.556

candidate of technical sciences, docent Imaeva Emma Shaukatovna

Federal State Budgetar Educational Institution of Higher Education Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa);

candidate of pedagogic sciences, assistant professor Ryakhova Anna Grigorevna

Federal State Budgetar Educational Institution of Higher Education

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa);

senior lecturer Mazidullin Denis Narisovich

Federal State Budgetar Educational Institution of Higher Education

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa)


Аннотация. Методика преподавания в высшей школе подразумевает применение методов оптимизации обучения, поиск новых приёмов обучения, особенно в аудитории с иностранными студентами. Совокупность применяемых методов преподавания общетехнических дисциплин включает универсальный набор символов, терминов, мнемотехнику, правила и мыслительные процедуры, наполняющие память. В нерусскоязычной аудитории также важны такие факторы, как владение преподавателем культурой речи, сформированной терминологической системой дисциплины, фонетическими нормами и

наличие демонстрационных средств обучения. Преподаватель должен учитывать междисциплинарные связи, заключающиеся в языковой и терминологической преемственности с такими курсами, как «Речевая коммуникация» и «Русский язык как иностранный». На примере дисциплины «Теоретическая и прикладная механика» показаны пути усовершенствования методологии её преподавания в аудитории нерусскоязычных студентов.

Ключевые слова: общетехническая дисциплина, методология, термин, терминологический словарь, теоретическая механика, прикладная механика, мнемотехника, межпредметные связи, культура речи, текст.

Annotation. The teaching methodology in higher education implies the use of teaching optimization methods, the search for new teaching methods, especially in the classroom with foreign students. The set of applied methods of teaching general technical disciplines includes a universal set of symbols, terms, mnemonics, rules and mental procedures that fill the memory. In a non-Russian-speaking audience, factors such as the teacher's proficiency of the culture of speech, formed by the terminological system of the discipline, phonetic norms and the availability of demonstration teaching aids are also important. The teacher should take into account the interdisciplinary relationships, which consist in linguistic and terminological continuity with such courses as "Speech Communication" and "Russian as a Foreign Language". On the example of the discipline "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", the ways of improving the methodology of its teaching in the classroom of non-Russian-speaking students are shown.

Key words: general technical discipline, methodology, term, terminological dictionary, theoretical mechanics, applied mechanics, mnemonics, interdisciplinary relationships, speech culture, text.

Introduction. One of the most important social actions in a particular group is oral communication, or speech communication. In modern society, a person as a communicant chooses for himself the path of development and advancement at social levels. If the collective is multilingual in its form and composition, then communication acquires an intercultural character, when there is no need to talk about the unity of language, speech and thinking as a criterion for successful communication. As you know, thinking in all languages is the same, however, the ways of forming and formulating thought through language are different.

During communication, speech is carried out not only with the help of language, but also with a number of other means and skills associated with the process of generating an utterance. One of the most effective means in this regard is the tolerance of communicants both in a single communication situation and in everyday life within the framework of, for example, an international student body.

The main content of the article. In publications on linguistics, psycholinguistics, philosophy, the word "tolerance" is interpreted as a designation of the concept of a patient attitude of representatives of one nation to the behavior, opinions, religious faiths of representatives of other nations. At the same time, it is pointed out that this word is appropriate only where racial segregation, mutual intolerance between different nationalities, apartheid and genocide take place.

Since there has never been racism in Russia, the word "tolerance" did not mentioned in the Russian sociolect. Instead of this term, words with a humanistic halo were used: benevolence, kindness, favour, sympathy, patience, tolerance, admission, etc. The word "tolerance", which is actively used today, apparently indicates that the sins of the cultural tradition of countries where racism takes place are transferred to Russian culture.

Today the term "tolerance" is used in the most positive sense by Russians, it is a key word in documents of the highest level - in the Russian Federation Presidential Decree No. 62 and in the Concept of a comprehensive examination for migrant workers. Especially often this word sounds in the speech of teachers of Russian as a foreign language and teachers of general technical disciplines working in multinational groups and looking for ways and means of forming tolerance. Without patience, it is difficult to create a tolerant environment in international groups for the successful mastering of the Russian language and the language of the specialty by foreign students and for training highly qualified specialists in technical universities.

