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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Moghadam Majid Keramati, Tayebi Mohsen, Moghadam Mohsen Keramati, Kuznetsova Zinaida M.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of football spectators from the perspective of riotous spectators. Research methods. The research method was descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose, which was performed by field method. Materials. included riot spectators during 2018 and 2019 in Azadi Stadium and Shahid Shiroodi Stadium in Tehran who were arrested by the police. Due to the fact that accurate statistics were not available, so for the unknown community, based on Krejcie and Morgan table, 384 people were selected as the research sample by available sampling method. The research measurement tool included a researcher-made questionnaire whose face and content validity, while carefully examining the texts and literature of the research, was approved after consulting professors and experts. Its reliability was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha test (0.917). Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, exploratory factor analysis and second-order confirmatory factor analysis) were used to analyze the data. Results. According to the results of this study, the most important causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of spectators include attention to excitement and deconstruction and media performance (0.89), collectivism and teamwork (0.88), social and economic status, respectively (0.84), satisfaction with situational factors (0.82), dissatisfaction with the socio-political environment (0.75) and the performance of the police force (0.71).

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УДК 796 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-2-200-210

Расследование причин агрессии, хулиганства и вандализма футбольных


Маджид Керамати Могадам1*, Мохсен Тайеби2, Мохсен Керамати Могадам3,

Кузнецова З.М.4'5

1Исламский университет Азад, филиал в Боруджерде Лорестан, Иран

ORCID: 0000-0002-6780-8763, majid.keramatimoghadam@gmail.com* 2Университет Исфахана Исфахан, Иран.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9197-9493, drtayebi2@gmail.com 3 Университет Азад, Исфаханский филиал Исфахан, Иран. mohsenkeramatimoghadam@gmail.com 4Набережночелнинский филиал Университета менеджмента «ТИСБИ» Набережные Челны, Россия ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474Х, kzm_diss@mail.ru 5 Чайковская государственная академия физической культуры и спорта

Чайковский, Россия

Аннотация: Целью данного исследования было изучение причин агрессии, хулиганства и вандализма футбольных зрителей с точки зрения буйных зрителей. Методы исследования. Метод исследования был описательно-аналитическим и применялся с точки зрения цели, которая была выполнена полевым методом. Материалы. Включали зрителей, устраивавших беспорядки в 2018 и 2019 годах на стадионах "Азади" и "Шахид Шируди" в Тегеране, которые были арестованы полицией. В связи с тем, что точная статистика была недоступна, поэтому для неизвестного сообщества, основываясь на таблице Крейчи и Моргана, в качестве исследовательской выборки доступным методом выборки было отобрано 384 человека. Инструмент измерения результатов исследования включал составленный исследователем опросник, валидность которого была подтверждена после консультаций с профессорами и экспертами при тщательном изучении текстов и литературы исследования. Его надежность также была рассчитана с использованием альфа-теста Кронбаха (0,917). Для анализа данных использовались описательная статистика (среднее значение, стандартное отклонение) и выводная статистика (коэффициент корреляции Пирсона, исследовательский факторный анализ и подтверждающий факторный анализ второго порядка). Результаты. Согласно результатам этого исследования, наиболее важными причинами агрессии, хулиганства и вандализма зрителей являются внимание к волнению и деконструкции, а также работа СМИ (0,89), коллективизм и командная работа (0,88), социальный и экономический статус соответственно (0,84), удовлетворенность ситуационными факторами (0,82), неудовлетворенность социально-политической обстановкой (0,75) и эффективность работы полиции (0,71).

Ключевые слова: агрессия, хулиганство, вандализм, футбольные зрители.

Для цитирования: Маджид Керамати Могадам*, Мохсен Тайеби, Мохсен Керамати Могадам,

Кузнецова З.М. Расследование причин агрессии, хулиганства и вандализма футбольных зрителей.

Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физическойкультуры и спорта.

