Проаналiзовано стан автомоб^ьних ван-тажних перевезень в Украгн та крагнах-членах €вропейського союзу. Дослиджено процес тран-спортування вантажiв у мережевому представ-ленн з метою удосконалення схем гх доставки. Запропоновано використання сучасних засобiв шформацшних технологш для розв'язання зада-чi комiвояжера комбтаторним способом i тран-спортног задачi у виглядi дорожньо-транспорт-ног мережi симплексним методом. Розглянуто як збалансоват, так i незбалансоваш за обся-гами перевезень вантажу транспортн задачi, враховано обмеження на пропускн здатностi транспортних комунжацш. Використання удо-сконалених методiв оптимiзацiг мiжнародних транспортних перевезень з залученням розробле-них комп'ютерних програм дозволить автома-тизувати процеси розрахунку i тдвищить еконо-мiчну ефективтсть перевезень
Ключовi слова: дорожньо-транспортна мережа, задача комiвояжера, транспортна задача, симплексний метод, оптимiзацiя мiжнародних
транспортних перевезень
Проанализировано состояние автомобильных грузовых перевозок в Украине и странах-членах Европейского Союза. Исследован процесс транспортировки грузов в сетевом представлении с целью усовершенствования схем их доставки. Предложено использование современных средств информационных технологий для решения задачи коммивояжера комбинаторным способом и транспортной задачи в виде дорожно-транспортной сети симплексным методом. Рассмотрены как сбалансированные, так и несбалансированные по объемам перевозок груза транспортные задачи, учтены ограничения на пропускные способности транспортных коммуникаций. Использование усовершенствованных методов оптимизации международных транспортных перевозок с привлечением разработанных компьютерных программ позволит автоматизировать процессы расчета и повысить экономическую эффективность перевозок
Ключевые слова: дорожно-транспортная сеть, задача коммивояжера, транспортная задача, симплексный метод, оптимизация международных транспортных перевозок
UDC 656.073.7: 519.854.2: 519.852.61
|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.128907|
G. Prokudin
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department* E-mail: [email protected] О. Ohupaylenko PhD, Associate Professor* E-mail: [email protected] O. D u d n i k PhD*
E-mail: [email protected] O. Prokudin
Head of Department Information Systems and Technologies*** E-mail: [email protected] А. D u d n i k
Department of transport systems and road safety** E-mail: [email protected] V. Svatko Postgraduate student Department Information Systems and Technologies*** E-mail: [email protected] *Department international transportation and
customs control** **National Transport University M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010
***LLC "FEONIS" Dniprovska naberezhna str., 1-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02098
1. Introduction
Current market conditions make the Ukrainian transport sector that provides services not only to domestic enterprises but also to international transportation, very important. According to data from the State Statistics Committee, automobile enterprises of Ukraine delivered 175.6 million tons of freights during 2017, which is 4.7 % larger than in the
previous year. The number of enterprises engaged in freight transportation has also increased. There were 2.3 thousand such enterprises in Ukraine at the beginning of 2018, including 2.2 thousand automobile transportation companies [1].
An analysis of statistical data shows positive trends of growth, observed in the automobile transportation industry of Ukraine [2, 3], with, consequently, a further increase in volumes, structure, and geography of transportation of vari-
ous freights. Ukraine is a transit country for many directions of international freight traffic; the country hosts important international transport corridors.
The volumes of transported freight in the EU countries [4] also tend to grow and made up 1,921,434.5 million tkm in 2017, which is 3.99 % larger than in the previous year.
Development of optimal routes for delivery of goods in international traffic has a goal to increase the efficiency of international transportation. Delivery routes are constantly changing for various reasons, the main of which is the failure to match the volumes of supply against demand. Methods of calculation used in at present do not meet modern requirements of efficiency and require significant time for the relevant estimations. The application of improved methods will make it possible to bring down the cost of transportation of freight by automobile vehicles and improve the competitiveness of domestic carriers.
Given this, one of the urgent tasks of transportation industry at present is the task on optimization of schemes of freight delivery, especially under conditions when the volume of supply does not correspond to demand. Cargo transportation in most cases in practice are represented in the form of a transport problem (TP), which is a particular case of the general problem on linear programming (GPLP). To solve such problems, it is possible to apply the most known method for solving GPLP - simplex method, by first reducing the transport problem to the form of a problem on linear programming and by accounting for the specificity [5].
