ИНВЕСТИЦИОННОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ ТРУДОВОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Дыскина А.А.

В статье обоснована необходимость и актуальность инвестиционного обеспечения трудового потенциала предприятия как фактора развития и повышения его эффективности. Доказана необходимость анализа трудового потенциала предприятия и рассмотрены особенности инвестиций в человеческий капитал, оценка трудового и кадрового потенциала. Обобщены результаты исследования и определены основные пути повышения эффективности трудового потенциала предприятия.

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Investment company providing employment potential

In the article the necessity and urgency of investment support employment potential of the enterprise as a factor of development and increasing its effectiveness. The necessity of analyzing the employment potential of the company and the features of investment in human capital, labor and personnel evaluation capacity. The results of the study and the main ways to improve the employment potential of the company.


ЕКОНОМ1КА: реалП часу

№2(30), 2017

ECONOMICS: time realities

UDK 330.332


A.A. Dyskina, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine

Дискта А.А. 1нвестицшне забезпечення трудового потенщалу тдприемства.

У стати обгрунтовано необхщтсть та актуальтсть швестицшного забезпечення трудового потенщалу тдприемства як чинника розвитку та тдвищення його ефективносл. Доведено необхiднiсть аналiзу трудового потенцiалу пiдприемства та розглянуто особливостi iнвестицiй в людський каттал, оцiнка трудового й кадрового потенщалу. Узагальнено результати дослщження та визначено основт шляхи пiдвищення ефективностi трудового потенщалу тдприемства.

Ключовi слова: людський каттал, трудовий потенщал, iнвестицiйне забезпечення, кадровий потенщал, оцiнка трудового потенщалу

Дыскина А.А. Инвестиционное обеспечение трудового потенциала предприятия.

В статье обоснована необходимость и актуальность инвестиционного обеспечения трудового потенциала предприятия как фактора развития и повышения его эффективности. Доказана необходимость анализа трудового потенциала предприятия и рассмотрены особенности инвестиций в человеческий капитал, оценка трудового и кадрового потенциала. Обобщены результаты исследования и определены основные пути повышения эффективности трудового потенциала предприятия.

Ключевые слова: человеческий капитал, трудовой потенциал, инвестиционное обеспечение, кадровый потенциал, оценка трудового потенциала

Dyskina A.A. Investment company providing employment potential.

In the article the necessity and urgency of investment support employment potential of the enterprise as a factor of development and increasing its effectiveness. The necessity of analyzing the employment potential of the company and the features of investment in human capital, labor and personnel evaluation capacity. The results of the study and the main ways to improve the employment potential of the company.

Keywords: human capital, labor potential, investment support, human resources, evaluation of labor resources

For Ukrainian enterprises in a deep economic crisis is urgent search for ways of development and investment, especially in long-term strategic areas, which include investment sector providing employment potential. Staff development is one of the key areas of investment, because workers with intelligence, knowledge and personal qualities that implementation in the work, create conditions for development, progress and successful operation as a separate company, and the entire country. So, in terms of an effective and efficient implementation of investment support employment potential increased market value of the company, increasing its competitiveness and investment appeal. Analysis of recent researches and publications

Problems of ensuring employment potential investment engaged in such foreign scholars as G. Becker, H. Bouen, E. Denison, Dzh. Kendryk, F. Mahlup, Ya. Minser, L. Turou, T. Shults and our scientists as in P. Antoniuk, I.K. Bondar, P.P. Borschevskyy, S. Vovkanych, O.A. Grishnova, V.M. Grinyova, B.M. Danylyshyn, G.A. Dimitrenko, S.I. Dorohuntsov, V.Ye. Kozak, A.M. Kolot, Yu.M. Krasnov, L.V. Kryvenko, I.D. Kryzhko, V.D. Lahutin, N.D. Luk Yanchenko,

Yu.V. Nikolenko, V.M. Novikov, O.F. Novikova, I.L. Petrova, V.A. Savchenko, M.V. Semykina, S.V. Tyutyunnikova, L.H. Chernyuk, A.A. Chuhno.

Unsolved aspects of the problem

Despite the volume of coverage of Ukraine education at all levels and increasing funding for the industry by the government, the issue of quality of education and quality of human resources of the country remains debatable. This determines the need for in-depth study of the features and investment in labor potential and identifies ways to solve them [1].

