Научная статья на тему 'Investigation of the exclamatory sentences (on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages)'

Investigation of the exclamatory sentences (on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Investigation of the exclamatory sentences (on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages)»

6. Степин В. С. Философия науки. Общие проблемы: учебник для аспирантов и соискателей ученой степени кандидата наук/В. С. Степин. - М: Гардарики, - 2006. - 384 с.

7. Тороп П. Тотальный перевод/Пеэтер Тороп. - Тарту: Изд-во Тартуского ун-та: Tartu University Press, -1995. - 220 с.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-22-28

Dunyamin Yunusov, Professor Arabov Vahid, Associate professor AUL, Azerbaijan E-mail: xatireaslanova@yahoo.com

Investigation of the Exclamatory Sentences (on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages)

Abstract: In the present article some theoretical questions related to the determination of place of the exclamatory sentences in the general system of the communicative types of sentences are discussed. The authors stress the fact, that the exclamatory sentences are vivid examples of the emotive syntactic units, built upon some definite models and dedicated first of all to the expressions of the emotional conditions and emotional relations of the subject of the speech. The complexity of the nature of the phenomenon of emotion and of its manifestation in the languages as well as the variety of the initial positions of one or other directions in linguistics condition the absence of the unanimous answer to the studied question.

The article has been written on the basis of comparative -typological method in the study of the languages (the English and Azerbaijani languages). The research work has been oriented on the study of the communicative types of sentences including the study of exclamatory sentences as a target matter. The main aim of the investigation is to make a short survey to the problem of determination of sentence, its communicative types and particularly focusing the main attention to the study of exclamatory sentences.

In the introduction of the article the scope of the study of the investigated problem is highlighted the main orientation of the research is determined.

In the part of the article called "consideration of sentence Theory" different view-points of the scholars of the world are enumerated, on the existing view points ofthe linguists some necessary considerations are made.

In the part of the article named "The status of the Exclamatory sentences", which contains the main body of the article, thoughts spoken on the exclamatory type of sentence are critically studied and more attention of the authors are paid to the functional aspect in the determination of exclamatory sentence. The coauthors stress the fact that there are no pure communicative types of sentences, each ofwhich may become or transfer to exclamatory sentence. All these considerations are illustrated both in English and Azerbaijani languages.

Keywords: communicative types of sentences, exclamatory sentence, paradigm, pragmatic aspect, classification.

1. Introduction

The main goal of sentence, as we know, is sending information and receiving the sent information which is mainly realized by sentences. As a final result a text is formed, which is an important issue for each language. Just as to this reason each bearer of the language having observed the sounding ofspeech and arrangement expressed by both of them acts as an informant. The objective laws

which a linguist, any bearer of the language studies every day blindly realize them in the speech. Thus, they form up sentences; change their compositions, makes additions to their speech make numerous experiments for being better understood. This process continues until the time when listener and speaker reach their aims.

It is well-known that traditionally syntax is determined as an instruction on sentences. It becomes clear

from the investigations that the founder of American structuralism L. Bloomfield in his scientific work, called "Language", notes morphology as a field covering words and parts of words, but he marks syntax as a field forming phrases [4]. But his follower H. Gleason determines syntax such: "Syntax generally may be determined as the principles of forming of combinations appearing in the word -forming and word -changing process" [8]. Determination of sentence remains disputable until now in linguistics.

Method of Investigation

We must note that in the study of the problem, usage of one method of investigation is not appropriate. This is linked with the fact that the thesis which is put forth in the article is not categorically proved. The authors move from inhibitory doubts born of surprises, disagreements and the like, and to reach a secure belief, beliefbeing on that, on which the authors are prepared to act. That's why in the study of determination of exclamatory sentences we- the authors have chosen the usage of the Method of tenacity within the Pragmatic Model. To follow the systematization of theory and practice the method of dedication is used as well.

The article dealing with two languages (English and Azerbaijani) languages belonging to different systems among the languages of the world, the usage of typological comparative-contrastive method of investigation is inevitable, thanks to which a common decision for the both languages can be made.