2023; 18(2): 200-210. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-2-200-210.

Investigating the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of football


Majid Keramati Moghadam1 *, Mohsen Tayebi2, Mohsen Keramati Moghadam3, Zinaida M.


'Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch Lorestan, Iran

ORCID: 0000-0002-6780-8763, majid.keramatimoghadam@gmail.com*

2 University of Isfahan Isfahan, Iran.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9197-9493, drtayebi2@gmail.com 3Azad University, Isfahan branch Isfahan, Iran. mohsenkeramatimoghadam@gmail.com 4Naberezhnye Chelny branch of «TISBI» Management University Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474Х, kzm_diss@mail.ru 5Tchaikovskiy State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport Tchaikovskiy, Russia

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of football spectators from the perspective of riotous spectators. Research methods. The research method was descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose, which was performed by field method. Materials. included riot spectators during 2018 and 2019 in Azadi Stadium and Shahid Shiroodi Stadium in Tehran who were arrested by the police. Due to the fact that accurate statistics were not available, so for the unknown community, based on Krejcie and Morgan table, 384 people were selected as the research sample by available sampling method. The research measurement tool included a researcher-made questionnaire whose face and content validity, while carefully examining the texts and literature of the research, was approved after consulting professors and experts. Its reliability was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha test (0.917). Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, exploratory factor analysis and second-order confirmatory factor analysis) were used to analyze the data. Results. According to the results of this study, the most important causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of spectators include attention to excitement and deconstruction and media performance (0.89), collectivism and teamwork (0.88), social and economic status, respectively (0.84), satisfaction with situational factors (0.82), dissatisfaction with the socio-political environment (0.75) and the performance of the police force (0.71). Keywords: Aggression, hooliganism, Vandalism, Football Spectators.

For citation: Majid Keramati Moghadam*, Mohsen Tayebi, Mohsen Keramati Moghadam, Zinaida M.

Kuznetsova. Investigating the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of football spectators

Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2023; 18(2): . DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-2-


Problem statement and research background

Sport is the practice of cooperation, social cooperation and compromise with fellow human beings. Competition in sports is a healthy and instructive overtaking of the ethics of survival, growth and development of human beings in social life. Sometimes friendly and healthy competition in sports can turn into a hostile and divisive competition, creating unbridled violence and immoral behaviors, including clashes between sports teams and their fans. This is certainly destructive of the rules governing social relations and interaction and disrupts the unity and activity of community members in emphasizing common needs and goals (Taybi, 2017). Today, football is one of the sports that has a special place among most people in the world and has attracted many people. Due to the sensitivity that exists in this sport, unfortunately, in many cases, it has been observed

that some football spectators after the game and during it, resort to violent acts such as swearing, throwing objects and incendiary materials at Inside the field and clashing with the fans of the opposing team, they destroy public and private property, which has various damages and consequences for a team, spectators or even a country (Lhasaeizadeh, Tabeian and Sarvasadi, 2008). The most important examples of mobs and violent behavior of football spectators are obscenity, quarrels and clashes with rival spectators and police forces, throwing grenades and crackers, destroying stadium property, damaging the urban transportation system and public property, and disrupting traffic. Vehicles. The above events are certainly destructive of the rules governing society and disrupt the unity and activity of members of society in emphasizing common needs and goals (Strosky, 2014). Such behaviors, which have been studied scientifically as violence in sports - especially in football - are divided into three