The aim of article is to consider the investment potential of the company providing labour as an important factor in improving its effectiveness, competitiveness and increase the market value of the company. The main part

Human capital can be defined as a collection of creative abilities, knowledge, skills, motivations and personal characteristics of individuals, accumulated through investment used for definite period of time with a view to their future income and contribute to the growth of national wealth. It is considered as a

production and investment resource play which primarily depends on how satisfied their needs physical, social, spiritual, intellectual and so on. The approach to human capital as a factor of production, on the one hand, investment resources, on the other, provides new investments reflect the role in the formation of competitive human capital [2].

In our view, it is wrong to reduce employment potential workforce. And labour and employment potential are inherent qualitative and quantitative certainty. But the employment potential is the main feature of human resources, as characterizes them as the most of the qualitative side. Manpower basically have a workforce that is known to have the ability of people to work and employment potential, in our view, is the final power that transforms a person's ability to force that the degree and level higher than labour . Manpower transformed into productive force of man through labour potential.

Under high trend of the market economy in the organization under the value of "human resources" is commonly understood all the actual number of workers employed in a particular area, and owners who put their physical, intellectual ability, experience, skills, and savings in carrying out economic and financial activities organization. The staff of the company, less labour potential value on the potential of unskilled and semi-skilled workers, part-time and freelance employees. Therein lays their main difference [3]. Human resources - is the main wealth of the company and its formation should be given a key role in the implementation of enterprise management. On this will depend the competitiveness of enterprises and economic impact of investments in its activities. In forming potential of the company plays an important role principle focus on its core professional. The core of human capacity is a combination of professional skills of employees that enable its operations as efficiently as possible, providing the company a strategic advantage in the marketplace.

Thus, these two economic categories (labour and employment potential) are in complex interaction. Changing labour potential is not always associated with a change in the working age population, and in post-industrial society - is a widespread phenomenon. Even with a stable workforce may be increasing the employment potential by increasing its quality characteristics: the growth of education and professional qualification, cultural level, improving health, etc. The increase employment potential by improving quality characteristics of the employed population in its stable population means intensification of production [4].

The main factors of socio-economic development and competitiveness of any company - is the availability of its skilled workforce, its degree of motivation. Formulation development strategy should logically precede analysis of labour potential employees.

To analyze the employment potential of the company must use the following components, namely:

— quantitative and qualitative characteristics of indicators in dynamics of the individual components of the labour potential in the reporting and prior periods;

— appropriate actual level of employment potential in comparison required;

— the level of use of labour potential, i.e. a comparison of actual value indicator of potential. The results of the analysis of these changes are the

volume turnover in need of revision, planned measures on social issues, on training and retraining, qualification and further promotion and others.

With some of these parameters can be estimated quality of work a worker is primarily: 1) the complexity of the work, skills, industry affiliation, working conditions, work experience - this applies to economic performance; 2) discipline, skills availability, integrity, efficiency and creative activity

— a personal performance; 3) the attractiveness of work, its technical equipment, level of technological organization of production, rational organization of work - is the organizational and technical indicators; 4) social activity, general cultural and moral development - a socio-cultural indicators [5].

An important but unsolved remains the problem of assessing labour capacity, with which you can measure intensely personal employment potential. In practice, the following methods of measuring employment potential, quantitative assessment (conducted usually only against the individual employee indicators such as gender, age, experience, education and so on. D.). Scoring (held on the 7-10 point scale on indicators characterizing the age, health, employee training, and so on. D.), the volume value of the labour potential of the organization, which can be set through the total fund of working time, expressed in man-hours [6].

Evaluation of labour potential - the process of diagnosis and analysis of indicators of labour potential, determine the level of development and identify the reasons for its ineffectiveness and / or capacity development to ensure the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization or increase its efficiency Sudakova E.S. [7].

