ISSUES OF USING INNOVATIVE METHODS IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Oriental Journal of Philology
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Ключевые слова
foreign languages / innovative methods / joint study method / individual education. / Хорижий тиллар / инновацион методлар / биргаликда ўқиш методи / индивидуаль таълим.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Umida N. Isaeva

Today's school graduate must speak a foreign language in order to effectively solve communication problems in situations of personal communication and in conditions of academic mobility, when many students take part in international educational programs, situations of communication in the educational environment. In the context of the need to increase the adaptation of high school students to work, earlier initial vocational training, the main goal of teaching a foreign language at school is the formation of foreign language communicative competence.

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Бугунги мактаб битирувчиси шахсий мулоқот ва академик ҳаракатчанлик шароитида, кўплаб талабалар халқаро таълим дастурларида, таълим муҳитида мулоқот қилиш ҳолатларида мулоқот муаммоларини самарали ҳал қилиш учун чет тилини билиши керак. Ўрта мактаб ўқувчиларининг меҳнатга, эрта бошланғич касб-ҳунар таълимига мослашувини ошириш зарурати шароитида мактабда чет тилини ўқитишнинг асосий мақсади чет тилининг коммуникатив компетенсиясини шакллантиришдир.


Oriental Journal of Philology


journal homepage: http://www.supportscience.uz/index.php/oip/about



Umida N. Isaeva

Senior lecturer

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Key words:

innovative methods, individual education.

Received: 27.08.22 Accepted: 29.08.22 Published: 31.08.22

foreign languages, joint study method,

Abstract: Today's school graduate must speak a foreign language in order to effectively solve communication problems in situations of personal communication and in conditions of academic mobility, when many students take part in international educational programs, situations of communication in the educational environment. In the context of the need to increase the adaptation of high school students to work, earlier initial vocational training, the main goal of teaching a foreign language at school is the formation of foreign language communicative competence._



Умида Н. Исаева

катта уцитувчиси

Тошкент давлат педагогика университети Тошкент, Узбекистон


Калит сузлар: Хорижий тиллар, Аннотация: Бугунги мактаб инновацион методлар, биргаликда укиш битирувчиси шахсий мулокот ва академик методи, индивидуаль таълим. харакатчанлик шароитида, куплаб

талабалар халкаро таълим дастурларида, таълим мухитида мулокот килиш холатларида мулокот муаммоларини самарали хал килиш учун чет тилини билиши керак. Урта мактаб укувчиларининг мехнатга, эрта бошлангич касб-хунар таълимига мослашувини ошириш зарурати шароитида мактабда чет _тилини укитишнинг асосий максади чет

тилининг коммуникатив компетенсиясини _шакллантиришдир._



Умида Исаева

Старший преподаватель

Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет Ташкент, Узбекистан


иностранные Аннотация: Сегодняшний выпускник методы, школы должен владеть иностранным обучения, языком для эффективного решения коммуникативных задач в ситуа-циях личного общения и в условиях академической мобильности, ко-гда многие обучающиеся принимают участие в международных обра-зовательных программах, ситуациях общения в образовательной сре-де. В условиях необходимости повышения адаптации старшеклассни-ков к трудовой деятельности, более ранней начальной профессио-нальной подготовки, основной целью обучения иностранному языку в школе является формирование иноязычной _коммуникативной ком-петентности._


Team learning (Student Team Learning). This method pays special attention to "group goals" (team goals) and the success of the entire group (team success), which can only be achieved as a result of the independent work of each member of the group (team) in constant interaction with other members of the same group when working. over the topic / problem / issue to be studied. Thus, the task of each student is not to complete some task, but to ensure that each team member acquires the necessary knowledge, forms the necessary skills, and at the same time the whole team knows what everyone has achieved. The whole group is interested in the assimilation of educational information by each of its members, since the success of the team depends on the contribution of each to the joint solution of the problem.

