Научная статья на тему 'Использование нелинейной кинетики Моно при моделировании аэротенков-смесителей с биопленкой на дополнительной загрузке'

Использование нелинейной кинетики Моно при моделировании аэротенков-смесителей с биопленкой на дополнительной загрузке Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Oleynik А., Kalugin Yu., Airapetian T.

Представлена математическая модель совместного извлечения органических загрязнений (ОЗ) в аэротенках-смесителях взвешенным и прикрепленным биоценозом. Выполнены численные расчеты при разных значениях влияемых параметров. Использование уравнения Моно для описания скорости окисления позволяет моделировать процесс биологической очистки в широком диапазоне концентраций ОЗ и оценить эффективность работы аэротенков-смесителей с биопленкой на дополнительной загрузке

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The use of nonlinear mono kinetics in modeling a mixing aeration tank with a biofilm on additional loading

The paper presents a theoretical substantiation and methods of calculating biological wastewater treatment against organic pollutants (OPs) in aerotanks-mixers with a suspended (freely floating) biocenosis in the form of flakes of active sludge and a fixed biocenosis in the form of a biofilm on the surface of additional loading. A mathematical model is proposed in which the kinetics of the reactions of organic contamination extraction in aerotanks-mixers with suspended and fixed biocenoses are described by a nonlinear Mono equation. This model takes into account the provision of the oxidation process with a sufficient amount of oxygen and the peculiarities of the joint removal of organic pollutants by the biofilm that is formed on the surface of additional loading and the suspended biocenosis in the aerotank volume. Numerical methods were used to have determined the concentrations on the external and internal surfaces of the biofilm, which help estimate the value of the influxes of pollutants at the entrance and exist of the tank and thus assess the possible effect of cleaning. The numerical methods of purifying wastewater from organic pollutants in aerotanks-mixers, determined by numerical methods, show significant efficiency of the work of the purification structures due to the introduction of additional loading with a fixed biocenosis (biofilm). In this case, the possible technological and design schemes of the aerotank-mixer operation are considered, when the loading elements (nozzles, grids, etc.) can be located throughout the aerotank volume or more densely and compactly only in its specific areas

Текст научной работы на тему «Использование нелинейной кинетики Моно при моделировании аэротенков-смесителей с биопленкой на дополнительной загрузке»

-□ □-

Представлена математична модель ком-бтованого вилучення органчних забруднень (ОЗ) в аеротенках-змшувачах завислим та закртленим биоценозом. Наведет чисельн розрахунки при ргзних значеннях впливових параметрiв. Використання рiвняння Моно для опису швидкостi окислення дозволяв моделю-вати процес бiологiчноi очистки в широкому дiапазонi концентрацш ОЗ та ощнити ефек-тивтсть роботи аеротенкiв-змiшувачiв з бю-плiвкою на додатковому завантаженн

Ключовi слова: органчн забруднення, аеротенк-змшувач, активний мул, бiоплiвка, тнетика реакцш, рiвняння Моно, додаткове



Представлена математическая модель совместного извлечения органических загрязнений (ОЗ) ваэротенках-смесителяхвзвешенным и прикрепленным биоценозом. Выполнены численные расчеты при разных значениях влияемых параметров. Использование уравнения Моно для описания скорости окисления позволяет моделировать процесс биологической очистки в широком диапазоне концентраций ОЗ и оценить эффективность работы аэротенков-смесителей с биопленкой на дополнительной загрузке

Ключевые слова: органические загрязнения, аэротенк-смеситель, активный ил, биопленка, кинетика реакций, уравнение Моно,

дополнительная загрузка -□ □-

UDC 628.35

|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.118999|


А. O l e y n i k

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine* E-mail: kurganska@ukr.net Y u . K a l u g i n PhD, Senior Researcher* E-mail: forkalugin@ukr.net T. Airapetian PhD, Associate Professor Department of Water supply, sewerage and purification of waters O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv Marshal Bazhanov str., 17, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 E-mail: tamara78kh2008@rambler.ru *Department of applied hydrodynamics Institute of Hydromechanics of the NAS of Ukraine Zhelyabova str., 8/4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

1. Introduction

In practice, to clean wastewater from organic pollutants, it has been common to use biological methods of aerobic purification in aeration bioreactors, mainly in mixing aeration tanks - aerotanks-mixers [1-6]. It is known that in aerotanks-mixers, incoming wastewater, active sludge (suspended biocenosis in water) and oxygen are almost instantaneously mixed; therefore, the concentrations of microorganisms, pollutants, and dissolved oxygen are assumed to be identical throughout the volume of the reactor.