Usually, at the pre-university stage of teaching the Russian language in groups of foreign students, there are representatives of various countries, whose civilizations are pluralistic, but at the same time radically different from each other. If Africans and representatives of the Far Eastern civilization study in one group, then a very careful approach is needed to the selection of linguo-didactic material, as well as to the culture of speech of a lecturer who teaches, for example, theoretical mechanics.

The teaching staff of the university approaches the teaching of non-Russian-speaking students from the standpoint of creating organizational and pedagogical conditions, taking into account the national specifics of students. Such an approach in the methodology of teaching non-native languages is usually called nationally oriented, which allows you to form learning conditions adapted to the characteristics of a certain national contingent.

An effective tool for the integration of representatives of different peoples is the Russian language, the study of which is today the primary task of labor migrants, as well as citizens arriving to study at Russian universities. If peoples of different countries know each other's stories, peculiarities of mentality, religious faiths, then a tolerant civil society can be created, in which the rights and freedoms of people of different races, nationalities, and confessions will be equally recognized.

When developing communicative competencies (mastering oral and written forms of communication) and competencies related to the general technical cycle of disciplines, foreign students need to create conditions for the development of various skills associated with the generative process of utterance. Quite often, non-Russian-speaking students use only numbers and formulas in the in Latin characters when solving them, while they cannot answer a theoretical question either orally or in writing. In the Russian language classes, the teacher gives exercises that teach the preparation of a statement program, the choice of the necessary lexical units, their grammatical design, internal pronunciation and external implementation of the remark. At the same time, it is especially necessary to cooperate with teachers of general technical disciplines, who form students' skills in speaking the language of terms.

A foreign student acquires the skills of formalizing internal speech when listening to the teacher's speech, when retelling, when paraphrasing - in other words, at the stage of preliminary mental preparation of a sounding coherent speech.

When choosing the necessary lexical units, it is important to know the rules for combining words, i.e. to be able to compose phrases based on semantic and logical rules, to apply these units in accordance with the topic and task of the message adequately to the situation in which speech communication takes place.

For this type of communication, dialogue interaction is best suited, in which each step of speech production is characterized by semantic exhaustion. It is in the dialogue that such principles of organizing speech communication are implemented as maxims of quantity, quality, attitude, tact, greatness, modesty, sympathy, solidarity, etc. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the awareness of the participants in the dialogue of the subject (topic) and the task (main idea) of the statement.

A foreign student will be able to speak or write fluently in a non-mother tongue on condition that during these operations he does not think about the choice of linguistic means, but focuses mainly on thoughts. In other words, he owns the mechanism of coherent speech, which is accessible to a person with a sense of the prediction of utterance and the storage in memory of the words necessary for a given utterance.

That is why exercises aimed at enriching vocabulary and gradually translating a passive vocabulary into an active vocabulary are important in Russian language classes. As you know, the skills of a productive nature (speaking and writing) are formed on the skills of a reproductive type (reading and listening), therefore, the main educational unit is chosen as a text as a building material for

creating texts of a productive nature that serve as a criterion for the level of formation of communicative competencies of students. A particularly effective approach is the use of texts from textbooks in general technical or engineering disciplines (theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, physics, etc.).

When forming the pedagogical conditions for teaching Russian to foreign citizens, the methodologists recommend taking into account some factors that hinder the process of mastering a foreign language. A teacher working in groups of foreign students must know the pedagogical traditions, methods and means of teaching in the country where the foreign student came from, since it is not always possible to change the stereotypes of an adult.

It is also important to understand the psychophysiological characteristics of representatives of a particular country, to know their belonging to one of the main psychotypes, what type of perception or memory is characteristic of one or another individual representative of the group. All of these factors can help in identifying the relationship between the national characteristics of students and the corresponding teaching methods at the beginning.

As you know, at the initial stage, the most important is the process of mastering Russian phonetics. For the Vietnamese audience, Russian phonetics is the main stumbling block. The student can know many words, actively learn the basics of grammar, but the lack of pronunciation and sound-distinguishing skills prevents him from quickly getting into normal speech.

