Научная статья на тему 'КНИГИ И СТАТЬИ. Библиотечно-исследовательская служба МККК: последние поступления'

КНИГИ И СТАТЬИ. Библиотечно-исследовательская служба МККК: последние поступления Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «КНИГИ И СТАТЬИ. Библиотечно-исследовательская служба МККК: последние поступления»

Библиотечно-исследовательская служба МККК: последние поступления



Африка - книги

Famine that kills: Darfur, Sudan / Alex de Waal; Revised edition -Oxford [etc.]: Oxford UNiversity Press, 2005 - XXVI, 258 pp.

Kenya: minorities, indigenous peoples and ethnic diversity / by

Maurice Odhiambo Makoloo; pref. de Yash Ghai; London: MRG, February 2005- 40 pp.

Le dialogue intercongolais: anatomie d’une negociation a la lisiere du chaos: contribution a la theorie de la negociation / Paul Bouvier; en collab. avec Francesca Bomboko; Paris: L’Harmattan; Tervuren (Belgique): Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, 2004 - 326 pp.

Quand on refuse on dit non: roman /Ahmadou Kourouma; texte etabli par Gilles Carpentier; Paris: Ed. du Seuil, septembre 2004 - 159 pp.

Shake hands with devil: the failure of humanity in Rwanda / Romeo Dallaire with Brent Beardsley; London: Arrow Books, 2004 - XVIII, 562 pp. Somalia: economy without state / Peter D. Little; [S.l.]: The International African Institute, 2003 - XVIII, 206 pp.

Ближний Восток - книги

Au risque du chaos: le$ons politiques et strategiques de la guerre d’lrak / sous la dir. de Joseph Henrotin; Paris: Armand Colin, 2004 - 288 pp. L’intervention en Irak et le droit international / sous la dir. de Karine Bannelier... [et al.]; Paris: Pedone, 2004 - 378 pp.

Ближний Восток - статьи

Israeli snipers in the Al-Aqsa intifada: killing, humanity and lived experience / Neta Bar et Eyal Ben-ari; 2005- pp. 133-152; In: Third world quarterly; Vol. 26, No. 1.


Книги и статьи

L’occupation de l’lrak: le Conseil de Securite, le droit de la guerre et le droit des peuples a disposer d’eux-memes / par Massimo Starita;

2004 - pp. 883-916; In: Revue generale de droit international public; Tome 108, N° 4.

The geopolitics of water in the Middle East: fantasies and realities /

Jean Selby; 2005 - pp. 329-349; In: Third world quarterly; Vol. 26, No. 2.

Оружие - статьи

Armes biologiques: du XXe au XXIe siecle / Therese Delpech... [et al.];

2005 - pp. 85-146; In: Politique etrangere; N° 1.

Arms control workshop / [collab.] Nigel White, John Freeman, Guido den Dekker, Masahiko Asada; Winter 2004 - pp. 299-355; In: Journal of conflict and security law; Vol. 9, No. 3.

La contribution del derecho internacional humanitario a la eradication de las armas quimicas / Maria Jose Cervell Hortall; enero-junio 2004 - pp. 131-161; In: Revista Espanola de derecho military; Vol. 83.

La science, la technologie et les conventions sur les armes chim-iques et biologiques = Science, technology and the CBW regimes / red. Kerstin Vignard, Valerie Compagnion; Geneve: UNIDIR, 2005 - III, 68, III, 62 pp.; In: Forum du desarmement = Disarmament forum; Vol. 1.

Гуманитарная помощь - книги

Caught in conflicts: civilian victims, humanitarian assistance and international law / by Monika Sandvik-Nylund; 2 nd rev. ed. - Turku; Abo: Abo Akademi University, Institute for human rights, 2003 - VIII, 174 pp. Human security for all: a tribute to Sergio Vieira de Mello / ed. by

Kevin M. Cahill; New York: Fordham University Press, 2004 - 296 pp.; International humanitarian affairs; Vol. 5.

Humanitarian negotiation: a handbook for securing access, assistance and protection for civilians in armed conflict / Deborah Mancini-Griffoli and Andre Picot; Geneve: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, October 2004 - 168 pp.

Le dispositif humanitaire / Emil Cock; Geneve: IUED, mai 2003 -119 pp.; Itinetraires etudes du developpement; N° 18.

Villes en guerre et guerre en ville: pratiques humanitaires en question / sous la dir. de Franfois Griinewald et Eric Levron; Paris: Karthala, 2004 - 392 pp.; Pratiques humanitaires.


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Красного Креста

Гуманитарная помощь - статьи

Militaires et humanitaires: concurrences et convergences en cooperation internationale / Yann Braem; 2005 - pp. 95-100; In: Herodote; N° 116.