2. Consideration of Sentence Theory

Considering the history of linguistics we discover that, four absolutely different from one-another principle exist on the determination of sentence:

a) Logical principle;

b) Psychological principle;

c) Grammatical (structural) principle;

d) Phonetic principle;

It is worth mentioning that psychological principle is not so characteristic for the English language.

Logical principle shows itself in the initial points about sentence.

The main place is occupied by the grammatical (structural) principle. It is necessary to note that the representatives of structural and transformational grammar have stated different viewpoints about sentence. Scholars of the world have given more than 300 determinations about sentence. The most spread determination is such: "A word or a group ofwords in a combination expressing a completed thought is a sentence "Despite the fact that this sentence determination was criticized in a number

of cases, it found its reflection in many of the books on linguistics.

It became known from the investigations, that the scholars, while determining sentence did not use complex approach to this problem. H. Sweet in his book "A new English Grammar" determines sentence like this. "A word or a word combination, expressing a complete thought or a meaning is called a sentence" [18]. Approximately similar determination is given by G. O. Curme which we meet in his book "A Grammar of the English Language" [6]. M. Braynt in his book named "A Functional English Grammar" approaching the problem from functional viewpoint, determines sentence such: "A sentence is a communication in words conveying a sense of completeness and containing at least one independent verb with its subject [5]. If we approach the problem from this angle, namely, if we approach the problem of a sentence from the view of necessity of a subject and predicate in each sentence, then a number of sentence types in a language, particularly one member sentences might have been beyond this sentence division. M. Braynt himself names the sentences not subordinating this structure as " nonsentence".

As to M. M. Peterson a sentence is a word or a word combination establishing a word, which is an intonation unit and which expresses a complete thought. As to A. A. Shakhmatov a sentence is a speech unit, as a grammatical unit, serving the expression of thinking by words cognized by the speaker and listener. Different from above-mentioned linguists V. V. Vinogradov possesses a different approach in the determination of sentence. He notes that a sentence, being a language unit, formed by the grammatical laws of one language is the main means, serving the formulation and expression of a thought.

So, having considered the works of foreign and native investigators on the determination of sentence, we may come to the conclusion that the main features, peculiar to the sentence are intonation, types of predicative and modality which are mentioned most of all. Putting them in other words:

1. A sentence must express a certain thought:

2. A sentence must possess a certain syntactic structure:

3. A sentence must possess a certain type of intonation:

Despite the fact that a sentence is considered as the

central unit of syntax, this notion is a very complicated and disputable linguistic problem. Ifwe consider the book called "Linguistic Encyclopedia" prepared by the authorship and editorship of prof. F. Veysalli, we can once more admit the importance and usefulness of correct determination of sentence. In the second volume of the linguistic

Encyclopedia we read: "A sentence is a unit, realized by intonation frame, formed by the smallest elements of the language, having relative meaning completion and grammatical structure. Herein it is noted that historically too many determinations have been given about sentence, but we can determine those under two large groups:

1) Determination given in structural linguistics especially by American Linguist Bloomfield and the determination of the sentence by formal aspect. As to this determination, a sentence is the biggest independent form, which as a grammatical construction enters still bigger syntactic form. During the syntactic analysis a sentence is divided into its component parts, combinations are divided into words, the words into morphemes and morphemes are divided into phonemes. In opposite direction, synthesis forms a sentence. In the generative grammar a sentence acts as a final point and it is achieved by the application of the laws leading to the formation of new sentences. In these two approaches language-speech contrasting clearly shows itself. In fact in speech act it is not so easy to determine the borders of the sentence. As a whole a sentence is considered from this aspect:

a) Formal aspect ofdetermination: by this time the place of the classified part of the predicate is important;

b) Practical communicative approach. By this time taken the mood and place of the predicate are taken as bases and four types of sentences are distinguished. 1) Imperative sentence 2) declarative sentence 3) interrogative sentence 4) sentences in subjunctive mood;

c) Approach from the view of wholeness and completeness of the sentence: simple, extended, compound sentences. In simple sentences there is one predicate, extended sentences are widened by adverbial modifiers and attributes, but in complex sentences there are two predicates;

d) From the view of dependence, sentences are divided into principle and subordinate sentences;

e) As to coordination of sentences they are compound and complex sentences. The complex sentences in their turn are syndetic and a syndetic [11].

