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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Turdiev Abdullo, Matrizayeva Dilaram, Mubashirov Akrom

This article examines the main priorities of developing construction industry and increase its export potential and competitiveness, management of economic growth efficiency of construction and assembly enterprises.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №5. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66

UDC 338.45 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66/37

JEL classification: L52; L88; M11


©Turdiev A., Ph.D., Tashkent Institute of Construction and Civil Engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

©Matrizayeva D., Ph.D., Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan ©Mubashirov A., Tashkent Institute of Construction and Civil Engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


©Турдиев А. С., канд. экон. наук, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный институт,

г. Ташкент, Узбекистан ©Матризаева Д. Ю., канд. экон. наук, Ташкентский государственный экономический

университет, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан ©Мубаширов А. М., Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный институт,

г. Ташкент, Узбекистан

Abstract. This article examines the main priorities of developing construction industry and increase its export potential and competitiveness, management of economic growth efficiency of construction and assembly enterprises.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются основные приоритеты развития строительной отрасли и повышения ее экспортного потенциала и конкурентоспособности, управления эффективностью экономического роста строительно-монтажных предприятий.

Keywords: modernization, economic growth, foreign capital, management, privilege, world market, investment projects, fixed capital, investment.

Ключевые слова: модернизация, экономический рост, иностранный капитал, управление, привилегия, мировой рынок, инвестиционные проекты, основной капитал, инвестиции.

In the world economy, the construction industry is becoming one of the fastest-growing sectors. Building materials and the construction of buildings and structures play an important role in the structure of world GDP. The fact that 13% of the world's GDP is created in this sector testifies to the importance attached to the sustainable development of construction infrastructure.

The basis of the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan is aimed at sustainable economic growth and is directly related to the efficient use of material, financial, technological and human resources in the country. It is known that our country is rich in natural and mining resources, but it is time to solve the problem of ensuring high efficiency in their use.

As a result of reforms in Uzbekistan, new enterprises, new jobs are being created, foreign investments are being attracted, as well as existing enterprises are being modernized and reconstructed. At the same time, the efficiency of some industrial enterprises is declining and the cost of manufactured products is rising, which in turn remains uncompetitive. The profitability of every som spent is declining, efficiency is declining. To address these pressing issues, the President and the government are personally adopting new decrees and resolutions to increase the economic

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №5. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66

efficiency of industrial enterprises. In particular, the "Action Strategy" program was adopted in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, Presidential decrees and government decrees for 2019-2025 were adopted in priority sectors of the economy, in particular, to expand the production of construction materials.

Although there is a lot of research on the implementation of innovative measures in industrial enterprises, the analysis of scientific and economic literature and journals shows that the existing scientific and methodological developments are not available to ensure the competitiveness of construction products based on innovative measures in the construction industry that is why the authors have proposed their own assessment methods and techniques based on the views of different approaches. There are many ideas on how to determine the competitiveness of products. The problem of increasing the competitiveness and growth potential of construction companies V. M. Arkhipov, E. V. Joglina, G. B. Kleiner, V. V. Kovalev, R. V. Marushkov, B. A. Reisberg, I. V. Bryantseva, Extensively studied by B. V. Prikin, G. H. Biryukov, D. V. Damaev, T. V. Kolosova and other scientists [6-12].

As a result of reforms implemented in industrial enterprises in recent years, modernization of enterprises, strengthening the policy of diversification, increasing investment activity, strengthening the production of competitive products, the stability of GDP growth has been ensured. In particular, the program "Action Strategy" [1], proposed by the President and as a result of the five main directions for 2017-2021, has further accelerated economic growth, and in the last 2017-2019 economic growth has been around 5.0%. If we pay attention to the theory of optimality of economic growth, this indicator is the best-case scenario. Because the UN, based on economic development regulations and indicators, 4% economic growth in each country will ensure expanded production in the development of the state. In our opinion, the reality of such a policy is that the state should use its resources effectively and develop a strategy for the long term. This is because excessive economic growth leads to overspending of the country's resources and causes the economy to overheat, according to Fisher's theory.

As of December 31, 2020, the number of enterprises and organizations in the construction sector amounted to 38.7 thousand, an increase over the same period last year by 119.5%. The main factor in the increase in the number of enterprises and organizations in the construction sector is the construction of buildings and structures — by 112.0% compared to last year (58.0% of total construction), construction of civil facilities — by 131.3% (9.6% of total construction), an increase in specialized construction work - by 131.6% (share in total construction 32.4%)).


Indicators Years

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 in% compared to 2014

Total 26334 26037 26896 31279 38167 48922 96743


industry 6633 5777 5841 6608 10182 11262 19530

construction 2671 3001 2850 3044 3788 6360 8742

other species 17030 17259 18205 21627 24197 31300 68471

As of April 1, 2021, 96.7 thousand new enterprises and organizations were established. Of these, 30.0 thousand were limited liability companies, 6.0 thousand were private enterprises, 9.8

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №5. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66

thousand were family enterprises, 0.5 thousand were institutions, and 8.7 were construction enterprises and 1.3 thousand others.

