Научная статья на тему 'Change of coal’s gas content during transportation to the temporary storage'

Change of coal’s gas content during transportation to the temporary storage Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
bituminous coal / bituminous coal transportation / coal’s seam gas content / residual gas content / methane / threshold limit concentration / coal storage / temporary coal storage / каменный уголь / транспортировка каменного угля / газоносность угольных пластов / остаточная газоносность / метан / предельно-допустимая концентрация / угольный склад / временное хранение угля

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Semyon G. Gendler, Anastasiia Yu. Stepantsova, Dmitry B. Mozzhanov

Purpose. Definition of correlation between residual gas content in coal stored in closed temporary storages and coal’s natural gas content, which depends on the weather, train’s transportation time and the amount of air ventilating closed storage needed to maintain methane concentration below threshold limit value. Methods. Analysis of the transportation process from excavation site to the temporary storages, which takes into account transportation duration, carriages type and atmospheric temperature; experimental determination of effective diffusion coefficient for methane in coal fragments; theoretical research of thermal pattern dynamic for coal mass in train carriages; computational analysis of coal’s gas content dynamic during transportation and correlation between residual coal’s gas content and required airflow rate for temporary storage ventilation. Findings. This paper represents the results of research of change of coal’s gas content during excavation, transportation to the surface and further transportation to temporary storages by train by evaluating influence of physical and chemical properties of coal, effective diffusion coefficient in particular, and mean atmospheric temperature. According to procured data, value of effective diffusion coefficient, which depends on coal transportation time and its mean particle diameter, increases with the rise of mean coal mass temperature. Calculation of mean coal mass temperature per unit of volume during transportation is based on approximate method of Bubnov Galerkin. Residual coal’s gas content after transportation is calculated as difference between value of coal’s gas content after loading into carriages and coal’s gas content after delivery to temporary storages. Correlation between residual coal’s gas content and required airflow rate for temporary storage ventilation has been established. Application field of research. The results of the study can be used to ensure methane safety during temporary storage of coal raw materials in closed warehouses.

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Изменение газоносности углей при транспортировке до места временного хранения

Цель. Установление взаимосвязи между остаточной газоносностью углей, размещаемых на временное хранение в закрытых угольных складах, относительно начальной газоносности в природных условиях, зависящей от продолжительности транспортировки и метеорологических условий во время транспортирования угольной массы по железной дороге, и количеством воздуха, обеспечивающим при проветривании закрытого склада нормативную концентрацию метана. Методы. Анализ процесса транспортировки углей от места добычи до их временного складирования, учитывающего время транспортировки, тип вагонов и значение температуры наружного воздуха; экспериментальное определение коэффициента эффективной диффузии метана из угольных отдельностей; теоретические исследования динамики температурных полей в угольной массе, находящейся в железнодорожных вагонах; расчетный анализ динамики газоносности углей во время транспортировки и взаимосвязи остаточной газоносности с расходом воздуха для проветривания закрытого угольного склада. Результаты. В работе представлены результаты исследований изменения метаноносности угля в процессе добычи, извлечения его на поверхность и последующей транспортировки железнодорожным способом до мест временного хранения на основе оценки влияния физико-химических свойств угля, в частности эффективного коэффициента диффузии, а также средней температуры окружающей среды. Показано, что значение эффективного коэффициента диффузии, зависящее от времени транспортировки угля и его среднего диаметра частиц, увеличивается при повышении средней температуры угольной массы. На основе приближенного метода Бубнова Галеркина получена средняя температура угольной массы на единицу объема за период транспортировки. Остаточная газоносность угля после транспортировки вычислена как разница между величиной газоносности после его погрузки в вагоны и газоносностью после доставки угля к месту временного хранения. Установлена взаимосвязь между величиной остаточной газоносности углей и расходом воздуха, необходимым для проветривания закрытого склада. Область применения исследований. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для обеспечения метанобезопасности при временном хранении угольного сырья на закрытых складах.

Текст научной работы на тему «Change of coal’s gas content during transportation to the temporary storage»

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-2.188 EDN: https://elibrary.ru/TJGTTS

UDC 331.453


Gendler S.G., Stepantsova A.Yu., Mozzhanov D.B.

Purpose. Definition of correlation between residual gas content in coal stored in closed temporary storages and coal's natural gas content, which depends on the weather, train's transportation time and the amount of air ventilating closed storage needed to maintain methane concentration below threshold limit value.

Methods. Analysis of the transportation process from excavation site to the temporary storages, which takes into account transportation duration, carriages type and atmospheric temperature; experimental determination of effective diffusion coefficient for methane in coal fragments; theoretical research of thermal pattern dynamic for coal mass in train carriages; computational analysis of coal's gas content dynamic during transportation and correlation between residual coal's gas content and required airflow rate for temporary storage ventilation.