As it is obviously seen, a sentence being one of the main grammatical categories is opposed in the system with both a word (word form) and word combination as to the meaning and function. In the wider sense, a sentence is sending a certain piece of information to the listener in a loud or low voice, but in the narrow sense a sentence is a unit of language possessing special grammatical distribution, acquiring the meaning of predicative, possessing its own semantic structure, being subjected to formal changes in the system and having ability to perform a certain

communicative duty, possessing the intonation cover and possessing a certain word order [10].

Ifwe generalize different considerations and thoughts we may mark the main peculiarities ofsentence as follows:

1) Syntactic structure;

2) Semantic structure;

3) Word order and intonation;

4) Sentence members being considered as the basis of the predicative components of the sentence. More significance is given to the predicative which differentiates above numerated features from the others because it is a more important component in the arrangement of a sentence. Here we'd like to touch upon verbocentric theory too. As to this conception, namely, as to the sentence conception in the center of which stands a verb, a sentence predicate of which is expressed by a verb matches a certain real or invented situation. In this situation there are participants (persons, or things) if no participant is present, the contents of the verb reflect it. For e. g. the verb " to write" demands the agent of the action, the object of the action, the instrument of the action (with eye-glasses), materials of the action (a book, an article, an essay)theme and the addressee (whom the action is directed) to each of these participants one octant sentence member matches etc. As far as classification of sentence is concerned, as to the traditional sentence division, it is classified as to the structural and semantic view-points. Structural classification of sentence is many -sided enough, thus, as to-this classification different scholars have marked the structural types of sentences basing on different approaches and as to different criteria in different ways. Here it is especially important to note that both in the English and Azerbaijani languages the semantic analysis of sentence has not been thoroughly investigated. As a rule a sentence is classified not only semantically but also structurally. That's why some linguists show this as a semantic-grammatical model of the sentence [19]. So, a sentence is a unit of speech expressing a complete thought as to the intonation and is formulated by the laws of this or that language. Along with intonation, other factors, characteristic to the sentence form predicative and modality of the sentence. Without these factors, we can't speak of the completion of the thought; neither can we speak of the sentence at all. Distinguished linguists G. Lich, J. Swartwik, M. Swan, H. Sweet, V. Admoni, V. Kodukhov, V. Urch-enko, G. Susov, G. Zolotova, A. Mukhin, G. Pocheptsov, V. Burlakova and others have told very valuable thoughts about sentence, its paradigm, its predicative and about some other problems of sentence. G. G. Pocheptsov's

thought from this view point is more interesting. He determines three aspects of sentence.

a) Structural aspect;

b) Semantic aspect;

c) Pragmatic aspect. It is known to us that each of the sentences possesses a self-belonging structure. For e. g.:

1. She did not tell me the truth.

2. Put the key in its proper place

3. Is everything all right?

4. Oh, your eyes are bloodshot and heavy!

As it is seen above — mentioned sentences from the structural view-point sentences differ from one-another.

As far as semantic aspect of the sentence is concerned, the first of above-mentioned sentences denies a certain fact, in the second sentence an order is expressed, in the third of sentences interrogation is stated, at last in the fourth sentence feeling of excitement is obviously demonstrating itselfand this is called an exclamatory sentence.

3. The status of Exclamatory Sentences

Besides this the third aspect of sentence is pragmatic aspect. This aspect of the sentence shows the attitude of the speaker to reality. As to the communicative aspect the types of sentences are classified in different ways. In a number of textbooks, manuals and monographs we come across three-types of sentences: declarative sentence, interrogative sentence and imperative sentence. Here we shan't deal with declarative, interrogative and imperative types of sentences, because they are the object of separately-taken investigations.

