Научная статья на тему 'Изучение факторов, влияющих на мотивацию медицинского персонала, не являющихся врачами в управленческом измерении'

Изучение факторов, влияющих на мотивацию медицинского персонала, не являющихся врачами в управленческом измерении Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Шукрие Т.

Больницы, занимающие важное место в жизни человека, способны достичь своих целей путем эффективной и действенной работы медицинского персонала. Инструменты, которые делают персонал эффективным, являются мотивационные инструменты. Важно правильно использовать эти мотивационные инструменты. Сотрудники с высоким уровнем мотивации также способствуют достижению целей организации, в которой они работают. С помощью этого исследования, необходимо определить, каковы факторы, которые повышают мотивацию медицинского персонала не являющегося врачом, а также определить, отличаются ли они личными характеристиками, выявить отношения управленческого размера факторов, влияющих на мотивацию, а также внести свой вклад в сектор здравоохранения с этими результатами. В исследовании была использована форма опроса в рамках количественного метода исследования. 385 врачей в 3-х государственных больницах в провинции Самсун были опрошены методом собеседования с медицинским персоналом, не являющегося врачом. Было установлено, что факторы, связанные с общими факторами мотивации, управленческими, индивидуальными и факторами, связанными с работой, были одинаковыми, а другие факторы мотивации воспринимались по-разному. Для повышения уровня мотивации медицинского персонала, не являющегося врачом, следует обеспечить, чтобы руководители здравоохранения начали работать над введением системы «Дополнительный платеж на основе результатов», применяемой к врачам.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Шукрие Т.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Изучение факторов, влияющих на мотивацию медицинского персонала, не являющихся врачами в управленческом измерении»

Изучение факторов, влияющих на мотивацию медицинского персонала, не являющихся врачами в управленческом измерении

Шукрие Тургут

докторант, Институт социальных наук, (УИБиП), sukriyeturgut@hotmail.com

Южный Университет

Больницы, занимающие важное место в жизни человека, способны достичь своих целей путем эффективной и действенной работы медицинского персонала. Инструменты, которые делают персонал эффективным, являются мотивационные инструменты. Важно правильно использовать эти мотивационные инструменты. Сотрудники с высоким уровнем мотивации также способствуют достижению целей организации, в которой они работают. С помощью этого исследования, необходимо определить, каковы факторы, которые повышают мотивацию медицинского персонала не являющегося врачом, а также определить, отличаются ли они личными характеристиками, выявить отношения управленческого размера факторов, влияющих на мотивацию, а также внести свой вклад в сектор здравоохранения с этими результатами. В исследовании была использована форма опроса в рамках количественного метода исследования. 385 врачей в 3-х государственных больницах в провинции Самсун были опрошены методом собеседования с медицинским персоналом, не являющегося врачом. Было установлено, что факторы, связанные с общими факторами мотивации, управленческими, индивидуальными и факторами, связанными с работой, были одинаковыми, а другие факторы мотивации воспринимались по-разному.

Для повышения уровня мотивации медицинского персонала, не являющегося врачом, следует обеспечить, чтобы руководители здравоохранения начали работать над введением системы «Дополнительный платеж на основе результатов», применяемой к врачам.

Ключевые слова: здоровье, немедицинский работник здравоохранения, мотивация, количественное исследование


Motivation levels are one of the most important factors that determine the performance of employees. If the motivation level is low, it is not possible for a person who has good education, who has the knowledge and skills necessary for his / her job to perform adequately. Motivation is to act in accordance with one's own desires and wishes to achieve a specific goal. The most important issue in motivation is to understand the behaviors of employees and the reasons for these behaviors. There is a need behind each behavior and a purpose in front of it. In order to achieve these goals, the needs of the employees need to be satisfied first. Motivating tools are needed to provide employee motivation. The most important aim of motivation is to find the elements that can create more work desire for the employees, to meet their needs at a high level and to come to work every day and to provide their work with Will. High employee motivation, satisfaction, productivity, success, while providing benefits for individuals in terms of aspects such as; productivity increase, staff turnover rate reduction, qualified employees to the business, performance increase in the business can also contribute greatly. In particular, the fact that businesses can achieve high-level performance only at the point where the objectives of the employees and the goals of the business are consistent increases the importance of motivation. In this context, the study of motivation tools used to increase the performance of the problem workers constitute.


Kogel (2010), motivation, the word motivation used in almost every language; motivation, desire, motivation is accepted as. The action of an individual to take an action means that the individual has the Will and devotion to focus on a specific goal. In other words, people's actions define their own wishes and wishes as their attempts to achieve.