The employment potential of the company can be calculated as follows [8]:

TP = CR • We • Sp • Cc • k, (1)

where CR - total number of staff people .;

We - the average length of employment of the employee during the year (calculated as the average number of employees value given their time spent (Miss. / Person.));

Sp - figure permanence of personnel, calculated using the formula:

Sp= dz + l (1-dz) where dz - the proportion of permanent employees, %;

EKOHOMIKA: peajiií nacy

№2(30), 2017

ECONOMICS: time realities

Cc - indicator of skills, which is calculated by the formula: Cc = 1 + V (m - 1), where V - the proportion of skilled workers in the total number; m -coefficient of reduction of labour is assumed to be the tariff factor that reflects the skills of workers (complexity of work) in the range from 0.1 to 6.0;

k - the rate of productivity growth at different age and sex structure of the team.

Evaluation of labour potential personnel can:

— to manage staff performance, assessing compliance with employment potential workers requirements, corrective action employees;

— identify training and development programs based "development" workers;

— promote and motivate employees with high employment potential and possibilities of development [7].

The decisive role of human capital in the production belongs to its personnel potential.

Today the human capacity for evaluation, the following approaches:

— cost approach;

— income approach;

— expert approach;

— a comparative approach.

The cost approach to assessing human resource capacity can be realized in two ways: direct and indirect.

The indirect method is based on comparing the market value of the assessment of the replacement cost of the item. For this purpose, the coefficient applied D. Tyubina:

g = market value object / replacement cost object. If g < 1 and facility costs less than its replacement, the object of evaluation should be considered investment unattractive because of low human capacity. Conversely, if > 1 g, estimated object has a high human potential and attractive investment.

In this case, in our opinion, the value of human capacity may provide the following: 4

VC = ^ K (PB - PFA), (2)


where VC - cost human resources, thousand. UAH; PB - market value of thousand. UAH; PFA - the cost of the replacement facility, thousand. UAH.;

Kj - weights of individual groups of employees (APM, engineers and employees, employees of scientific - research units of production workers), defined by experts for a particular type of business, K=1.

The direct method based on the determination of costs to be taken to the new owner of the enterprise to generate human resources in the framework viable, adequate organizational requirements of today's market - the management structure.

Income approach based on assessing human resource capacity for the degree of participation in the employee total income of the organization.

Method management added value, developed and implemented in the corporation "Sony" is a measurement of the contribution of key management personnel in the company's value added. Management added value is:

UDS = DSB - DAS - Ui, (3)

where DSB - added business value, thousand UAH;

DAS - return on capital of the company in the event of alternative use, thousand. UAH;

Ui - administrative costs, thousand. USD. Almost the results can be either very low or negative. This suggests that management resources are used inefficiently.

Expert method allows you to use in assessing the human capacity not only of characteristics, personnel organization as aggregate employee, and individual characteristics of employees. Assessment is based on a matrix of professional maturity, as established in addition to scoring an employee, the rank of an indicator in the overall assessment. Expert should assess the following:

— qualified employee to perform functions;

— whether within the overall system of institutional capacity to implement functions;

— how organizational - administrative communication to ensure compliance functions;

— organization provides development workers. Obtained expert assessments that indicate the

status of human resources, as well as identifying problem areas thus can be used appraiser indirectly in forecasting revenues.

Comparative approach to assess human resource capacity based on paired comparisons of companies -analogues. As analogues can be used organizational structure and staffing of the companies that were restructured and established management structure and personnel potential, close to the ideal model [9].

Currently, issues related to investment activities are becoming more and more urgent, due mainly to the desire to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the global market. Study and analysis practices with staff of large companies showed that the most commonly used method, used in the formation of labour potential both in domestic and foreign corporations, are: system adapt to new employees (75% considered domestic and foreign corporations use this method) involvement of personnel through recruitment HR-service department of the company (65%); involvement of personnel through recruitment agencies (61%); cooperation with universities (52%). These data suggest that most of the corporations are trying to find ready-made professionals. Only 9% of the cases examined, the organization teach again recruited workers requires additional time and material costs. This method is justified when using special equipment requires special knowledge and skills that employees could not get working in other companies [10]. Submitted material to determine which employment potential is one of the main factors of efficiency of investment firms and investment in this category would improve the company. However, the actual practice shows that

investment in labour potential infusion focused on the involvement of specialist already finished that without significant financial costs ready to perform tasks at a sufficient level. This practice is not far-sighted, because it does not allow to develop the employment potential of the employees in the channel, which is a priori necessary for the efficient operation of the enterprise.