M. Y. Blokh writes in his book "A course in Theoretical English Grammar".

"In accord with the purpose of communication three cardinal sentence-types have long been recognized in linguistic tradition: the declarative sentence, the imperative sentence, the interrogative sentence" [3].

As it is known, M. Y. Blokh does not include exclamatory sentence into this division. As to him all the three types of the sentences can turn to exclamatory sentences used with special type of intonation.

He writes:

"Each of the cardinal communicative sentence types can be represented in two variants" [3].

Another linguist G. O. Curme in his book "A Grammar of the English Language", being different from M. Y. Blokh, places the exclamatory sentence in the first place of his classification. In that book he writes:

The form of the sentence may be:

1) Exclamation, uttering aloud, or giving expression to a command, wish, or desire, often closing with an exclamation point-perhaps the oldest form of the sentence;

2) Declarative, stating a fact, closing with a period;

3) Interrogative, asking a question, closing with an interrogative point [6].

B. Ilish's approach to this problem is more cautious. He notes that there are some sentences, which may be named only as exclamatory sentences. [9]. In the issue of modern typological investigation of sentence V. Y. Ko-provin's classification is of more interest. In his research work, by paying attention to the functionality of different types of sentences, investigates this problem on the basis of three pragmatic factors:

1) Intention of the speaker;

2) Sentence division;

3)giving emotional coloring to the speech by the speaker [10] if we approach the problem of studying exclamatory sentences we can discover that in both the English and Azerbaijani languages exclamatory sentences in comparison with other types of sentences have not been sufficiently investigated. Especially in the typological aspect in different languages, exclamatory sentences, their formal features, their theme and rheme structure in the general paradigm ofsyntactic units, in linguistic as a whole are the fields which have not been touched upon properly. On this problem many conceptual thoughts exist too. One of these thoughts refers to the determination of the exclamatory sentences in the system ofcommunicative type.

We once more stress the fact that logical aspect- of the language acquires still more emotional colorings, we admit the fact that the meaning, which it acquires, cardinally differs from other types, and we note the fact that it can be realized in all the three communicative types of which we have mentioned above. It is natural that the main thought is advantageous, but the expression of emotion shows itself as a second-grade factor.

Like other three types of sentences, exclamatory sentences grouping self-belonging qualities around themselves in reality cannot keep them in one line. This is cardinal communicativity peculiar to a sentence. In the final result exclamatory sentence has to refuse its communicative status, because it is embraced with emotional colorings. In reality during the use of language emotional coloring, we may say that, it becomes characteristic for all the sentence types, and the main role is given to the intonation of the sentences of exclamation character. This feature may be related to all the sentence types. In the Dictionary of Linguistic Encyclopedia it is written on the intonation of exclamation: Intonation of exclamation is used in the sentences which express feeling of excitement, alarm. In the Azerbaijani language intonation of imperative sentence is as the same as in the declarative

sentence from the view of general movement of the voice tone. Putting them in other words we can say, it is not correct to accept intonation of imperative sentence as an independent type of intonation. But the speed of imagination and dynamic structure of this or that case (intensiveness) depending on the concrete shades of meaning may be stressed. The shades of meanings in the imperative sentences expressed as order (threatening, banning) instigation (challenge, command, insistence) influence (concession, advice, admonishment, request, pleading), feeling of excitement, alarm, emotion (delight, refusal, irony, fear-excitement, pleasure, caressing) etc. colorings find their concrete expression in the concrete parameter and concrete place of intonation counter. The word which is semantically strong is pronounced with strong stress and high tone. In the imperative and exclamatory sentences approximately the same intonation counters are used [12].

In the same book it is noted that in the exclamatory sentences the end of the nuclear weakens, time lingers. For e. g.: Ana! O müqaddasdir! Yangin! Falakat! [13] (Mother! She is saint! Fire! Calamity)

It is necessary especially to stress one more feature of exclamatory sentences expressing of exclamatory sentences expressing themselves in the importance of some interrogative pronouns which are used in the composition of exclamatory sentences both in the English and Azerbaijani languages. For eg:

Na böyük xoçbaxtlik! (What great happiness!)

