Научная статья на тему 'Kazakhstan and global problems of our time: studying the world experience'

Kazakhstan and global problems of our time: studying the world experience Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Kazakhstan / the Republic of Kazakhstan / global problems of our time / world experience / the state / stability / instability / destabilization. / Казахстан / Республика Казахстан / глобальные проблемы современности / мировой опыт / государство / стабильность / нестабильность / дестабилизация.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Issataeva Akerke Galimzhanovna

ХХI century in international relations is characterized by a number of problems that have largely determined the vector of world development. The article discusses the characteristics of global problems, classification, causes, main problems of our time, solutions and the role of Kazakhstan in the issues of globalization.

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ХХI в. в международных отношениях характеризуется рядом проблем, которые стали в значительной степени определять вектор мирового развития. В статье рассматриваются характеристики глобальных проблем, классификация, причины возникновения, главные проблемы современности, пути решения и роль Казахстана в вопросах глобализации.

Текст научной работы на тему «Kazakhstan and global problems of our time: studying the world experience»



УДК 32

Issataeva Akerke Galimzhanovna, Master's degree, teacher, Karaganda Economic University Of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Исатаева Акерке Галымжановна, Магистр, преподаватель, Карагандинский Экономический Университет Казпотребсоюза. Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда


ХХ! century in international relations is characterized by a number of problems that have largely determined the vector of world development. The article discusses the characteristics of global problems, classification, causes, main problems of our time, solutions and the role of Kazakhstan in the issues of globalization.


ХХ1 в. в международных отношениях характеризуется рядом проблем, которые стали в значительной степени определять вектор мирового развития. В статье рассматриваются характеристики глобальных проблем, классификация, причины возникновения, главные проблемы современности, пути решения и роль Казахстана в вопросах глобализации.

Keyword: Kazakhstan; the Republic of Kazakhstan; global problems of our time; world experience; the state, stability, instability, destabilization.

Ключевые слова: Казахстан, Республика Казахстан, глобальные проблемы современности, мировой опыт, государство, стабильность, нестабильность, дестабилизация.

The deep geopolitical changes that have taken place in recent years have made it clear that today there is no European or Asian security only. Instability in any country is a threat to the security of the entire Eurasia. The strategy of Kazakhstan is based on the geographical position of the state. Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia - a long border with Russia (7,5 thousand km), the border with China

(1,700 km), in the South Kazakhstan is quite close to the restless Islamic world -Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the border with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. An important issue is the stability around the Caspian sea in the West, with its huge energy resources and the intertwining interests of great powers there. We are also concerned about the situation in the Caucasus in General and the North Caucasus in particular.

The long-standing problem of the North Caucasus has not been resolved in recent years; on the contrary, it has become a problem not only in the Caucasus. Terrorism, subversive actions, and partisan actions affect almost the entire North Caucasus today. Events in Dagestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia indicate that the North Caucasus is being destabilized. Today, the North Caucasus conflict has a socio-class character, the fierce struggle in the above-mentioned regions has a religious shell, the main method of this war is terror, and long-standing conflicts have not yet been resolved.

The growth of contradictions in the issue of nuclear weapons is the next problem that concerns Kazakhstan, since the whole world has not yet been able to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear technologies. For example, Iran's nuclear program. Today, the world community opposes Iran's enrichment of uranium on its territory, fearing the creation of nuclear weapons by Tehran. Iran does not agree to compromises and believes that it has the right to develop its nuclear program, creating a complete nuclear fuel cycle, which is the scientific and technological base for creating nuclear weapons. The international community should show some flexibility and help Iran enter the system of first economic and then political ties that exists; to ensure that this issue is resolved in a "peaceful" way that everyone needs. In addition, the interests of Iran in our time intersect with the interests of other Caspian littoral States on issues relating to the Caspian oil.

After the collapse of the USSR, determining the status of the Caspian sea is an important component in the formation and development of independent States in the Caspian region.

The struggle for Caspian oil and geopolitical influence in this region between Western States, led by the United States, and Russia is becoming more acute. The result of this struggle will determine the prospects for an emerging multipolar world in which the US claims to rule are opposed by Russia, China, and Iran. Today, the epicenter of this struggle is Transcaucasia: Western States consider Azerbaijan and Georgia as transit territory to Central Asia, which is a very important region in the end of the world confrontation.

Relations between the countries of the Caspian region should not only ensure their political and economic interests, but also preserve the Caspian sea and make rational use of its resources.

Afghanistan is a hot topic in international politics. The situation of the state is not improving (stability is still far away), the drug problem is very acute; there are no proposals to solve this problem. European countries are trying to get out of Afghanistan faster, putting the responsibility for the future of the state on the local authorities, which are very weak. America is increasing its military presence in Afghanistan in order to improve the situation, but so far the situation remains the same, and in recent months, a large number of militants have managed to move from the Afghan-Pakistani border to the North of Afghanistan, to the borders of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The operations of NATO and the armed forces of Afghanistan aimed at fighting the Taliban provoke them to cross the Afghan-Tajik border. There is currently no clear strategy in Afghanistan that could radically change the situation.we need new, balanced approaches and joint compromise solutions.