However, at most sewage treatment plants, traditional technologies of biological treatment in modern conditions do not provide efficient and reliable treatment of sewage, both from organic pollutants and from compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, the standards of residual concentration of which in purified water have considerably increased [7-9]. Therefore, studies that are aimed at increasing the efficiency of aeration facilities and obtaining a mathematical description of the processes of biological wastewater treatment are essentially important.

The efficiency of biological treatment of wastewater from organic pollutants (OPs) in aerotanks and ensuring a high level of purification can be improved due to installing additional loading with a fixed biocenosis in the areas of aerotanks [1, 2, 10].

The existing theoretical developments are based on implementing simplified approaches (models) that do not reflect a number of important components of purification [11, 12]. The parameters of the biofilm, the hydrodynamic peculiarities of the intake of organic pollutants and oxygen in the biofilm, the speed of kinetic reactions with the joint removal of organic pollutants with suspended and fixed bio-cenoses are not taken into account sufficiently. The failure to consider these factors significantly affects the obtaining of reliable calculation results.

Only on the basis of more complete and improved mathematical models, it is possible to obtain reliable engineering methods for calculating the structural and technological parameters of bioreactors. The development of such ideal mathematical models requires a more complete study of the mechanisms and peculiarities of the effects of the processes that occur in the biofilm and in the volume of aerotanks with a mixed biocenosis in the treatment of sewage.

2. Literature review and problem statement

The analysis of literature review and the performed tests have shown the feasibility and efficiency of placing an additional loading (grids, nozzles, etc.) in the aerotank volume along with the suspended biocenosis (active sludge). The use


of a fixed biocenosis due to considerably higher concentrations of microorganisms and a lower value of the half-saturation constant helps improve the quality of OP extraction in aerotanks [13, 14].

However, there are objective difficulties that relate to the reliability of simulating these processes. Thus, in [15], there is a substantiation of mathematical models based on which the methods of calculating the extraction of OPs in aerotanks-mixers are validated for the estimation and analysis of the joint extraction of OPs by suspended and fixed biocenoses. In the indicated models, when the OPs, with both suspended and fixed biocenoses, had been removed, the linear kinetics of the reactions of the first and the zero orders were adopted. However, their use is significantly limited, in particular, by the values of the wastewater concentrations that enter purification [14, 15]. Using the oxidation rate values of the zero and first order dependencies allows obtaining accurate analytical solutions, but in the range of either large values of the OP concentrations or small ones.

Generally, with sufficient justification in special studies, it is suggested to remove OPs with the use of the models that are based of the kinetics of reactions which are described by the nonlinear Mono equation.

Based on the use of the obtained solutions for the reactions of the first and the zero orders, approximate methods of calculating the required parameters are proposed in accordance with the Mono equation. Thus, in articles [16, 17], to determine the concentration L in a biofilm, in particular on the external surface Lw, it is suggested to solve the problem by an iterative method. The mentioned articles provide the contents and sequence of using the proposed iteration method of calculation. In papers [18, 19], the flow of organic contamination through the biofilm in the case of the kinetics of the reaction by the Mono equation is sufficiently substantiated to be defined as the suspended average Nc that is obtained from the fluxes at zero and first order reactions. In paper [20], instead of considering Nc flows, this method is proposed to be used in calculating the concentration L8 on the surface of the biofilm.

Using the Mono equation in a mathematical model that describes the simultaneous removal of OPs by suspended and fixed biocenoses will allow extending the scope of its application and assessing the effectiveness of aerotanks-mixers with biofilms on additional loading.

