Научная статья на тему 'Istanbul, capital of Anatomy in 2015: the XXIVth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences (isms)'

Istanbul, capital of Anatomy in 2015: the XXIVth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences (isms) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Istanbul, capital of Anatomy in 2015: the XXIVth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences (isms)»


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NOVA Medical School Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

MD, PhD, Department of Anatomy, mini-symposia, organized and chaired

Campo dos Martires da Patria, 130 - 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal by prominent morphologists from

diogo.pais@nms.unl.pt around the world. This year, the program

If the world was only one country, Istanbul would be its capital (Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821)

included 11 mini-symposia, with a total of 48 presentations. The first two


symposia were sponsored by the Chinese

The gateway between East and West, European Federation for Experimental Society of Anatomical Sciences (CSAS):

the city of Istanbul, former Byzantium and Morphology, which was proficiently 'Neuroanatomy' was chaired by Prof. Yun-

Constantinople, one of the most beautiful ^ presented by the Turkish-born scientist, ^ Qing Li (Xi'an, China) and 'Histology and

and historically rich and significant capitals ^ Prof. Reha S. Erzurumlu (Baltimore, USA), ^ Einbriology', chaired by Prof. Hong-Quan

in the world, was the ideal setting for ^ on the 'Midline Crossing of Sensory ^ Zhang (Beijing, China). On September

the 24th International Symposium on Pathways'. The EFEM Lecture was 4th we had the mini-symposium 'Clinical

Morphological Sciences. | followed by two lectures: 'Ultrastructural | Anatomy - Translational Research', chaired

The meeting was held at the Istanbul | Neuropathology in Transgenic Models ^ by Prof. Stephen Carmichael (Mayo Clinic,

University, Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. ^ of Alzheimer's Disease', presented by | USA), in the morning and 'Digital Sectional

Cemil Bilsel Congress Hall, from 2 to 6 | Prof. Alev Erisir (Virginia, USA) and | and Clinical Anatomy', chaired by Prof.

September 2015. Hosted by the Turkish | 'Histopathological Changes in Animal | Shao-Xiang Zhang (Chongqing, China), the Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy | Models of ALS, presented by Prof. Emel | 'Rapid Steroid Effects on the Brain', chaired

(TSACA), under the Presidency of Prof. ^ Ulupinar (Eskisehir, Turkey). At the same | by Prof. Gustav F. Jirikowski (FSU Jena,

Hakan Hamdi Celik and Prof. Erdogan | time, Prof. Ozan Akkus (Cleveland, USA) | Germany) and by Prof. Jack D. Caldwell

Sendemir (Fig. 1) and organized by Burkon | was presenting on Hall 2 the lecture | (VCOM, Spartanburg, USA), followed by

- Turizm & Kongre, the meeting was a | 'Electrochemical Processing of Charged | 'Anatomy from Bench to Bedside', chaired

success and highly praised, for the quality ^ Molecules: Pathway to Engineering of ^ by Prof. Gordana Teofilovski-Parapid

of both its Scientific and Social program. ^ Complex Tissue Structures'. Prof. George | (Belgrade, Serbia), Oladapo Ashiru (Lagos,

Istanbul was the gathering location | Paxinos (Sydney, Australia) then presented | Nigeria) and Susana Biasutto (Cordoba,

for 398 registered participants coming from the lecture entitled 'Brain, Behaviour and Argentina). The final day of the congress

45 different countries (Fig. 2). There were Evolution'. September 4th started with the had 5 mini-symposia: 'New Trends in

^ Id^+iirci hw Drr\f Tr\mac I—I L'f^iI +■ m ^

52 invited speakers, 11 of which delivered ^lecture by Prof. Tomas Hokfelt (Stockholm, ^ Molecular and Biomedical Imaging',

Sweden) on 'Neuropeptides and Their

Plenary Lectures and the remaining 41 Sweden) on 'Neuropeptides and Their chaired by Prof. Diogo Pais (Lisbon,

participated in thematic mini-symposia. Involvement in Pain and Depression', Portugal) and by Prof. Javier Regadera

A total of 99 oral presentations and 327 followed by Prof. Juan Mena Segovia (Madrid, Spain), the mini-symposium 'To

posters rounded up beautifully the very (Oxford, UK) which spoke on 'Cholinergic the Memory of Prof. Mauricio Moscovici'

rich and scientifically sound program of ^ Brainstem Modulation of Striatal Circuits: ^ 'Recent Advances in Reproductive Biology',

the event. Multiple Levels of Synaptic Integration' chaired by Prof. Guido Macchiarelli

Included in the Scientific Program ^ and Prof. Gazi Yasargil (Istanbul, Turkey) | (L'Aquila, Italy), 'Biotechnology in

was a very interesting and informative that talked about 'New Aspects in Morphological Sciences', chaired by Prof.

Workshop entitled "Medical Photography ^ Neuroanatomy'. The final two excellent ^ Gulgun Sengul (Izmir, Turkey), 'Cell Death

- Guidelines for Standard Photography in ^ plenary lectures delivered during this ^ and Autophagy', chaired by Prof. Yasuo

Gross and Clinical Anatomy". ^ congress, were the 'Misinterpreted | Uchyiama (Tokyo, Japan) and finally the

From the Scientific Program I wish to ^ White Matter Tracts of The Human Brain | mini-symposium, sponsored by TEPARG/

stress the quality of the lecturers chosen. ^ Revealed Through Fiber Dissection' by ^ EFEM, 'Body Donation', chaired by Beat M.