Findings. This paper represents the results of research of change of coal's gas content during excavation, transportation to the surface and further transportation to temporary storages by train by evaluating influence of physical and chemical properties of coal, effective diffusion coefficient in particular, and mean atmospheric temperature. According to procured data, value of effective diffusion coefficient, which depends on coal transportation time and its mean particle diameter, increases with the rise of mean coal mass temperature. Calculation of mean coal mass temperature per unit of volume during transportation is based on approximate method of Bubnov - Galerkin. Residual coal's gas content after transportation is calculated as difference between value of coal's gas content after loading into carriages and coal's gas content after delivery to temporary storages. Correlation between residual coal's gas content and required airflow rate for temporary storage ventilation has been established.

Application field of research. The results of the study can be used to ensure methane safety during temporary storage of coal raw materials in closed warehouses.

Keywords: bituminous coal, bituminous coal transportation, coal's seam gas content, residual gas content, methane, threshold limit concentration, coal storage, temporary coal storage.

(The date of submitting: April 10, 2024)


The purpose of temporary storage of coal in port terminals, thermal power plants and boiler houses is to create the necessary stock of coal products to ensure sustainable operation of sea transportation, generation of heat and electric power, obtaining raw materials for metallurgical, chemical and other industries.

In 2022 206,5 million tons of coal were transported through coal seaports in Russia - Ust-Luga, Vanino, Vostochny, Taman and Nakhodka, which is greater than in 2021 by 1.8 %. [1-3].

The vast majority of warehouses for temporary storage of coal are open areas, where coal is placed, pre-stacked in a stack, having, as a rule, the geometric shape of a trapezoid. One of the most significant disadvantages of this storing method is not only its quality drop due to exposure to weather, but also the wind erosion, which leads to generation and spread of coal dust thus negatively affecting the environment [4-6]. As an alternative way for temporary coal storing using closed temporary storages can minimize all negative factors of open type storing [7; 8].

While storing in closed temporary storages is obviously better from ecological standpoint, this method can lead to dangerous concentrations of gas in the storage's atmosphere, which may become the reason for storage employees' health issues. These can be caused by methane inflow from stored coal, which remained in coal fragments after excavation and transportation. Residual

coal's gas content value should be considered as the main factor that determines possible violation of threshold limit value (1 % of volume)1.

While storing coal in closed temporary storages the most rational way to maintain threshold limit value of gas is ventilation. Its necessity and parameters, including value of air inflow, mostly depend on residual coal's gas content before its unloading in closed temporary storages.

Therefore, the determination of required air inflow for closed temporary storage should be based on credible information about residual coal's gas content. It defines relevance of this paper's problem. Full research cycle was conducted for coal from Kuznetsk basin with grades G and J, which have natural gas content higher than 15 m3/t reaching up to 25 m3/t at certain depths [9]. Another point of this research is that these types of coal have the biggest commercial interest for marine export and, thus, for maintaining ecological safety during temporary storing in port terminals.

Problem formulation

According to scientific literature [10-12], coal's gas content (methane content) after excavation and transportation to the surface is significantly lower than natural gas content in natural environment. Calculations, which were conducted according to instructional guidelines «Coal mine ventilation system design guide», showed that prolonged coal storing in the mine working greater than 10 days lowers coal's gas content by more than 2.5 times.

However, with high initial coal's gas content it doesn't decrease significantly even after transportation to the surface. For example, with natural coal's gas content of 30-40 m3/t, transportation to the surface may decrease the content only to 12-15 m3/t.

Further decrease in coal's gas content will continue during transportation by train. The dynamic of this process depends on the type of carriage, trains' velocity Vt (km/h), coal's swell factor Ks.

Coal is transported by train mostly with the use of open and closed four-axle carriages [13; 14], also recently open top containers started getting used.

Average coal transportation takes from 7 to 14 days depending on the distance traveled. Within this whole time the process of methane desorption from coal continues without interruptions. Gas release intensity of transported coal significantly depends on the value of effective diffusion coefficient Deff (m2/s) [15-17], value of which was determined by us during experimental research [9].

-10 0 10 20 30

Coal's temperature, oC

Figure 1. - Correlation between effective diffusion coefficient and mean coal mass temperature

1 On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «Safety rules for processing, preparation and briquetting of coal»: Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, No. 428, October 28, 2020: registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia, December 21, 2020.

The presented graph in figure 1 suggests that the value of effective diffusion coefficient depends on coal mass temperature. Since coal's temperature during transportation can change depending on atmospheric air's temperature, it is proposed to set the value of the effective diffusion coefficient by the mean integral over the transportation period and volume average temperature of coal mass in railcars.

