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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kosevska N.V.

Today the European Union is one of the key players on the world stage in tourism and it has extensive knowledge and experience on this issue. For this reason, it is advisable to discuss the retrospective of the European Union formation. Particular emphasis is placed on tourism sector developing in the EU space. Taking into account the importance of tourism development in the countries of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU), it is worth noting the importance of this study from the point of view of the competitive tourism formation analysis in the integration block of the EU countries with regard to the EEU.

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= -У

Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: История и политические науки. - 2010. - № 4-5. - С.78-82.

5. Макаров И.И. Сельские старосты: российский институт местного самоуправления в прошлом и настоящем // Самоуправление, 2014. -№ 6. - С. 37-39.

6. Макаров И.И. Спорные вопросы правового статуса сельских старост: итоги дискуссии в Ленинградской области // Управленческое консультирование. 2014. №7 (67). URL: http://cyberleninka. m/artide/n/spomye -voprosy-pravovogo-statusa-selskih-starost-itogi-diskussii-v-leningradskoy-oblasti (дата обращения: 18.09.2016).

7. Муниципальное управление социально-экономическим развитием Маслянинского района Новосибирской области: Пилотный проект.

Под ред. В.Н. Папело. - Новосибирск: СибАГС, 2006. - 407 с.

8. Новоселов А.С. Проблемы стратегического управления экономикой региона: Монография. Под ред. Новоселова А.С. ГОУ ВПО «Сиб-ГУТИ». - Новосибирск, 2010. - 240 с.

9. Папело В.Н., Ковтун Б.А., Акберов К.Ч. Сибирская модель устойчивого развития сельских территорий // АПК: Экономика, управление, 2014.

- № 2. - С. 71-75.

10. Papelo V.N., Kovtun B.A. The Strategic Management Objectives and the Priorities of Siberian Development. Local Production Systems: Analysis and Forecasting of Regional Economic Development /ed. by A.S. Novoselov and V.E. Seliverstov. - Novosibirsk, Sofia,Lodz, Banska Bystrica, Ternopil, 2015.

- 362 p.


Kosevska N. V.

Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences,


Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Economics and management, Deputy Dean of the economic faculty for science




Today the European Union is one of the key players on the world stage in tourism and it has extensive knowledge and experience on this issue. For this reason, it is advisable to discuss the retrospective of the European Union formation. Particular emphasis is placed on tourism sector developing in the EU space. Taking into account the importance of tourism development in the countries of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU), it is worth noting the importance of this study from the point of view of the competitive tourism formation analysis in the integration block of the EU countries with regard to the EEU.

Keywords: integration, evolution, European Economic Community (EEC), tourism development, common tourist space (market), unified strategy, economic and social progress

Formulation the problem and analysis of the latest publications. "United States of Europe" - the conception that was first announced in 1946 in Zurich by Winston Churchill later became the starting point in the formation of a new unified economic system es-

tablished by European countries. The predecessor of the EU became the European Economic Community (EEC), consisting initially of the six founding countries: France, FRG, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (picture 1).

Picture 1. The beginning of the European Economic Community (EEC)

Later Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal joined to the EEC at various times. The EEC was functioning up to 1993, till the signing of the Maastricht Treaty (the Treaty on European Union TEU).

By this agreement the EEC was renamed to the European Community, which formed one of «three pillars of the European Union» (pillar structure of the EU defined basic operations of the EU, picture 2).

Picture 2. «Three pillars of the European Union»

Beginning with the 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has established single status of the European Union as the subject of international law, which means that the EU can conclude international treaties in all spheres of its competence in four cases: if it is provided by fundamental treaties of the EU; if it is necessary for

Signed 1948 In force 1948 Document Brüssel Treaty

achievement of the goals outlined in the treaties; if it is required in the legally obligatory document of the EU; if this treaty can influence on the common EU rules or change them "(Treaty of Rome). The stages of EU development can be found downstairs on picture 3.

