Дадахонова З.М. Email: [email protected]
Дадахонова Зулайхо Маъмуржон кизи - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков по естественным наукам, факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы обучения аудированию на занятиях иностранного языка в нефилологических вузах. Автор статьи считает, что изучение этого вопроса остается актуальным, потому что на современном этапе развития методической науки аудирование рассматривается как фундаментальное умение при обучении иностранному языку, овладение которым является важным условием овладения иностранным языком в целом. Наблюдения методистов за учебным процессом показали, что у студентов, которых специально не учат восприятию на слух, слуховые навыки не развиваются. Очевидно, что умения не усваиваются интуитивно, они формируются в процессе интенсивной практики в аудировании на занятиях иностранного языка.
Ключевые слова: аудирование, занятия иностранного языка, студенты, учебный процесс, слуховые навыки, развивать, актуальный, восприятие, нефилологический, нефилологический.
Abstract: the article under discussion considers issues of teaching listening in a foreign language classes to students of non-philological higher educational institutions. The author of article considers that studying of this question remains actual, because at the modern stage of development of a methodical science listening is considered as fundamental skill in teaching a foreign language which aims at mastering a foreign language as a whole. Observations of methodologists over the educational process have shown that students who are not specifically taught to the perception by hearing, listening skills are not developed. Obviously, the skills are not learned intuitively, they are formed through intensive listening practice in a foreign language classes.
Keywords: listening, foreign language classes, students, learning process, auditory skills, develop, relevant, perception, non-philological.
UDC 372.881.1
Listening, the ability to distinguish and understand what others are saying, in the case of teaching in foreign language lessons, is the understanding of a foreign language speech during its passage. This includes understanding the speaker's accent, grammatical structures and vocabulary. The issue of teaching listening comprehension is one of the most important aspects of teaching a foreign language communication, and that is why it is crucial to develop listening comprehension technologies in order to meet the demands of time [1].
We encounter listening as a stand-alone speech activity in various real-life communication situations. This happens when we listen to: various announcements; radio and television news; various instructions and tasks; lectures; the stories of the people we talk to; performances by actors; the interlocutor by phone, etc.
The objectives of listening training can be defined as follows: to develop certain skills; to develop certain speech skills; to learn how to communicate; to develop necessary abilities and mental functions; to memorize speech material;
to teach students to understand the meaning of a single statement; to teach students to highlight what is important in the flow of information; to develop auditory memory; develop an auditory response.
When performing listening assignments, the speaker must demonstrate the following abilities: predict what people will say; guess unfamiliar words and phrases without panic; use his previous knowledge as a basis for understanding; uderstand the speaker's attitude to the subject of conversation; have ability to take notes according to the time of listening; understand the intonation and accents; understand the ethical side of speaking, the rules of discussion, debate and other types of disputes [2].
Difficulties related to language aspects and difficulties related to speech characteristics. Difficulties related to language aspects can be divided into three groups:
1. Phonetic. Under this assumption, there is no clear boundary between sounds in the word and between words in the flow of speech. Two aspects of listening are distinguished: phonemic (perception of individual linguistic phenomena at the level of words and structures) and speech, which includes the process of recognizing the whole in context. It should be noted that when learning to listen to authentic materials it is necessary to develop speech hearing. The individual manner of speaking can be very diverse and present difficulties for its perception and understanding. In the mother tongue, this difficulty is compensated for by extensive listening practice, but students have very limited experience listening to a foreign language speech. Naturally, any individual pronunciation feature, the timbre of the voice, a fairly fast pace and certain speech defects will make it difficult to understand. In order to overcome the difficulties associated with understanding native speakers' speech, it is necessary to listen to their speech from the beginning of training, gradually reducing the number of teaching texts required by the teacher. It should also be remembered that the more native speakers (men, women, children) a learner listens to, the easier it is to adapt to the individual manner of speaking. It is therefore necessary to make extensive use of learning and authentic recordings, including the pragmatic materials we have highligted.