Bax gör, neca da sarbast daniçir (Look, how freely she speaks!)

What a nice girl she is!

How beautiful the picture is! etc.

Prof. D. Yunusov notes in his research work called " A Guide to English Grammar " that sentences being of all three communicative types (declarative, interrogative, imperative) receiving colourings etc) may transfer to the exclamatory sentences [7]. It is possible to divide exclamatory sentences into two groups:

1)Derivational exclamatory sentences:

2)Pure exclamatory sentences. As we have men-tiopned above when declarative, interrogative and imperative sentences along with expressing certain meanings, they also express strong emotions, without changing their former structures may transfer to the exclamatory sentences. For e. g.:

1. The nieces were only listeners!

2. How could you, Mr. Dumble cried his friend!

3. Let me spend the entire day digging in the story ground behind the barn!

The first of above -mentioned examples as to the structure is a declarative sentence, the second is an interrogative sentence and the third is imperative sentence, but as they express strong emotionality as it has been mentioned above, keeping their syntactic structure have transferred into the exclamatory sentences. The following Azerbaijani sentences of the same type are completely similar with these models. For e. g.:

l.Qoca ki§i sürücüya ma§ini sürmayi amr etdi!

(The old man ordered the driver to drive the car!)

2.Siz na etdiniz, O bacisina qi^qiridi!

(What did you do, he cried at his sister!)

3.Icaza verin, onlar haqiqati dani^sinlar!

(Let them tell the truth!)

Such kind of exclamatory sentences existing in the modern English and Azerbaijani languages are called derivational exclamatory sentences. The other types of exclamatory sentences possess self- belonging to them syntactic structure which can be named as pure exclamatory sentences. [15].

Exclamatory sentences of such type as a rule either begins with interrogative words "what" or "how". If the noun in the sentence is stressed, the word "what", but if adjective or adverb is used then the word "how" is used, in other words usage of "what" or "how" depends on what element of the sentence the emphasis is made or the intention of the speaker is directed. For e. g.:

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

What wonderful customs you have, said Mr. Van Butcher Taylor (Maugham).

Another characteristic feature of the exclamatory sentences is that they begin with the emotional feeling arising expression "long live". For e. g.: Long live Azerbaijan Republic! Etc.

As it has been mentioned above, being different from the other communicative types, (declarative and interrogative types of sentences) imperative sentences are more similar with exclamatory sentences than the other types because imperative sentences being different from other two types are loaded with higher emotional colorings than the others. Just as to this reason reception of emotion, or its refusal change the kind of this communicative type. For e. g.:

Pancarani a^in. Pancarani a^in!

Open the window. Open the window!

Investigations show that in the compared English and Azerbaijani languages we come across such kind of sentences which are realized in two variants: emotive and neutral variants

Both English and Azerbaijani sentences possess another type of exclamatory sentences in which emotional-

ity is realized by verbal and non-verbal means in the attitude between the speaker and the listener. In such kind of exclamatory sentences the character of exclamation is conditioned not only by the reception of intonation, but also it is conditioned by special lexical- grammatical expression. For example:

Oh, na gozaldir, xarici qonaq qaflatan qi^qirdi!

(Oh, how beautiful it is, a foreign visitor suddenly cried out!)

In the sentences of such type emotional aspect passes to the first plan, emotionality is coordinated with situation and the speaker gets into the emotional instigation. It is worth mentioning that in the exclamatory sentences, this type of exclamatory sentences is more linked with text and context. They are deprived of structural and categorical semantic features and of course enter the rubric of serious communicative type. The scholars, taking structural peculiarities of this type of exclamatory sentences into consideration including their functional peculiarities introduce such type of models as special type of exclamatory sentences. They think that the main function of the exclamatory sentences of this type is to express "feeling" and "excitement".