1951 1952 Paris Treaty 1954 1955 Modified Brussels Treaty 1957 1958 Rome treaties 1965 1967 Merger Treaty 1975 N/A European Council conclusion 1985 1995 Schengen Treaty 1986 1987 Single European Act 1992 1993 Maastricht Treaty 1997 2001 1999 2003 Amsterdam Nice Treaty Treaty

Three pillars of the European Union:

J European Communities:

European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) KfctH

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty expired in 2002 И

H European Economic Community (EEC)

Schengen Rules European | Community (EC) | Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters (PJCC)

TREVI I Justice and Home Affairs (JHA)

■ European Political ] [Cooperation (EPC): Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

European Union (EU)

Unconsolidated bodies

Western European Union (WEU)


Treaty terminated in 2011 \

Picture 3. The history of the European Union (EU)

The evolution of the EU has passed all stages of integration: 1st - free-trade area; 2nd - Customs Union; 3rd - Common market; 4th - Economic and Monetary Union; 5th - full integration, including a single currency, economic and political Union (not yet fully completed yet). The development took place in depth and breadth, while the official and unofficial name of this integration group changed repeatedly, that reflected its evolution. The purpose for emergence of the EU was creation a common market and increasing economic stability and living standards on its basis.

Highlight unsolved aspects of the problem. States, which were formed after the fall of the Soviet Union, tried to find new forms and effective ways to jointly address the numerous problems associated with the desire to ensure decent life and future for their citizens. That integration process started with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in 1991. As well as on the territory of the countries in EU, there have been passed all the stages of integration (not yet fully completed).

The aim of this work. The integration in the postSoviet space goes by the type of European model, i.e.


which includes a significant influence of political factors, practically the same level of member countries development, high level of institutionalization, supranational mechanism of decision-making (supranational management -the most important element of integration), similar reactions to the external macroeco-nomic changes and finally comparable stages in the integration ladder — from free trade zones through the Customs Union to the Common market to the Economic monetary and political Union. This can be confirmed by the following facts:

1) The Common Economic Space was initially created with the purpose to transition to the higher level of interaction;

2) The levels of member countries development are comparable (GDP, the projected rate of growth of the economy, inflation);

3) The high level of institutionalization, which is determined by the powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission;

4) The dominance of political motives for integration.

Basic material statement. During the entire period in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) were signed hundreds of agreements and decisions for development and cooperation in different spheres, including tourism [7]. According to the statistics of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2014 Edition [8]), 1 of 12 jobs in different sectors belongs to the tourist sphere. First step in this direction in Europe was made by formation «CALYPSO Initiative», signed in 2009, which open new horizons for young and elderly travelers, people with disabilities and low income families, creating new jobs and business opportunities in the quiet time of the year (low season).

Also according to the World Tourism Organization, Europe became the most visited region (destination) in the world in 2013; the proportion of all international arrivals in the world amounted to 52%. In the countries of the European Union (EU-28) in 2013, 5% was noted increase in the number of international tourist arrivals compared with the previous year, which amounted to 432, 7 million people. In Eastern Europe (by the classification of UNWTO Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan applies to Eastern Europe) also revealed tendency to increase, differ a lot in three countries: Belorussia - 15%, Kazakhstan - 11%, Russia -7%. The factors of changes in average annual number of tourists can be economic and political processes in the World and in the regions (destinations), as well as season fluctuations in demand for tourist products.

Not only the prospect of long-term economic development can be finding in tourism development, but also raising the living standards of the population through solving many socio-economic problems, for example, such as employment. Target cooperation between several countries creates more favorable conditions for the interacting countries, which provides wide access to financial and material resources, modern technologies, and which also provide protection for companies in the countries of economic integration union against competition from third countries. All of

this is direct or indirect factors in the tourism development.

According to the experience of tourism development in different countries, especially in EU countries, the success of this development is directly depends on the State support, i.e. how does the government perceive the tourism sphere and the need of its promoting [1]. That is why tourism has an active development in the EU, receiving significant support from the State. For example, the development of European tourism in a competitive and sustainable way contributes to «Europe 2020» strategy and the Lisbon Treaty, as well as the European Commission measures for strengthen, support and monitoring European tourism [6].

At present, tourism makes up 5% of the EU's GDP. In this regard, the tourism sector is in the center of attention of European policy, because it involved other sectors, such as transport, construction, environment and some other. The basis for the tourism development is NECSTouR or EDEN - the system of indicators for the sustainable management of the tourism destination. Based on this system, the European Commission proposes to promote travel destinations by developing recognizable brands of these directions. In this case, it would be wrong to mention only the objects of tourism infrastructure but also the objects of great cultural heritage. In addition to the EU's image as the territory with great number of high-quality and all-season tourist destinations, namely architectural monuments create the basis for effective attracting tourists from all over the world. This can be confirmed by the statement of Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingual-ism and Youth: "Generous investments in cultural development that have been made by past generation of Europeans continue to fructify: nowadays the ancient buildings, murals, squares and fountains give people jobs and directly or indirectly increase the GDP of the European Union".