Team learning comes down to three main principles:

- "awards" (team rewards) - the team receives one "award" for all in the form of a point mark, certificate, diploma and other types of evaluation of joint activities;

- individual (personal) responsibility (individual accountability) - the success of the whole group depends on the success or failure of each of its members, this encourages all team members

Ключевые слова:

языки, инновационные

совместный метод

индивидуальное обучение.

to follow each other's progress and the whole team to help a friend in mastering, understanding the material so that everyone feels yourself as an expert on the subject;

- equal opportunities for success - each student brings points to his group, which he earns by improving his own previous results. The comparison, therefore, is carried out not with the results of other students, but with their own, previously achieved results, which allows the student to feel like a full member of the team and stimulates the desire to raise their personal bar higher.

THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS Joint training in teams (Student Teams Achievement Divisions). The method is effective for mastering new material. In this method, students are divided into groups of four. After the material is explained by the teacher, work is organized to form an indicative basis of action (OBA) for each student: students are invited to discuss the material in groups, to understand it. The task to check the understanding of new material is carried out either in parts, when each student completes his part of the task, or according to the "turntable" principle, when each subsequent task is performed by the next student. At the same time, the implementation of each task is controlled by the whole group. After completing the task by all groups, the teacher organizes a discussion of the work on the task, then the students are offered a test to check the understanding and assimilation of new material, while the complexity and volume of tasks for strong and weak students are differentiated. Test tasks are not performed in groups, but individually, and the work of each student is evaluated individually. Grades for individual work are summed up in the group, and an overall grade is given.

Individualization of training in teams (Team Assisted In-dividualization). The essence of the method is as follows: students receive individual tasks based on the results of previous testing and then work individually, at their own pace, but within the team. Different teams may work on different tasks. Team members help each other with individual tasks. The successes of each member of the group are noted in a special journal. At the end of the topic, there is a final test. Each student performs it individually. The tests are self-assessed by the students who have been specifically chosen to be the assessors. Each week, the teacher notes the number of topics, assignments on them, completed by the team, the success of their implementation in the classroom and at home, while the most significant successes of the group are especially noted.

This method of organizing learning in collaboration proved to be most effective when working on home reading, since most of the work falls on homework, and the lesson only discusses issues related to the read text. This saves a lot of class time. In addition, since students independently keep records of the learning of new material by each member of the group, the teacher gets more time for individual work with individual groups or students who need his help.

Training in a team based on the game (Teams Games Tournament). As part of this method of organizing group activities, the teacher explains new material, organizes group work to form

the OOD, but instead of individual testing, he conducts competitive tournaments between teams every week. For this purpose, the so-called "tournament tables" are organized for three students each, equal in level of training. Tasks differentiated by the level of complexity and volume, depending on what level the students are at the table. The tables have different levels, but the winner of each of them brings his team the same number of points. Thus, the weaker ones compete with students of equal strength and have an equal chance of success for their team. The team with the most points wins the tournament. As tasks for tournament tables at foreign language lessons, there can be grammatical and lexical tests, tasks based on read texts, tasks of a sociolinguistic nature, polylogues of participants in the tournament table.

"Saw" (Jigsaw). Another option for organizing educational activities in small groups: students are organized into groups of four and six people and work on educational material that is divided into fragments - logical or semantic blocks. For example, when working on the topic "Travel", the material can be divided into several semantic blocks: travel by plane, train, sea, car, and so on, or organize it in a different way, dividing the following subtopics: choosing a route, ordering tickets , hotel reservations, etc. Each member of the group is engaged in the search and processing of information in his part. Then students studying the same subject but in different groups meet and exchange information as experts on the subject. This is called an "expert meeting". Then they return to their groups and teach everything new that they have learned to other members of the group. Those, in turn, report on their part of the task. The only way to master the material of all fragments is to listen carefully to your teammates and record information in various forms. Students are interested in their comrades conscientiously fulfilling their task, as this may affect the overall assessment. Each individual and the whole team report on the whole topic. It should be noted that not only the teacher, but also members of other teams can ask questions to reporters, and group members have the right to supplement the answer of their friend, and such additions go to the overall team standings. The teacher keeps track of points, announces the final result.