Higher requirements are imposed on the teaching of general technical disciplines in higher education. For a student, especially a non-Russian-speaking, any new discipline is associated primarily with a lecturer who knows both the technique of speech and the culture of speech. The lexical component of the lecture material should be presented in the form of keywords of a separate topic on the subject - terms. The terms form their own linguistic systems, determined by the conceptual connections of professional knowledge. In the lecture material, the generalized concept of a term must necessarily be confirmed by a clear definition, a formula, an appropriate letter designation and a unit of measure for a given quantity.

Students of the direction "Petroleum engineering" study the discipline "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", which contains the following modules: theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, theory of mechanisms and machines, machine elements and principles of design. Each of the previous modules prepares students for the assimilation of subsequent ones, which, in turn, constitute the basis of narrow specialization subjects. Many terms acquire a revised or new definition, in addition, it becomes necessary to designate the same concepts with other symbols.

Mastering the formed terminological system is one of the most important means of mastering the general technical discipline by students. The variety of terminological systems is caused by the vast experience of the formation and teaching of various subjects, as well as their interdisciplinary continuity. Sometimes there are simply not enough letters to designate all the terms, sometimes it is necessary to emphasize that the same value is applied and then it receives a deeper meaning, so its designation may change.

It is important for students to understand that the formed fundamental sciences have in their arsenal many textbooks, in which various terms are designated in different ways, which is due to the stages of evolution of natural science and general technical disciplines. The table shows several examples of the designation of various quantities studied in theoretical and applied mechanics, which have historically developed different letter designations and are still used in the literature. In addition to simply memorizing symbols, you must also remember about the etymology of the letter of the term and then try to use only one option.

Most of the terms and term combinations of mechanics are designated by letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets. Non-Russian-speaking students, even without fully understanding the meaning of the text of the problem written in Russian, first of all pay attention to the symbolic designations of terms, which allows them to find an analogy with a well-known formula containing the same symbols and freely solve the problem.

Mastering the formed terminological system is one of the most important ways of mastering the general technical discipline by students. In this case, additional teaching aids play an important role, among which the most significant is the terminological dictionary on the discipline. The educational process at a technical university is distinguished by an abundance of information flow of a high level of complexity and multilateral interdisciplinary connections. The assimilation and comprehension of the material by students is possible only if their language competence is sufficiently high, which is primarily associated with the level of proficiency in the language of the specialty by the teacher himself.

The main methods of teaching general technical discipline in higher education are considered to be the forms of skills and knowledge to be imparted: 1) the ability to use logical and mathematical means correctly; 2) the ability to analyze, using the mathematical apparatus and technical means of scientific penetration; 3) the ability to find conclusions and make science-based decisions; 4) the ability to use the information received; 5) knowledge of the basic laws of science that contribute to the expansion and development of information; 6) arming with valuable and useful ideas for improving activities in the field of this science.

If the methodology is a complex of building materials from which all the bridges of the transition from one size and the connections between them to another are constructed, then the methodology of theoretical and applied mechanics is everything that allows you to store in a "reduced" form the knowledge accumulated by mankind about the most general laws of mechanical motion and mechanical interactions and, if necessary, expand this knowledge to specific problems, i.e. in relation to real machines and mechanisms.

When students study theoretical and applied mechanics, the teacher should rely on the following principles of building the course: the basis is a system of axioms and theorems, then - the laws of internal logic (relative independence of the theory). In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the ability of students to independently solve the assigned tasks, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice or find non-standard solutions (for example, when solving Olympiad problems). As the main practical examples proving the laws of classical mechanics, problems should be used that maximally reflect the action of real mechanisms in accordance with the subsequent modules.

Like the methods of any exact science, the methods of theoretical and applied mechanics include mathematical operations and mnemonics. A mathematical operation should be considered as the content, the essence of a quantitative transformation, and mnemonics - as various kinds of information carriers, which through the elements of human senses (vision, hearing, etc.) correctly reflect this quantitative transformation in the human brain.