categories: violence of athletes, violence of spectators, and violence of referees and organizers of major competitions. Race and Durrani, 2009). These behaviors are one of the most important problems among sports spectators around the world, leading to property damage, injuries and even death (Strosky, 2014). Kwakli (2009) defines sporting violence as the use of excessive physical force that potentially or actually causes harm to others or property. Spage (2007) defines spontaneous and spontaneous conflict resulting from spectator violence as competitive, especially by football club fans, as bullying. Also, Pearson (2006) considers football bullying to be often a riot by football fans. Vandalism is also an abnormal social behavior that is in fact a tendency to destruction. This destruction can include the destruction of public property, stadium space, passageways, etc. (Taybi, 2017). Of course, it must be acknowledged that not all spectators commit such unsportsmanlike conduct. In fact, Batrick (2012) research also suggests that viewers are divided into three groups. The first group is "uninformed spectators" who reveal little information about participating in sports and the main reason for participating in stadiums is curiosity, national prejudice or the company of a friend. The second group is the "sponsors" of their favorite teams who participate out of desire and to encourage, cheer, chant positive slogans and applaud and admire their favorite team. And the third group of "anti-hostile spectators" whose reason for the company is to express their utmost support. But there are factors such as the referee's wrong decisions about their favorite team, provocation of aggression by the leader of the popular team, the leader of the fans or by the crowd, which can change their supportive behavior. Violent and aggressive behaviors in our country show that a major part of these behaviors is verbal aggression (Khademi, 2008). Evidence shows that most soccer aggressors belong to the lower social and economic classes and have been exposed to domestic and street violence in their childhood and past and have suffered social and economic deprivation (Dunning). , 1991). Rahmati and Mohseni Tabrizi (2003) and Khademi (2008) in their research showed that the variables of age, level of family control and supervision, economic and social status have a negative effect on the attitude of sports team fans and aggressive behaviors. Research by Anders et al. (2014) suggested that factors such as violent social identity, antisocial norms related to a particular sport, as hidden factors that can affect sports and violence in athletes. Spectator aggression is one of the main topics in sociological, psychological and football sports management studies (Ramezani Nejad et al., 2012). In fact, the social environment, which includes social organization and sports

culture, can encourage aggressive and sometimes violent behaviors by players and spectators (Spage, 2014). Julian and Cynthia (2000) also showed that most football rioters were from the lower social classes. Today's world is a world of communication. The role of the media in our lives is becoming more and more colorful. Aggression in sports has also attracted the attention of the media and the public mind (Spage, 2014). The results of Lhasaei et al. (2008) indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between the use of media to obtain sports information and spectators' tendency to violence. Tennenbaum, Steward and Singer (1997) concluded that media production and press controversy are among the most important causes of vandalism and bullying behavior in sports spectators. On the other hand, controlling the atmosphere of the stadiums by the security forces and proper communication with the team leaders is extremely important (Khademi, 2008). Undoubtedly, the behavior of the police is not ineffective in suppressing or increasing these behaviors. The results of Paknejad (2009) indicate that there is a significant correlation between the presence of police forces and the occurrence of aggressive behaviors. This means that the presence of law enforcement is associated with a reduction in aggressive behavior. Also, the behavior of the police and the police towards the spectators plays a very important and decisive role in the occurrence of football hooliganism, because it can both keep the fans away from the scene of riots and clashes, and it can also provoke them. (Anbari, 2002). Ghasemi, Zolaktaf and Noor Alivand (2009) also consider the relationship between police performance with vandalism and hooliganism in sports from two dimensions of control and stimulation directly to reduce or increase these behaviors. On the other hand, situational factors such as overcrowding, class and racial differences between spectators, the way spectators travel to and from the stadium, athletes' violent play, poor judgment and sometimes onesided refereeing can occur. Audience aggression is influential (Kwakley and Donnelly, 2006). The research conducted by Jahanfar et al. (2008) showed that the creation of violent factors and conditions caused by some situation problems and inconsistencies by the organizers causes violence that is transmitted to the spectators and then outside the stadium. Findings of Ramezani Nejad et al. (2012) also indicated that facility and service management, spatial and temporal management of competitions, conclusion orientation, team members' behavior, type of refereeing, coach and referee behavior and social sensitivity and history. Competition plays a key role in the occurrence of spectator aggression. Colin (2008) identified three emotional dynamics that make violence in sport