When managing cargo transportation, especially delivered by automobile vehicles, very often used in practice are the delivery and combined schemes of freight delivery whose optimization may employ the well-known traveling salesman problems.
Thus, the optimization of schemes of freight delivery by international traffic, applying modern information technologies, will make it possible to improve the efficiency of transportation and enhance the competitiveness of transport enterprises of Ukraine.
2. Literature review and problem statement
The application of information technologies in the field of transportation is gaining importance under modern conditions. Optimization of freight delivery schemes is one of the key tasks in the sector of transportation and logistical operations. In most market segments, delivery of goods adds the amount to its cost that is equivalent to the value of the goods. Along with this, it is worth noting that the use of modern information technologies for the optimization of such deliveries often helps save not less than 5-20 % of the total cost [6].
The issue of development of methods for the optimization of transportation is treated very seriously [7]. Organization of cargo transportation, especially delivered by automobile transport, is associated with the use of multi-drop and multi-pick routes for freight delivery. Multi-pick (collected) routes are a kind of circular routes that imply gradual unloading (loading) of cargo in each subsequent route point and returning to the original point of the route. They in essence represent different kinds of the well-known traveling salesman problem. The specified problem gave rise to the development of a separate direction in graph theory, which is known as the search for Hamilton cycles in graphs [8]. A
Hamiltonian cycles problem in graph theory has received different generalization. One of these generalizations is the task of a salesman that in different modifications often occurs in transport logistics when planning transportations. The task of a salesman is a modified problem on assignment, however, in this case, the binding between the points should form a closed loop. There is also a generalization of the problem, the so-called generalized travelling salesman problem [9]. But the use of this method to optimize international transport could not be implemented because it does not take into consideration the factors that are associated with the organization of customs control at the borders and the modes of operation of the drivers in accordance with the European agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport (AETR) [3].
Cargo transportation in most cases in practice are represented in the form of TP, which is a special case of GPLP, it is also possible to tackle it by applying the most known method for solving GPLP - simplex method [10]. However, the simplex method cannot be used to calculate the networks of international transport in the case when cargo transportation is not balanced for volumes [11]. To solve a given problem, one must reduce the specified transport problem to a tabular form.
Thus, the relevant problem is the need to improve existing methods for the optimization of transportation by applying modern means of information technology. That is necessary to improve the effectiveness of international freight transportation, taking into consideration the features of the organization of customs controls at the borders between states, as well as operational modes of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport [12].
3. The aim and objectives of the study
The aim of present study is to improve the efficiency of cargo transportation along international routes by applying modern tools of information technology.
To accomplish the aim, the following tasks have been set:
1. To improve a combinatorial method and develop software for solving a traveling salesman problem along a road transport network (RTN) taking into consideration the patterns in international automobile transportation and customs services and constraints for the throughput of transport infrastructure.
2. To apply the simplex method and develop software for solving a transport problem represented in a network form using the methods that imply reducing a transport problem, unbalanced in terms of transportation cargo volumes, to the transport problem of the balanced form, by introducing an additional fictitious transportation node, proportional and different, as well as by taking into consideration constraints for the throughput of routes along which freight is transported.
4. Impact of transport technologies on the efficiency of cargo transportation along international routes
4. 1. Representation of a salesman task in the road-transport network and approaches to solving it
Problem statement. There are n transport nodes in RTN. We assign a matrix of distances between them L = \Lt - \. In a general case, Lij ^ Lji. Departing from the initial transport
node A0, a truck must deliver or collect freight to/from all or the rest of the RTN transport nodes, calling them once, and return to the initial transport node A0. Therefore, the route of the truck is circular in its structure. It is required to determine the order to travel to the transport nodes of RTN so that the total distance travelled is minimal.
Mathematical model of the problem. We introduce Boolean variables: Z{,j=i if a salesman moves from point Ai to point Aj, Zij=0 - otherwise. Where i, j = 1,2,...,n; i^ j. It is required to find
n n
m^■ z-, (1)
i=i j=i
under conditions
X z^ = 1, i = 1,2,..., n (2)
X Zj = 1, j = 1,2,..., n, (3)
U - u- + n ■ < n -1, i, j = 1,2,..., n; i ^ j, (4)
where uit Uj are the arbitrary positive integers.
