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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zimina Maria Viktorovna, Ufaeva Elena Mikhailovna

The article discusses the most important aspects and stages of interviews when applying for a job by young professionals, and also describes the difficulties that employees may encounter when applying for work abroad. Considering the processes of globalization in the modern world, consideration of this problem is especially relevant. The article provides language cliché phrases in English that are used by employers in international companies during the interview process and gives advice to job seekers for a successful interview and getting a job.

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работу преподавателя. Моментальный обмен оповещений, объявлений и сообщений, возможность быстрых реакций родителей на полученную информацию в значительной мере ускоряет получение результатов взаимодействия между преподавателем и родителем. В ситуациях ограничений проведения массовых мероприятий такие чаты позволяют проводить дистанционные родительские собрания, не теряя при этом эффективность данного мероприятия. Таким образом, социальные сети могут использоваться не только для совершенствования учебно-воспитательного процесса, но и для осуществления мероприятий организационно-методического характера, а также взаимодействия с работодателями [3; 10].

Выводы. Таким образом, результаты проведенного исследования показали, что социальные сети при всем их многообразии стали неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни и деятельности людей разных возрастных категорий. Поэтому перед современной системой образования стоит важная задача: выстроить процесс обучения так, чтобы молодое поколение перестало воспринимать Интернет и социальные сети только как источник развлекательного характера. Необходимо создать основу использования обучающимися инструментов мощной платформы сетевого взаимодействия для становления себя как высококвалифицированных специалистов. В любом нововведении есть свои плюсы и минусы. Минусом является уже сложившееся понимание и представление обучающимися себя в интернет-пространстве. Но использование методически правильного подхода позволит исправить это заблуждение. Социальные сети дают возможность для обеспечения непрерывного образовательного процесса, формирования направления и развития познавательного, исследовательского, творческого потенциала каждого обучающегося не только в реальной жизни, но и в виртуальном пространстве в любое удобно время. Важным является возможность преподавателя вести воспитательную работу, своевременно информировать подростков о проблеме, связанной с Интернет-зависимостью; проведение опросов и представление их результатов на тематических семинарах и т.д. Целесообразно вырабатывать навыки поиска необходимой информации на учебно-познавательных сайтах Интернета. Безусловно, необходимо приложить усилия для разностороннего развития личности обучающихся таким образом, чтобы использование социальных сетей не навредило в их дальнейшей жизни и профессиональной деятельности.


1. Киняшева Ю.Б., Муращенков С.В. Использование социальных сетей в системе высшего образования современной России. Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: Проблемы высшего образования. - 2021, № 3. -С. 30-33.

2. Зембатова Л.Т., Зембатова М.А. Проблемы подготовки специалистов экономической направленности в условиях информатизации учебного процесса. Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2020, № 2 (81). - С. 113-116.

3. Ципинова А.С., Дзусова И.Г., Волик М.В. Интернет-технологии и их роль в бизнесе. Гуманитарные и социально-экономические науки. - 2020, № 2 (111). - С. 76-78.

4. Малыгин В.Л., Хомерики Н.С. Антоненко А.А. Индивидуально психологические свойства подростков как факторы риска формирования Интернет-зависимого поведения. Медицинская психология в России. - 2015, № 1(30). - С. 7.

5. Ивкина М.И. Разновидности социальных сетей в образовании. Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. - 2019, № 6. - С. 61-64.

6. Волик М.В., Милостивая Ю.С. Использование социальных сетей в обучении. Социально-экономическое развитие региона в условиях модернизации. Материалы Всероссийской межвузовской научно-практической конференции преподавателей и студентов. - 2015. - С. 495-500.

7. Кукушкина А.Г. Персональная страница преподавателя в социальной сети как инструмент педагогического взаимодействия. Высшее образование в России. - 2020. - Т. 29, № 12. - С. 156-166.

8. Копышева Т.Н., Митрофанова Т.В., Фадеева К.Н. Применение проектного метода при обучении бакалавров прикладной информатики в рамках реализации компетентностного подхода. Вестник Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И.Я. Яковлева. - 2018, № 4 (100). - С. 185-192.

9. Зембатова М.А. Формирование профессиональных компетенций у будущих экономистов. Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2021. - № 2 (87). - С. 301-304.


UDC 378.2

candidate of philological sciences Zimina Maria Viktorovna

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University after K. Minin (Minin University) (Nizhny Novgorod); master Ufaeva Elena Mikhailovna

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University after K. Minin (Minin University) (Nizhny Novgorod)



Annotation. The article discusses the most important aspects and stages of interviews when applying for a job by young professionals, and also describes the difficulties that employees may encounter when applying for work abroad. Considering the processes of globalization in the modern world, consideration of this problem is especially relevant. The article provides language cliché phrases in English that are used by employers in international companies during the interview process and gives advice to job seekers for a successful interview and getting a job.

