ИСТОЧНИКИ НАРОДНОГО ТВОРЧЕСТВА КАК СРЕДСТВО ИЗУЧЕНИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
пословицы / источник объективной информации / моральный кодекс жизненных правил / народное творчество / proverb / source of objective information / moral code of life / folk art

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Абдрахманова Рамиля Ябировна, Крепкогорская Евгения Всеволодовна

Известно, что пословицы и поговорки являются проявлением творчества народа и важной частью литературного языка. Для учащихся, интересующихся и любящих язык, они являются не только источником объективной информации о народе, его обычаях, традициях, нравах и ценностях, но и источником эстетического наслаждения.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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It is known that proverbs and sayings are a manifestation of folk art and an important part of the literary lan-guage. For students who are interested in language and love it, they are not only a source of objective information about the people, their customs, traditions, manners and values, but also a source of aesthetic pleasure.


2. Vitkovskaya I.P. Sovershenstvovanie pomoshhi detyam s orfanny'mi zabolevaniyami i ix roditelyam v Moskve [E'lektronny'j resurs] // Social'ny'e aspekty' zdorov'ya naseleniya.-2018.-№3.-URL: https://cyberleninka.rU/article/n/sovershenstvovanie-pomoschi-detyam-s-orfannymi-zabolevaniyami-i-ih" roditelyam-v-moskve (data obrashheniya: 07.01.2023).

3. Volkova N.S., Aksu E\ Redkie (orfanny'e) zabolevaniya: pravovoe regulirovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedeniya. - 2018. - № 4(71). - S. 154 - 160.

4. Gafiatulina N.X., Krotov D.V., Samy'gin S.I. Social'noe zdorov'e rossijskoj molodezhi kak ob"ekt gosudarst-vennoj molodezhnoj politiki // Gumanitarny'e, social'no -e'konomicheskie i obshhestvenny'e nauki. - 2017. - № 3. - S.38-41.

5. Kalimullin D.D., Pavlinov A.V. Cifrovy'e texnologii modernizacii vospitaniya studentov vuzov // Vestnik Ka-zanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury'. - 2022. - № 4. - S. 63-68.

6. Komissarov S.N., Soldatov V.M. Kul'turnaya politika i social'naya politika v regionax Rossijskoj Federacii // Sociologicheskaya nauka i social'naya praktika. - 2018. - T.6, № 4(24). - S. 29-40.

7. Koncepciya razvitiya rannej pomoshhi v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda (utv. rasporyazheni-em Pravitel'stva RF ot 31 avgusta 2016 g. № 1839-r). [E'lektronny'j resurs].- Rezhim dostupa: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71381134/ (data obrashheniya: 08.01.2023).

8. Kravchuk Zh.P., Rumyanceva O.A. Orfanny'e zabolevaniya: opredelenie, problemy', perspektivy' // Problemy' zdorov'ya i e'kologii. - 2013. - № 4(38). - S. 7-11.

9. Kosyakov N.V. Mediko-social'ny'e aspekty' bol'ny'x orfanny'mi zabolevaniyami // Zhurnal nauchny'x statej zdorov'ya i obrazovanie v XXI veke. - 2018. - T. 20, № 2. - S. 50-54.

10. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.07.2021 № 400 «O Strategii nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii» [E'lektronny'j resurs].- Rezhim dostupa: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_389271/ (data obrashheniya: 08.01.2023).

УДК 81-22


Известно, что пословицы и поговорки являются проявлением творчества народа и важной частью литературного языка. Для учащихся, интересующихся и любящих язык, они являются не только источником объективной информации о народе, его обычаях, традициях, нравах и ценностях, но и источником эстетического наслаждения.

Ключевые слова: пословицы, источник объективной информации, моральный кодекс жизненных правил, народное творчество

Ramilya Ya. Abdrakhmanova, Evgeniya V. Krepkogorskaya SOURCES OF FOLK ART AS A MEANS OF LEARNING ENGLISH

It is known that proverbs and sayings are a manifestation of folk art and an important part of the literary language. For students who are interested in language and love it, they are not only a source of objective information about the people, their customs, traditions, manners and values, but also a source of aesthetic pleasure.

Key words: proverb, source of objective information, moral code of life, folk art


Proverbs and sayings originated as a genre of folk poetry in ancient times. There is an opinion that for many centuries they have played a domestic and literary and artistic role, merging into folk culture. Proverbs and sayings reflect folk wisdom, the moral code of rules of life. They reflect the broad layers of life and play an educational role. They capture the experience of the people. The subjects of proverbs and sayings are very diverse. They express an understanding of the basics of life, historical events, family relations, love and friendship, condemn human vices and praise virtues (sobriety, modesty, intelligence, diligence), as well as other moral qualities of a person. It is due to their imagery, emotionali-

ty and brightness that proverbs and sayings are often found in various texts in English.