Condition (2) defines that a salesman enters each point once, except for the starting point. Condition (3) defines that he leaves each point once. Condition (4) ensures the closeness of the itinerary, which contains n points, and the absence of loops [10]. Additionally, we shall introduce the following constraints:
di,j>Xi,j>0, (5)
where di,j is the throughput of a route section of cargo transportation from Ai to Aj, and xi,j is the volume of cargo transported between them.
It should be noted that this constraint should be considered only in the case of significant volumes of cargo transportation along the specified route.
The task of a traveling salesman refers to NP-complete problems, that is, in which at even at a relatively small number of places he visits (66 and more), it cannot be solved by a simple brute force method for all variants (combinatorial technique) by any theoretically possible computers in time less than several billion years. However, based on the practice of freight transportation, the number of transport nodes in multi-drop (combined) transportation routes is significantly less than the above value (20 and less). In addition, combinations of transport nodes, generated and entered into databases in advance, which make up the routes for transportation networks of the specified above dimensionality, represent the Hamiltonian cycles, thereby significantly reducing computational time.
When solving the task of a traveling salesman in real transportation networks, which lack transport links between each transportation node and all the rest, the number of combinations of transportation nodes is significantly reduced, which also has a positive effect on their solving time.
4. 2. Representation of the transport problem in a tabular form and approaches to solving it
We shall represent the process of cargo transportation in a tabular form, that is, in the form of a transport table (TT) (Table 1), where:
Ai - points of cargo delivery (DP), each of which accumulates, respectively, ai of its volume (i = 1,m);
Bj - points of cargo utilization (UP), which placed orders for this cargo, respectively, of volume bj ( j = 1, n );
Ci,j - the unit cost of transporting a cargo from Ai to Bj, and x, is the volume of cargo transported between them.
The result of solving TP is the minimizing of the objective function C, which is the total cost of cargo transportation, that is,
C=Ci,fXi,i+Ct2-Xi,.2+...+Cm,n-Xm,n=>min, (6)
under condition of picking up the stocks of cargo from all its suppliers (ai) and meeting all the orders (bj) from all consumers, as well as fulfilling the following constraints (in contrast to constraints (5) with a different route):
di,j>Xi,j>0, (7)
where di,j is the throughput of the route of transporting a cargo from Ai to Bj.
Table 1
Initial transportation table
Points Utilization Stock
B1 B2 Bn
Ai Cl,l *1,1 + C1,2 X1,2+ c1,n +x1,n =a1
A2 +C2,1 X2,1 + +C2,2 X2,2+ +c2,n +Xl,n =a2
Am +cm,1 xm, 1 + + cm,2 Xm,2+ +c +xm,n =am
Orders || b1 || b2 || bn
Before filling the simplex table (ST) (Table 2) with values for the parameters from the original TT, we shall perform two preliminary steps, namely:
- replace variables x11 with x1; x12 with x2, x13 with x3, etc., xmn with xmn, that is, we convert two indexes at variable x into one index by multiplying them (for instance, x3,5 by x15);
- add, as required by the simplex method, to all the equations additional variables xmn+1, xmn+2 and so on to xmn+m+n. 1, which will make up the initial basis solution to TP, by artificially assigning to their coefficients in the objective function C the values that are deliberately larger than all existing coefficients.
Each (m+n-1) ST line corresponds to one of the linear equations that represent either m equations m of TT lines (for example: x1,1+x1,2+^+x1n=a1) or (n-1) equations of TT columns (for example: x1,1+x1,2+^+x1n=a1). These equations are highlighted in Table 1 with a background color (x11). Moreover, a value of 1 appears in the ST line in the case when the equation in TT has the corresponding variable xi.
The last ST line contains calculated values of the objective function C and indexes Ai, which are the indicators of the end of the optimization process (a condition for the completion of optimization process is non-negative value).
The above non-classic transformation of the transport problem, assigned in the form of a transportation table, into a simplex table, is the basis for its subsequent computer calculation.