possible. The first is the collective spontaneity that arises in spectator tensions. Second, the amount of emotional arousal in a sports team or the shared feelings between players and other teammates. The third type involves "emotional energy" competition between competitors. Players engage in emotional interactions with their opponents, with the player or team that wins being the opposite of the player or team that loses. A study by Ghasemi, Zolaktaf, and Noor Alivand (2009) showed that emotion-seeking and disengagement, team-building, peer-to-peer influence, history of conflict and family psychological breakdown are the most important factors influencing violent behaviors. Amiz knows the football spectators. Extreme extreme prejudice against the team, especially when it comes to identity threats, can lead to aggressive behavior. Thus, a love of sports can lead to abnormal and immoral behaviors, especially when this love is conditional on better performance of the sport for identity recognition (Donahue, Rip, & Walland, 2009). According to the theory of social contagion, when a group is aroused, emotional reactions spread from one person to another (Khademi, 2008). The results of Cody (2014) based on the theory of social cognition indicated that the four factors of sociability or socialization, tendency to be in a group and team orientation, feeling of satisfaction and indirect competition outside the group cause a sense of competition among spectators. And becomes bullying behaviors. The results of Strosky (2014) research also include nine factors such as team identity, emotional and thoughtless acting, frustration and frustration, anger, excitement, mental disorders, adverse effects on being in a community, early personality formation in the family. It also considers the effects of alcohol consumption to be effective in the occurrence of violent behaviors of spectators. In general, all those who deal with sports in some way inevitably face the phenomenon of aggression. Since violence and aggression are an integral part of football, the occurrence of aggressive behaviors can be observed at different times and in different matches with more or less intensity (Gholami Kaslouyeh and Heydarinejad, 2015). Given the importance of sports and its impact on many social and cultural fields, as well as the growing popularity of people, especially young people and adolescents to go to the gym and their great importance in the attractiveness of sports competitions, such anti-sports and hooligan behavior - Can have destructive effects in various social, cultural and economic dimensions on different segments of society and create a negative mentality in the tendency to sports among young people and adolescents. On the other hand, the study of aggressive and violent behaviors of football spectators in different parts of the world shows that

they are not governed by the same and uniform behavior pattern (Khademi, 2008). Therefore, it can be said that several factors are involved in the occurrence of spectator aggression and there may be other influential factors (Ramezaninejad et al., 2012). Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the causes of these behaviors from the perspective of those who are directly responsible for it. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism from the perspective of riotous football spectators.


The method of the present study was descriptive-analytical which was performed by field method and in terms of purpose was part of applied research. The study population included riot spectators during 2018 and 2019 in Azadi Stadium and Shahid Shiroodi Stadium in Tehran who were arrested by the police. (It should be noted that this study was conducted before the corona epidemic in Iran). Due to the fact that accurate statistics were not available, so for the unknown community, based on Krejcie and Morgan table, 384 people were selected as the research sample by available sampling method. The research measurement tool included a researcher-made questionnaire on the causes of football spectator violence. Research data were collected in two parts. In the library section, data related to literature and research background were reviewed by reviewing articles, books, dissertations, and Internet searches, and in the field section, research questionnaires were distributed and collected. The questionnaire had 38 specialized questions and 5 questions for demographic characteristics, which were scored based on a five-point Likert scale. Formal and content validity were used to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. After asking the questions, the initial draft of the questionnaire was prepared and again given to professors and specialists in sports science, sociology and psychology (10 people) to check the relevance, clarity and simplicity of each question. After reviewing the opinions of professors and experts and based on the Waltz and Basel index, the questions that obtained a coefficient above 0.79 remained in the questionnaire (35 questions). After this stage, the questionnaire was given to 30 respondents and the reliability of the questions and the whole questionnaire were examined. At this stage, the questionnaire had a high reliability (0.917). Descriptive statistics (tables, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and second-order factor model) were used to analyze the research data. All analyzes in this study were performed by SPSS software version 22 and LISREL software.