Experience shows that the most competitive are those companies and organizations that are constantly investing in staff development. According to statistics, most of the money invested in training companies involved finance, insurance, real estate, high technology and transportation services, and are generally lower in manufacturing, health care, agriculture, construction and field development. In the companies with entrenched HR strategy with revenue per employee is almost three times higher and the return on investment in staff by 70% more than in companies with informal strategy [11].

There are two means of priority investment in staff, training and equipment and intangible incentives. Investments of this type can increase profits and business value. Given the amount of budget for investment in human resources, companies must effectively use allocated funds. Granting licenses, certificates, regular training for skills development is essential elements to support the competitiveness of enterprises [12].

Investments in human capital have features that distinguish them from other types of investments:

1. The positive effect of investment in human capital depends directly on the duration of use, is determined by the remaining period to the end of working life.

2. Compared with investment in other forms of capital investment in human capital, according to many economists, is the most advantageous for an individual and for society as a whole.

3. The extent and type of investment in people due to historical, national, cultural characteristics and traditions of society. For example, education and career choices of children largely depend on family traditions, occupation and education level of their parents.

4. There are physical and moral deterioration of human capital. It is determined, first, the degree of aging (physical deterioration) of the human body and its inherent physiological functions, and secondly, the extent of economic obsolescence (moral deterioration) due to obsolescence of knowledge and values gained relative decrease once education. The peculiarity of human capital is the fact that in the process of using it not only wear, but also enriched by property rights of professional experience even without special investments. Therefore, the deterioration of human capital occurs (in case of proper use) is much slower compared to physical capital. If in the use of human resources constantly made additional investments in continuous education, health, etc., its qualitative and quantitative characteristics (volume, value, quality) can improve for most of life.

5. The investment period of physical capital (average 1.5-2 years) is much shorter compared to human capital. For example, the investment period of this form of investment.

in people, education, training duration that can reach 12-20 years.

6. The functioning of the human capital return on its use due to the will of man - the owner of the equity of individual interests and benefits of its interest, responsibility, philosophy and general level of culture, including economic. Therefore, investment in people exposed to higher than normal investment risk and uncertainties, and changes in the amount of human capital based on cost principle cannot be estimated with the same accuracy as the relative physical capital.

7. Investments in human capital in terms of giving a significant, long-time integral and the nature of the economic and social effects.

8. Without any investment in a person can be considered economically necessary and socially desirable. For example, the costs of training are connected with criminal activity, with education antisocial traits cannot be considered an investment in human capital, because they harm society and do not contribute to human development [13].

Now in Ukraine there is a backlog of quality manpower needs of the economy. Only 9% of the number of accounting staff members (or 1 million) covered by a system of training, retraining and advanced training. Frequency increase qualification of staff an average of 11 years, while in the EU - about 5 years. Research costs for labour, which was carried out by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine shows that the costs of Ukrainian companies on training employees on average make up 0.2% of total labour costs, while in the countries of the Euro-Union the figure is 1% [14].

To improve the performance of many companies currently need innovations, which mainly consist in choosing a new product instead of loss-making, to fund the investment project on development of manufacture and sales of a new product or introducing a new process.

The introduction of new technology, technology, production of modern goods, increase communication opportunities and create conditions for the elimination or modification of certain types of work. In this regard, necessary qualification of workers cannot be guaranteed basic education. Quality training enables employers to get a great return in the form of increased productivity, experience, improving the company's commitment and overall contribution to the business by employees [14].


We believe that to improve employment potential leaders must use:

— modern concepts and actual problems of personnel

management, foreign and domestic experience,

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strategy, tactics and organization management;

EKOHOMIKA: peoniï nacy

№2(30), 2017

ECONOMICS: time realities

— the specific permission of the organization and management of conflicts;

— management methods of motivation, leadership, organizational subordinates working groups and management teams, gender relations staff development;

— the development of technology decision-making, communication management, role behaviour, design techniques of discussion and public speaking;

— learn to assess the situation against the prevailing corporate culture and raise its level to maintain a healthy psychological climate in groups, use ortobiotics - the science of healthy living and health care regulations, to acquire the latest technology personal and corporate image making.

