Научная статья на тему 'Jaltomata sanmiguelina (Solanaceae), a new species from Northern Peru'

Jaltomata sanmiguelina (Solanaceae), a new species from Northern Peru Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mione Thomas, Leiva González Segundo, Yacher Leon

Актуальность и цели. Род Jаltоmаtа (Sоlаnасеае (Паслёновые)) является наиболее близким растительным видом к картофелю и томатам, род Sоlаnum, который представлен более 70 сортами, от кустарниковых до травянистых, со съедобными ягодами. Более 50 видов Jаltоmаtа естественно произрастают в Перу на территориях, находящихся на уровне моря и на высотах до 4000 м, и встречаются в нескольких регионах с различными экологическими и географическими особенностями. Материалы и методы. Более двадцати лет мы проводили полевые исследования в удаленных регионах Перу, изучали экземпляры гербариев различных музеев и детально изучали все доступные литературные источники по классификации, касающиеся данного вопроса, когда-либо опубликованные на любом языке. В ходе исследования классификации вида Jаltоmаtа мы обнаружили вид, ранее не известный науке - J. sаnmiguеlinа Мiоnе & S. Lеivа. Результаты. Новый вид J. sаnmiguеlinа, найденный в провинции Сан Мигель округа Кайамарка, Северный Перу, был описан и пояснен иллюстрированными примерами. Он представляет собой кустарник 80-90 см в высоту с 5-6 цветками в соцветии, имеющий протерогинные цветки, которые закрываются в ночное время суток. Венчик почти колесовидный, белый, с десятью зелеными пятнами в кольце на лепестках и десятью фиолетовыми пятнами рядом с зелеными пятнами. Нижняя часть тычиночных нитей фиолетовая, окруженная прозрачными простыми нежелезистыми волосками, тогда как периферическая часть нитей белая, без волосков. Ягоды, оранжевые по достижении зрелости, содержат 20-39 семян. Выводы. J. sаnmiguеlinа произрастает только в округе Кайамарка, провинция Сан Мигель, вдоль пути следования из Сан Мигель в Ель Эмпалм, координаты 6º 56' 20,7" S, 78º 49' 57,7" W, на возвышенности 3193 м над уровнем моря. Данный вид находится на грани исчезновения, так как территория его произрастания составляет менее 100 км 2, единственным местом, где его можно встретить, является типовая местность, при этом в единственной известной популяции насчитывается менее 50 зрелых экземпляров.

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Background. Jaltomata (Solanaceae) is a plant genus most closely related to the potato and tomato genus, Solanum, and is represented by some 70 shrubby to herbaceous species having edible berries. Over 50 Jaltomata species grow naturally in Peru, from near sea level to 4,000 m elevation, and found in several varied ecologic and distinct geographic regions. Materials and methods. Over a period of more than twenty years, we conducted fieldwork in remote places in Peru, borrowed herbarium specimens from numerous museums, and thoroughly studied all relevant taxonomic literature ever published in any language. While studying the taxonomy of the genus Jaltomata we discovered a new-to-science species, J. sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva. Results. In the province of San Miguel, Department of Cajamarca, in northern Peru, a new-to-science species, J. sanmiguelina, is described and illustrated. It is a shrub growing 80-90 cm high with 5 (-6) flowers per inflorescence, and having protogynous flowers that close at night. The corolla is nearly rotate, and white with both 10 green petal spots in a ring and 10 purple petal spots proximal to the green spots. The lower half of the staminal filaments are purple and surrounded by transparent simple, nonglandular hairs while the distal half of the filament is white and hairless. The berries, orange at maturity, contain 20-39 seeds. Conclusions. J. sanmiguelina grows only in Department Cajamarca, Province San Miguel, along the route from San Miguel to El Empalme, at 6º 56' 20.7" S, 78º 49' 57.7" W, elevation of 3,193 m. It is considered critically endangered because the extent of its range is smaller than 100 km 2, the only place where it has been collected is the type locality, and there are also fewer than 50 mature individuals in the only known population.

Текст научной работы на тему «Jaltomata sanmiguelina (Solanaceae), a new species from Northern Peru»


УДК 57

T. Mione, S. Leiva Gonzalez, L. Yacher




Background. Jaltomata (Solanaceae) is a plant genus most closely related to the potato and tomato genus, Solanum, and is represented by some 70 shrubby to herbaceous species having edible berries. Over 50 Jaltomata species grow naturally in Peru, from near sea level to 4,000 m elevation, and found in several varied ecologic and distinct geographic regions.