4. Conclusion

Scientific investigation of the problem of the status of Exclamatory Sentences in the paradigm of sentence (based on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages makes it possible for us to come to the following conclusions:

1) Determination of types of sentence remains disputable until now in linguistics. Considering the history of linguistics we discover four absolutely different from one another principle on the determination of sentence.

We once more stress the fact in conclusion that the viewpoints of linguists in determining the types of sentences greatly differ from one another.

2) In the determination of the types of sentence especially as to the determination of American structural linguistics founded by American scholar Bloomfield the following approaches in the determination of sentences are offered:

Formal aspect, practical communicative approach, approach from the view of wholeness and completeness

of the sentence, from the view of dependence and independence of the sentences and as to the coordination of sentences.

3) As to the structure of the sentence, the sentences are determined as to the syntactic, semantic structures, word order and intonation and as to sentence members which occupy an important place in the establishment of sentence. Structural classification of sentence is many-sided and in these principles the viewpoints of linguists are different as well. As a rule a sentence is classified not only semantically, but also structurally. That's way some linguists show this as a semantic- grammatical model of the sentence.

4) One of the notable aspects in the determination of the types of sentences is pragmatic aspect. This aspect of the sentence shows the attitude of the speaker to reality. In the issue of modern logical investigation of sentence V. Y. Koprov's classification for us is of more interest. In his approach, paying attention to the functionality of different types of sentences he studies this problem on the basis of three pragmatic aspects: 1) intention of the speaker; 2) sentence division; 3) giving emotional coloring to the speech by the speaker, with which we fully agree.

5) Studying exclamatory sentences we discover that in both the English and Azerbaijani languages exclamatory sentences in comparison with other types of sentences have not been investigated well enough.

6) We come to the conclusion that in the establishment of exclamatory sentences logical and emotional factors play great role and that by giving logical and emotional advantage to any type of sentence we may transfer them into the exclamatory sentences. The given examples in the article, as we think can illustrate the truthfulness of our consideration. So, as a result of investigations we come to the conclusion that the history of determination of sentence and its communicative types does not cover a long term, and our study of the types of sentences, especially exclamatory sentences can't be considered as the final complete consideration. This problem still remains disputable and always demands all- rounded investigation.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-28-30

Egorova Liudmila Alekseevna, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Associate Professor, Institute of Foreign Languages E-mail: egorova_la@ pfur.ru

Scientific hypermedia text perception in the era of science globalization

Abstract: Scientific discourse acquired completely new features in the modern world of globalization and the Internet communication. The development of hypermedia technologies has changed a scientific text obtaining multimedia character as well as the interaction between the addressee and the addressant, the text and the recipient.

Keywords: dialogue, discourse, dichotomy, scientific communication, hypermedia discourse, scientific discourse perception.

The globalization of science and technology is not only a key component of economic globalization, it is also its engine and lifeblood. The globalization of knowledge today has reached another level with new potentials emerging, and the migration of scientific knowledge is no longer characterized by the trajectories of individuals, but rather by global social patterns. Scientific knowledge goes hand in hand with global economic processes; it is embedded in global infrastructures and regulatory regimes, and is part of global cultural products [1]. Communication in the field of science is expanding in various directions, which is caused by many factors. First of all, it is scientific world view development, which makes scientists deal with information in different fields as well as work in allied disciplines. Achievements in medicine and technology, inventions in physics and chemistry —

they are all spreading in the world and accelerating the globalization trend in science as a whole. Globalization refers specifically to the increasing dominance of an international network of communications — especially in the economy, but also in social systems such as politics, the mass media, and science and technology.

We would like to point out that the study of scientific discourse, its perception, comprehension and assessment is essential ifwe aim at promoting scientific communication. Therefore, the main objectives of this paper are to focus on the role of the addressee in modern scientific hypermedia discourse and summarize the experimental data connected with its perception. Address as an intrinsic feature of any utterance was analyzed by M. Bakhtin in his concept of dialogism. In his opinion, the inner essence of the text reveals when the author and the reader

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