It is known that the industry provides all other branches with modern machinery and equipment. From the level of development of the industrial sector, its development in many respects leads to the rapid growth of agriculture, construction, transport, electricity and other sectors. The industry has a highly skilled workforce, modern marketing and management, which develops and implements measures to save resources, reduce production costs and improve product quality.

Another important direction in the industry is to strengthen the economic policy of our country, that is, the rational use of our raw materials in industrial production. This in turn reduces the cost of production and increases the profitability and efficiency of enterprises.

At the current stage of economic development of our country, it is important to increase the efficiency of industrial enterprises. Because every currency, spent by enterprise on economic growth, must yield a positive result. In this sense, great importance is attached to the widespread use of foreign investment to boost the economy of enterprises. This has to have an incredibly good positive efficiency in giving returns. In this case, the investments attracted by enterprises are used to introduce new equipment and technologies. This is 48-70% in various industries and enterprises [2].

It is expedient to study and systematize the specific factors that affect the efficiency of production. Specific factors are of analytical nature and serve to provide an in-depth disclosure of the economic content of the generalized and specific indicators of production efficiency.

Combining factors on an economic-analytical basis on the basis of characteristics allows analyzing the factors qualitatively and quantitatively. In turn, the study of factors of production efficiency can be divided into the economic calculation and analytical criteria. Economic calculation of factors can create conditions for a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the nature, level, direction of factors, the organizational and technical level of production in improving the efficiency of production. On the basis of this sign, it is possible to combine the factors on efficiency into factors influencing the real increase of intensive and extensive, objective and subjective production efficiency, etc. Grouping of factors influencing production efficiency understands their application in their field and their relevance. The factors influencing the increase in efficiency are shown in Figure 1.


Related to production



Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №5. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66

Factors influencing changes in production efficiency 4

The grouping of factors by nature and area of influence is of great theoretical and practical importance. This is because the identification of factors influencing actual production efficiency determines the contribution of each unit and link of production to the production efficiency and the system of incentives. The grouping of factors by sectors allows to determine the ratio of various factors to the sectoral, intersectoral and international cross-section and to assess their economic efficiency.

Carrying out the description of the factors influencing the increase of efficiency on the basis of analytical signs helps to classify the factors on the basis of signs, to detail them. Such detail helps to gain a deeper understanding of the economic nature of each factor. As a result of such grouping, the division of factors into primary and indirect, in turn, determines how much each factor contributes to increasing efficiency. Such a division of factors indicates how much each indicator has in production efficiency.

At present, one of the directions of development of industrial enterprises in the developing of industrial enterprises based on new innovative ideas, high science capacity. Thus, summarizing the above points, the essence of the concept of economic growth is the development of products and services in each country using all resources efficiently, as well as increasing labour productivity through the efficient use of production and enterprise factors. Therefore, in our view, labour productivity in market conditions can be expressed as a scientific concept of economic growth. [5]

In our opinion, in today's highly competitive environment, the effective management of economic growth of industrial production depends on the solution of the following tasks:

- Various factors can affect the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, so all the factors affecting the enterprise should be studied in depth;

- Priority development of the most important sectors that provide scientific, technological and social development in industry, the rapid development of the entire national economy and the emergence of leading positions in world industrial production;

- Improving marketing activities and developing special programs for the production of competitive import-substituting and export-oriented construction products;

- liquidation and reorganization of inefficient network enterprises with high levels of excess capacity;

-ensure the stability and continuity of production activities, replacement of obsolete equipment with high-tech and energy-saving equipment, the introduction of an effective system of energy-saving;

- effective organization of labour and production, staff incentives, increasing the effectiveness of existing systems for training, staff training and structural improvement;

- Implementation of the reengineering of the organizational and technological mechanism of expertise in order to fully support the design work aimed at improving innovative management methods in industrial enterprises [4].

In conclusion, improving the effective management of economic growth, in turn, will ensure sustainable growth of industrial enterprises, expand cooperation and integration activities, improve the quality of products and, ultimately, their competitiveness, and ultimately contribute to the development of the national economy.

4 Author's development based on research

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №5. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66


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22. Kalmuratov B. S. The current state of innovative development of the construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan // ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science., 2020. V. 02. №82. P. 455-463. https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS

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Ссылка для цитирования:

Turdiev A., Matrizayeva D., Mubashirov A. Issues of Increasing the Competitiveness of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Modernization of the Economy // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2021. Т. 7. №5. С. 370-376. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66/37

Cite as (APA):

Turdiev, A., Matrizayeva, D., & Mubashirov, A. (2021). Issues of Increasing the Competitiveness of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Modernization of the Economy. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(5), 370-376. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/66/37

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