Foreign students easily determine the essence of the problem and solve it using the mathematical symbols they know, conventions and formulas traditionally rendered in Latin letters, but they find it difficult to read the text or answer a question due to insufficient knowledge of the Russian language. The teacher is faced with the task of teaching competent speaking so that a non-Russian-speaking student can pronounce the basic postulates and definitions aloud, confirming his understanding of the essence of the topic. Therefore, the most important factors are such factors as the teacher's possession of not only the formed terminological system of the discipline (the "sublanguage" of science), demonstration teaching aids (maquets of mechanisms, presentations, visual aids), but also codified phonetic, grammatical, and lexical norms and intonation constructions. Live communication between the teacher and students during the lecture creates a collective creative process. In this way, the teacher uses the priority of interdisciplinary relations, which consists in linguistic and terminological continuity with such courses as "Russian language and speech culture", "Russian as a foreign language", "Speech communication", "Philosophy".

Students of technical universities, especially non-Russian-speaking ones, in the process of mastering a specialty, it is difficult to immediately master the sublanguage of each separate field of science and its terminological system. In the study of various disciplines, as students gain more and more deep comprehension of the subject, the terminology of one or another scientific branch from not always accurately understood becomes a rather definite and correctly used vocabulary in speech.

In the modules "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" and "Machine Elements and Principles of Design" for non-Russian-speaking students such terms are quite difficult to understand and master as: coupler curve, hinge joint, manufacturability, female/male part, bearing, thrust bearing, pintle, thorn, hub, pressed part, rotering torque, operating torque, contact stress, running in, uniform-strength beam, interchangeability, carrier, bushing, pin, pricker, tolerance, fit, sharpening of lobes, cam, backlash, cold work hardening, truss, tooth profile, fixed member, glass, etc. Most of these terms are not borrowed, but represent new formations in the Russian language, i.e. describing the nature of the technology and operating conditions of a particular part, design, manufacture, etc. When explaining such terms, it is advisable to use visual aids and presentations with the display of drawings and diagrams for their visual understanding and memorization.

The organization of students' scientific creativity and its direction in due course requires the exclusive attention of a teacher of higher education. The student must be able to work, analyze, compare, contrast, see and hear the new, highlight the unknown. And this is possible only if the student has deep knowledge in various fields of science (for example, without knowing the basics of geometry or differential calculus, it is impossible to master theoretical mechanics).

In the student's creative activity, the help of the teacher is very important, who must correctly define and clearly formulate the research task: a clearly posed task also indicates the way to solve it. The teacher must form the student's ability to see not only the present (today) tasks of science, but also how science will change in the future. The technical creativity of a student under the guidance of a teacher (supervisor) should be carried out according to a certain algorithm:

1) the knowledge acquired in the educational process leads to an understanding of the facts in a particular field of science;

2) knowledge and facts are systematized;

3) knowledge and facts are selected on the basis of materiality or insignificance;

4) after a mental assessment, the significance of this knowledge and facts in solving the assigned tasks is established;

5) reveals the missing link in knowledge and facts to solve the problem;

6) the correctness of the task and conditions, the selected forms and methods for solving this task is checked;

7) solving the problem by choosing the best option.

Along with the above-described directions of development of students inclination to creative scientific work, the teacher should know well what constrains, what hinders the improvement of students' creative abilities. First of all, this is inattention, instability, lack of curiosity and the ability to work hard - all this testifies to the functional limitations of thinking and psychological inertia. For non-Russian-speaking students, this is a lack of knowledge of the language, a lack of simultaneous translation skills, and a lack of understanding of specific terms in academic speech.

Conclusions. Thus, teaching foreign students to oral communication in the educational and professional sphere, which involves the transfer and receipt of information during the interaction of interlocutors, requires a special technology, confirming the fact that a non-native language is easier to learn in the process of communication in it and only language as a system of verbal signs is the main means of forming and expressing thoughts. The conclusion about the assessment of the indicators of the student's assimilation, including the non-Russian-speaking, of the educational material consists in the presence of feedback, which means mutual understanding between the teacher and the student. Feedback at lectures in higher education can be discussed in the case when there is revelation, the lecturer's daring, a fascinating presentation of the educational material by him, aimed at encouraging students' interest, enthusiasm for the subject and the desire to enter into a discussion for a deeper understanding of the lesson material.


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