Keywords: a job interview,international professional sphere, business communication,job interview preparation, speaking subskills, listening subskills.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются наиболее важные аспекты и этапы собеседования при устройстве на работу молодых профессионалов, а также приводятся трудности, с которыми могут встретиться служащие при устройстве на работу за рубежом. Учитывая процессы глобализации в современном мире, рассмотрение данной проблемы является особенно актуальным.В статье также приводятся языковые фразы-клише на английском языке, которые используются работодателями в международных компаниях в процессе собеседования и даются советы соискателям для успешного прохождения собеседования и устройства на работу.

Ключевые слова: собеседование, международная профессиональная сфера, деловая коммуникация, навыки говорения, навыки аудирования.

Introduction. Nowadays, the world of online workplaces becomes more and more popular among young professionals. People tend to opt for an online position in their professional field, which means that they are exposed to the intercultural world in professional terms [4]. Thus, young future employees need to learn and use English as a lingua franca to have the possibility to

interact and communicate with their potential colleagues. This is applicable to the working process itself, as well as to the process of searching for the job and especially going through a number of job interviews.

The relevance of this activity lies in the fact that usually, it is difficult for young professionals to adapt to a new environment in an international professional sphere if they are not native speakers of English or this language is not spoken by them daily [5]. Recruits need adaptation support while having their first job interviews in English, during the first meetings, and giving their first presentations.

Accordingly, this article aims at helping people prepare for their first job interviews in English as a part of the professional English use challenge.It will also help to overcome the barriers on their way to successful business communication. Having assistance from a tutor who knows how to prepare for this activity is crucial. Young professionals need a person to rehearse with and give them necessary feedback after the training sessions, which people cannot achieve only by using course books and watching training videos.

The presentation of the main material of article. The key point in the preparation for a first job interview in any language is to know the exact structure of the interview. A person needs to know what to expect, being able to predict the questions and think about the appropriate answers beforehand. It is essential if the language you will be asked in is not your native one [7].

Generally speaking, any job interview, without taking into consideration the language it is held in, has the following four-step structure and common questions at each stage:

1) "Walk me through your resume" (tell me about yourself) 1-1.5 min.

At this stage,a person needs to speak about their past working and other relevant experience and previous work - key points of the CV. The order of the events depends on the background - for more experienced professionals in this field, it is likely to be reversed rather than chronological. It is very important to indicate only the achievements most relevant to the particular field of work. The recruits can also add why this opportunity is essential for them [11].

2) "Q/A section 1" - questions connected to theexperience, personality, andworking style.

Here a person is more likely to be asked about their soft skills and other general notions, not obligatory specific to the field. The most common questions are the following, but some additional questions can be asked occasionally:

• Why did you leave your last job?

• Why do you want to work here?

• Why should we hire you?

• What is your greatest strength/weakness?

• Tell me about a time you failed.

• Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years (in this field)?

• What work environment do you prefer?

• What is your leadership style?

3) "Q/A section 2" - questions connected to the skills in this particular field, are usually called hardskills. The questions will vary depending on the position a person is trying to get. Some general examples may be the following:

• Why did you decide to become a ...

• What kinds of programming languages/techniques/methods do youknow/use/apply?

• What typical problems do ... have?

• What does a typical day of a ... look like?

• What was the most difficult/interesting/time-consuming project in yourwork?

4) Recruit questions to the interviewer [8].

A person needs to prepare them beforehand, or some of them mayarise during the interview. The examples here can be the following:

• What is a typical work-week in your company/at this position/ in yourteam.

• What are the next steps? (if not discussed earlier).

• Can you tell me about your mentoring program? (some other detailsthat you might be interested in about the first steps in this company).

• What trait of character should a person possess to succeed in thisposition/to be promoted?

• What is the team/manager style of communicating? (corporate culture).

Interviewers expect recruits to ask at least 2-3 questions to show their genuine interest in this position. The more specific and relevant the questions arethe better.

From the pedagogical point of view, we need to take a closer look at the linguistic aspects that we need to take into consideration while preparing the students for their first job interview in English. First of all, this is essential to work on the following speaking subskills [6]:

• Making use of grammar (speaking accuracy), vocabulary (proper lexical units to express the exact piece of information), and functional language (introducing yourself, clarifying meaning, and agreeing/disagreeing).

• Making use of the register (to speak appropriately in a formal situation).

• Using features of connected speech (to increase the level of confidence as well).

• Using body language (affirmative facial expressions; understanding gestures, posture, and a voice change).

• Producing different text types (being able to make a constructive narration in both monologue and dialogue speech).

• Oral fluency (speaking at a normal speed, with little hesitation, repetition, or self-correction).

• Using interactive strategies to keep the listener (here it is an HR manager or a recruiter) involved.