Materials and methods. Over a period of more than twenty years, we conducted fieldwork in remote places in Peru, borrowed herbarium specimens from numerous museums, and thoroughly studied all relevant taxonomic literature ever published in any language. While studying the taxonomy of the genus Jaltomata we discovered a new-to-science species, J. sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva.

Results. In the province of San Miguel, Department of Cajamarca, in northern Peru, a new-to-science species, J. sanmiguelina, is described and illustrated. It is a shrub growing 80-90 cm high with 5 (-6) flowers per inflorescence, and having protogynous flowers that close at night. The corolla is nearly rotate, and white with both 10 green petal spots in a ring and 10 purple petal spots proximal to the green spots. The lower half of the staminal filaments are purple and surrounded by transparent simple, nonglandular hairs while the distal half of the filament is white and hairless. The berries, orange at maturity, contain 20-39 seeds.

Conclusions. J. sanmiguelina grows only in Department Cajamarca, Province San Miguel, along the route from San Miguel to El Empalme, at 6° 56' 20.7" S,

78° 49' 57.7" W, elevation of 3,193 m. It is considered critically endangered because the extent of its range is smaller than 100 km2, the only place where it has been collected is the type locality, and there are also fewer than 50 mature individuals in the only known population.

Key words: Jaltomata, new species, Solanaceae, Northern Peru.

T. Mione, S. Leiva Gonzalez, L. Yacher




Актуальность и цели. Род Jaltomata (Solanaceae (Паслёновые)) является наиболее близким растительным видом к картофелю и томатам, род Solanum, который представлен более 70 сортами, от кустарниковых до травянистых, со съедобными ягодами. Более 50 видов Jaltomata естественно произрастают в Перу на территориях, находящихся на уровне моря и на высотах до 4000 м, и встречаются в нескольких регионах с различными экологическими и географическими особенностями.

Материалы и методы. Более двадцати лет мы проводили полевые исследования в удаленных регионах Перу, изучали экземпляры гербариев различных музеев и детально изучали все доступные литературные источники по

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Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион

классификации, касающиеся данного вопроса, когда-либо опубликованные на любом языке. В ходе исследования классификации вида Jaltomata мы обнаружили вид, ранее не известный науке - J. sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva.

Результаты. Новый вид J. sanmiguelina, найденный в провинции Сан Мигель округа Кайамарка, Северный Перу, был описан и пояснен иллюстрированными примерами. Он представляет собой кустарник 80-90 см в высоту с 5-6 цветками в соцветии, имеющий протерогинные цветки, которые закрываются в ночное время суток. Венчик почти колесовидный, белый, с десятью зелеными пятнами в кольце на лепестках и десятью фиолетовыми пятнами рядом с зелеными пятнами. Нижняя часть тычиночных нитей фиолетовая, окруженная прозрачными простыми нежелезистыми волосками, тогда как периферическая часть нитей белая, без волосков. Ягоды, оранжевые по достижении зрелости, содержат 20-39 семян.

Выводы. J. sanmiguelina произрастает только в округе Кайамарка, провинция Сан Мигель, вдоль пути следования из Сан Мигель в Ель Эмпалм, координаты 6° 56' 20,7" S, 78° 49' 57,7" W, на возвышенности 3193 м над уровнем моря. Данный вид находится на грани исчезновения, так как территория его произрастания составляет менее 100 км2, единственным местом, где его можно встретить, является типовая местность, при этом в единственной известной популяции насчитывается менее 50 зрелых экземпляров.

Ключевые слова: Jaltomata, новые виды, семейство Паслёновые, Северный Перу.


The genus Jaltomata was described by Schlechtendal in 1838, then some species currently recognized as Jaltomata were treated as a different genus, Hebec-ladus, created by Miers in 1845. Hunziker [1] and Nee [2] recognized that both genera should be treated as one, Jaltomata. In contrast, Davis [3] and D’Arcy [4, 5] considered the genera to be separate. Mione [6] adopted the approach of Hunziker [1] and Nee [2] and unified Jaltomata and Hebecladus. Molecular data presented by Mione [6] and Mione et al. [7] supported the unification of the two genera, and to date this broader concept of the genus has been adopted by all researchers. D'Ar-cy’s view changed over time: in a letter (January 1993) he asked T. M. to continue transferring the remaining species of Hebecladus to the genus Jaltomata.

Jaltomata (including Hebecladus) is classified in the family Solanaceae, subfamily Solanoideae, Solaneae Tribe [8]. The molecular phylogeny of the Sola-naceae by Olmstead et al. [9] shows that Jaltomata is most closedly related to, is the sister group of, the genus Solanum. The genus Jaltomata is represented by some 70 shruby to herbaceous species having edible berries [6, 7, 10-34]. The genus is distributed from the southwestern United States to Bolivia, and with one species growing on the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico) and another on the Galapagos Islands. The genus has two centers of diversity: Mexico with about 7 species, and western South America with about 63 taxa. In Peru, 59 species grow from the desert coast to 4,000 m elevation, and in northern Peru there is the greaterst diversity with about 39 species, all or nearly all with edible fruits.

