Научная статья
https://doi.org/10.24412/2220-2404-2024-9-32 УДК 332
сс by
Ма Яо1, Чэнь Фэнлань2
1 Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики», 2Российский университет дружбы народов им. Патриса Лумумбы
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается взаимосвязь СМИ на экономическое развитие России и его вклад в образование новых массмедиа. Деятельность средств массовой информации тесно связана со всеми сферами жизни общества, особенно в экономической секторе страны. Поэтому цель данной статьи рассмотреть взаимосвязь СМИ и экономики России и их вклад в развития массмедиа. Основными задачами является изучить СМИ как движущей силы экономического развития, проанализировать роль в образовании новых масс-медиа, а также влияние на социально-экономические субъекты и на жизнь общества. Для этого авторы использовали сравнительный анализ литературы, на основе которого были сформулированы результаты исследования: возрастающее влияние СМИ на экономическое сферу, а именно на рыночные тенденции: взаимоотношение потребителей и коммерческими компаниями, и рынка; влияние на спрос и предложения; регулирование отношений потребителей к тем или иным товарам; информационное влияние на мировоззрение потребителей. Была определена основная проблема: недостаточное внимание уделяется изучению влияния СМИ на экономическую жизнь в РФ. Однако средства массовой информации являются не основной отраслью экономики, а лишь ее посредником, инструментом повышения прибыльности компаний и предприятий. Для того чтобы произошли существенные изменения в использовании СМИ для нужд экономического и политического развития страны, необходимы изменения в медиасекторе, где на первое место должны выйти только рыночные отношения при ведении бизнеса между покупателями и «продавцами». Для российских СМИ эти условия открывают возможность создать новый тренд в развитии экономики, который может значительно улучшить медиапространство. Это перспектива для развития СМИ, которые должны обладать значительной независимостью, чтобы быть такими же честными, как и другие. Результаты. Авторами отмечено, что средства массовой информации оказывают значительное влияние на рыночные тенденции в экономической сфере страны посредством информационного влияния, продвижения товаров и услуг через средства массовой информации, тесного взаимодействия СМИ с частными коммерческими компаниями, а также представителями бизнеса, финансовыми экспертами и бизнес-аналитиками, которые могут принимать решения о продвижении того или иного продукта/услуги, особенностей формирования отношения потребителей к товарам и производимой продукции, а следовательно, и к рынку в целом. Это связано с распространением комментариев, отзывов и исключений. Выводы. Во многих странах большое значение имеют национальные СМИ. Они способствуют формированию у людей понимания собственной идентичности и места в обществе, формированию чувства патриотизма. В свою очередь, это оказывает влияние на отношения между государствами.
Ключевые слова: медиаэкономика, традиционные информационные каналы (радио, телевидение, газеты, журналы), СМИ, новые массмедиа, социальные сети.
Ma Yao1, Chen Fenglan2
1Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
Abstract. This article examines the relationship of the media on the economic development of Russia and its contribution to the formation of new mass media. The activities of the media are closely
related to all spheres of society, especially in the economic sector of the country. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to consider the relationship of the media and the economy of Russia and their contribution to the development of the mass media. The main objectives are to study the media as a driving force for economic development, analyze the role in the formation of new mass media, as well as the impact on socio-economic entities and on the life of society. For this, we used a comparative analysis of the literature, on the basis of which the results of the study were formulated: the increasing influence of the media on the economic sphere, namely on market trends: the relationship of consumers and commercial companies, and the market; influence on supply and demand; regulation of consumer attitudes to certain goods; informational influence on the worldview of consumers. The main problem was identified: insufficient attention is paid to the study of the influence of the media on economic life in the Russian Federation. Outcomes. The authors note that the media have a significant impact on market trends in the economic sphere of the country through information influence, promotion of goods and services through the media, close interaction of the media with private commercial companies, as well as business representatives, financial experts and business analysts who can make decisions on the promotion of a particular product/service, features of the formation of attitudes consumers to goods and manufactured products, and consequently to the market as a whole. This is due to the distribution of comments, reviews, and exceptions. Conclusions. In many countries, national media are of great importance. They con-tribute to the formation of people's understanding of their own identity and place in society, forming a sense of patriotism. In turn, this has an impact on relations between States. However, the media is not the main branch of the economy, but only its intermediary, a tool for increasing the profitability of companies and enterpris-es. In order for significant changes to occur in the use of the media for the needs of the economic and political development of the country, changes are needed in the media sector, where only market relations in doing business be-tween buyers and «sellers» should take the first role [9]. For the Russian media, these conditions open up the opportunity to create a new trend in the development of the economy, which can significantly improve the media space. This is a perspective for the development of the me-dia, which must have significant independence in order to be as honest as pos-sible, while striving to serve the interests of the audience and advertisers, as well as the potential to stimulate economic growth in general.
Keywords: media economics, traditional information channels (radio, television, newspapers, magazines), mass media, new mass media, social networks.
The mass media are of great importance to society today. Their role in politics, culture, informing citizens and shaping values is recognized all over the world. However, in Russia, not enough attention is still paid to the economics of the media as an important part of the national economy and a separate scientific discipline that studies the peculiarities of media work in relations with business, government and society [1].
The media plays an important role in the growth of the economy, although such an impact is not immediately noticeable. The media connects the economic entities (agents) of the country.
It is necessary to define the concept of economic entities for a more complete understanding of the relationship between the media and the economy. Economic agents or entities are individuals and legal entities, business partners, heads of commercial and government companies who actively participate in the economic activities of the state, creating, distributing and using goods and services. These include buyers, manufacturers, sellers, businessmen, depositors, government and financial organizations. sellers and buyers through promotional materials and information [2].