Teachers' goal is to teach how to use effective interactive strategies based on the subskills that were mentioned here in order to help the students achieve their life-changing aim. For example, it would be turn-taking, which involves using correct intonation and other linguistic features to show that a speaker wants other participants to enter the conversation or to make sure that the produced message is understood [2, 3].

Another essential example of an interactive strategy, that any job-hunter needs, is paraphrasing. It should be used in cases when a person wants to express the same meaning by other words or phrases if the message is not clear. Also, it can be helpful to emphasize some strengths or even achievements without repeating the same idea in the same expressions.

Secondly, it is necessary to work on the following listening subskills [6]:

• Listening for specific information (to understand the information asked and be able to respond to this information properly).

• Listening for personal attitude (to understand what attitude an interlocutor is expressing to what is being said by a person).

For these kinds of listening, we need to put our efforts not only on practicing listening itself, but also involving students in active observation of the characteristics of the spoken language, improving inferring meaning from the context, developing their knowledge of the world, and especially various accents.

But it does not mean only exposition to the spoken language or only producing some learned patterns. Proper preparation for a job interview supposes a combination of all those shills and subskills that were mentioned in this article. It must be done in a way of continuously practicing all the aspects harmoniously.

Obviously, a student may not have the opportunity to effectively practice all the language aspects needed for this task themselves. For a productive conversation, future job interviewees need real people to interact with, to receive critical and approving feedback, to support and direct to the right way when it is appropriate, and so on. Thus they will perfectly negotiate the best job offer and compensation package for themselves.

A person who applies to a position in an international or/and English-speaking company is supposed to be familiar with the basic concepts of the language like how to ask and answer general, special, and alternative questions. As we could notice from the structure of any job interview, the main idea is to comprehend specific information and be able to answer using appropriate patterns. A teacher should ascertain that at the current student's level they are able to accomplish this task properly. if some issues are discovered during the preparation period, necessary assistance should be provided immediately.

With all that being said, we cannot forget about the individual peculiarities of the position a person is applying to. To increase a future recruit's confidence it is essential to walk through the specific terminology and professionalisms long before the job interview itself. A survey needs to be done to make a list of the vocabulary of these vocabulary items to introduce them into the learner's speech at a normal pace. As a result, one can be sure to master the terminology used in this very sphere operating them perfectly while being asked even spontaneous questions at the job interview.

Another consideration would be using precise powerful words, grammatical structures, and meaningful phrases to produce a desirable impression. They can be used to answer the questions of the recruiter, ask the questions, or introduce themselves. Now let us take a look at some words and phrases that can be used in the job interview stages discussed above. They are subdivided into several groups according to the information they help to provide.

1) Phrases to talk about education: I graduated from (university/college etc) in (the year)... / I studied at (university/college)... I got a diploma in. ./ I have a bachelor's (master's) degree in ... I did a Management course in 2018 and this helped me to... I am a qualified.../ my qualification is ... I have an IELTS certificate with a score of (number).

2) Phrases to talk about work experience:

I worked for (company name) as a (job role). / I worked in (sector) for (period). / I have.......years' experience in.

I was promoted to (job role). I was responsible for... Talk about your best features: I am proud of. / I take pride in... I'm (very, really, extremely, totally) good at... My strengths are.../ I am strong in...

3) Phrases to highlight soft skills: I have effective skills in. I take the initiative when...

I've been using ... in my professional life for the past......years.

I've got a good grasp of... I'm a confident user of..speaker of

4) Phrases to talk about the application of hard skills (STAR approach - Situation, Task, Action, Result) Situation:

When I worked for...I sold/set up/ created/implemented/controlled/managed/ designed... A good example that comes to mind is...

I perform well under pressure which was one of the main reasons why I was asked to... Task:

As part of my role as a (job) I also had to (what). I was asked to... Action:

I held a meeting with... I created a... I designed. I collaborated with... Result:

I successfully managed/controlled/ created. We won the contract/the tender/the award.

I was able to resolve the situation/find solutions/negotiate a better./move from ..to. We won a new contract/the pitch. We achieved our sales targets/the desired result. The (measurable - if you have certain numbers) result of my efforts was...

5) Phrases to talk about future intentions: I would like to take on more responsibility, such as...

I would like to further my career, so opportunities for professional development would be important to me. I would like to add to my skillset, so training would be important to me. I would be glad to lead a project on... Training is very important to me because..

6) Phrases to talk about interests outside of work: In my free time, I like/love to... I like to keep fit and active so I.

• I play the piano/the guitar/the trumpet and my favorite musician/composer is...

• Every weekend/summer/winter I go to. [9, 10].

As we can see, there is a wide range of structures and lexical units to use during the interview. A person can choose some phrases that suit the situation most. However, it would be better to know some variations of the provided phrases to have space for maneuver in case a person has difficulties with this or that structure. Also, it is useful for paraphrasing some ideas several times during the conversation to highlight the most important points.