Trends and challenges in humanitarian assistance / Costanza Adinolfi; 2005 - pp. 49-53; In: Humanitares V0lkerrecht; Vol. 18, No. 1.

Конфликт, безопасность и вооруженные силы - книги

Enjeux philosophiques de la guerre, de la paix et du terrorisme /

sous la dir. de Stephane Courtois; [Saint-Nicolas]: Les Presses de l’Universite Laval, 2003 - 341 pp.; Mercure du Nord.

Le siecle des genocides: violences, massacres et processus genocidaires de l’Armenie au Rwanda / Bernard Bruneteau; Paris: Armand Colin, 2004 - 254 pp.; L’Histoire au present.

Les nouveaux mondes rebelles: conflits, terrorisme et contestations/

Jean-Marc Balencie, Arnaud de La Grange; introd. de Jean-Christophe Ruffin; [Nouvelle ed. refonte complete] - Paris: Michalon, janvier 2005 - XX, 503 pp. Making a killing: how and why corporations use armed forces to do business: [a dramatic and compelling journey into the dark heart of globalization] / Madelaine Drohan; Guilford (Co): The Lyons Press,

2004 - 367 pp.

The geopolitics of resource war: resource dependence, governance and violence / ed. by Philippe Le Billon; London; New York: Frank Cass,

2005 - 277 pp.; Case Studies in Geopolitics.

The nature of war in information age: Clausewitzian future / David J. Lonsdale; London; New York: Frank Cass, 2004 - XIV, 269 pp.; Strategy and History; Vol. 9.

Конфликт, безопасность и вооруженные силы - статьи

Military interventions on behalf of vulnerable populations: the legal responsibilities of states and international organizations engaged in peace support operations / Siobhan Wills; Winter 2004 -pp. 387-418; In: Journal of conflict and security law; Vol. 9, No. 3.

Международное гуманитарное право - книги

Code de droit international humanitaire: textes reunis au 1er aout

2004/ par Eric David, Franfoise Tulkens, Damien Vandermeersh; 2e ed. a jour au 1er aout 2004 - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2004 - 860 pp.; Code en poche.


Книги и статьи

Customary international humanitarian law / Jean-Marie Henckaerts and Louise Doswald-Beck with contributions by Carolin Alvermann, Knut Dormann and Baptiste Rolle; Cambridge: Cambridge university press; Geneva: ICRC, 2005 - 2 Vol. (621 pp., 4411 pp.).

New wars, new laws? applying the laws of war in 21st century conflicts / ed. by David Wippman and Matthew Evangelista; Ardsley; New York: Transnational publishers, 2005 - V, 303 pp.

Strategies visant a assurer le respect du droit international human-itaire par les acteurs dans les conflits armes internes en Afrique = Strategies to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law by actors in internal armed conflicts in Africa: proceedings of the eight joint AU/ICRC brainstorming day, Addis Ababa, 11 May 2004 - [Addis Ababa: ICRC and African Union], 2004 - 208 pp.

Международное гуманитарное право - статьи

Contemporary challenges to the implementation of international humanitarian law / Ray Murfhy; 2004 - pp. 99-113; In: Connections: the quarterly journal; Vol. 3, No. 3.

From international humanitarian law to international criminal

law / Frits Kalshoven; 2004 - pp. 151-161 - In: Chinese journal of international law; Vol. 3, No. 1.

International humanitarian law: its remarkable development and its persistent violation / Dietrich Schindler; 2003 - pp. 165-188; In: Journal of the History of International Law; Vol. 5.

Periodistas y guerra: una perspective desde el derecho interna-cional humanitario / Gonzalo Jar Couselo; enero-junio 2004 - pp.97129; In: Revista Espanola de derecho militar; Vol. 83.

Resolution adopted at the regional conference dedicated to the 50 th anniversary of the 1954 Hague convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, St. Petersburg (Russia), 14-15 October 2004-2005 - pp. 64-64 - In: Humanitares Vo lkerrecht; Vol. 18, No. 1.

«Topical issues of the contemporary international humanitarian law»: A training for lecturers of Central Asia’s higher education institutions, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 25-30 October 2004 / Noelle Quenivet; 2005- pp. 65-67; In: Humanitares Vo lkerrecht; Vol. 18, No. 1.


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Красного Креста

Международное уголовное право - книги

International criminal tribunals and victims of crime: a study of the status of victims before international criminal tribunals and of factors affecting this status / Mikaela Heikkila; Turku/Abo: Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University, 2004 - X, 241 pp.

International war crimes trials: making a difference? proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference at the university of Texas school of law, Austin , Texas, November 6-7, 2003 / Steven R. Ratner and James L. Bishoff editors; Austin: The University of Texas School of Law, 2004- 160 pp.

La responsabilite individuelle pour crime d’etat en droit international public / Rafaeile Maison; Bruxelles: Bruylant: Universite de Brixelles, 2004 - XIV, 547 pp.; Collection de droit international; Vol. 56.