The integration as one of the conditions for creating competitive tourism destinations in the former Soviet Union (FSU, also known as the Post-Soviet States or former Soviet Republics) is moving the same way, which has already passed in the European Union, starting with formation the Organization of European cooperation and the Customs Union of the Benelux countries, the European Economic Community (EEC) and later the European Union. Probably the future policy of Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) will become the mechanism that will reorient the actions of Governments of the union countries into the mainstream of socio-economic development, the base of which in the 21st century is tourism and active extension its borders.

The trend (tendency) of the current socioeconomic development can be described by the words of European Commission Vice-President Antonio Ta-jani. He said that competition between countries in case when every country tries to steal tourists from other countries - is an outdated style of work, because the cooperation in this sphere can create great opportunities for international tourism network.


The evidence of the widespread tourism development everywhere on the whole space of European Union is the fact that since the formation of the EU was drafted, adopted and ratified lots of Plans, Programs and Strategies for the tourism development in the countries of EU. Below are some of them:

> Europe, the World's No.1 tourist destination- a new political framework for tourism in Europe: Communication from The Commission of the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the regions;

> Network of European regions for a sustainable and competitive European tourism;

> Promoting tourism in the EU (Policy for the development of competitiveness of the European tourism industry, located on the official website of the European Commission);

> «Europe 2020» (10-year strategy proposed by the European Commission on 3 March 2010 for advancement of the economy of the European Union);

> The Implementation of Council Directive 95/57/EC on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism [5];

> «CALYPSO Initiative» (a preparatory action adopted by the European Parliament in 2008 for a three-year period with the objective of promoting partnerships between the public and private sectors and the social economy, driven by the European Commission, with the main aim being out-of-season exchanges of tourists in four target groups: young and elderly people, people with reduced mobility and low-income families);

> Other.

Today, the EU is the key player in the World Tourism market and has great knowledge and experience in this subject. Tourism in the countries of Customs Union is regulated at the State level (by Federal Agency for tourism of Russian Federation, Ministry of sports and tourism of the Republic of Belarus and the Committee for tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan) by creating variety of concepts and programs. A major drawback of these documents (as the documentary base of Eurasian Economic Union) is the fact that they all seek to develop tourism separately in each country, and not on the common market of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan as common tourism space in the Eurasian Economic Union, as it is done in the EU.

Thus, nowadays there is no clear and unified strategy of common tourist market development in the conditions of formation Eurasian Economic Union. According to this, the author has set the following objectives in such common tourist market strategy:

1) To identify the main trends of tourism development in the formation of the European Union;

2) To identify and analyze possible trends in the development of tourism in Europe in case if they were not integrated into the European Union;

3) To review and analyze country (territorial, cultural, etc.) features of European and Eurasian destinations in terms of their attractiveness for tourists;

4) To justify the need for increase ofpublic funding the cultural heritage (restoration, preservation and multiplication) on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, as an element of economic and social development (employment) of the tourism destination;

5) To identify the risks, associated with the prospect of enlargement of the Eurasian Economic Union;

6) To identify potential opportunities for cooperation Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union for the purposes of tourism development.

In the dissertation research the author N. Kosevska [1] conducted in-depth analysis of crosscountry relation between Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan in the sphere of tourism. It was found that with the formation of the Customs Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan in 2006-2010, prospects of an efficient development of the tourist services market appeared in the area of these countries within the framework of the common tourist destination (common tourist market). The prerequisites for this are several successive activities, which have already been similarly defined in the EC Treaty:

1) Cancel of customs duties, quantitative restrictions on imports and exports, as well as all other trade restrictions on the movement of goods within the Union;

2) The introduction of a common customs tariff and common trade policy towards third countries;

3) The free movement of factors of production (capital and labour), the freedom for the establishment of branches in the union territory and the free services trade among member countries;

4) Common agricultural and transport policy;

5) The creation of Monetary Union;

6) Coordination and convergence of economic policies of member countries;

7) Harmonization of tax legislation;

8) Alignment of domestic legal norms relevant to the common market.