Research Findings

In order to understand that the questions fall into several underlying factors and in fact determine the number or nature of the factors that justify the scatter between variables, after examining and ensuring the normality of the data, exploratory factor analysis The results are presented below. In the first stage of the test, the coefficients for determining the questions were not in a good position. If the coefficient of numerical determination in a variable (question) is less than 0.5, that variable (question) should be removed and the exploratory factor analysis re-performed because a small value of this value means that the question is not closely related to any of the factors. No (Ramin Mehr and Charstad, 2015). According to the research results, the two questions 8S and 7S were not in a good position and their factor load was less than 0.5.

Therefore, questions 8S and 7S were removed first and factor analysis was performed again. In the second stage of the test, the measurement model was re-implemented with 33 indicators, which in addition to the significance of all coefficients were determined; since the value of KMO test statistic is equal to 0.9 and greater than 0.7, so there is sufficient sampling to perform exploratory factor analysis. Also, since the significance level of Bartlett statistic is equal to zero and less than 0.05, the data structure is suitable for heuristic factor analysis (Best, 2002).

The output of Table (2) is the table of variance. In this table, the number of identified factors and the amount of variance explanation for each of them are specified.

Table 2

Results of the Kaiser-Meyer-Ulkin and Bartlett tests

Table 2


Initul E iLi'jrv, ilu'j-;

Total Variance Explained

l.^lrjaion 5-umj-al Squjuvd LmdÉiHS

Rjül2.licin Sums Ы' Squared La и din и s

LnL L'ii lu 1 íiof VUÍBM -CUjvYuJxrvi "i TL4JJ VbL-í Vdhc i'UlllU.ül.-. L S THIÜJ t'UMUljIl-, ц к

1 12.OIK ЗЙ-JKÍÍ 36.3 KK iljoaft Jf-.ЗКК ЗЛ.ЗН* 3.B61 ИДО LI.649

2 2.D13 6.1ÍW 42.4X7 2.013 (LOW 42.4K7 3.S1K lO.bSif 2Л35Я

3 I.KH S.474 41 Ml l.«lMi 5.474 47.9Ы Ъ.432 32.7ÍK

4 i Mi i.bKK 5Ï.IS5U 1.5^7 J.fwH. S2.65Ü 2.«U 07Ч ^].637

5 1.423 1.313 56.W3 ] JÍ3 4.313 5Ú.963 2.74b $320 44.9S7

b I.IKD 3.S77 tiñ.ííU I.IHÍI 3.S77 №541 2.Til) SJji SK.IfcK

7 I.QK5 ti.VKJH íjdto ьз. к:н 1.Ш ü.íiMI

According to the results of Table (2), the total eigenvalue of seven factors was more than one (12,008, 2,013, 1,806, 1,547, 1,423, 1,18, 1,085). These seven factors explained 63.828% of the total variance. In Table 3, the most important output of exploratory factor analysis is called the rotating

factor matrix. This matrix specifies which variable (question) is related to which factor. As mentioned earlier, questions S8 and S7 were removed in the first step.

The results of exploratory factor analysis and factor loads of the questionnaire items

Table 3

PoliCC ряйншии Гдядяддя* ¡«ml ¡«и and temwoffc Disatkbtkn 'VliIl tbesMki-palitieal йицАт EToiiimtrtt »1 nmavicliiifi SabsbdHD wich Dbatiml fajLloii Sodo-ec«umic зШш Media Q

0.5L1 52]

D.fiLi 522


D.507 52Я

D.742 529

0.579 533

0Л22 su

0.61? 813

0.67 5]6

0.464 sn

0..SL3 SJ

0 662 S2

OJffi S3

0.725 S4

0.501 S5

0.523 S6

O.SOIt £10

0.652 524

0.717 525

0i7i 526

0.6Ф2 527

0.579 5]2

0.51» 5]3

0.655 531

0.691 532

0.595 S9

0.5D4 5]]

0.644 530

0.514 534

0.742 535

0.674 Slg

0.Я04 5]9

0.512 520

According to Table (3), after identifying the items of each of the causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism, a second confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the causes of spectator

violence, which is shown in Figure (1). The following models also confirm the construct validity of the research tool.