The difficult political and socio-economic situation in Uzbekistan, as well as complex and vital problems in this country, cause concern to neighboring countries, including Kazakhstan.

Uzbekistan is only ranked 113 in the world ranking of living standards. The majority of the population, except for Tashkent and regional centers, which have small businesses (serve tourists, provide services to the population, engage in small-scale trade) lives on subsistence farming. Uzbekistan's leaders have tried to reform the economy and its agricultural sector, resulting in increased contradictions and social tensions. There is no effective monetary and financial sphere in the state, the economy is corrupt, according to experts, the Republic is a zone of economic and political risk. Since there is a threat from Afghanistan, the country will most likely be unable to repel a Taliban attack if the Karzai regime in Afghanistan ceases to exist or NATO troops leave the country.

For this reason, instability in the region with which Kazakhstan borders threatens us with many problems, including refugees, possible attacks by Taliban terrorists, internal extremists, etc. In Uzbekistan, one of the poorest and most densely populated areas (10 million people) - the Ferghana valley has now become an unpredictable and explosive region.

Kyrgyzstan and neighboring Central Asian States are similar in many ways. The poverty, corruption and difficult economic conditions that have caused discontent in Kyrgyzstan are also common to many residents of these countries.

Restrictions on political freedoms, state pressure on independent media and freedom of speech, nepotism and corruption are the main reasons that led to the coup in Kyrgyzstan. The indignation of the people was also caused by the fact that President Bakiyev appointed close relatives to important positions in the state, thus,

members of his family controlled the main enterprises and banks, played a significant role in politics, which eventually led to a tragedy in the country.

The internal socio-ethnic conflict in China in the summer of 2009 may turn into a global political problem. we are seeing an increase in political tension, which is manifested in ethnic conflicts. The mass riots on July 5, 2009 in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, in northwestern China, are not just discontent with the authorities. The formal reason for the rally of the region's indigenous population-the Turkic-speaking Uighurs-is the murder of ethnic Uighurs by Chinese in the city of Shaoguan, Guangdong province. The police attempted to disperse the protesters by force, which caused the situation to get out of control, and the rally turned into riots. The unrest is part of an ongoing ethnic conflict between the Han (Chinese) and Uighurs. This region is home to tens of millions of representatives of different nationalities of China who profess Islam. The main goal of the Uighur nationalists (the East Turkestan group) is to separate from China and create their own Islamic state. The Chinese authorities believe that this group is a terrorist organization supported by foreign terrorists.

The peculiarity of the current conflict in XUAR is that the Han population participated in it. If all previous conflicts involved a clash between the Uighur population and the authorities, here we see an inter-ethnic clash between Uighurs and Chinese, leading to negative consequences. As evidenced by the events of the summer of 2008, the problem of Tibet also exists.

The strict demographic policy pursued by China's leaders affected only the indigenous population, but recently it has also been applied to national minorities. This was one of the reasons for the conflict in SUAR. Over the past decades, the population reproduction regime in China has undergone radical changes: the annual natural growth of the population is less than 1%, and the average life expectancy is more than 70 years. This is a consequence of the strict demographic policy of the state, improving the financial situation of people and their medical care.

The demographic problem has always been Central to the Chinese government and the global community. Since August 1956, the government has purposefully controlled the population: young people are not allowed to marry before the age of 20, and spouses have the right to have only one child (except for members of national minorities, they are allowed to have two children).

Thus, in China, the consequences of this demographic policy will soon be revealed - this is a certain reduction in the working-age population.

China, which has long pursued a policy of reducing the birth rate, has come to positive results, but will neighboring Uzbekistan be able to solve such a problem? In 2025, the population of Uzbekistan will reach 33 million people (22 million of

them live in villages), by 2040, the population of the state will exceed 40 million. Even today, the population of Uzbekistan is 26 million people, living in rural areas and having many children leads to rapid population growth. Taking into account the development of the Republic at the moment and the rate of population growth, this problem is not only a problem of Uzbekistan. The growth of the population of the Republic is much faster than the growth of its irrigation areas. Already, there are 8.3 people per hectare of irrigated agricultural land in the country. By 2025, the need for water will be 72 billion. cubic meters per year, this is much more than the current volume of water supply, which, along with other resource indicators, will go in the opposite direction.

In the near future, Uzbekistan in political and demographic terms may become the same factor for its neighbors as China is for the whole world. The demographic problem in Uzbekistan cannot be solved in the way that China, India, and Pakistan once did when they settled their fellow citizens in European countries. Uzbekistan has nowhere to "export" its surplus labor resources. Russia and Kazakhstan can not " arrange" for the work of numerous labor resources of the country. Uzbekistan will be able to solve the above problem only through a managed demographic policy, having accepted the integration proposals of the former President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan could invest heavily in Uzbekistan's economy, using highly qualified specialists, a significant amount of cheap labor, and advanced technologies. This would help solve a number of problems - creating jobs, reducing unemployment, and starting to establish Uzbekistan's own industrial production.