- to justify the simplifications that will help obtain analytical dependencies for the possibility of engineering calculations;

- to consider possible variants of arranging a reactor with a fixed biomass.

4. Materials and methods of researching biological purification in aerotanks-mixers with suspended and fixed biomasses

It is assumed that the process of biochemical oxidation is provided with oxygen in sufficient quantities, that is, the flow of oxygen will not limit the kinetics of biooxidation of both suspended and fixed biocenoses. Thus, in the absence of the inhibitory effect on the rate of removal response according to the nonlinear Mono equation, we describe a fixed biocenosis in the biofilm

R = PmL

L K + L'

Pm =



and a suspended biocenosis (active sludge) in the volume of the aerotank-mixer


Pm ="

Pm.K Km. + La '




Let us note that according to [5, 9], the value of pm is taken as

Pm =


Y (1+*« s).


As is known, the general equation of the material balance of pollution in the aerotank-mixer has the form [14]

w?dk = Q (L° - L)-F*.N - R" W.


3. The aim and objectives of the study

The aim is to develop a mathematical model and calculation methods in which the kinetics of OP extraction reactions in aerotanks-mixers with suspended and fixed biocenoses are described by the nonlinear Mono equation, which is directly taken into account in solving the problem.

To achieve this aim, the following objectives need to be addressed:

- to present a general form of the basic equations and dependencies describing the process of biological purification in aerotanks-mixers with an additionally attached biomass, taking into account the peculiarities of the simultaneous removal of organic pollutants by the biofilm and the active sludge;

- to develop numerical and analytical methods for calculating the flow of pollutants withdrawn by the fixed bioceno-sis, as well as the input and output pollution flows to assess the possible effect of purification;

According to [14], for practical calculations of equation (6) can be significantly simplified to the form for an ideal aerotank-mixer

L0 - L - F, T N - T R = 0,

0 a a a an '

F, eFs w W

F, == —£ = 1 =

W" W"


"" W" Wp



Ta = , Ra„ = Ra - Rb. ■

Here, the Rb is the velocity of distinguishing OPs in the process of active sludge dying; in accordance with [14, 21], it is taken as

Rb = b X ,


where ba is the constant of the dying rate;

N _ KL(La -L\z=0), L|z_0 _ ls0 at z = 0

(9) (10)

where N is the flow (transport) of OPs to the surface of the biofilm from the volume of the liquid (aerotank) through the liquid film (boundary layer) for further utilization by the fixed biocenosis (biofilm).

In accordance with the existing norms [5], it is proposed to determine the aeration duration Ta in aerotanks at known (given) concentrations of sewage entering the aerotank Lo and purified sewage La by the formula


L0 - La R N + R.


The value of the OP flux on the surface of the biofilm N, as well as the changes in the concentration L(z) in the thickness of the biofilm, including the concentrations L50 and L 51, are the result of solving the equation that characterizes the degree of removing the OPs with the biofilm. In this case, the biofilm is formed on the surface of the loading material, and the concentration X is saturated with microorganisms. Generally, this equation for the biofilm has the form

dL _ D d'L R

- - Dl — - Rl.


In the conditions of cylindrical loading elements on which the biofilm is formed, the equation for the biofilm will have the form

—=D idL+1dL i R

dt LI dz2 r dr


d2L L .

—— -ar =-= = 0,

dz2 L K + L

- at z

=0 4=e (1 -n


- a dL - at z = 1 — = 0. dz

__ z

z _S, L _ L,


K _ KmL


aT _

ц mX S2 YDLLa

P l =

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As a result of solving equation (14), numerical methods based on the developed program have helped construct calculation graphs for determining the concentrations on the outer surface of the biofilm Lz=0 = Ls (z = 0) and on the inner surface Lz=8 = L8 (z = 8) (Fig. 1). These graphs are constructed for different values of the coefficient of the OP transfer in the liquid film KL, which largely depends on its thickness 8 , and different saturation (half-saturation) constants K .

5. Results of researching the biological purification

process in aerotanks-mixers with a fixed biomass

The solution of equations (12) and (13) allows us to determine the concentration of OPs in the thickness of the biofilm L and, most importantly, for further calculations, the concentration of OPs on the external and internal surfaces of the biofilm - LSg and LSj.