In order to calculate mean and averaged temperatures per unit of coal volume during the transportation process following conditions will be applied:

1. Inhomogeneous coal mass in carriages will be considered as homogeneous and defined by three effective thermophysical properties: thermal conductivity coefficient Af (W/(m K)), specific heat capacity Ceff (J/(kg-K)) and thermal diffusivity aeff (m2/s), values of which are applied according to recommendations from suggested studies [18; 19].

2. Four-axle carriage's complex shape will be considered as a cylinder with equivalent radius Rcar (m), which will be calculated using the following formula:

Rcar = ^car^ (1)

where Scar - four-axle carriage's cross-section area, m2;

ucar - carriage's perimeter, m.

Heat dissipation coefficient an can be calculated with the following empirical formula [20]:

0.7V +15)

an = an.r + V 0.2 ', (2)


where an.r - radiant component of heat dissipation, W/(m2K) (an.r = 9 W/(m2K) under summer conditions);

Lcar - carriage's length, m;

15 - dimensional coefficient, km/h;

W /

0.7 - dimensional coefficient, —^— /km/h .


The results of an calculations indicate that at train speeds greater than 60 km/h, the value of an exceeds 50 W/(m2K). This gives us justification to assume that heat transfer intensity between carriages' surfaces and atmospheric air can be calculated with first-type boundary conditions.

The solution of calculating the heat transfer with equivalent thermophysical properties that models a rail carriage is done approximately and is based on Bubnov - Galerkin method [21].

The correlation between dimensionless mean integral temperature 0 and cylinder's cross-section has the following form:

0 = 0.693e"5 78i»coal + 0.197e-36 88f°oal, (3)

where F0coal - Fourier diffusion number for coal (F0coal =aeqx / Rc2ar; aeq - equivalent thermal diffusivity m2/s; t - transportation duration, s).

Dimensionless mean temperature of coal mass during transportation to temporary storage can be calculated using correlation (3) and the following ratio:


1 V 0.12

0m - ти j QdFo"

m т-^coal J " tt^C1

F0 0 F0



Fco F0

^ _ g-36-88F0ccoal


Then, the average temperature of the coal mass T m (K) is calculated by the following formula:

T m = fair +0m(To - ij, (5)

where tair - air temperature, K;

To - initial coal mass temperature, K. Research's results discussion

The following calculations were done using correlation (4) for base data (table 2) with atmosphere's temperature and transportation time as variables.

Table 1. - Thermophysical properties of coal mass and its components

Thermal conductivity, W/(m-K) Specific heat capacity, J/(kg-K) Relative volume Effective properties of heterogeneous environment

Thermal conductivity Xeff, W/(mK) Specific heat capacity Ceff, J/(kg-K) Thermal diffusivity aeff, m2/s

coal air coal air coal air

0.25 0.031 1300 1005 0.7 0.3 0.145 1212 0.0000013

Results are represented in Figure 2.

ta - air temperature

Figure 2. - Average temperature of coal mass during transportation to temporary storage

Analysis of the procured data shows that with prolonged transportation, depending on the weather, average temperature of coal mass can decrease by 10-20 °C in winter season and increase by 50-10 °C in summer season.

Change in coal's gas content inside carriage XT (m3/t) relative to the initial value is equal to the difference between initial value X0 and the total value of gas release:

X = X


"sur P coal

Deff T



where Fsur - coal's surface inside the carriage, m2; Pcoal - coal density, kg/m3; Pcar - carriage's load capacity, kg.

Airflow rate that maintains methane concentration inside coal's storage below 1 % is calculated based on methane airflow and total side surface of coal pile.

Joint graph for coal's gas content (methane content) calculation during transportation depending on different atmospheric air's temperatures and airflow rate is represented in figure 3.

20 15 10 5 0 100 200 300 400 500

Required airflow rate, m3/s Transportation time, h

Figure 3. - Graph for residual coal's gas content and required airflow rate determination for closed temporary storage's ventilation during 5 days of storing

As the represented graph from figure 3 shows, the required airflow rate that will maintain safe exploitation of closed temporary storage with methane release depends on residual coal's gas content (methane content) before transportation and transportation duration. For example, during 10-day transportation in winter season coal's gas content will drop from 20 to 13 m3/t and the value of the required air flow rate will be 17 m3/s.


1. Determination of purposefulness of ventilation installation in order to prevent methane concentration higher than 1 % should be based on credible information about residual coal's gas content after excavation, transportation to surface and to temporary storages.

2. Gas release intensity of transported coal significantly depends on the value of effective diffusion coefficient Deff, which, in turn, depends on the average value of coal mass temperature: coal mass's temperature increase quickens the rate of methane desorption from coal fragments, which decreases residual coal's gas content of coal mass during its transportation compared to winter season.

3. Calculation of the average temperature of the coal mass loaded into cars over the transportation period can be carried out assuming the possibility of replacing a heterogeneous coal mass with a homogeneous one with equivalent thermophysical properties based on the approximate Bubnov - Galerkin method.