Conclusions. We already know that the main goal for fluency and confidence in using English is to open new doors to the world of new opportunities. People want the chance to have a great job and also travel easily without any language barriers. For this reason, a person will most likely have a job interview in English. An English teacher can become a great supporter in this case providing help on all the stages of preparation starting with basic knowledge of necessary grammatical and vocabulary units and adding such finishing touches as features of connected speech and nonverbal means of conversation [1].

To help people in their fateful moments in life a tutor needs to be prepared not only from the methodological and linguistical point of view but also to learn about specific features of conducting job interviews for the positions in an intercultural working environment. It does not mean that a teacher should have a degree in management. It only implies proper research for specific details and means to incorporate them into the process of preparation. Without being flexible and tailoring for individual situations the whole work will not make much sense. However, this study is supposed to be of great help for teachers in this undertaking.

It is important to note that for a better result a recruit needs to rehearse the job interview in advance with a qualified person or even a tutor, who is familiarized with the whole procedure, its structure, and other aspects. This tutor should play a role of a strict HR manager to give valuable feedback and be able to point at some drawbacks and flaws. Thus, the conditions will be closer to reality as much as possible to make a recruit more confident before an upcoming step into the real world.


1. Bykova, L.M. Affordances of web 2.0 technologies for teaching second/foreign language writing / L.M. Bykova // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. - 2020. - No 69-1. - P. 105-108.

2. Gushina, T. Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication: method. instructions / T. Gushina. Kostroma: Publishing House of the fire. state. tehnol. - University Press, 2015.

3. Persikova. T.N Intercultural Communication and Corporate Culture: Textbook. manual for schools / T.N. Persikov. -Moscow: Logos, 2004.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

4. Pronina N.S., Klyuva M.I., Zimina M.V., Lyulyaeva N.I., Perova T.A. Activation of Foreign Language Communicative Competence in Specialists' Professional Work // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. - 2020. - T. 129. - C. 799-807.

5. Sokolova M.Yu., Plisov E.V. Cross-Linguistic Transfer Classroom L3 Acquisition in University Setting // Vestnik of Minin University. - 2019. - T. 7. - № 1 (26). - C. 6.

6. Spratt Mary., Pulverness Alan, Williams Melanie. The TKT Course. Modules 1,2& 3: Textbook / Cambridge University Press, 2011.

7. Things to Know When Assessing Intercultural Communication // University of Notre Dame URL: https://www.notredameonline.com/resources/intercultural-management/intercultural-communication-in-the-global-workplace/

8. Smart Questions to Ask in an English Job Interview // Speak confident English URL: https://www.speakconfidentenglish.com/job-interview-ask-questions/

9. Common Job Interview Questions in English - The Right Way To Answer // Speakconfident English URL: https://www.speakconfidentenglish.com/10-interview-questions-in-english/

10. 13 useful expressions for job interviews // The London School of English URL: https://www.londonschool.com/blog/13-useful-expressions-job-interviews/ https://www.speakconfidentenglish.com/8-power-words-to-use-in-your-english-job-interview/

11. Walk me Through Your Resume // Peak Frameworks URL: https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/walk-me-through-your-resume/


УДК 371.321+373.5

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Игдырова Светлана Викторовна

Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт - филиал

Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ» (г. Димитровград);

старший преподаватель Мукминов Рамиль Раисович

Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт - филиал

Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ» (г. Димитровград)



Аннотация. В статье уделяется внимание компетентстному подходу в организации педагогической деятельности сельских учителей. Авторы подчеркивают, что в настоящее время эффективность обучения в многом определяется сформированностью у педагогов необходимых компетенций, способствующих развить у школьников стремление к самообразованию, самоактуализации, самореализации. В статье представлен план методического объединения учителей, в котором представлен круг вопросов, отражающий структуру компонентов педагогической деятельности.

Ключевые слова: компетенция, компетентностный подход, профессиональная деятельность, профессиональная компетентность, профессионализм, инновационная деятельность.

Annotation. The article pays attention to the competent approach in organizing of the pedagogical activity of rural teachers. The authors emphasize that at present, the effectiveness of teaching is largely determined by the formation of the necessary competencies among teachers which contribute to the development of pupils' desire for self-education, self-actualization, and self-realization. The article presents a plan for the methodological association of teachers which presents a range of issues reflecting the structure of the components of pedagogical activity.

Keywords: competence, competence-based approach, professional activity, professional competence, professionalism, innovation.

Введение. Современный этап развития системы образования характеризуется возрастанием требований к формированию и развитию культуры мышления и основанной на ней профессиональной компетентности педагогических работников, что в свою очередь становится необходимым фактором повышения эффективности и результативности

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