Considering the tourism sphere in these countries, it was found that the total number of the objects of tourism infrastructure, including hotels and similar accommodation, spa facilities, tourist companies (tour operators and travel agents), and also catering is more than 160 thousand objects. Transport infrastructure, which is also located within tourism infrastructure, has a huge network of roads, railways and waterways in Russia and Kazakhstan, with a total length of more than a million kilometers.

Despite the fact that the basis for the creation of a common tourist services market of the Common Economic space has already been laid and indicated in its main principles (four freedoms), today it would be wrong to say that this common tourist market is already functioning. It is confirmed by the statistics of arrivals and departures in each of these countries, because the characteristic of the tourist flows between countries is one of the main indicators of the common tourism market development.

Conclusion. The philosophy of any kind of integration groups should consist of synchronization and


submissive to the common objectives and the law of the Union of States, each of which do not purport to be the absolute and undisputed leader. Proceeding from this, the aim of integration tourism cooperation strategy for the EEU is justification the need to formation an effective strategy of development a common tourism destination in the integration union of countries in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union by type of European model with the possibility of cooperation with the EU.


1. Kosevska N.V. Formation of mechanisms of cooperation between the countries of the common economic space in the tourism sphere: thesis for the degree of PhD: 080014: defended 28.03.12: approved 10.02.14. - SPb, 2012. - 234 p.

2. Kosevska N.V. The European Union and the Eurasian economic Union - the dialogue between two "equal and different" cultures / N.V. Kosevska // Economics and business: scientific journal, 2015.

3. Kosevska N.V. The prospects of integration in the tourist sector in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) countries / N.V. Kosevska // Economics and innovations management, 2015.

4. Kosevska N.V. The emergence of new tourism destinations in the EEU: illusion or reality? / N.V. Kosevska // Economics and entrepreneurship, No. 8, part 1, 2015.

5. Implementation of Council Directive 95/57/EC on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism. Official information on the page http://aei.pitt.edu/5393/.

6. European Commission: official information according to the page http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/index en.htm?ref=/news room/cf/document.cfm?action=display&doc id=5257 &userservice i.

7. Plan of tourism development in the EU, approved by the European Commission dated 30.06.2010 (author's translation - Kosevska N.V.) // Communication from The Commission of the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the regions "Europe, the World's No.1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe").

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8. UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2014 Edition: http ://mkt.unwto.org/publication/unwto -tourism-highlights-2014-edition.

Lenkin S. L.

doctor of economics, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the head of the investment project "Land Mortgage Russia"

Ленкин Сергей Леонидович

доктор экономических наук, действительный член Российской академии естественных наук, руководитель инвестиционного проекта «Земельная ипотека России»




Summary: The most important cause of retarding development of domestic land relations and the formation of modern real estate market is excessive nationalization and exclusion from civil circulation public lands of RUSSIA. Realization of the investment project "land mortgage Russia» will allow to create comparable in terms of budgets and territories share the land Mortgage Fund with a controlling stake by the current owners-municipal entities and subjects of the Russian Federation. With the emergence of this market structure begins to work on a permanent basis effective security mechanism to attract into the regional economy of long-term loans and investments.

Key words: mortgage, investment, turnover of public lands.

Аннотация: Важнейшей причиной тормозящей развитие отечественных земельных отношений и становление современного рынка недвижимости является чрезмерное огосударствление и исключение из гражданского оборота публичных земель РФ. Реализация инвестиционного проекта «Земельная ипотека России» позволит создать сопоставимый в стоимостном выражении с бюджетами территорий акционерный Земельный Залоговый Фонд с контрольным пакетом акций у нынешних собственников - муниципальных образований и субъектов Российской Федерации. С возникновением этой рыночной структуры на постоянной основе начинает работать эффективный залоговый механизм по привлечению в региональную экономику долгосрочных кредитов и инвестиций.

Ключевые слова: ипотека, инвестиции, оборот публичных земель.

В XX веке социально приемлемый переход к развитой рыночной экономике сравнительно быстро и успешно удалось совершить тем капиталистическим государствам, которые инициировали формирование, а затем возглавили фактическое

руководство международными рынками торговли обязательствами и правами собственности. Эти рынки, в геометрической прогрессии аккумулируя банковский и финансовый капитал, превратились в локомотивы мировой экономики и до последнего

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