Table 2
Initial simplex table
CT Xi X2 xm-n Xm-n+1 xm-n+m+n-1
Cbi Xbi ABb ci,1 Cl,2 ^mm B B
B Xm-n+1 a\ 1 1 0 1 0
B Xm-n+2 a2 0 0 0 0 0
B xm-n+m+n-1 bn-1 0 0 0 0 1
c Ai A2 AAm-n Amn+1 AAmn+m+nn-1
An additional feature of the problem statement is its subsequent solving both for the transportation problems, non-balanced in terms of cargo volumes, and for the transportation networks with a large quantity of not only transportation nodes for delivery and utilization of goods but intermediate transport nodes as well.
We developed and compiled the database of infrastructure of Ukraine's transport system, which includes 300 major transportation nodes across the motor roads of international and European importance. The software for the optimization of international freight transportation in the transport system of Ukraine takes into consideration the throughputs of transport infrastructure, as well as capable of solving transport problems under condition of disbalanced volumes of cargo transportation.
5. Application of modern information technology tools for the optimization of cargo delivery schemes along international routes
5. 1. Software-based improvement of the process of international cargo transportation in order to solve a traveling salesman problem
We shall use an example of TP in the form of a solution to the problem on transporting a cargo from the Zhytomyr
oblast to Poland. The cargo is wooden pellets, since wood and products made from it account for 23 % of the total export of Zhytomyr oblast. The cargo to be picked up in Poland is wooden furniture. The goods to be delivered were selected based on data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [1], laws and regulations, as well as the economic and social situation in this country. We chose 10 pick-up points in Zhytomyr Oblast with the largest volumes in the production of wood pellets, specifically: Dubrivka, Romaniv, Lubar, Malin, Ovruch, Novohrad-Volynskyi, Zhytomyr, Korosten, Berdichev, Radomyshl (Fig. 1).
The decisive factors when choosing the checkpoints (c/p) were the duration of customs operations, as well as the distance from the points of cargo dispatch. The following c/p are in the territory of Ukraine: Yagodin, Ustilug, Uhryniv, Rava-Ruska, Hrushiv, Krakovets, Shehyni, Smilnica.
The following c/p are in the territory of Poland: Doro-husk, Zosin, Dolgobicuv, Grebenne, Budomez, Korczowa, Medyka, Kroscenko.
Destinations points in Poland were selected based on the fact that there are consumers for wood pellets, as well as furniture factories that export their finished products to Ukraine. Thus, the destinations are the following: Slupsk, Verusuv, Racibórz, Elblag, Mor^g; Brodnica, Warsaw, Kielce, Ostrowiec Swi^tokrzyski, Vengruv.
Employing the database management system Microsoft Access, we built a database with appropriate distances between c/p, points of departure and destination points (Fig. 2).
For convenience, the data on these distances are automatically converted into a file of the spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel (Fig. 3). The software to solve a traveling salesman problem was developed using the algorithmic programming language Delphi [13].
To begin, we enter temporal characteristics of cargo handling operations along a given route. Loading and unloading the pellets and furniture will be mechanized. We assign service time at each c/p and the mean technical speed of a vehicle (Vt=65 km/h).
Fig. 1. Automobile check-points at the Ukrainian-Polish border
No. Point of departure Destination point L
1 Dubrivka Romaniv 55
2 Dubrivka Lubar 81
3 Dubrivka Malin 187
4 Dubrivka Ovruch 161
5 Dubrivka Novograd-Volynskiy 39
6 Dubrivka Zhytomyr 97
7 Dubrivka Korosten 130
8 Dubrivka Berdichev 127
9 Dubrivka Radomyshl 200
10 Dubrivka Yahodin (CP) 338
11 Dubrivka Ustyluh (CP) 314
12 Dubrivka Uhryniv (CP) 337
13 Dubrivka Rava-Ruska (CP) 389
Fig. 2. Database of distances between c/p, points of departure and destination points
1 City 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 1 Dubrivka 0 55 81 187 161 39 97 130 127 200 338 314 337 389
3 2 Romaniv 55 0 50 152 182 73 64 136 63 137 381 357 368 443
4 3 Lubar 81 50 0 174 219 112 84 173 69 157 395 343 329 378