My neighbour, my enemy: justice and community in the aftermath of mass atrocity / edited by Eric Stover and Harvey M. Weinstein; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 - XIX, 349 pp.

Международное уголовное право - статьи

Do crimes against humanity deserve a higher sentence than war crimes? / Olaoluwa Abiola Olusanya; 2004 - pp. 431-473; In: International criminal law review; Vol. 4, No. 4.

International and internationalized criminal courts: the new face of international peace and security? / Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops; 2004 - pp. 527-547; In: International criminal law review; Vol. 4, No. 4.

The international criminal court - a work in progress in the Democratic epublic of Congo / Jean-Pascal Obembo; 2005 - pp. 11-23; In: Humanitares Volkerrecht; Vol. 18, No. 1.

Дети - книги

Children and youth on the front line: ethnography, armed conflict and displacement / ed. by Jo Boyden and Joanna de Berry; New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2004 - XXVII, 274 pp.; Studies in forced migration; Vol. 14.

Military training and children in armed conflict: law, policy and practice / Jenny Kuper; Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005; VIII, 299 pp.


Книги и статьи

Беженцы, перемещенные лица - книги

Exiles, refugies, deplaces en Afrique centrale et orientale / sous la dir. de Andre Guichaoua; Paris: Karthala, 2004 - 1065 pp.; Hommes et societes. The international protection of internally displaced persons /

Catherine Phuong; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 - 239 pp.; Cambridge studies in international and comparative law.

Беженцы, перемещенные лица - статьи

Participating in development? Refugee protection, politics and developmental approaches to refugee management in Uganda /Tania Kaiser; 2005 -pp. 351-367; In: Third world quarterly; Vol. 26, No. 2.

The guiding principles on internal displacement: an innovation in international standard setting / Roberta Cohen; Oct.-Dec. 2004 -pp. 459-480; In: Global governance; Vol. 10, No. 4.

Терроризм - книги

African commitments to combating organised crime and terrorism: a review of eight NEPAD countries / Charles Goredema and Anneli Botha; [Capetown]: Compress, 2004 - X, 131 pp.; A monograph for the African human security initiative.

Les nouvelles menaces contre la paix et la securite internationale = New threats to international peace and security: journee franco-allemande / Societe franfaise pour le droit international; Paris: A. Pedone, 2004 - 297 pp.

The lesser evil: political ethics in an age of terror: the Gifford lectures / Michael Ignatieff; Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press,

2004- 212 pp.

Терроризм - статьи

Al-Qaeda - terrorists, hypocrites, fundamentalists/ The view from within / Christina Hellmich; 2005 - pp. 39-54; In: Third world quarterly; Vol. 26, No. 1.

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Beyond «terrorism» and «state hegemony»: assessing the islamist mainstream in Egypt and Malaysia / Jan Stark; 2005 - pp. 307-327; In: Third world quarterly; Vol. 26, No. 2.

La lutte internationale contre le terrorisme sous l’empire du chapitre VII: un laboratoire normatif / par Sandra Szurek; 2005 -pp. 5-49; In: Revue generale du droit international public; T. 209, N° 1.


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Красного Креста

Militaires et lutte antiterroriste / Jean-Paul Hanon; Hivers 2004 - pp. 121-140; In: Cultures et conflits; N° 56.

The prosecution of terrorism as a crime against humanity / Roberta Arnold; 2004 - pp. 979-1000; In: Zeitschrift fur ausiandisches Offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht; 64/4.

Пытки - книги

Le Protocole facultatif a la Convention des Nations Unies contre la torture et les autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou degradants: un manuel pour la prevention / Institut interamericain des droits de l’homme; Association pour la prevention de la torture; Geneve: APT. 2004 - 301 pp.

The torture papers: the road to Abu Ghraib / ed. by Karen J. Greenberg, Joshua L. Dratel; intod. by Anthony Lewis; Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 2005 - XXXIV, 1249 pp.

Torture a collection / ed. by Sanford Levinson; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004 - VI, 319 pp.

Пытки - статьи

Abu Ghraib: vos routes s’arretent a Bagdad: guerres, tortures et homophobie / par A. Ben Salem et V. Casanova Fernandez; hiver 2005 -pp. 92-103; In: Revue d’etudes palestiniennes; N° 94.

Implications of the events at Abu Ghraib prison for the PfP countries: reflections of a former intelligence officer / G. Paul Holman; September 2004 - pp. 85-98; In: Connections: the quarterly journal; Vol. 3, No. 3.

La torture et son traitement psychologique: approche contempo-raine des emotions politiques / Franfoise Sironi; fevrier 2005 - pp. 2125; In: Revue francophone du stress et du trauma; T. 5, N° 1.


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