This year, the Organizing Committee ^ Prof. Ugur Ture (Istanbul, Turkey) and the ^ Riederer (Lausanne, Switzerland).

decided to privilege the Neuroanatomical 'Ultrastructural Morphology of White Administrative meetings were held

Sciences, which was a very wise and Matter Axons as a Function of Age and before and during the Symposium in

successful choice. The Opening Lecture Ischemia', presented by Prof. Selva Baltan an extremely well equipped room: the

was presented by the prominent Swedish (Cleveland, USA). Federative International Programme for

scientist, Prof. Sten Grillner, and was The main signature of the Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT-IFAA)

entitled 'The Evolutionary Logics of International Symposia on Morphological met on August 31st and September 1st,

Networks - from Microcircuits to Selection Sciences, bringing a wide variety and chaired by Prof. John Fraher (Ireland); this

of Behaviour'. The next day started with richness to the Scientific Program is, was followed, during the Symposium, by

the 2015 EFEM Lecture, sponsored by the eventually, the inclusion of thematic the Executive Committee Meeting of the


International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), chaired by Prof. Beverley Kramer (South Africa), the special Council Meeting of the European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM), chaired by Prof. Diogo Pais (Portugal) and the General Assembly of the International Committee of Symposia on Morphological Sciences, chaired by Prof. Guido Macchiarelli (Italy). Being officially responsible for the organization of all the International Symposia on Morphological Sciences, the ICSMS General Assembly was of special importance and even more, this year, because the Executive Board for the next five years' term (2016-2021) was elected: the former Vice-President, Prof.

Gordana Teofilovsky-Parapid (Serbia), ^ Fig. 2-A group photo taken during the meeting in the main Congress Hall, was appointed Honorary President, the ^ new President is Prof. Guido Macchiarelli ^ (Italy), the immediate Past-President ^ is Prof. Yasuo Uchyiama (Japan), the ^ Secretary-General is now Prof. Diogo ^ Pais (Portugal), the new Vice-President is ^ Prof. José Luis Bueno Lopez (Spain) and ^ the new Secretary is Prof. Tatsuo Ushiki ^ (Japan). New delegates were admitted ^ unanimously, namely Prof. Nadir Prates ^ as the new delegate of Brazil and Prof. ^ Gulmira Zhurabekova and Prof. Yerbol ^ Bekmuhambetov as the new delegates of Kazakhstan, which was a motive of ^ great satisfaction for all the members and delegates present. One of the highlights of ^ the ICSMS meeting was the presentation ^ of the Chinese application to organize ^ the XXV ISMS. All those present in the | meeting were unanimous to approve the ^ Fig. 3 - The ICSMS during the gala dinner (from left to right): Profs. Guido Macchiarelli candidature and it was, therefore, decided | (Italy), Diogo Pais (Portugal), Yasuo Uchyiama (Japan), Yun-Qing Li (China), Gordana that the XXVth ISMS will be held in the ^ Teofilovski-Parapid (Serbia), Hakan Hamdi Celik (Turkey) and Erdogan Sendemir (Turkey)


Батыс Казахстан меЭииина журналы


И Т.П.

beautiful city of Xi'an in China from July 27-30th, 2017, under the presidency of Prof. Yun-Qing Li, MD, PhD.

The Social Program presented a unique opportunity for the participants to have a special taste of the hosting countries' Culture on the Opening Ceremony, where the beautiful piece 'Sunland Anatolia' was played on the piano by the Turkish composer and pianist Tuluyhan Ugurlu, illustrated by a very rich photographic presentation depicting the history and the landscape of beautiful Anatolia. As usual the Gala Dinner was an occasion for a more informal and well-spirited gathering of the participants, cruising on a Bosphorus Boat, where tradition was kept and where the Secretary-General and newly elected President of the ICSMS for 2016-2021, Prof. Guido Macchiarelli, along with the other members of the Executive Board presented Prof. Yun-Qing Li, President of the XXVth ISMS, the symbolic ISMS/Symposia Morphologica flag and the medal where all the ISMS meetings'

information (City, Year and Presidency) are engraved for posterity (Fig. 3). The social program included a wide variety of congress and post-congress tours for

During this meeting, four awards were given: the Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy offered two "Young Scientist" awards, after Prof. Dr. Atilla Müftüoglu, to Prof. Ozlem Sarioz Kirazli (Istanbul, Turkey), for her study "The Effect of Growth Hormone on the 6-OHDA Model of Parkinson's Disease" and to Prof. Maryam Soleimani (Tehran, Iran) for her study "Vitamin D3 influence the Th1/Th2 ratio in C57BL/6 in model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis"; the ICSMS assigned its award for best presentation of the meeting to Dr. Christoph Köhler (Cologne, Germany), for his "Confocal microscopy analysis of granulovascular degeneration in transgenic mice"; during its General Assembly, the ICSMS conferred the

'Anatomist Excellence Award' to Prof. Diogo Pais (Lisbon, Portugal).

The scientists, coming from all over the world, that gathered in Istanbul for the attendance of the XXIVth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, left much richer, both scientifically and affectively, primarily as a result of the excellent organization of the meeting and the extremely high quality of the scientific work shared and secondly due to the warm welcome from our Turkish colleagues and to the friendly atmosphere which results from meeting again wonderful friends that share with us the same love for the morphological sciences. We left Istanbul with a feeling of gratitude and wishing to come back very soon. Gladly, we will not have to wait for long since there is the chance to come back in 2019 for the meeting of the International Federation of the Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). See you all in 2019!

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