5 4 Malyn 187 152 174 0 94 146 88 58 128 36 404 405 442 508
6 5 Ovrutch 161 182 219 94 0 139 133 48 173 127 384 385 422 488
7 6 Novograd-Volynskiy 39 73 112 146 139 0 84 108 125 157 316 292 307 367
8 7 Zhytomyr 97 64 84 88 133 84 0 87 41 74 392 368 403 454
9 8 Korosten 130 136 173 58 48 108 87 0 127 90 357 357 394 460
10 9 Berdichev 127 63 69 128 173 125 41 127 0 115 433 409 395 431
11 10 Radomyshl 200 137 157 36 127 157 74 90 115 0 437 437 474 531
12 11 Yahodin (CP) 338 381 395 404 384 316 392 357 433 437 0 83 120 212
13 12 Ustiluh (CP) 314 357 343 405 385 292 368 357 409 437 83 0 60 148
14 13 Uhryniv (CP) 337 368 329 442 422 307 403 394 395 474 120 60 0 103
15 14 Rava-Ruska (CP) 389 443 378 508 488 367 454 460 431 531 212 148 103 0
Fig. 3. Distances between c/p, points of departure and destination points in the Microsoft Excel file format
Consider an example of the traveling salesman problem with one point of departure in Ukraine, four c/p (two in Ukraine and two in Poland), four destination points in Poland. That is, in one of the cities of Zhytomyr oblast we load 20 tons of wood pellets. Loading is mechanized. In 4 cities of Poland we unload 5 tons of cargo, and in the final point we load 20 m3 of furniture (about 20 tons). Both wooden pellets and furniture belong to cargo of class 1, that is, the coefficient of static use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle is equal to unity (jst = 1).
It should be noted that when adding c/p to the route, the software operates in two modes: manual and automated. That is, c/p can be selected independently, or the software performs this automatically, by choosing the nearest one to the point of departure. The software generates a respective table, which clearly shows distances between the specified cities and c/p. We build possible closed routes and choose the shortest route among all options (Fig. 4).
By using a combinatorial technique, we build possible closed routes and choose the shortest route among all options (Fig. 4).
Next, based on the results of a combinatorial technique [14], the software generates the resulting shortest route consisting of sections that it includes (Fig. 5).
Thus, we determined that of all the software-identified 24 possible routes, the most efficient one would be:
The length of the route is 2,390 km. Total time of transportation is 36.76 hours, service time at the first c/p Ustiluh is 45 min, at the second (Zosin) - 40 min, at the third (Doro-husk) - 35 min, at the fourth (Yahodyn) - 40 min. Duration of loading and unloading operations is 750 min. Total time to perform the route is 51.93 hours.
The task of traveling saFesman
Dubrivka -» Ustylug (UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -> Ustylug ¡UA'l ->Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug UAJ Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ ->Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ -»Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ -»Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug (UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -J. Ustylug (UÄ) -i Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -t Ustylug (UA'l -t Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -t Ustylug ¡UA'l -tZosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -»■ Ustylug ¡UAÏ Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UAÎ -»Zosin (PL -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UA'l -»Zosin (PL) -Dubrivka -» Ustylug ¡UA) -»Zosin [PL -Dubrivka -» Ustylug (UA) -»Zosin (PL) -
Warsawa—»-Verusuv —j- El blag —» Slupsk —» Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodln (UA) —» Warsawa -» Verusuv —^Slupst —► Elblag -y Dorohusk (PL) —»Yagodln ¡UA) -» Warsawa-> Elblag —* Verusuv —»■ Slupsk —y Dorohusk (PL) —»■ Yagodln UA) -» Warsawa -» Elblag —► Slupsk -»Verusuv —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -»■ Warsawa->Slupsk —> Verusuv -»■ Elblag —y Dorohusk (PL) —»■ Yagodin UA) -» Warsawa -j-Slupsk —► Elblag -»Verusuv —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -» ■Verusuv -» Warsawa —»■ Elblag —» Slupsk —» Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -»■ ■Verusuv —► Warsawa —^ Slupsk —»■ Elblag —» Dorohusk (PL —» Yagodin UA'l -»■ ■Verusuv —» Elblag —» Warsawa —» Slupsk —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -» ■Verusuv -» Elblag -»Slupsk —» Warsawa —»■ Dorohusk (PL —» Yagodin UA'l -» ■Verusuv —» SlupsK —» Warsawa —»■ Elblag —y Dorohusk ¡PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -» >Verusuv > Slupsk-» Elblag > Warsawa >• Dorohusk (PL) -» Yagodin (LIA) ■Elblag —» Warsawa —y Verusuv —» Slupsk —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin (UA) -»