According to the analysis that was carried out for practical calculations, the solution of equations (12) and (13) is sufficiently performed in stationary conditions that occur fairly quickly, that is, at

¥ _ 0.


In this case, equations (12) and (13) are somewhat simplified. In particular, the solution of these equations for reactions of the first and the zero orders is obtained in [14, 15]. Let us consider the solution of equation (12) under the conditions of the nonlinear reaction RL according to the Mono equation (1), which in a dimensionless form and under the accepted boundary conditions will have the form

Fig. 1. Graphs for determining the OP concentrations on the

- l8 _ L8

outer L8 =—- and inner L8 =—L surfaces of the biofilm

80 T 81 T

- KLa _

for different values of K =—— for the concentration L

mL T 8,

z La

(at z = - = 1), mg/l: 1 - 0; 2 - 0.2; 3 - 0.7; 4 - 1.5; 5 - 3.0; 8 _ 6 - 6.0; for the concentration L8q (at z = 0): 7 - 0; 8 - 0.2; 9 - 0.7; 10 - 1.5; 11 - 3.0; 12 - 6.0 at KL = 0.01 m/h

In this case, the general dependence (9) for determining the flow into the biofilm NL will look as follows

Nl _ KL (1 - A),

A _ ^ L

(16) (17)

For the convenience of further calculations, using the di-mensionless units and parameters in the model, dependence (16) can be represented as

6/10 ( 90 ) 2017

Nl = Nl AL, Nl = Pl (1 - A), where

= , Pl = K8.

(18) (19)

Fig. 2. Graphs for determining the OP concentrations on the

- L

- L,

outer X =—- and inner X =—L surfaces of the biofilm


for different values of K =-



for the concentration L,

z a

(at z =- = 1 ), mg/l: 1 - 0; 2 - 0.2; 3 - 0.7; 4 - 1.5; 5 - 3.0; 8

6 - 6.0; for the concentration L8q (at z = 0): 7 - 0; 8 - 0.2; 9 - 0.7; 10 - 1.5; 11 - 3.0; 12 - 6.0 at KL = 0.05 m/h

Fig. 3. Graphs for determining the OP concentrations on the

_ X

- Lg L

outer Lg =—- and inner Lg =—L surfaces of the biofilm

80 T 81




for different values of Km =—for the concentration L

mL T

z La

(at z = - = 1), mg/l: 1 - 0; 2 - 0.2; 3 - 0.7; 4 - 1.5; 5 - 3.0; 5

6 - 6.0; for the concentration L^ (at z = 0): 7 - 0; 8 - 0.2; 9 - 0.7; 10 - 1.5; 11 - 3.0; 12 - 6.0 at KL = 0.08 m/h

given, in particular, in papers [17, 20]. The obtained results of calculating OP extraction in a biofilm, in particular the

concentration on the biofilm surface L5 on the basis of the


nonlinear kinetics of the Mono reaction, help obtain more reliable evaluation recommendations. To do this, a comparative analysis was carried out for the values of the concentrations L5o and L5i , numerically determined by the methods for the nonlinear Mono reaction, with certain analytical methods for linear reactions in works [14, 15]. In particular,

let us remind that the concentration L5 is determined in


this case as follows

L = L I 1 -



= L

1 -«X


ch (T«! )

L = a L = L _

801 l a a ch (yja)+^Lsh (^/a)




P,, a, AL=#, Km ^ 1 Kj L Pl m

= Km^

L L.

In order to determine the parameter AL, an estimating graph is constructed in [14, 15].

According to the performed analysis, it can be assumed that the kinetics of the reactions of the first and the zero orders in practical calculations can correspond to the ratios

K =-

Km L

-> 2 - 3 and K, < 0.15 - 0.2.