Jaltomata is characterized by: 1) basal pedicel articulation; 2) staminal filaments inserting on the ventral surface of the anthers; 3) an ovarian disk; 4) a corolla having 5 or 10 lobes with valvate aesivation in bud; 5) the fruit is a juicy berry consumed by rural people. Nearly all species of the genus have protogynous flowers.

Materials and methods. The specimens studied were either collected by the authors or borrowed from herbaria (F, K, MO, US). Our collections are mainly de-


University proceedings. Volga region

№ 3 (11), 2015

Естественные науки. Биология

posited at CORD, F, HAO, HUT, and MO herbaria, and some are in the working collection of T. M. and will be deposited at an herbarium. Acronyms of herbaria are as presented by Thiers [35]. In addition to herbarium specimens we collected, we store preserved specimens in 50 % ethanol, to study in detail exomorphological characters, including for the rendering of illustrations by S. L. G.

Jaltomata sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva G. sp. nov. (Fig. 1, 2)

Fig. 1. a - branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Note pistillate-phase flower near center (having whitish anthers), and the upside down flower towards right (with purple calyx on top). Units along bottom are mm; b - face-on view of flower during hermaphroditic phase (all anthers dehisced). Note 10 green petal spots in a ring near the base and 10 purple petal spots proximal to and aligned radially with the green spots. Smallest units are mm; c - face-on view of flower showing some anthers dehisced and others undehisced. Photos by Thomas Mione at the type locality. T. Mione, S. Leiva G. & L. Yacher 846

Fig. 2. a - flower in side view; b - fruit in side view with calyx on top; c - branch with leaves, inflorescence and infructescence; d - anther’s outer (dorsal) face; e - gynoecium with stigma, style, and ovary having disk around base; f - seed; g - flower with adnate stamens, cut to lay flat; h - anther in oblique view; i - stamen in ventral view.

S. Leiva G., T. Mione & L. Yacher 5856

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Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион

TYPE: PERU. Department. Cajamarca, Prov. San Miguel, route San Miguel-El Empalme, 6° 56' 20.7" S, 78° 49' 57.7" W, 3,193 m, 13 May 2015, S. Leiva, T. Mione & L. Yacher 5856 (holotype: HAO; isotypes: CORD, F, MO).

Shrub 0.8-0.9 m high. Older stems brown, terete, having lenticels, glabrous, 7-8 mm in diameter at the base; younger stems nearly terete to slightly angular, purple adaxially (Fig. 1,a) and green abaxially, glabrous and shiny. Basal leaves alternate (Fig. 2), the distal geminate; the blade elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, to 4.5 cm long x 4.2 cm wide, lustrous-green above, membranous, glabrous on both faces, the apex acute (Fig. 1,a), the base cuneate, most leaves entire but a few of the older/larger leaves toothed, the main vein lighter in color most conspicuously on the lower face; the petiole 5 mm to 2 cm long, glabrous, with a conspicuous main vein on the abaxial surface. Flowers (2-) 3-5 (-6) per node; peduncle purple to greenish (Fig. 1,a), nearly terete, glabrous, nearly straight, 9-14 mm long; pedicel purple-lustrous, terete, glabrous, to 1 cm long. Calyx during anthesis dark purple (Fig. 1,a), nearly planar (flat), five-lobed (stellate in outline), 5 to 5.2 mm diameter, touching the back of the corolla (never reflexed), glabrous, the lobes triangular, 1.8 to 2.4 mm long x 1.7 to 1.8 mm wide, the main vein somewhat raised on the abaxial face. Corolla white, having 10 green spots in a ring near the base and 10 purple spots proximal to and aligned radially with the green spots (Fig. 1,6), nearly rotate when fully open, 5-lobed (no lobules, Fig. 2a,g), 14 mm diameter prior to anthers dehiscing (the pistillate phase), 16-17 mm diameter after anthers dehisce (hermaphroditic phase), glabrous abaxially and adaxially, the margin ci-liate with simple, nonglandular hairs. Nectar unpigmented. Stamens 5, angling away from the style 15-20 degrees (Fig. 1,b), exserted, of equal length, 2.8 mm long, the lower 50 % of the filament intensely purple and villous with unpigmented, nonglandular, simple hairs, the distal (upper) half of the filament whitish in color and glabrous; anthers pale-yellow to whitish prior to dehsicence (Fig. 1,a), not mucronate, glabrous, slightly wider than long prior to dehiscence:

I. 5-1.7 mm long x 1.7-1.8 mm in wide. Stigma capitate (Fig. 2,e), darker green than the style, exserted, shallowly bilobed, 0.5-0.6 mm in diameter; the style and ovary both pale-green, lighter than the stigma; the style filiform, widening slightly toward the distal end, glabrous, 3.8 mm long; the ovary 1.7-1.8 mm high x 1.9 to 2 mm wide including the annular disk, the annular disk orange and approximately 42 % of the height of the ovary. Berry orange at maturity, globose, compressed at the poles, without persistent style, to 7.5 mm (pole to pole) x 8.5 mm in diameter (Fig. 1,a); calyx at fruit maturity planar, purple, 7-11 mm in diameter. Seeds 20-39 per fruit, kidney-shaped, brown, grid-foveolate, 1.7-1.8 mm long x 1.3-1.4 mm wide.

Additional material examined. PERU. Department Cajamarca, Prov. San Miguel, 6° 56' 20.7" S, 78° 49' 57.7" W, 3,185-3,193 m, 19-III-2007, T. Mione,

S. Leiva G., L. Yacher 738 & S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher 3641; 13-V-2015,

T. Mione, S. Leiva & L. Yacher 846 (no herbarium specimen: flowers preserved in 50 % ethanol and dessicated leaves for extraction of nucleic acids).

Jaltomata sanmiguelina was included in the molecular phylogeny of Miller et al. [36, as “J. SanMiguel”] where it was found to be most closely related to

J. oppositifolia (98 % bootstrap value). However, the accession of “J. salpoensis” used in that study was collected in Department Amazonas, and is no longer identified as J. salpoensis (now understood to be endemic to Department La Libertad).


University proceedings. Volga region

№ 3 (11), 2015

Естественные науки. Биология

If phylogeny is again investigated we anticipate that J. sanmiguelina will be most closely related to J. salpoensis, because only these two species have a 5-lobed corolla (no lobules), a ring of purple spots at the base of the corolla, stamens about 3 mm long, and short styles (Table 1). J. sanmiguelina is also akin to J. huanca-bambae, not included in the study of Miller et al. [36]. All four of these species (Table 1) grow in northern Peru, have glabrous, lustrous leaves, purple pedicels, a white corolla that lacks radial thickenings, unpigmented nectar, pale-yellow to whitish anthers, and orange fruit.

Table 1

Comparison of Jaltomata species similar to J. sanmiguelina

J. huancabambae S. Leiva & Mione J. oppositifolia S. Leiva & Mione J. salpoensis S. Leiva & Mione J. sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva

Plant Height m 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.9

Flowers per inflorescence 1-2 2-3 2-4 2-6

Calyx color during anthesis purple green green or purple purple

Corolla Form very broadly infundibular-campanulate broadly infundibular to rotate crateriform nearly rotate

Corolla lobes/lobules 5/5 5/5 5/0 5/0

Corolla having ring of green spots yes, 10 yes, 10 no yes, 10

Corolla having ring of purple spots at base no no yes yes

Corolla having purple ring immediately distal to green spots yes no no no

Stamen length, mm 10 5-6.5 3 2.8

% of filament’s length that is hairy 60-70 55-70 35 50

Color of filament: base/upper half purple/ whitish whitish/ whitish purple/ whitish purple/ whitish

Color of filament hairs lowest are dark purple, mostly unpigmented unpigmented unpigmented unpigmented

Style length, mm 8-10 6.5-8 2.5 3.8

Altitude 3,165 2,250-3,090 3,500-3,900 3,190

Distribution Piura, Huancabamba Cajamarca, Chota La Libertad, Otuzco & Santiago de Chuco Cajamarca, San Miguel

Distribution and ecology. Jaltomata sanmiguelina has a limited distribution and is apparently endemic to the collection area. Despite having made many plant collections in numerous places at different times in nothern Peru, we have found

Natural Sciences. Biology


Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион

J. sanmiguelina only at the type locality. We attempted to also find it, but did not find it, within 10 minutes walk of the type locality along a man-made canal above the type locality, and along a stream some 100 m below, both having natural vete-tation along them. Not finding J. sanmiguelina nearby, where there was natural vegetation, suggests that either this species is rare and or that it has a specific habitat requirement. Where it grows it is a member of the grass and shrub community on the edges of the road. It appears to prefer moist, deep, clay soils, sometimes rocky, with plenty of humus and lives associated with Eucalyptus amygdalina Labill. “eucalipto” (Myrtaceae), Hypericum laricifolium Juss. “chinchango” (Linaceae), Chusquea serrulata Pilg. “suro” Zea mays L. “maiz” (Poaceae), Sambucus peruviana Kunth “sahco” (Adoxaceae), Rubus floribundus Kunth “zarza” (Rosaceae), Pinus sylvestris L. “pino” (Pinaceae), among others.