■ Elblag —»■ Warsawa —» Slupsk -»Verusuv —»■ Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodln UA'l -»■
■ Elblag —» Verusuv —» Warsawa —» Slupsk —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) —y Elblag —»■ Verusuv -»Slupsk —y Warsawa —y Dorohusk (PL) —y Vagodin ¡UA) -» Elblag —» Slupsk —» Warsawa —» Verusuv —y Dorohusk (PL) —y Yagodln UA) -» Elblag —» Slupsk —» Verusuv —> Warsawa—y Dorohusk (PL) —t Yagodin ¡UA) —y Slupsk —> Warsawa -» Verusuv —>■ Elblag —y Dorohusk (PL) —y Yagodln UA) ->■ Slupsk —y Warsawa -» Elblag ->■ Verusuv —y Dorohusk ¡PL) —t Yagodin ¡UA) —y Slupsk —y Verusuv —y Warsawa —>■ Elblag —y Dorohusk (PL) —y Yagodln UA) -> Slupsk -»-Verusuv —* Elblag —> Warsawa —y Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA)
it Verusuv-» Dorohusk (PL) —»Yagodln (UA —» Warsawa-» Dorohusk (PL) —» Yagodin ¡UA) -»
- Slupsk —» Elblag —» Warsawa --Slupsk -»■ Elblag -»-Verusuv -
Dubrivka = 2608 km Dubrivka = 2424 km Dubrivka = 2923 km Dubrivka =2390 km Dubrivka = 2914 km Dubrivka = 2565 km Dubrivka = 2640 km Dubrivka = 2631 km Dubrivka = 3130 km Dubrivka = 2565 km Dubrivka = 2946 km
Dubrivka = 2390 km Dubrivka = 2996 km Dubrivka = 2953 km Dubrivka = 3171 km Dubrivka = 2921 km Dubrivka = 2638 km Dubrivka = 2431 km Dubrivka = 3179 km Dubrivka = 3145 km Dubrivka = 3004 km Dubrivka = 2938 km Dubrivka = 2655 km Dubrivka = 2623 km
- The shortest closed route of the 24 possible -
Dubrivka —y Ustylug (UA) -> Zosin (PL) —y Warsawa > Elblag > Slupsk-» Verusuv -» Dorohusk (PL) —> Vagodin (UA) > Dubrivka = 2390 km
36.76 years for transportation
45 minutes passing the 1st checkpoint - Ustylug (UA)
40 minutes passirigthe 1st checkpoint - Zosin (PL)
35 minutes passing the 1st checkpoint - Dorohusk (PL)
40 minutes passirigthe 1st checkpoint - Yagodin (UA)
750 minutes for unloading / loading
51.93 hours for the entire route
Fig. 4. Result of the software operation
Fig. 5. Itinerary of the specified closed route
5. 2. Software-based improvement of the process of international freight transportation in order to solve a transport problem
We shall use as an example of TP two delivery points (DP) - Ai (Dubrivka) and A2 (Zhytomyr), four transit points - C (Yahodyn), C2 (Dorohusk), C3 (Zosin), and C4 (Usty-luh), and four utilization points (UP) - Bi (Warsaw), B2 (Elblag), B3 (Slupsk), and B4 (Veru suv) (refer to RTN in Fig. 6).
of cargo transportation volume, to the balanced form, specifically: introduction of an additional fictitious transportation node, proportional and different.
Optimization of freight transportation in RTN will be conducted by using the computerized optimization system of cargo transportation in RTN (COSCT in RTN) [15]. The result of work of a computerized system whose methodological basis for optimization is the simplex method is shown in Fig. 7. Preliminarily, we reduce the proposed transport problem to a tabular form - transport table (TT) (Table 1).
In the case of reducing open TP to the balanced form by introducing an additional fictitious DP Ap, which in our case is the transit point C1 (Yahodyn), this TT will contain the result of solving a given TP (Table 1), which is shown with bold numbers in it.
Fig. 6. Graphical representation of a road transport network
At the edges of a given RTN, we assigned distances between the corresponding points, in kilometers, and the volumes of cargo, in tons (indicated at the vertices of the graph), which need to be picked up at DP (indicated with sign -) and must be delivered to UP (indicated with sign +). It is required to minimize transportation costs under condition that there should be 20 tons of cargo more than currently is, specifically:
2 4
X ai = 180 bi = 200,
i=1 j=1
that is, we have a TP, unbalanced (open) in terms of cargo transportation volume.