It is very difficult to determine the exact principles of motivation and motivational factors because human behavior is very complex and difficult to understand. The most important reason for this is that people have different personalities and therefore can react differently to different events. Factors that provide motivation vary from person to person. Therefore, an organization's needs and providing an array of promotional tools an organization with a degree of satisfaction the degree of satisfaction of the other cannot be the same. In this context, an administrator who succeeded in directing his subordinates to a specific purpose may not achieve this success by applying the same methods in another organization (Eren 2003).





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Economic motivational tools can be explained as income, income Participation, Premium wage application, rewards, social benefits and amenities. The importance of each item is different when applied to individuals, given the differences of individuals again, these differences almost perform a geometric growth. In other words, wage increase for an individual is an important motivational tool, social assistance or convenience for another individual can cause significant effects (Can, 2010).

One of the tools to increase employee motivation is psycho-social factors. Psycho-social factors include: sense of security, independence in the study, social participation, respect for private legislation, friendship, suggestion system, attractiveness of the work environment, value and status, competition, the behavior of the manager, and the use of other people (sabuncuoglu, 1984).

Organizational and managerial factors, which are the third factors that increase employee motivation, consist of six elements. These are called as goals Union, Education and Promotion, Authority and responsibility, participation in decisions, communication, fair and continuous discipline system (Topaloglu and Koç, 2005).

Materials and methods

The aim of this study is to determine the factors that increase the motivation of non-physician health personnel and determine whether they differ according to their personal characteristics, to put forward the relationship between the factors affecting motivation in the managerial dimension and to contribute to the sector with the results obtained.

The Importance of The Study

It is thanks to the effective and efficient work of the health personnel employed by the hospitals that have an important place in human life in order to reach their goals. Motivation tools are the tools that enable the staff to be effective and productive. The important thing is to use these motivational tools correctly. Employees with high level of motivation also contribute positively in achieving the objectives of the institution they work for. At the end of the study, the expectations of the employees about motivation tools and whether they changed according to demographic characteristics were determined.

Method of Study

In this study, a questionnaire was applied to 385 non-physician health personnel in Samsun province. In order to determine the factors that affect the motivation of non-physicians health personnel, the questionnaire was conducted in a descriptive and cross-sectional manner. The questionnaire evaluation was carried out with SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics) 23.0 program.

The Population and Sample of Research

The aim of this study was to investigate the evolution of the study in 3 state hospitals affiliated with the Provincial Health Directorate in Samsun province, and to provide 1428 midwives/nurses, 658 health technicians/technicians and 123 other health services (biologist, Child Development developer, di-

etitian, medical technologist, pharmacist, physiotherapist, chemist, audiologist, psychologist, social worker, etc.).) a total of 2209 health workers, including the class. The study was taken by Qagan (2012) and the non-prescribing health worker was determined as 385 people using Power Analysis and sample size (Pass) program on Alpha=0.05, power=0.80 and error 5% condition.

Data Collection Tools

In the study, a questionnaire consisting of 10 Questions was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the health personnel in the Department, occupation, gender, marital status, age, working time in the health sector, working time in the current Hospital, School where they graduated and monthly income amount. In addition, in the second part, the motivation factor scale consisting of 44 expressions consisting of 11 expressions consisting of administrative factors, 12 individual factors consisting of 12, 8 business factors consisting of 3 and other factors consisting of 3 were used. The questions "absolutely agree" and "absolutely disagree" were created in the 5th likert scale system.


Following are the findings of the study conducted to examine the degree of perceived factors affecting motivation by non-physician health personnel according to socio-demographic variables at managerial level.

In this study, 4.4% of the non-physicians ' health personnel worked in Anesthesia Service, 1.6% Bevliye (Urology) Clinic, 16.1% biochemistry Clinic, 0.5% volume clinic, 6.5% Internal Medicine Clinic, 1.0% Infectious Diseases Clinic, 8.1% General Surgery Clinic, 1.8% eye diseases clinic, 8.1% first and emergency assistance, 0.3% women's diseases and obstetrics clinic, 0.5% heart surgery clinic, 1.0% Cardiology, %Cardiology,2.1 ear nose throat clinic, 1.0% Microbiology clinic, 2.6% Neurology Clinic, 9.1% radiology clinic, It was observed that 2.6 %of Orthopedics and Traumatology clinics, 0.8% of General Practitioners, 4.9% of Psychiatric Clinics, 1.8% of Pharmacy, 1.8% of social services services, 4.9% of Polyclinics, 13.8% of intensive care units, 2.3% of operating room and 2.3% of medical oncology units.