Phenology. We have seen and collected J. sanmiguelina twice, in March of 2007 and May of 2015; it was flowering and had ripe fruits on both occasions. Based on S. L. G.’s extensive experience in northern Peru, he contributes that it likely flourishes with the return of rains in November or December and flowers and then fruits from February until May. Some open flowers had stamens having undehisced anthers, and other open flowers on the same plant at the same time had stamens having dehisced anthers, and so we characterize the flowers as protogynous. The anthers of any one flower do not dehisce simultaneously (Fig. 1,c). The first time we collected this species we encountered it at dusk and noticed that the flowers were closing for the night.

Current status. Using the criteria of the IUCN [37] Jaltomata sanmiguelina is considered critically endangered (CR). The extent of its range is smaller than 100 km2; the only place where it has been collected is the type locality (Criterion B1). There are also less than 50 mature individuals in the population (Criterion D). However, we have not determined whether there is a decline in its geographic range. There is urgent need for a thorough study of the ecology, distribution and population structure of this species to clarify its condition.

Local name: “frutilla” (S. Leiva G., T. Mione & L. Yacher 5856, HAO).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to San Miguel, a prosperous and beautiful province in Department Cajamarca, Peru. Among its hills, valleys and rivers there is biological and cultural wealth that needs further study.

Uses. One person, walking by while we collected and photographed the type specimen, said that the fruits are not eaten. However, the berries of nearly all other Jaltomata species of the Andes are eaten when ripe, and it is therefore possible that some of the local residents at least occasionally consume the ripe berries.


A new species of Northern Peru, Jaltomata sanmiguelina Mione & S. Leiva (Solanaceae), is described and illustrated. This species is apparently endemic to the collection area, growing only in Peru, Department Cajamarca, Province San Miguel, along the route from San Miguel to El Empalme, at 6° 56' 20.7" S, 78° 49' 57.7" W, elevation 3,193 m. J. sanmiguelina is a shrub growing 80-90 cm high with 5 (-6) flowers per inflorescence. The flowers are protoynous and close at night. The corolla is nearly rotate, glabrous both inside and outside, and white with both 10 green spots in a ring and 10 purple spots proximal to the green spots.


University proceedings. Volga region

№ 3 (11), 2015

Естественные науки. Биология

The lower half of the staminal filaments is purple and surrounded by transparent

simple, nonglandular hairs while the distal half of the filament is white and hairless. The berries, orange at maturity, contain 20-39 seeds.


1. Hunziker, A. T. South American Solanaceae; a synoptic survey / A. T. Hunziker // The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae / ed. by J. G. Hawkes, R. N. Lester, A. D. Skelding. Linnean Society Symposium Series № 7. - N. Y. : Academic Press, 1979. - P. 49-85.

2. Nee, M. Solanaceae I / M. Nee // Flora de Veracruz, fasciculo 49. - Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico : Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bioticos, 1986.

3. Davis, T. The generic relationship of Saracha and Jaltomata (Solanaceae; Solaneae) / T. Davis // Rhodora. - 1980. - № 82. - P. 345-352.

4. D’Arcy, W. G. The genera of Solanaceae and their types / W. G. D’Arcy // Solanaceae Newsletter. - 1986. - № 2 (4). - P. 10-33.

5. D’Arcy, W. G. The Solanaceae since 1976, with a review of its biogeography / W. G. D’Arcy // Solanaceae III. Taxonomy, Chemistry, Evolution / ed. by J. G. Hawkes,

R. N. Lester, M. Nee, N. Estrada R. - Richmond, Surrey, UK : Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Linnean Society of London, 1991. - P. 75-137.

6. Mione, T. Systematics and evolution of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) : Ph. D. thesis / T. Mione. - Connecticut : University of Connecticut Storrs, 1992.

7. Mione, T. Systematic Implications of chloroplast DNA variation in Jaltomata and selected physaloid genera (Solanaceae) / T. Mione, R. C. Olmstead, R. K. Jansen, G. J. Anderson // American Journal of Botany. - 1994. - № 81 (7). - P. 912-918.