4. Coal's gas content monotonically decreases during its transportation. With residual coal's gas content value of 15 m3/t, a gradual decrease in coal's gas content can be observed during its transportation to temporary storage. Thus, after seven days of coal mass transportation during winter season at -20 °C the residual coal's gas content will be approximately equal to 11 m3/t, after 15 days -lower than 8 m3/t, in summer season at +15 °C it will be 9,5 m3/t and lower than 6 m3/t accordingly.

5. Airflow that is required to decrease methane concentration below 1 % increases with higher residual coal's gas content before unloading in the temporary storage. Thus, in order to ensure normal methane concentration for 5 days with residual coal's gas content of 15 m3/t, required airflow rate will be equal to 15 m3/s during winter season and 20 m3/s during summer season.


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Изменение газоносности углей при транспортировке до места временного хранения Change of coal's gas content during transportation to the temporary storage

Гендлер Семен Григорьевич

доктор технических наук, профессор

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский горный университет императрицы Екатерины II», кафедра безопасности производств, заведующий кафедрой

Адрес: Васильевский остров, 21-я линия, 2, 199106, г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия Email: Gendler_SG@pers.spmi.ru SPIN-код: 4043-5453

Semyon G. Gendler

Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine the Great», Chair of Industrial Safety, Head of the Chair

Address: Vasilyevsky Island, 21st Line, 2,

199106, St. Petersburg, Russia Email: Gendler_SG@pers.spmi.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-7721-7246 ScopusID: 56168675100 ResearcherID: I-9283-2017

Степанцова Анастасия Юрьевна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский горный университет императрицы Екатерины II», кафедра безопасности производств, аспирант

Адрес: Васильевский остров, 21 -я линия, 2, 199106, г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия Email: s215060@stud.spmi.ru SPIN-код: 4509-5158

Anastasiia Yu. Stepantsova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine the Great», Chair of Industrial Safety, postgraduate student

Address: Vasilyevsky Island, 21st Line, 2,

199106, St. Petersburg, Russia Email: s215060@stud.spmi.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5027-4742 ScopusID: 58723881500

Мозжанов Дмитрий Борисович

Специалист в области горного дела Адрес: г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия Email: mozzhanof904@yandex.ru

Dmitry B. Mozzhanov

Specialist in mining engineering

Address: St. Petersburg, Russia Email: mozzhanof904@yandex.ru ORCID: 0009-0003-2112-5785

EDN: https://elibrary.ru/TJGTTS DOI: https://doi.org/10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-2.188

УДК 331.453



Гендлер С.Г., Степанцова А.Ю., Мозжанов Д.Б.

Цель. Установление взаимосвязи между остаточной газоносностью углей, размещаемых на временное хранение в закрытых угольных складах, относительно начальной газоносности в природных условиях, зависящей от продолжительности транспортировки и метеорологических условий во время транспортирования угольной массы по железной дороге, и количеством воздуха, обеспечивающим при проветривании закрытого склада нормативную концентрацию метана.

Методы. Анализ процесса транспортировки углей от места добычи до их временного складирования, учитывающего время транспортировки, тип вагонов и значение температуры наружного воздуха; экспериментальное определение коэффициента эффективной диффузии метана из угольных отдельностей; теоретические исследования динамики температурных полей в угольной массе, находящейся в железнодорожных вагонах; расчетный анализ динамики газоносности углей во время транспортировки и взаимосвязи остаточной газоносности с расходом воздуха для проветривания закрытого угольного склада.

Результаты. В работе представлены результаты исследований изменения метаноносности угля в процессе добычи, извлечения его на поверхность и последующей транспортировки железнодорожным способом до мест временного хранения на основе оценки влияния физико-химических свойств угля, в частности эффективного коэффициента диффузии, а также средней температуры окружающей среды. Показано, что значение эффективного коэффициента диффузии, зависящее от времени транспортировки угля и его среднего диаметра частиц, увеличивается при повышении средней температуры угольной массы. На основе приближенного метода Бубнова - Галеркина получена средняя температура угольной массы на единицу объема за период транспортировки. Остаточная газоносность угля после транспортировки вычислена как разница между величиной газоносности после его погрузки в вагоны и газоносностью после доставки угля к месту временного хранения. Установлена взаимосвязь между величиной остаточной газоносности углей и расходом воздуха, необходимым для проветривания закрытого склада.

Область применения исследований. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для обеспечения метанобезопасности при временном хранении угольного сырья на закрытых складах.

Ключевые слова: каменный уголь, транспортировка каменного угля, газоносность угольных пластов, остаточная газоносность, метан, предельно-допустимая концентрация, угольный склад, временное хранение угля.

(Поступила в редакцию 10 апреля 2024 г.) ЛИТЕРАТУРА

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