First, we optimize the TP represented in a network form using the three methods to reduce a TP, unbalanced in terms
Fig. 7. Results of COSCT operation in RTN, balanced by the introduction of an additional fictitious transportation node
Table 3 gives optimal cargo transportation volumes, which are achieved along the most economically beneficial routes; the distances of freight delivery between the respective points are the numbers in the upper right corner of each table cell. These routes were obtained using the method of finding the shortest routes along a transportation network [16]; the actual volume of transportation work is 174,680 tkm. This is explained by the fact that cargo with a volume of 20 tons is not actually taken from fictitious point C to UP By.
Table 3
Transport table, balanced by the introduction of an additional fictitious transportation node
I *-Ib
i=i j=i
is deducted from UP (at ^ ai <X b ),
i=i j=i
RTN parameters Utilization points
Bi B2 B3 B4
Volume of orders (bj)
40 60 80 20
Delivery points Ai Stock volume (ai) 100 615 900 1084 80 823 20
A2 80 680 20 965 60 1149 888
Af (Ci) 20 277 20 562 746 485
C2 0 270 555 739 478
C3 0 312 597 781 520
C4 0 307 592 776 515
Transportation work volume (tkm) 180220 (174680)
which has the highest value for demand. This method is not applicable in the case when the greatest demand value, which decreases, is less than the module of difference
I *-I b
i=1 j=1
In our case, this is B3 and its new value is equal to B3=80-20=60 tons.
Table 4
Transportation table, balanced using a proportional method
In Fig. 8 presented the results of the KSOVP on the balanced proportional method of RTN. The basis of this method lies is proportional to the volume of stocks (applications) reduction proposals (demand) cargoes of all without exception, PP or PS.
RTN parameters Utilization points
B1 B2 B3 B4
Volume of orders (bj)
36 54 72 18
Delivery points A1 Stock volume (ai) 100 615 900 10 1084 72 823 18
A2 80 680 36 965 44 1149 888
C1 20 277 562 746 485
C2 0 270 555 739 478
C3 0 312 597 781 520
C4 0 307 592 776 515
Transportation work volume (tkm) 168802
Fig. 8. Results of COSCT operation in RTN, balanced using a proportional method
In the case when demand for a cargo exceeds its supply, we calculate respective coefficient k for a reduction in the volume of orders from all DP ( j=1, n) according to formula:
Ib-I *
Fig. 9. Results of COSCT operation in RTN, balanced using a difference method
Table 5 gives TT with the results of optimization.
Table 5
Transportation table, balanced using a difference method
Next, these volumes of orders are decreased to magnitudes bj" = (1-k)*bj and cargo transportations are balanced again with the same volumes of stocks ai (i=1, m) and the same dimensionality. In our example, coefficient k= =(200-180)/200=0.1, and, accordingly, b1=36 t, b2=54 t, b3=72 t, b4=18 t.
Table 4 gives TT with the results of optimization.
Fig. 9 shows result of COSCT operation in RTN, balanced by a difference method. When using this method to reduce cargo transportations to the balanced form, difference module
RTN parameters Utilization points
B1 B2 B3 B4
Volume of orders (bj)
40 60 60 20
Delivery points Ai Stock volume (ai) 100 615 900 20 1084 60 823 20
A2 80 680 40 965 40 1149 888
Ci 20 277 562 746 485
C2 0 270 555 739 478
C3 0 312 597 781 520
C4 0 307 592 776 515
Transportation work volume (tkm) 165300
We shall try to obtain an optimal plan of cargo transportation in the unbalanced RTN (result of the work of the computerized system is shown in Fig 10), by preliminarily reducing the proposed TP to a tabular form - TT (Table 4).
Fig. 10. Result of COSCT operation in the unbalanced RTN
The result of solving this TP (Table 6) is given by bold numbers.
Table 6
Unbalanced transportation table
RTN parameters Utilization points
Bi B2 B3 B4
Volume of orders (bj)
40 60 80 20
Delivery points Ai Stock volume (ai) 100 615 900 20 1084 80 823
A2 80 680 40 965 40 1149 888
Ci 20 277 562 746 485
C2 0 270 555 739 478
C3 0 312 597 781 520
C4 0 307 592 776 515
Transportation work volume (tkm) 170520
Data from Tables 3-6 show the optimal plans to transport a cargo in the balanced and non-balanced RTN, obtained using the simplex method, do not converge.