The "Saw-2" (Jigsaw-2) option provides for the work of the entire team on the same material. But at the same time, each member of the group receives a topic that he develops with particular care and becomes an expert in it. Meetings of experts from different groups remain. At the end of the cycle, all students pass an individual control section, which is evaluated. The results of the students are summarized. The team that manages to get the most points is awarded.

Learning Together (Learning Together). According to the concept of this technique, the class is divided into groups of three to four people, homogeneous in terms of the level of training. Each group gets one assignment that is part of a larger assignment that the whole class is working on. For example, when studying the topic "Travel", each group is responsible for a certain part of the

route: developing a cultural program, ordering tickets, booking a hotel, etc. The groups communicate with each other, clarifying the details of the trip, offering their options. If we take into account that all the vocabulary on the topic has already been learned in previous lessons, then the emphasis in group work is already on the speech activity, communicative practice of students. The group receives awards depending on the achievements of each student. Therefore, according to the developers of this version of the methodology, special attention should be paid to the issue of completing groups, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of each student and developing tasks for each specific group. It should be noted that within the group, students independently determine the roles of each, not only to complete the task of the group, but also to organize the coordinated successful work of the entire group. Each member of the group monitors the activity of his other partners in solving a common problem, observing the culture of communication within the group, fixing the results, etc. Thus, the group performs a dual role: on the one hand, achieving a purely educational, cognitive goal, on the other, socially - psychological: students learn the culture of communication with each other, gain experience of tolerance and mutual assistance.

The specificity of the subject "foreign language" is that students must acquire not only and not so much theoretical knowledge, but also master the language practically, acquire the skills and abilities of foreign language communication. The main difficulties in the way of mastering a foreign language in a public school is the lack of oral practice of students in each lesson. The method of teaching in collaboration involves providing the necessary conditions for students to communicate with each other and with the teacher, and communication is carried out in a foreign language, which allows, as a result of systematic and purposeful work, to significantly increase the amount of oral speech practice in the lesson for each student. The collaborative learning method implies a set of techniques and principles that must be observed to ensure the highest result. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Organization of space. Priority in the lesson is the independent joint activity of students. The traditional arrangement of desks involves passive perception of information, that is, listening. In order to organize communication in the course of cognitive joint creative activity, it is necessary that students see each other. The furniture in the classroom should be mobile so that before the lesson or at any stage of the lesson, you can put the tables at an angle to each other, or put them together, or even move them away for the presentation of the results of the work.

Rules for working in small groups:

All students must be familiar with these rules, the task of the teacher is to observe them himself and to ensure that everyone observes them. You can hang them in the classroom. The rules can be supplemented, it is better to develop them together with the students. For example:

- interact with any partner or partners;

- politely and kindly communicate with partners;

- remember about responsibility not only to yourself, but also to your partners;

- remember that by helping others, we learn ourselves.

Principles of formation of small groups, distribution of roles

Before the lesson, the teacher divides the group into subgroups of three to four people. Each subgroup should include boys and girls, as well as weak, average and strong students. This division is conditional and subjective. Any student can be weak, for example, in grammar, but can be a strong organizer of group work. During the year, the composition of subgroups should be changed so that each student can work in different subgroups with all members of the group. Having outlined the goals and objectives of the lesson, the teacher determines what roles students will have to take on to complete the task. These roles are discussed with students, and they themselves distribute them among themselves. Be sure to provide for such roles as the organizer of vigorous activity (monitors the activity of partners in the group), editor (controls the correctness of the task), leader (organizes work, prepares partners for a report on the completed task), designer (responsible for the aesthetics of the presentation of the completed task) . Roles can be different depending on the objectives of the lesson and the size of the group.

The requirements imposed by modern society on the results of education significantly change approaches to education and its goals. The goal is personal development. Modern education is moving from a content-disciplinary paradigm to a competency-based one, aimed at developing such personality traits as the ability and willingness to solve problems and tasks in a wide context of real life situations, to adapt to a rapidly changing reality. In conditions when educational institutions of all levels must solve the problem of developing a person with an active attitude to reality, striving for its transformation through self-realization, their most important task is to find and use such teaching methods that would ensure the "launch" of the mechanisms of self-education, self-knowledge, self-actualization of the individual.


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