The distribution of non-medical health personnel within the scope of the research is given according to their characteristics. Table 2 shows the roles of non-physician health personnel included in the study; 55.6% of nurses, 29.6% of health technicians, 1.3% of psychologists, 1.3% of social service specialists, 2.1% of pharmacist, 1.8% of other health workers, 74.0% of women, 26.0% of marital status, 81.3% of married, 18.7% of single, 1.0% of single age, 25.2% of 25-34 years, 73.8% of working hours; In this case, the number of patients who were hospitalized in the hospital was higher than the number of patients who were hospitalized in the hospital.; Between 0 - 5 years, 33.5 %between 6-10 years, 27.8% between 11-15 years, 9.9% between 16-20 years, 1.9% between 21 years and above, 2.9% of educational status high school, 31.2% associate degree, 64.2% undergraduate degree, 1.8% graduate degree, 1.0% of monthly fees 1000 TL - 2000 TL, 1.0% of 2001 TL-3000 TL, 6.0% of

3001 TL and above, 93.0% of It was found that 91.2% of those who wanted to bring the performance-based supplementary payment system to non-physician health personnel and 8.8% of those who did not.

Research which covered non-physician health personnel motivation factors scale and sub-scales of the administrative factors, individual factors, work-related factors and other factors from the scale of average scores, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value descriptive statistics such as Table 3.given in 'te. Motivation factors, on the scale of overall average and standard deviation(x =34,90±of 0.59) and non-physician health personnel and low on the scale, 22, 59 points is the highest, the average and standard deviation of the size of administrative factors (x =31,66±0,81) and non-physician health personnel and 13 on the scale the lowest highest 50 points, the mean and standard deviation of the size of individual factors (x =34,51±0,69) and non-physician medical personnel from the Scale Minimum 18, maximum heat to 85 points Work-related factors, the average and standard deviation of the size of (x =36,50±0,64) , other factors were the average of the size and standard deviation (x =44,00±0.55), and the non-physician health personnel were the lowest 26 and the highest 50 points.

Pearson correlation analysis was performed in order to determine the relationship between motivation factors and subscales of non-medical health personnel (table 1). There were positive correlations between the age, the working time of the health care industry and the duration of this hospital work (p<0.05). According to this, the administrative factors, individual factors, business-related factors and other factors of non-physician health personnel receive points from the lower dimensions and age, working time in the health sector and the number of points they receive from this hospital, motivation factors are increasing in the overall scale.

The results of the study showed that there was a positive correlation between the duration of work in the hospital and the monthly income (p<0.05). According to this, the individual factors, business-related factors and other factors of non-physician health personnel score from their sub-dimensions and age, working time in the health sector and working time in this hospital increases, the administrative factors included in the level of motivation factors are increasing, and the monthly income level is decreasing compared to the level.

The results of the study showed that there was a positive correlation between the duration of the study and the monthly income (p<0.05). According to this, the factors related to landing and other factors sub-scales of non-physician health personnel and their age, working time in the health sector and their working time in this hospital are increasing, motivation factors are increasing in the scale of the individual factors in the scale.

It was found that there were positive, directional correlations between the scores taken from the scale and the scores taken from the subscale and age, the working time in health care, and the working time in this hospital (p<0.05). According to this, as the

scores of non-physician health personnel from other factors sub-dimension and the age, working time in the health sector and working time in this hospital increase, the scores of motivation factors taken from the overall scale of the business-related factors are increasing.

Table 1

The correlations between non-physician health personnel and moti-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1- General motivation factors 1,0 0

2- Administrativ e factors 0,9 1 1,0 0

3-Individual factors 0,8 9 0,7 1 1,0 0

4-Factors related to business 0,8 0 0,6 5 0,5 8 1,0 0

5-Other factors 0,2 6 0,1 3 0,1 6 0,2 3 1,0 0

6-Departman 0,0 6 0,0 5 0,0 4 0,1 1 0,0 8 1,0 0

7-Career 0,0 1 0,0 1 0,0 0 0,0 2 0,1 3 0,0 5 1,0 0

8-Gender 0,0 0 0,0 1 0,0 2 0,0 5 0,1 2 0,1 0 0,0 3 1,0 0

9-Marital status 0,0 9 0,0 8 0,0 8 0,0 9 0,0 2 0,0 6 0,1 2 0,2 2 1,0 0

10-Age 0,1 8 0,2 0 0,1 7 0,1 1 0,0 9 0,0 6 0,0 8 0,0 9 0,4 2 1,0 0

11-Working time in health sector 0,1 8 0,2 0 0,1 5 0,1 4 0,0 3 0,1 2 0,0 6 0,1 4 0,4 3 0,5 7 1,0 0

12-Working time in this hospital 0,2 2 0,2 2 0,1 6 0,1 9 0,0 5 0,1 4 0,0 8 0,0 7 0,3 6 0,4 4 0,7 3 1,0 0