In Fig. 11, the RTN dotted lines indicate the most economical (minimal) optimal plan of freight transportation (165,300 tkm), obtained using a difference method for reducing a TP, unbalanced in terms of cargo transportation, to the TP in the balanced form.
6. Discussion of results of the application of information
technologies for the optimization of cargo delivery schemes along international routes
6. 1. Solving a traveling salesman problem using software
Our study addresses the use of modern information technologies in solving a salesman problem in order to optimize the process of compiling the itinerary for cargo transportation along international routes. The following factors were largely ignored when solving the set problem:
- distances between the points of departure, destination points, and customs posts;
- duration of service at checkpoints (customs clearance);
- duration of cargo handling operations;
- the mean speed of a vehicle;
- rest time in line with AETR.
In our calculations, we used real data about the location of points of departure, destination points, and CP at the State border of Ukraine, distance between them, as well as the mean speed.
We report a procedure for the automation of process aimed at solving a traveling salesman problem by a combinatorial method, which takes into consideration existing requirements and constraints for the specificity and dimensionality of the problem. For convenience, data on the distance between the points of transportation are automatically converted into a file of the spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel. The software for solving a traveling salesman problem was developed using the algorithmic programming language Delphi.
It should be noted that when adding intermediate transportation points to the route, the software operates in two modes: manual and automated. That is, intermediate points can be selected independently, or the software performs this automatically, by choosing the nearest one to the point of departure.
In addition, combinations of transportation nodes, generated and entered into databases in advance, which make up the routes for transportation networks of any dimensionality, represent the Hamiltonian cycles, thereby significantly reducing computational time.
Based on the experience of cargo transportation, the number of transport nodes in multi-drop (combined) routes of cargo transportation does not exceed 20. That is why all variants of cargo transportation routes, generated and entered into databases in advance, in transportation networks with a dimensionality below the magnitude specified above (20), which represent the Hamiltonian cycles, significantly reduce computational time.
\ Dubrivka 100 „
-20------' -----------------------------'Zhytomyr
Fig. 11. Optimal itinerary of cargo transportation in RTN
The software generates a corresponding table, which clearly shows distances between the specified cities and intermediate points. This allows us to build possible closed routes and choose the shortest variant. By using a combinatorial method, the software calculates the total distance of the route and selects the one that is the shortest.
6. 2. Solving a transport problem using software
The proposed simplex method showed its effectiveness when solving both the balanced and non-balanced international cargo transportation.
By using the simplex method, we optimized the transport problem represented in a network form, by three methods for reducing a transport problem, unbalanced in terms of cargo transportation volumes, to the balanced form, specifically the introduction of an additional fictitious transportation node, proportional method, and a difference method.
Optimization of cargo transportation in RTN was carried out using a computerized optimization system of freight transport, by preliminarily reducing the proposed transport problem to the tabular form - a transportation table.
Underlying the method of computerized optimization system of freight transport in a road-transport network, balanced by a proportional method, is a decrease in proposal (demand), proportional to the volume of stocks (orders), for cargoes from all, without exception, delivery points (utilization). In the case demand for a cargo exceeds its proposal,
we calculate a corresponding coefficient of reduction in the volume of orders from all checkpoints.
The application of a computerized optimization system of cargo transportation in a road transport network, supplemented by a decision support system, will make it possible practically always choose the most beneficial solutions among all the proposed.
7. Conclusions
1. The application of a combinatorial technique for solving a traveling salesman problem in a road transport network made it possible to take into consideration the existing requirements and constraints for the specificity and dimensionality of the problem, which allowed a reduction in the transportation costs, by 8 % on average, for delivering the goods to end users along international automobile routes.
2. The approach to employing the simplex method for solving a transport problem, represented in a network form, has proven its effectiveness when solving both balanced and non-balanced cargo transportation. The developed computer system implies a reduction, proportional to the volume of stock (orders), in the proposals (demand) for cargoes from all, without exception, supply points (utilization). That made to possible to reduce the volume of transportation operations, performed along international routes, by 6 % on average.
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