8. Hunziker, A. T. The Genera of Solanaceae / A. T. Hunziker. - Ruggell, Liechtenstein : A. R. G. Gantner Verlag K. G., 2001.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

9. Olmstead, R. G. A molecular phylogeny of the Solanaceae / R. G. Olmstead, L. Bohs, H. A. Migid, E. Santiago-Valentin, V. F. Garcia, S. M. Collier // Taxon. -2008. - № 57. - P. 1159-1181.

10. Leiva G., S. Cuatro nuevas especies de Jaltomata (Solanaceae: Solaneae) del Norte de Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, V. Quipuscoa S. // Arnoldoa. - 1998.- № 5 (2). -P. 179-192.

11. Leiva G., S. Tres nuevas especies de Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) del Norte del Peru. Three new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2007. - № 14 (1). -P. 29-44.

12. Leiva G., S. Cuatro nuevas especies de Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) del Norte del Peru. Four new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2007. - № 14 (2). - P. 219-238.

13. Leiva G., S. Dos nuevas especies de Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) del Norte del Peru. Two new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2008. - № 15 (2). - P. 185-196.

14. Leiva G., S. Modillonia una nueva seccion de Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) con una nueva especies del Norte del Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher, V. Quipuscoa S. // Arnaldoa. - 2010. - № 17 (2). - P. 163-171.

15. Leiva G., S. Jaltomata huancabambae y Jaltomata incahuasina (Solanaceae) dos nuevas especies del Norte del Peru. Jaltomata huancabambae and Jaltomata incahuasina (Solanaceae) two new species from Nothern Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2013. - № 20 (2). - P. 265-280.

16. Leiva G., S. Jaltomata angasmarcae y Jaltomata pauciseminata (Solanaceae) dos nuevas especies del Norte del Peru. Jaltomata angasmarcae and Jaltomata paucisemi-nata (Solanaceae) two new species of from Northern Peru / S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2014. - № 21 (1). - P. 25-39.

Natural Sciences. Biology


Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион

17. Leiva G., S. Jaltomata glomeruliflora (Solanaceae) una nueva especie del Norte de Peru. Jaltomata glomeruliflora (Solanaceae) a new species from Northern Peru /

S. Leiva G., T. Mione, L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2015. - № 22 (1). - P. 25-34.

18. Mione, T. Jaltomata II: New Combinations for five South American species (Solanaceae) / T. Mione // Brittonia. - 1999. - № 51 (1). - P. 31-33.

19. Mione, T. Two new combinations in Peruvian Jaltomata (Solanaceae) / T. Mione, F. G. Coe // Novon. - 1992. - № 2. - P. 383-384.

20. Mione, T. Jaltomata sagastegui and Jaltomata Cajamarca (Solanaceae), Two New Shrubs from Northern Peru / T. Mione, L. A. Coe // Novon. - 1996. - № 6. - P. 280-284.

21. Mione, T. Lectotypification of Jaltomata weberbaueri (Solanaceae) / T. Mione, A. Granda P. // Rhodora. - 2006. - № 108. - P. 403-404.

22. Mione, T. A new Peruvian species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) with blood-red floral nectar / T. Mione, S. Leiva G. // Rhodora. - 1997. - № 99. - P. 283-286.

23. Mione, T. Jaltomata lojae (Solanaceae): Description and floral biology of a new Andean species / T. Mione, L. A. Serazo // Rhodora. - 1999. - № 101. - P. 136-142.

24. Mione, T. Jaltomata bohsiana: A new species and key to the Jaltomata (Solanaceae) of Mexico / T. Mione, D. M. Spooner // Novon. - 2010. - № 20. - P. 186-189.

25. Mione, T. Jaltomata I: Circumscription, description and new combinations for five South American species / T. Mione, G. J. Anderson, M. Nee // Brittonia. - 1993. -№ 45 (2). - P. 138-145.

26. Mione, T. A new species, a new combination, and new synonymy for South American Jaltomata (Solanaceae) / T. Mione, S. Leiva G., N. R. Smith, S. J. Hevner // Rhodora. - 2000. - № 102. - P. 385-391.

27. Mione, T. Three new species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Ancash Peru / T. Mione,

S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Novon. - 2000. - № 10. - P. 53-59.

28. Mione, T. Rediscovery and Floral Biology of Jaltomata biflora (Solanaceae) /

T. Mione, D. Mugaburu, B. Connolly // Economic Botany. - 2001. - № 55 (1). -P. 167-168.

29. Mione, T. Jaltomata andersonii (Solanaceae): a new species of Peru / T. Mione,

S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Rhodora. - 2004. - № 106. - P. 118-123.