These promising proposals and their implementation will significantly accelerate the development of labour potential of the enterprise.

Summarizing, we can say that human capital is the most important source of income and is defined not only the ability to work, but also innate qualities, natural talent, good education, knowledge, professionalism, skills, technology, activities, experiences, organization and management ability, integrity man. Thus, it should be noted that innovation, good HR and timely referral sufficient investment in staff training will improve the economic performance of the company and increase its competitiveness.


For Ukrainian enterprises in a deep economic crisis is urgent search for ways of development and investment, especially in long-term strategic areas, which include investment sector providing employment potential. Staff development is one of the key areas of investment, because workers with intelligence, knowledge and personal qualities that implementation in the work, create conditions for development, progress and successful operation as a separate company, and the entire country. So, in terms of effective and efficient implementation of investment support employment potential increased market value of the company, increasing its competitiveness and investment appeal.

Despite the volume of coverage of Ukraine education at all levels and increasing funding for the industry by the government, the issue of quality of education and quality of human resources of the country remains debatable. This determines the need for in-depth study of the features and investment in labor potential and identification solutions.

The purpose of the study is to consider the investment potential of the company providing labor as an important factor in improving its effectiveness, competitiveness and increase the market value of the company.

The main factors of socio-economic development and competitiveness of any company - is the availability of its skilled workforce, its degree of motivation. Formulation development strategy should logically precede analysis of labor potential employees.

Analysis of the labor potential of the enterprise should include:

1. Dynamics of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, i.e., the comparison figures for individual components of the labor potential in the reporting and prior periods.

2. Compliance of the actual level of employment potential necessary.

3. The use of labor potential, i.e. a comparison of actual value indicator of potential.

The analysis of these changes are volumes disposal personnel that need to be replaced, outlining measures to solve social problems on training (forms, deadlines) qualification promotion and others.

An important but unsolved remains the problem of assessing labor capacity, with which you can use to measure and intensely personal employment potential. In practice, the following methods of measuring employment potential, quantitative assessment (conducted usually only against the individual employee indicators such as gender, age, experience, education and so on. D.), scoring (held 7-10 point scale on indicators characterizing the age, health, employee training, and so on. d.), the volume value of the labor potential of the organization, which can be set through the total fund of working time, expressed in man-hours.

Evaluation of labor potential in our understanding - the process of diagnosis and analysis of indicators of labor potential, determine the level of development and identify the reasons for its ineffectiveness and / or capacity development to ensure the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization or increase its efficiency.

Experience shows that the most competitive are those companies and organizations that are constantly investing in staff development. According to statistics, most of the money invested in training companies involved finance, insurance, real estate, high technology and transportation services, and are generally lower in manufacturing, health care, agriculture, construction and field development. In the companies with entrenched HR strategy with revenue per employee is almost three times higher and the return on investment in staff by 70% more than in companies with informal strategy.

We believe that to improve employment potential leaders must use:

— modern concepts and actual problems of personnel management, foreign and domestic experience, strategy,

tactics and organization management;

— the specific permission of the organization and management of conflicts;

— management methods of motivation, leadership, organizational subordinates working groups and management teams, gender relations staff development;

— the development of technology decision-making, communication management, role behavior, design techniques of discussion and public speaking;

— learn to assess the situation against the prevailing corporate culture and raise its level to maintain a healthy psychological climate in groups, use ortobiotics - the science of healthy living and health care regulations, to acquire the latest technology personal and corporate of image-making.

These promising proposals and their implementation will significantly accelerate the development of labor

potential of the enterprise.

JEL Classification: А10, M21.

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ЕКОНОМ1КА: реалП часу

№2(30), 2017

ECONOMICS: time realities

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Надано до редакцшно! колегп 09.04.2017

Дисшна Анастаая Аркадлвна / Anastasia A. Dyskina

nasya-84@inbox. ru

Посилання на статтю / Reference a Journal Article:

Investment company providing employment potential Investment company providing employment potential [Електронний ресурс] / A. A. Dyskina // Економта: реали часу. Науковий журнал. - 2017. - № 2(30). -С. 25-31. - Режим доступу до журн.: http://economics.opu.ua/files/archive/2017/No2/25.pdf

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