Materials and methods

To solve the tasks and verify the initial assumptions a set of methods was used:

- theoretical methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of pedagogical, psychological, sociological, scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research, generalization, comparison;

- interactive methods (games, creative tasks).

Theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature showed that proverbs and sayings help to maintain interest in the study of English, as the knowledge of proverbs and sayings of the people contributes not only to a better

knowledge of the language, but also to better understanding and rapprochement of interlocutors two peoples. Correct and appropriate use of proverbs and sayings gives speech a unique originality and a special expressiveness.

Literature Review

Currently, the possibilities of the successful use of folklore in the aesthetic and musical-aesthetic education of children have been investigated (L.A.Volovich, G.V. Mukhametzyanova, Z.M.Yavgildina).

There are also quite a lot of researchers who have studied the possibilities of certain genres of folklore: fairy tales (V.H.Harutyunyan), folk games (E.A.Barazhanova), genres of children's folklore (E.I.Korneeva, L.V.Kulikova, etc.). Many scientists (such as L.G.Chumakova, E.A.Lineva, E.B.Savelyeva, E.G.Kotova and others) considered the issues of foreign language educational and speech activity by means of folklore.


Learning English is difficult to imagine without the elements of folk art - proverbs (proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, phraseology), where succinctly and figuratively expressed folk wisdom, history and worldview of the people, its customs, traditions, mores, values orientations are reflected. Proverbs and sayings, introducing the everyday life and culture of the people, convince us that different peoples may have the same views, moral values. Sources of proverbs and sayings in Russian and English languages are very diverse, but first of all it is direct observation of people's life. And at the same time folklore and literature are the source of proverbs and sayings. In English, the literary source is the works of Shakespeare : «salad days» - «молодо-зелено».

In Russian, these are Krylov's fables, Pushkin's fairy tales, and others. For example, «and Vaska listens and eats», «all ages are submissive to love», «no happy hours». But the common print source for both languages is the Bible. For example, «throwing no beads before swine».

The use of proverbs and sayings in English lessons today is an effective method of learning English, maintaining an interest in the study of folklore, increasing the activity and performance of students in the classroom, because they help to introduce an element of games and competition in the process of learning the language.

The variety of proverbs and sayings allows their successful use at different stages of the lesson, at all levels of learning English at different levels of language proficiency of students.


Proverbs and sayings for various forms of

work in practical classes are identified and systematized: a game, a test, a creative task. Selected proverbs and sayings for students with different levels of English proficiency. Proverbs and sayings will be more effective in learning English if you recognize the value of a relaxed form of play. The development of the use of proverbs and sayings in practical classes and extracurricular activities is applied.

Interestingly, residents of different countries have problems with the pronunciation of English sounds. The fact is that the English language has 26 letters and 44 sounds. In Russian, there are no sounds such as interdental sounds [a, 0], labial sound [w], nasal sound [q], sound [a:], with an uncharacteristic way for the Russian language. To practice the sound side of speech, students are offered specially selected proverbs and sayings, which are repeated during two or three lessons as a phonetic exercise to improve auditory pronunciation and rhythm-intonation skills. For example, to work out the most difficult English sounds that are absent in the native language:

Labial sound [w]: Where there is a will there is

a way (Where there is a desire, there is also training].

Nasal [q]: The proof the pudding is in the eating (Lunch is learned in eating, and the mind in listening). Saying and doing are two things (Saying and doing are two different things).

Interdental sounds [0] [8]: Wealth is nothing without health (Health is more valuable than money).

Difficult sounds are first pronounced in isolation, and then in words where this sound occurs, phrases or sentences, i.e. learning is built from simple to complex. Both choral and individual work is carried out.

To know English, you must learn to read. There are a huge number of rules and exceptions for reading in English. By studying English proverbs, you will also be able to explain the rules of reading. There are a lot of them, and they apply to both vowels and consonants. For vowels (there are 6 of them in English), there are 4 types of syllables - open, closed, with the consonant «r» and the letters «re». Thus, the 3rd type of syllable (vowel + «r») can be introduced through the proverb «First come, first served» (Who had time, he ate).

English proverbs and sayings can be widely used to activate grammatical constructions, for example:

Imperative mood:

Never say die (Never despair).

Degrees of comparison of adjectives:

The more the merrier (Tight, but no offense).

A good name is better than wealth (A good name is better than wealth).

Modal verbs (without particle «to» after «can», «must»):

Man cannot do more than he can (You can't jump above your head).

The child must first crawl and then walk (Turn first then up).

Of course, the study of English grammar cannot be built entirely on the material of proverbs and sayings, but it is advisable to use them to illustrate grammatical phenomena during the presentation of new grammar and during training exercises.