For Kazakhstan, the demographic issue is a matter of national security of the state, since the natural growth of the population is very small due to the low birth rate. The population in the Republic of Kazakhstan oralmans and filled up by return migrants from the CIS countries. This process should be influenced by the state policy, which should socially protect the family, women-potential mothers and the younger generation of Kazakhstan-future parents. The state should help young families solve housing problems. The necessary social assistance to a young family consists not only of one-time and monthly allowances, but also of the possibility to arrange a child in a nursery or kindergarten and receive timely medical care. Families with two or more children should be immediately surrounded by the state with care and care, and they should be given privileges when children enter universities, find employment, etc. (there should be a motivation to increase the birth rate, which would be based on a solid material base).

When we talk about problems that threaten the whole of humanity and individual States, we cannot fail to mention the problem of food security. Almost 40

countries around the world lack food and need assistance. Today, their food supply has increased, but limited access to it, mismatch between household and national income prices for food purchases, instability in supply and demand, natural disasters and man-made disasters prevent them from meeting basic food needs. Conflicts, terrorism, corruption and environmental degradation have a negative impact on food security. Consequently, the problem of population hunger and food insecurity is of global significance and can lead to social explosions. For this reason, it is necessary to take urgent and coordinated measures that will take into account the growth of the world's population and the pressure on natural resources. A peaceful, stable and enabling political, social and economic environment is a necessary Foundation that will enable States to make food security and poverty eradication a priority.

Kazakhstan can also play a significant role in the field of energy and food. One of the possible ways out of this situation is to increase agricultural production, moreover, of environmentally and genetically pure products. The agro-industrial sector of Kazakhstan is very attractive for investment these days. To ensure the food security of the state, the President of Kazakhstan believes that it is necessary to conduct agricultural and industrial diversification, which implies a sharp increase in the processing of agricultural raw materials, the latest equipment, new technologies and approaches in agriculture. Given the fact that the resources for the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan are very large, insufficient development of the agricultural sector has led to the fact that almost 50% of meat and 80% of milk are imported to Kazakhstan today (this is with a large potential of resources).

In his annual address to the people of Kazakhstan in January this year, the head of state highlighted the task of economic diversification, the most important direction of which is the development of the agricultural industry complex. Taking a leading position among the supplier countries for the production of grain and flour in the world, with the ability to significantly expand the acreage for many agricultural crops, Kazakhstan (in accordance with the tasks set in the Message) by 2014 should achieve indicators at which more than 80% of the domestic food market will be represented by domestic food products. This will be achieved thanks to agricultural and industrial diversification (a sharp increase in the processing of agricultural raw materials, new equipment, and new technologies in agriculture).

In addition, during the global food crisis, Kazakhstan is a fertile ground for the best agricultural technologies and new investments.

Kazakhstan makes a significant contribution to solving many important global problems that concern the interests of almost all countries of the world - energy, environmental, food, etc.

Kazakhstan is pursuing a consistent and constructive course to solve numerous problems of energy security in the world in a civilized manner. Having large reserves of energy resources, Kazakhstan is an important element of the global energy infrastructure system, and it is the largest exporter of hydrocarbons. Kazakhstan has significant oil and gas reserves, which are concentrated in the Western region. it is a major oil-producing country that clearly understands its special role in ensuring global energy balance and security.

The most reliable solution to the issue of energy resources today is to switch to using alternative energy sources that are absolutely safe for the environment and human health. This includes the use of RES (renewable energy sources).

One of the main alternative energy sources is wind energy, which belongs to constantly renewable, eternal energy sources. Of course, the trend of increasing the role of wind energy will only increase.

Abroad, wind power has already been allocated as an independent industry, which is developing very rapidly. We need to research and apply the world's experience in this area of the energy industry, because even in the conditions of the global crisis, this industry is working effectively. therefore, it is economically profitable to develop it.

Experts consider it the most dynamically developing market in the world.

The climate of Kazakhstan gives real opportunities to generate wind energy, in some regions the wind blows for a whole year and for whole days, our wind energy potential is 1820 billion. kW / h of electricity per year.

The development of this direction in the energy sector would lead to cheaper energy, and this would make it possible to increase investment in the real economic sector.

Investments in wind energy are the most promising today, because this industry is innovative, it is supported by environmental organizations, it is promising, because energy is always in demand, and the end of natural resources -an incentive to invest in this industry.

Thus, the Republic of Kazakhstan has a great potential for renewable energy resources, it is necessary to use this potential in order to ensure good economic growth rates and improve the living standards of the population, while preserving and improving the natural environment.

Kazakhstan's active work in ensuring security clearly confirms the state's commitment to strengthening international security, developing cooperation between countries, and strengthening the role of international organizations in resolving global problems and conflicts.

Taking into account the existing trends in the development of the modern world and its own vision of international security and disarmament issues, Kazakhstan purposefully and actively participates in all processes of strengthening the world security systems.

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