That is, within the limits 0.15 < Km < 3 of calculating the kinetics of the reactions RL, it is necessary to accept the Mono equation. To use it, it is also possible to apply the obtained analytical solution of the general equation (14)

which, under the boundary condition — = 0 at z = 1 will


have the form

§-l8. - k


L + K

X + K


Thus, depending on the concentration L, the relative flow in the biofilm Nr will be determined as follows

NL ~ =-2Va^jX-4 -Kmx In

' L + K


X + K


Taking in the equation that L = L5q and comparing it with equation (19), we obtain the following equation that binds the concentrations L5q and L5j both on the outer and inner surfaces of the biofilm:

As was noted in the published studies [14, 20, 22, 23], at relatively low concentrations of OPs, Km >> L, and at significant concentrations, Km << L, so in these cases the kinetics of reactions in the biofilm RL can be taken as the first and the zero orders, respectively. Some approximate estimates of using the practical calculations of these reactions are

X = 1 +

' a X - X - K In

X + K

X + K

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'mL )

Let us represent dependence (20) for more convenient use in calculations in the form

L = L - K ln


L00 +K^L

¿0. +K

PL u


4o -1)


At L8 >> L8, it is possible to neglect the concentration L8 in dependence (25). This helps, in practical calculations, determine the concentration L8 and the flow N, at which there is a transition from a partially penetrated to a fully permeable biofilm. In this case, the initial parameters, reactions and thickness of the biofilm are given.

Calculations using the graphs of Fig. 1 and the above dependencies allow us to estimate the work of the biofilm of the given thickness 5 as to the nature of the penetration of organic pollutants into it. In particular, this allows us to establish the expediency and even the need for the flow recirculation in the adopted technological scheme of an aerotank with suspended and fixed biocenoses.

As was already noted in [14, 15], in determining the optimal parameters of aerotanks, various arrangements of the loading elements in the aerotank volume are possible, and the required surface (biofilm) area is taken as F8 . In this case, the loading elements (nozzles, grids, etc.) may be located throughout the aerotank volume or denser and more compactly only in its individual sections. Depending on the layout of the loading elements on the length and the responses taken in the biofilm and the aerotank according to the nonlinear Mono equation, the general equations (1) and (2) can be greatly simplified.

Next, let us consider the most practically feasible technological schemes.

The load elements are not sufficiently evenly distributed throughout the length of the aerotank (Fig. 4). In this case, the area F8 is the total loading area in the aerotank of the

' F8

length ', and F8 = ~^r is the specific loading area.

As it was noted above, the technological scheme of the aerotank-mixer can consist of two parts, which we will call reactors 1 and 2. In this case, in one of the reactors, OPs are extracted by the suspended biocenosis (active sludge), and in the second reactor, it is done by the fixed biocenosis (biofilm). It should be noted that in both parts of the aerotank, the reactors operate according to the reactor-mixer scheme. Such technological schemes with different arrangements of the reactors in aerotanks-mixers, in which the removal of OPs occurs due to reactions of the first and the zero orders, are considered in works [14, 15].

Let us consider the case when the removal of OPs in reactor 1 occurs due to the suspended biocenosis. Then reactor 1 operates as an ordinary aerotank-mixer, and in reactor 2 the extraction takes place at the expense of the fixed biomass (Fig. 5) on the herein installed load. Such a technological scheme of purification from a practical point of view will be expedient and more in line with the modern requirements of ensuring a high degree of purification. Then, in accordance with the general equation for determining the concentrations of OPs at the exit from reactors 1 and 2, we use the following equations: - for reactor 1:

L - L - T R = 0,

L0 - Lat

a1 z? '


for reactor 2: L - L - F0 T N = 0,

aj a2 0^2 a2 2 '

L - L


a< a2

2 F0,2 N2





Fig. 4. A balance diagram of the aerotank-mixer with a fully secured biocenosis

It is noteworthy that in [14, 15] the solution to this problem is obtained in the case when the joint removal of OPs occurs in a zero-order reaction, and in the biofilm with a fixed biocenosis, it is the first-order reaction. In this case, in the biofilm and in the aerotank fluid volume, the OP extraction is carried out by the reaction according to the Mono equation, by formulae (1) and (2) at R ~ Ra. That is, the general equation will have the form

T =

L - La F;N + Ra


In certain cases, namely, taking that N=0 in formula (25), we get a known dependence when the removal of OPs in aerotanks occurs only due to the suspended bioceno-sis (active sludge), and at Ra = 0, we observe a dependence when the removal of OPs in the aerotank occurs only at the expense of the fixed biocenosis (biofilm).

