ISSUES OF BILINGUALISM AND SPEECH TOLERANCE AT THE PRESENT STAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
bilingualism / bilingualism / multilingualism / multilingualism / sociocultural phenomenon / interaction of languages / speech tolerance. / билингвизм / двуязычие / многоязычие / мультилингвизм / социокультурное явление / взаимодействие языков / речевая толерантность.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mullaeva, Nodirakhon

The article deals with the main issues of bilingualism in modern society. The author investigates the actual problems of speech tolerance in the modern world. The importance of multilingualism in modern society is shown.

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В статье рассматриваются основные вопросы билингвизма в современном обществе. Автором исследуются актуальные проблемы речевой толерантности в современном мире. Показана важность мультлингвизма в современном обществе.




Mullaeva Nodirakhon

Lecturer, Ferghana State University


The article deals with the main issues of bilingualism in modern society. The author investigates the actual problems of speech tolerance in the modern world. The importance of multilingualism in modern society is shown.

Keywords: bilingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, multilingualism, sociocultural phenomenon, interaction of languages, speech tolerance.



Муллаева Нодирахон Муратовна

преподаватель, Ферганский государственный университет


В статье рассматриваются основные вопросы билингвизма в современном обществе. Автором исследуются актуальные проблемы речевой толерантности в современном мире. Показана важность мультлингвизма в современном обществе.

Ключевые слова: билингвизм, двуязычие, многоязычие, мультилингвизм, социокультурное явление, взаимодействие языков, речевая толерантность.



Mullayeva Nodiraxon Muratovna

o'qituvchi, Farg'ona davlat universiteti


Maqolada zamonaviy jamiyatda ikki tilshunoslikning asosiy masalalari ko'rib chiqiladi. Muallif zamonaviy dunyoda nutq tolerantligining dolzarb muammolarini o'rganadi. Zamonaviy jamiyatda mulrilingvizmning ahamiyati ko'rsatiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: bilingualizm, bilingualizm, ko'p tilli, ko'p tilli, ijtimoiy-madaniy hodisa, tillarning o'zaro ta'siri, nutq tolerantligi.


Currently, there are about 6,900 known living languages in the world [1]. Only five States are listed as having only one indigenous living language. Joseph Greenberg suggested using quantitative indicators to determine the type of language. He called his method the indexing method, or the quantitative method. The value of J. Greenberg indexes is determined by the fact that they are applicable to all languages. But the digital characteristic depends on how often certain elements are found in the text, that is, a syntagmatic aspect is proposed. The quantitative approach proved to be effective for constructing a stylistic typology. Only six countries appear with the lowest possible value, 0, for the Greenberg index [2], indicating that any two people in a chosen country at random would have the same native languages. At the same time, English gets an index of 1.68 and Russian 2.39. Parents who speak different languages often hope that their children will be able to speak the language of their heritage. As a result, the number of multilingual families is growing, even in many "officially monolingual" countries. For example, a recent survey of the American Community reports that approximately 20% of the U.S. population aged five years and older speak a language other than English.


This is partly why the study of bilingualism in general and the development of language in bilingual children is gaining momentum, both from the point of view of linguistics, and from the positions of philosophy, psychology, computer science, sociology and even physiology.

There are many different, sometimes contradictory views on what bilingualism and multilingualism are by nature, which, in turn, affects the choice of research methods. Bilingualism is considered as fluency in two languages at the same time. There is considerable debate about what level of proficiency defines an individual as "bilingual". Language proficiency can range from having conversational fluency in one language, to a complete understanding of reading, writing and speaking in two languages.

Bilingualism and multilingualism (polylinguism) is an ancient socio-cultural phenomenon that arose at the dawn of the formation and development of human society, playing an important role in the psychological, political and social spheres of society. Rome in the first century AD had a form of bilingual education, and there were heated debates about which language, Greek or Latin, should be introduced first and how they should be introduced. The outstanding teacher of rhetoric of that time, Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, said that children should learn bilingually as follows:


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language teaching should begin with Greek, because Latin, which was used everywhere, would be picked up by students; another reason for this is that Latin education originated from Greek. However, the student should not speak for a long time and learn only Greek, as was done in most cases. Such a course gave rise to many disadvantages related to the language and accent itself; the latter tended to acquire a foreign intonation, while the language was imbued with Greek idioms, which persisted even when another language was spoken. Therefore, the study of Latin had to follow at a great distance and in a short time go parallel with Greek. The result was that once both languages were given equal attention, neither would interfere with the other.

Currently, in bilingual classrooms, students receive part of the information in their native language, and the other part is taught in the dominant social language. On the contrary, native (or primary) Language support is used in regular general education classes, where the dominant social language is used as a means for all instructions, but sometimes its own language is used to help students. While native/primary language support can be an effective strategy for evaluating and using students' home languages and as a resource to help students learn the dominant language and academic content, such support is minimal, temporary, and insufficient to help students develop their bilingualism and native language literacy.

