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�he Veterinarian. 2024; (4): 18 � 23
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DOI: 10.33632/1998-698�_2024_4_18
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������ ��������� ��������, �������� ������������ ����, k.khalikova@mail.ru
����� ����������� ������, �������� ������������� ����, mishinanailyan@yandex.ru
������� ���������� �������, iamalova85@mail.ru
������ ������������ ��������, �������� ������������� ����, malanev_andrei@mail.ru
����� ��������� �����, �������� ������������� ����, aleev-damir@bk.ru
�������� ��������� ������������, �������� ������������� ����, galyautdinovaggg@gmail.com
������ ��������� �������, ������ ������������ ����, semyonovei@bk.ru
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�������� �����: ���������, ������������, ����� �����, �������, ��������-�, ������ �������, ��, ���������������� � ������������� ����������
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Kadriya F. Khalikova, candidate of veterinary sciences, k.khalikova@mail.ru
Naila N. Mishina, candidate of biological sciences, mishinanailyan@yandex.ru
Guzaliya R. Yamalova, iamalova85@mail.ru
Andrei V. Malanev, candidate of biological sciences, malanev_andrei@mail.ru
Damir V. Aleev, candidate of biological sciences, aleev-damir@bk.ru
Gulnara G. Galyautdinova, candidate of biological sciences, galyautdinovaggg@gmail.com
Eduard I. Semenov, doctor of biological sciences, semyonovei@bk.ru
Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety, Kazan, Russian Federation
�orresponding author: Kadriya Fagimovna Khalikova.
Abstract. Neonicotinoids currently occupy a special place among pesticides used in agricul-ture. One of the most widely used and effective insecticides from the neonicotinoid group is imidaclo-prid. In veterinary medicine, this pesticide is used to kill fleas, lice, and for the treatment of livestock premises. In case of violation of the regulations for the use of imidacloprid, poisoning with their resid-ual amounts of animals, and with products of animal origin and humans is possible. The purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of medicinal products in the intoxication of laboratory ani-mals with imidacloprid. 30 heads of white rats were used for the experiment. The animals were divid-ed into groups: 1 control group and 4 experimental groups. The control group received clean food. The second group is a toxic diet with imidacloprid at a dose of 50 mg / kg. The remaining (third, fourth and fifth) experimental groups received imidacloprid and medicinal products. Xymedon � C (in the form of 0.05% solution with water), tetraazatricycle compound (TA) in the form of 0.05% solution with water, sodium sulfide with feed at a dose of 10 mg / kg live weight. The duration of the experiment was 30 days. From this experiment, it can be seen that the largest increase in live weight of rats was observed in the experimental group receiving treatment (xymedon C), which amounted to 44.0 g com-pared to the biological control. The introduction of imidacloprid into the rat diet has a negative effect on hematological and biochemical parameters. Xymedone-C therapy contributes to a better reduction in the toxic effect of this pesticide compared to other groups.
Keywords: pesticides, imidacloprid, white rats, treatment, xymedon-C, sodium sulfide, TA, hematological and biochemical parameters
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All authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
������� � ���������� / accepted for publication 07.05.2024;
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������� �.�. 2024