Fig. 5. A balance diagram of the aerotank-mixer with the fixed biocenosis located in reactor 2

In the given dependencies (27)-(30),


T =W = W T =—^ W = W £,,

1a, Q ' "a, 1a2 q ' P2 a2 2'

W0 W F0 ,

e, = 1--^ = —F0 N, = KL (L -L0

2 W W "2 W 2 L^ °2

where F0 is the total area of the surface of the biofilm (loading) in reactor 2 with the length l2 and the volume W^. The rate of reactions of OP removal in reactors 1 and 2 by the active sludge and the biofilm corresponds to the nonlinear Mono equations, namely

Ra =


1 Kma1 + La1

Pm„ =

M m„ Xa1





R, =

Pm2 L2 K_ + L

Pm ="


The parameters with index 1 refer to reactor 1; with index 2, they refer to reactor 2; and the explanation of the accepted parameters can be found in articles [14, 15].

6. Discussion of the results of studying the biological purification process in aerotanks-mixers with a fixed biomass

by the required amount of oxygen, which has already been partially considered in works [25-27].

The proposed mathematical models, numerical and analytical methods of calculation with the use of kinetic reactions according to the known Mono equation, allow us to substantiate more reliably the parameters of sewage treatment against OPs in aerotanks-mixers. They also provide an opportunity to assess the significant efficiency of aerotanks through the introduction of additional loading with a fixed biocenosis (biofilm).

7. Conclusions


The implementation of the proposed models and methods of calculation allows estimating the influence of various purification factors in aerotanks-mixers in which the purification intensity increases due to additional elements with a fixed biocenosis. In the presented and implemented models, the parameters of the biofilm, the hydrodynamic peculiarities of the intake of organic pollutants, the speed of kinetic reactions with the joint removal of organic pollutants with suspended and fixed biocenoses are taken into account.

The conducted tests make it possible to substantiate the most economical and effective parameters of such structures of biological treatment as aerotanks which are used at stations of cleaning sewage. This can significantly improve the quality of using them to remove various dissolved substances, in particular of organic origin, from the wastewater.

The performed tests are a continuation of previous studies on this topic, which considered the removal of OPs in aero-tanks-mixers with an additionally attached biomass if this process was adequately provided with oxygen [14, 15, 24].

Further research will be based on analyzing and evaluating the impact of such an important parameter as the thickness of the biofilm. In particular, it is essential to consider the effect produced on the formation of the active part of the biofilm in time by such important processes as growth, accumulation, decay and separation on the surface. It is also important to ensure the processes of purification (oxidation)

1. A mathematical model of the work of aerotanks-mixers is presented, taking into account simultaneous oxidation of organic pollutants (OPs) by suspended and fixed biocenoses, the velocity of which is described by the general Mono equation of kinetics. Such a model helps simulate biological purification in aerotanks-mixers by a fixed biocenosis with a wide range of OP concentrations.

2. To assess the flow of pollutants withdrawn by the fixed biocenosis, numerical calculations have been carried out at various values of the influential parameters, the results of which are presented in the form of graphs. The given graphs allow determining the concentrations of OPs on the external and internal surfaces of the biofilm.

3. The determined parameters of sewage treatment help estimate the value of pollution flows at the entrance and exit of the tank and thus assess the possible effect of cleaning.

4. A number of assumptions have been adopted to simplify the mathematical model and obtain analytical dependencies for the possibility of engineering calculations. It is assumed that in the biofilm and in the volume of aerotanks, the process of OP oxidation occurs by the reaction according to the Mono equation.

5. Dependencies have been calculated for various technological schemes of the fixed biomass location. They represent the OP concentration dependence at the outlet of the aerotank-mixer, which contains elements with a fixed biocenosis, on its parameters such as length, surface area of additional elements, sewage flow velocity, etc.


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