2. Grammatic. A number of grammatical difficulties are connected first of all with the presence of grammatical forms, not peculiar to the Uzbek language. Perceiving a phrase, the student should divide it into separate elements, i.e. informative signs of the sounding phrase, which are physically expressed by corresponding speech qualities. There are three physically expressed speech parameters: intonation, pauses and logical emphasis. Thus, for successful understanding of a foreign language text, attention should be paid to the development of students' skills in adequate perception of intonation, pauses and logical emphasis.
3. Lexical. It is the presence of many unfamiliar words that students point to as a reason for misunderstanding the text. We believe it is necessary to highlight this problem in more detail.
The main difficulty in perceiving a foreign language speech is that the language form has long been an unreliable support for semantic prediction, because it is the focus of the student's attention, although he or she cannot change it. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ability to accept information even in the presence of unfamiliar linguistic phenomena, by filtering it, selecting it, and making a rough idea [3].
Students should be specifically taught to understand speech that contains unfamiliar vocabulary by listening. Unaccepted or misunderstood parts of a speech message (word, phrase, phrase) are restored by students through the action of probabilistic prediction (the ability to predict new things based on the already known), therefore, it is necessary to achieve predicting the meaning of the statement when the form and content form a complete unity.
The difficulties of the second group are sociolinguistic and sociocultural.
Sociolinguistic competence means knowledge of norms of language usage in different situations and knowledge of situational variants of expression of the same communicative intention; accordingly, a listener should know these variants and understand the reasons for using one of them in the context of a certain communication situation. Sociocultural competence implies knowledge of the rules and social norms of behavior of native speakers, traditions, history, culture and social system of the country of the language being studied. Consequently, the learner must be able to perceive and understand oral text from an intercultural perspective, which requires background knowledge. Only with this knowledge a learner can correctly interpret the speech and non-speech behaviour of a native speaker [1].
References / Список литературы
1. Ergasheva N.K. Application of multimedia and interactive materials in foreign language teaching in non-philological higher educational institutions // Problemy nauki,, 2020. № 2 (147). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/application-of-multimedia-and-interactive-materials-in-foreign-language-teaching-in-non-philological-higher-educational-institutions/ (date of access: 17.03.2020).
2. Umaraliev Z.B., To'ychiev I.K., Akramova N.M. Problems encountered in learning English for specific purposes // Voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya, 2019. № 3 (47). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problems-encountered-in-learning-english-for-specific-purposes/ (date of access: 17.03.2020).
3. Kudratova Sh.K. Foreign language teaching process in non-linguistic universities // Problemy nauki, 2020. № 2 (147). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/foreign-language-teaching-process-in-non-linguistic-universities/ (date of access: 17.03.2020).
Mamirova O.K. Email: [email protected]
Mamirova Odina Karimjon kizi - Teacher, Department of music education, ANDIJANSTATE UNIVERSITY, ANDIJAN, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article studies factors determining professional competence formation by the musical students and gives their full definition. Special attention is paid to the process of creative self-realization of a student's personality. Professional competence of students-musicians provides a high level of training of the future specialist, since the area of his professional sphere covers a wide range of theoretical issues and practical activities. Improving professional skills, increasing the level of teaching, active artistic and creative activities, and maximizing the creative potential-all these are now included in the set of important requirements for the professional competence of students-musicians.
Keywords: professional competence, musical peculiarities, creativity, pedagogical creativity, self-realization.
Мамирова Одина Каримжон кизи — преподаватель, кафедра музыкального образования, Андижанский государственный университет, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на формирование профессиональной компетентности студентов-музыкантов, представлена их развернутая характеристика. Акцентируется внимание на процессе творческой самореализации личности студента. Профессиональная компетентность студентов-музыкантов предусматривает высокий уровень подготовки будущего специалиста, поскольку область его профессиональной сферы охватывает широкий круг теоретических вопросов и практической деятельности. Совершенствование профессиональных навыков, повышение уровня преподавания, активная художественно-творческая деятельность, максимальная реализация творческого потенциала - все это входит сегодня в комплекс важнейших требований к профессиональной компетентности студентов-музыкантов.
Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность, музыкальные способности, креативность, педагогическое творчество, самореализация.
UDC 37.013