30. Mione, T. Five new species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Cajamarca, Peru /

T. Mione, S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Novon. - 2007. - № 17. - P. 49-58.

31. Mione, T. Transfer of Saracha weberbaueri Dammer subspecies pallascana Bitter, also known as Saracha pallascana (Bitter) Macbride, to Jaltomata as J. pallascana (Bitter) Mione (Solanaceae) / T. Mione, S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Arnaldoa. - 2008. -№ 15 (2). - P. 285-288.

32. Mione, T. Jaltomata atiquipa (Solanaceae): A new species of southern Peru / T. Mione, S. Leiva G., L. Yacher, A. Cameron // Phytologia. - 2011. - № 93. -P. 203-207.

33. Mione, T. Jaltomata spooneri (Solanaceae): A new species of southern Peru / T. Mione, S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Phytologia. - 2013. - № 95. - P. 167-171.

34. Mione, T. Two new Peruvian species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae, Solaneae) with red floral nectar / T. Mione, S. Leiva G., L. Yacher // Brittonia. - 2015. - № 67 (2). -P. 105-112.

35. Thiers, B. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium / B. Thiers. - URL: http:// sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/

36. Miller, R. J. Color by numbers: nuclear gene phylogeny of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), sister genus to Solanum, supports three clades differing in fruit color / R. J. Miller, T. Mione, H. Phan, R. G. Olmstead // Systematic Botany. - 2011. - № 36. - P. 153-162.

37. IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. - Second edition. -Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iv + 32 pp. - URL: https://portals.iucn. org/library/efiles/documents/RL-2001-001-2nd.pdf (accessed 15 Oct. 2015).


University proceedings. Volga region

№ 3 (11), 2015

Естественные науки. Биология


1. Hunziker A. T. South American Solanaceae; a synoptic survey. The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. Linnean Society Symposium Series № 7. New York: Academic Press, 1979, pp. 49-85.

2. Nee M. Solanaceae I. Flora de Veracruz, fasciculo 49. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico: Institute Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bioticos, 1986.

3. Davis T. The generic relationship of Saracha and Jaltomata (Solanaceae; Solaneae). Rhodora. 1980, no. 82, pp. 345-352.

4. D’Arcy W. G. The genera of Solanaceae and their types. Solanaceae Newsletter. 1986, no. 2 (4), pp. 10-33.

5. D’Arcy W. G. The Solanaceae since 1976, with a review of its biogeography. Solanaceae III. Taxonomy, Chemistry, Evolution. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Linnean Society of London, 1991, pp. 75-137.

6. Mione T. Systematics and evolution of Jaltomata (Solanaceae): Ph. D. thesis. Connecticut: University of Connecticut Storrs, 1992.

7. Mione T., Olmstead R. C., Jansen R. K., Anderson G. J. Systematic Implications of chloroplast DNA variation in Jaltomata and selected physaloid genera (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany. 1994, no. 81 (7), pp. 912-918.

8. Hunziker A. T. The Genera of Solanaceae. Ruggell, Liechtenstein: A. R. G. Gantner Verlag K. G., 2001.

9. Olmstead R. G., Bohs L., Migid H. A., Santiago-Valentin E., Garcia V. F., Collier S. M. A molecular phylogeny of the Solanaceae. Taxon. 2008, no. 57, pp. 1159-1181.

10. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Quipuscoa S. V. Cuatro nuevas especies de Jaltomata (Solanaceae: Solaneae) del Norte de Peru. Arnoldoa. 1998, no. 5 (2), pp. 179-192.

11. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Three new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2007, no. 14 (1), pp. 29-44.

12. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Four new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2007, no. 14 (2), pp. 219-238.

13. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Two new species of Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2008, no. 15 (2), pp. 185-196.

14. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L., Quipuscoa S. V. Modillonia una nueva seccion de Jaltomata Schlechtendal (Solanaceae) con una nueva especies del Norte del Peru. Arnaldoa. 2010, no. 17 (2), pp. 163-171.

15. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Jaltomata huancabambae and Jaltomata incahuasina (Solanaceae) two new species from Nothern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2013, no. 20 (2), pp. 265-280.

16. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Jaltomata angasmarcae and Jaltomata pauciseminata (Solanaceae) two new species of from Northern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2014, no. 21 (1), pp. 25-39.

17. Leiva G. S., Mione T., Yacher L. Jaltomata glomeruliflora (Solanaceae) a new species from Northern Peru. Arnaldoa. 2015, no. 22 (1), pp. 25-34.

18. Mione T. Jaltomata II: New Combinations for five South American species (Solana-ceae). Brittonia. 1999, no. 51 (1), pp. 31-33.

19. Mione T., Coe F. G. Two new combinations in Peruvian Jaltomata (Solanaceae). Novon. 1992, no. 2, pp. 383-384.

20. Mione T., Coe L. A. Jaltomata sagastegui and Jaltomata Cajamarca (Solanaceae), Two New Shrubs from Northern Peru. Novon. 1996, no. 6, pp. 280-284.