Bilingualism and multilingualism imply both enhanced and weakened opportunities for interpersonal and intercultural exchange: multilingual opportunities at the individual level can obviously expand opportunities, but many communication problems exist in a multilingual world.

Bilingualism and multilingualism require coexistence, contact and interaction of different languages. Coexistence can occur both at the level of society and at the individual level. There can be many different languages spoken by different groups of people in a society. The people themselves may not necessarily be bilinguals or multilinguals. Similarly, people in a community may be bilingual or multilingual, while the community as a whole recognizes only one language for public use through legislation and other forms of regulation. In order for a society or an individual to become bilingual or multilingual, it is necessary to take into account the forms of contact between speakers and the forms of interaction of languages.

In the independent Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek language acquires a solid status of the state language. Today, it is widely used in all spheres of social, economic, and political life of the country. However, in the education system, classes are held not only in Uzbek, but also in Russian. This is due to the large number of

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Russian-speaking students. There are currently more than 130 nationalities living in the Republic, among which there are speakers of the Turkic-speaking group of languages and Russian-speakers. Therefore, bilingualism of both related languages -Uzbek-Kazakh, Uzbek-Kyrgyz, and unrelated languages - Uzbek-Tajik and Uzbek-Russian is widespread in the country. As for Uzbek-Tajik bilingualism, it is found in some regions of the Republic, where a considerable number of citizens of Tajik nationality live. Uzbek-Russian bilingualism is also very common in Uzbekistan, especially in large cities of the Republic.

It should be noted that the Russian language is very popular among the population. For this reason, much attention is paid to its study. It is characteristic that in the conditions of obvious bilingualism in the Republic, it makes no sense to teach Uzbek as a foreign language, since most children who have been living among native Uzbek speakers since birth already have some knowledge of it at the time of learning. In this regard, it is advisable to divide students according to their level of proficiency in the Uzbek language as follows:

1. native speakers of the Uzbek language, fluent in it.

2. Native speakers of related Uzbek languages who have poor command of the Uzbek language.

3. Native speakers of languages unrelated to Uzbek, who are relatively proficient in Uzbek.

4. native speakers of languages not related to Uzbek, who understand the Uzbek language, but do not speak it.

5. native speakers of languages unrelated to Uzbek, who do not speak Uzbek at

For native speakers of the Russian language, Uzbek is difficult to learn due to its discrepancy with their native language, while native speakers of related Uzbek languages are easier to master it, finding many similarities with their native language in it. However, an individual approach to training is not implemented sufficiently. In teaching methods, the sequence of presentation of the material and the principle of interconnection are often not observed. Also, in most textbooks, the temporal forms of verbs are not fully disclosed, interlanguage differences in grammar are not taken into account in the conditions of mutual influence of languages.

In the methodology of language teaching, there should be a comparison of the grammatical foundations of the two languages, it is useful to practice fixing the material with exercises in translation. Thus, in the methodology of learning a second language, it is necessary to involve the relationship between the two languages.


Moreover, the influence of the native language can be both positive and negative. This is the so-called interference. At the initial stage of learning a second language, in order to avoid interference, the knowledge acquired by students in their native language plays an important role. The method of comparing native and non-native languages, finding their similar and distinctive features works well here. It is necessary to find analogies of the grammatical foundations of the native and the studied languages in order to avoid speech errors in the future. The main difficulties in grammar for Russian-speaking students at the initial stage of mastering Uzbek most often arise when using tense forms of verbs, denoting possessiveness of nouns, combining nouns with pronouns, using possessive suffixes.

Based on the above, it should be concluded that in order to avoid mistakes due to the interfering influence of the native language, the most effective way is to use translation exercises. By practicing translation, one can consciously master the language being studied in all kinds of communicative situations, as well as understand the differences and similarities of grammatical specifics of languages of different structures. Such exercises are necessary to understand the peculiarities of the language being studied and use them in speech practice.

In addition, today, during the development of computer technology, it is important that modern students perceive and assimilate new material better through computers, which makes the learning process easier and more interesting for them. In most cases, communication on the Internet with native speakers, as well as watching films in Uzbek can be a motivation and a need to learn the language [1]. However, we should not forget that the use of computer technology in the process of mastering the Uzbek language may have certain disadvantages, because live communication with the teacher and the transfer of their knowledge and skills to them are irreplaceable.


It is important to diversify the teaching methods, trying to select them in such a way as to bring the educational situation as close as possible to the real communicative needs [2]. For example, didactic games. This method is an educational purposeful collective work in which each participant, as well as his team, are engaged in solving the main task. Business games are widely used to train highly qualified specialists. They are necessary for the implementation and development of algorithms for actions in certain situations. Trainees learn to make the right decisions at a fast pace. Thus, the role of a teacher is to create conditions for practical mastery of the Uzbek language, to find effective approaches that can effectively influence


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each student, increase his activity, reveal his bright personality. The goal is to develop the student's creative interest in the Uzbek language and culture of the people.


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