13- Educational status 0,0 7 0,0 5 0,0 6 0,0 7 0,0 8 0,0 8 0,0 8 0,0 1 0,0 7 0,1 4 0,0 4 0,0 7 1,0 0

14-Salary 0,0 8 0,1 2 0,0 6 0,0 1 0,0 4 0,0 6 0,0 1 0,0 6 0,0 8 0,0 6 0,1 0 0,0 4 0,0 9 1,0 0

15-Would you like to bring a performance-based supplementary payment system to non-physician health personnel? 0,0 7 0,0 3 0,0 4 0,0 6 0,2 6 0,0 8 0,0 6 0,0 5 0,0 9 0,0 6 0,1 0 0,0 3 0,1 0 0,2 2

*p<0,05 **p<0,01

The negative correlation was found between the scores of the other factors in the scale of motivation factors of non-physician health personnel and the "performance-based payment" system for occupational, gender and non-physician health personnel (p<0.05). In this respect, as the scores of non-physician health personnel from the sub-dimension and the scores of vocational, gender and non-physician health personnel from the "performance based supplementary payment" system increase, the scores of the other factors in the overall scale of motivation factors decrease. Conclusion

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As a result of the research carried out to determine the factors that affect the motivations of 385 non-physicians in 3 state hospitals located in Sam-sun city center and affiliated with the Provincial Health Directorate; In this study, it was determined that the number of patients who were employed in the intensive care unit, 55.6 %employed as nurses, 74.0% married to women, 81.3% married, 73.8% 35 years and older, 39.0% working in health care sector, 11-15 years, 33.5% working in this hospital, 6-10 ^monthly salaries, and 93.0% it has been observed.

The lowest, highest, average and standard deviation scores of non-physician health personnel received from the scales; motivation factors in the range of 22 and 59 (x =34,90±0,59), administrative factors in the range of 13 and 50(x =31,66±0,81), individual factors in the range of 18 and 85 (x =34,51±0,69), business-related factors in the it was observed that they received moderate points.

Administrative factors, individual factors, work-related factors and other factors from the subscale scores, age, working time in the health sector and the scores from the study period in the hospital, as increasing motivational factors-wide scale scores from increasing.

Individual factors, work-related factors and other factors sub-dimension scores and age, time in the hospital working in the health sector and the scores from the study period increased as motivational factors-wide scale is located in the administrative scale scores from the factors, increasing monthly income by level is reduced.

Work-related factors and other factors sub-dimension scores and age, time in the hospital working in the health sector and the scores from the study period increased as motivational factors-wide scale is located on the scale of scores from individual factors is increasing.

Other factors lower the scores they receive and age, the duration of working in the health sector and the duration of working in this hospital increases, motivation factors are increasing in the overall scale of the business-related factors taken from the scale of the scores they receive.

Other factors lower the scores they receive, and higher the scores they receive from other factors on the general scale of motivation factors, increasing the number of points they receive on the "performance-based supplementary payment" system for professionals, gender and non-physicians health professionals.

Examination of the factors affecting the motivation of non-

physician health personnel in managerial level Shukrie Turgut

Southern University (IMBL)

It is thanks to the effective and efficient work of the health personnel employed by the hospitals that have an important place in human life in order to reach their goals. Motivation tools are the tools that enable the staff to be effective and productive. The important thing is to use these motivational tools correctly. Employees with high level of motivation also contribute positively in achieving the objectives of the institution they work for. In this article, it is aimed to determine the factors that increase the motivation of non-physicians health personnel and determine whether they differ according to their personal characteristics, to reveal the relationship between the factors affecting motivation and to contribute to the sector with the results obtained. The questionnaire was used within the scope of quantitative research method. In 3 state hospitals in Samsun, 385 non-physicians were interviewed face to face with health personnel. It was determined that in order to bring the "performance based supplementary payment" system to non-physician health personnel, they perceived the motivation factors as general, administrative factors, individual factors and business-related factors as the same, and other motivational factors as the different. Keywords: Medical, Non-Physician Health Care Workers, Motivation, Quantitative Study References

1. Eren, E. (2003). Management and organization. 6. Basi, Beta

Publishing and Publishing: istanbul.

2. Kim, S. H. (2005), 1001 Way to Motivate Yourself and Others,

Translated: Ali Çimen, 6th Edition, Istanbul: Timas Publications.

3. Koçel, T. (2010). Business Management, 12. Printing, Istanbul:

Beta Publishing.

4. Sabuncuoglu, Z. (1984), Working Psychology, Uludag University

Press: Bursa.

5. Topaloglu, M., Koç, H. (2005), Office Management-Concepts and

Principles, 2nd Edition, Ankara: Seçkin Yayincilik


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