21. Mione T., Granda P. A. Lectotypification of Jaltomata weberbaueri (Solanaceae). Rhodora. 2006, no. 108, pp. 403-404.

22. Mione T., Leiva G. S. A new Peruvian species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) with blood-red floral nectar. Rhodora. 1997, no. 99, pp. 283-286.

23. Mione T., Serazo L. A. Jaltomata lojae (Solanaceae): Description and floral biology of a new Andean species. Rhodora. 1999, no. 101, pp. 136-142.

Natural Sciences. Biology


Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион

24. Mione T., Spooner D. M. Jaltomata bohsiana: A new species and key to the Jaltomata (Solanaceae) of Mexico. Novon. 2010, no. 20, pp. 186-189.

25. Mione T., Anderson G. J., Nee M. Jaltomata I: Circumscription, description and new combinations for five South American species. Brittonia. 1993, no. 45 (2), pp. 138-145.

26. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Smith N. R., Hevner S. J. A new species, a new combination, and new synonymy for South American Jaltomata (Solanaceae). Rhodora. 2000, no. 102, pp. 385-391.

27. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Three new species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Ancash Peru. Novon. 2000, no. 10, pp. 53-59.

28. Mione T., Mugaburu D., Connolly B. Rediscovery and Floral Biology of Jaltomata biflora (Solanaceae). Economic Botany. 2001, no. 55 (1), pp. 167-168.

29. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Jaltomata andersonii (Solanaceae): a new species of Peru. Rhodora. 2004, no. 106, pp. 118-123.

30. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Five new species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Cajamarca, Peru. Novon. 2007, no. 17, pp. 49-58.

31. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Transfer of Saracha weberbaueri Dammer subspecies pallascana Bitter, also known as Saracha pallascana (Bitter) Macbride, to Jaltomata as J. pallascana (Bitter) Mione (Solanaceae). Arnaldoa. 2008, no. 15 (2), pp. 285-288.

32. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L., Cameron A. Jaltomata atiquipa (Solanaceae): A new species of southern Peru. Phytologia. 2011, no. 93, pp. 203-207.

33. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Jaltomata spooneri (Solanaceae): A new species of southern Peru. Phytologia. 2013, no. 95, pp. 167-171.

34. Mione T., Leiva G. S., Yacher L. Two new Peruvian species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae, Solaneae) with red floral nectar. Brittonia. 2015, no. 67 (2), pp. 105-112.

35. Thiers B. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Available at: http://sweetgum. nybg.org/ih/

36. Miller R. J., Mione T., Phan H., Olmstead R. G. Color by numbers: nuclear gene phylo-geny of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), sister genus to Solanum, supports three clades differing in fruit color. Systematic Botany. 2011, no. 36, pp. 153-162.

37. IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. Second edition. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. iv + 32 pp. Available at: https:// portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/RL-2001-001-2nd.pdf (accessed 15 Oct. 2015).

Мионе Томас

доктор биологических наук, профессор, кафедра биологии, Центральный государственный университет штата Коннектикут (Нью-Бритен, Коннектикут 06050-4010, США)

E-mail: mionet@ccsu.edu

Леива Гонзалез Сегундо магистр тропической ботаники, профессор, Музей естественной истории, Частный университет Антенор Оррего (п/я 1075, Трухильо, Перу)

E-mail: segundo_leiva@hotmail.com

Mione Thomas

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, biology department, Central Connecticut State University

(New Britain, Connecticut 06050-4010, USA)

Leiva Gonzalez Segundo

Maestria en Botanica Tropical, Professor,

Museum of Natural History, Antenor

Orrego Private University

(PO Box 1075, Trujillo, Peru)


University proceedings. Volga region

№ 3 (11), 2015

Естественные науки. Биология

Ячер Леон

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

доктор географических наук, профессор, кафедра окружающей среды, географии и морских наук, Южный государственный университет штата Коннектикут (ул. Крещент 501, Нью Хейвен, Коннектикут 06515-1355, США)

E-mail: Yacherl1@southemct.edu

Yacher Leon

Doctor of Geography, Professor, department

of the environment, geography and marine sciences, Southern Connecticut State University

(501 Crescent Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06515-1355, USA)

УДК 57 Mione, T.

Jaltomata sanmiguelina (Solanaceae), a new species from Northern Peru /

T. Mione, S. Leiva Gonzalez, L. Yacher // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. Естественные науки. - 2015. - № 3 (11). - С. 3-13.

Natural Sciences. Biology


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