The lexical and grammatical richness of proverbs and sayings allows them to be used to enrich students' vocabulary. When studying individual lexical topics, they serve as illustrative material, so you can pick up a number of proverbs and sayings to form productive vocabulary skills on many topics, such as «My studies» at the institute:

It's never too late to learn (Учиться никогда не поздно).

To know everything is to know nothing (Знать всё на свете - значит, ничего не знать).

Knowledge is power (Знание - сила, или Ученье - свет, а не ученье - тьма).

Repetition is the mother of learning (Повторение - мать учения).

At the same time, students can be offered to find equivalents in their native language or to correlate proverbs in English with proverbs in Russian.

As you know, the rules for the construction of sentences in English and Russian differ significantly. Unlike Russian, English narrative sentences have a strict word order - subject, predicate, complement and circumstance. This makes it difficult to translate proverbs and sayings from Russian into English. The need to find means of equivalent translation of expressions in their native language develops students' translation skills and stimulates their interest in working with bilingual dictionaries. Working with proverbs and sayings helps develop students' powers of observation, linguistic and contextual guesswork, and sense of language, because often words used in English proverbs sound completely different in translation into Russian.

Compare: When in Rome do as the Romans do (One does not go into another's monastery with one's own mouth).

Can a leopard change his spots? (A leopard changes his spots).

When pigs fly (When the crawfish whistles on the mountain).

Paremics (including proverbs and sayings) are one of the means of developing monological and dialogic speech. The task of the teacher is to interest the students, to motivate them to discuss the problem. So, on the topic «Do you have problems with friends?» we can begin the lesson with the proverb: «Rich is he who has real friends» (There is no richer person who has many friends). After all, real friends are always ready to share our sorrows and joys, they are ready to listen and give advice and help. Do you agree? Then you can offer questions on the topic: «What is a real friend? What qualities must a friend have? What can and cannot be shared between friends? Are you ready to be a real friend for someone?» etc. In the course of conversation, a portrait of a true friend is drawn. It is possible to ask to comment on proverbs, while giving examples from personal experience, for example: Before you choose a friend, eat a pudding of salt with yourself (To know a person, you should eat a pudding of salt with him/her); or A friend in need is really a friend (A friend in need is known), i.e. the theme for the composition.

From course to course students increase the stock of proverbs and sayings learned, so you can offer lexical tasks to increase students' activity in class. Here are some examples.

Insert the corresponding missing word.

1 ._begins at home.

a) Charity b) Learning c) Love

2. Kindness gives birth to_.

a) Wealth b) kindness c) happiness

3 ._is the mother of the good fortune.

a) Diligence b) luck c) idleness

4. If you want a thing done right do it__

a) Itself b) yourself c) yourselves

5. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do_

a) Tomorrow b) yesterday c) today

6. It takes_to tango.

a) Two b) three c) four.

6. So many countries so_customs.

a) Many b) much c) little.

7. No longer pipe no_dance.

a) Longer b)shorter c) easier

8. Each bird loves to hear himself_.

a) Sing b) dance c) fly

8. He dances_to whom fortune pipes.

a) Well b) worse c) good The analysis of the collected material showed the possibility of using proverbs and sayings both to enrich the vocabulary and to reinforce grammatical skills in English lessons.

The presence of crossword puzzles helps to Conclusions increase the visibility of the topic. Here is one of Proverbs and sayings are an ancient genre of the examples. It's «Russian Musical Instruments» folk art. They emerged in antiquity and have their Crossword. You should insert the missing English roots deep in the ages. Proverbs succinctly and letters (X) in the names of Russian folk instru- figuratively express the folk wisdom, so they car-ments and translate the resulting English proverb ry a certain educational potential for the trans-vertically. mission of moral values through many genera-

GarmoX tions, teach us to weigh our words and actions.

BubXn Work with proverbs and sayings is an im-

RatXher portant educational, developing and motivating

BalalaiXa factor, as they, firstly, have cognitive value, as

LXzki they expand the general outlook of foreign lan-

DXova guage learners, form their humanitarian and lin-

BayaX guistic culture; secondly, they form country-

DXmra specific competence, that is, skills and abilities of

FluXe analytical approach to the study of foreign cul-

Xarp ture in comparison with the culture of their coun-

SvXstulka try, which in turn contributes to a more accurate

HorX and deeper understanding of the language being

Xusli studied.

(Neck or Nothing. Пан или пропал)

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2. Искусство и культура, народное творчество Великобритании // URL: https://vk.com/@-157203693-iskusstvo-i-kultura-narodnoe-tvorchestvo-velikobritanii (дата обращения: 25.10.2022).

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6. Петр Скляр Русские пословицы и поговорки в иллюстрациях. История и происхождение . - 978-504-100145-2 изд. - Москва: Эксмо, 2021. - 208 с.

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