In simple economic conditions, the meeting of sellers and buyers takes place in a real format on
the market. When the demand for various goods and services exceeds the capabilities of the physical market, the role of mass media increases, influencing the opinion of buyers.
The media can also influence consumer demand by influencing the choice of buyers, as well as changing their minds. Similarly, the media can encourage purchases from people. Thus, the media influence the formation of consumer needs [3].
That is why mass media is important for the economy, because the media industry has a direct impact on making a profit. Media is also important to meet the needs and demands of society. There is a special term for the close relationship between economics and the media: Media Economics, which studies the conditions of profitability of the media in the economic sector. At the same time, the interaction of advertisers, private corporations, the state and the needs of the population is studied [4].
The mass media have a significant impact on market trends in the economic sphere of the country:
• Informational influence: providing information about products, goods on the market, services, innovations and trends in the market, changes in government policy. All the information provided may influence the decisions of advertisers, investors and consumers;
• The promotion of goods and services through the media also affects economic activity and development, as the growth of supply and demand depends on it;
• Close interaction of the media with private commercial companies, as well as business representatives, financial experts and business analysts who can make decisions about the promotion of a particular product/service. For business development, the use of media is by far the most important tool;
• Features of the formation of consumer attitudes to goods and products, and therefore to the market as a whole. This is due to the dissemination of comments, feedback and exchange of opinions through social networks, and due to the wide availability of this information;
• The media can cover news and events that affect the economy as a whole or specific industries. For example, negative news about the industry can cause panic among investors and affect the stock price and the growth or decline of the currency [5].
Channels of influence on the audience are developing and improving due to the development of innovative technologies, software, and artificial intelligence. All this affects the peculiarities of consumer perception, which in turn play an important role in the emergence of new mass media (social networks) [7].
Such social networks include Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, and other popular media. Thus, the interaction between buyers and sellers is simplified by reducing the distance - a direct impact on buyers through photos and personal content, as well as the content of organizations, using the capabilities of artificial intelligence in identifying and meeting consumer needs [6].
Social media has a significant impact on consumers:
• Increase in the number of purchases: 40 % of social media users, after sharing product information with friends, make a purchase [8];
Instagram Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest influence the choice of platform depending on the product category;
• Customer behavior: Social media users search for product information, compare prices and reviews, and then make a purchase decision [8].
In addition to the above-mentioned new mass media, in the modern world, the main traditional channels that convey information to potential customers and the public remain television, radio, print media, the Internet and social networks. Each of these channels has its advantages and disadvantages.
For example, television advertising may reach a wide audience, but its cost may be high and its effectiveness may be low. The target audience is divided, some do not watch TV or do not listen to the radio, but only participate in discussions on social media [9].
Accordingly, the Internet and social media are today the most popular media channels for marketing communications, due to the reach of the entire audience and accessibility, in addition, international. They also allow you to use different advertising formats, including content marketing, email marketing, social advertising and others [9].
Advertising message and communication in the social networks themselves. Social media can significantly attract an audience, strengthen a brand and create long-term cooperation. However, the mere presence of advertising is not enough. Obviously, the strategy of using media should constantly change depending on the needs of consumers and their personal changes, be carefully thought out taking into account the goals and needs of the company [8].
However, we see that in Russia, advertising costs are lower than in other countries that pay more attention to this tool. For example, in the United States of America, these costs amount to 1.37 % of GDP, while in the Russian Federation - 0.6 % [5].
One of the main problems of using mass media and new mass media is the control of the information flow, which can cause economic and political desta-bilization. The World Bank has released a book: «The Right to Speak - the role of mass media in economic development» (data from Zenith Optime-dia) [10]. This publication does not consider the direct impact of the media and mass media on the country's economy, but their indirect impact. Citizens are provided with special information necessary to monitor the activities of the government [10].
In many countries, national media are of great importance. They contribute to the formation of people's understanding of their own identity and place in society, forming a sense of patriotism. In turn, this has an impact on relations between States.
However, the media is not the main branch of the economy, but only its intermediary, a tool for increasing the profitability of companies and enterprises. In order for significant changes to occur in the use of the media for the needs of the economic and political development of the country, changes are needed in the media sector, where only market relations in doing business between buyers and «sellers» should take the first role [9].
For the Russian media, these conditions open up the opportunity to create a new trend in the development of the economy, which can significantly improve the media space. This is a perspective for the
development of the media, which must have significant independence in order to be as honest as possible, while striving to serve the interests of the au-
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He указан Рецензия
Все статьи проходят рецензирование в формате double-blind peer review (рецензенту неизвестны имя и должность автора, автору неизвестны имя и должность рецензента). Рецензия может быть предоставлена заинтересованным лицам по запросу.
dience and advertisers, as well as the potential to stimulate economic growth in general.
Conflict of Interest None declared
All articles are reviewed in the double-blind peer review format (the reviewer does not know the name and position of the author, the author does not know the name and position of the reviewer). The review can be provided to interested persons upon request.
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Информация об авторах
Ма Яо
магистрант 1 курса,
Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний, управления и политики науки, технологий и инноваций,
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» [email protected]
Чэнь Фэнлань
аспирант 1 курса, филологический факультет, Российский университет дружбы народов им. Патриса Лумумбы [email protected]
Ma Yao
1st year Master's Student, Institute of Statistical Research and Knowledge Economy, Management and Policy of Science, Technology and Innovation, National Research University Higher School of Economics [email protected]
Chen Fenglan
1st year Graduate Student, Philological Faculty,
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba [email protected]