CHi-E-TJi^-Eît. 15, dt-4-SH, P-Vïl JC-3. C30CC, FJÎJEA - ] .-JT D

Fig. 1. Model of Standardized Coefficients Scale for Seven Causes of Aggression, Mobility and Spectator


Then, absolute, adaptive and economical fit the results of which are listed in Table (4). indices were used to measure the fit of the model,

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Тable 5

Research tool model fit indices

U|b[i.i]Lttl Idlu? h jJih' ladJuUr

- - 80S. 15

OpUrtÉiki 092 GFI

OpUrtkiki 0.91 AÛFI

Opdml 0.91 NNFI

Opdml (MHfe Q.90 NF]

Opdml (MHfe 0.92 CF]

Optimal 0.9O> 0.92 [FJ

OplillLuL <№ Ù.Q00I6 RUR

Optimal U.5<fe 0.79 PNFJ

Optimal 0LS< 0.07D RMSEA

OplillLjl J - 3 ■ДО CM [N-'DF

The results of Table (4) show that the ratio of loads show the relationship between structures or

chi-square to the degree of freedom of CMIN / DF the same factors. The gamma parameter (□) shows

is equal to 1.98, the absolute fit index of RMR is less the relationship between the external and internal

than 0.05, the adaptive fit indices of CFI and IFI latent variables and the lambda parameter (□)

are more than / 90. 0, the normalized fit index of shows the relationship between the internal latent

PNFI is 0.79 and the RMSEA index is 0.070, which variable and the internally observed variable. Based

means that the research model has a good fit and on these coefficients and their significant value,

the factor structure considered for it is acceptable. which is done using the value of t, it is possible to

Gamma and lambda parameters or the same factor rank each of the causes of spectator violence.

Клик Г-viluc t 4,inJ;iT'JLri il fjctitr loaJ fitclarv Книг

1 :.D0Ll |44 ÙX9 Media 1

1 0.ПС1Л t.HI Socio-ecortMiiic rtxtiH 2

i 0,П01.Ж 7.H4 Ojl-2 ïjLisÎLuiiui -л-iili '■iLu.iLihtiLil laeton 3

1 0.1Ю1Л 1.16 D.H9 ЕксИимя* dixl Urtravdirtg 4

S 0.ПС1Л 6.3 7 D.75 №ntiil«tiui wilh сЬсэдсю- political j[| ilijtflllliv 5

I 0,П01.Ж аде с uciu[4:^jLiii[iulihi[i j:iJ Cl-jul^îx k a

G 0.ГО1Л 7.32 D.TI Police ptiimiue 7

The results of Table (5) show that the most important causes of aggression, hooliganism and vandalism of spectators include excitement and disengagement and media performance (0.89), collectivism and teamwork (0.88), respectively. Social and economic status (0.84), satisfaction with situational factors (0.82), dissatisfaction with sociopolitical environment (0.75) and police performance (0.71).

Discussion and conclusion

The purpose of this study was to investigate and explain the factors affecting violence, bullying and vandalism among football spectators from the perspective of riot spectators who are directly related to the subject of rioting. These factors include attention to excitement and disengagement and the performance of the media, collectivism and teamwork, social and economic status, satisfaction with situational factors, dissatisfaction with the socio-political environment and the performance of law enforcement. According to the results obtained from the viewers' point of view, the most important are excitement and deconstruction and the

performance of the media, collectivism and teamwork, social and economic status, satisfaction with situational factors, dissatisfaction with the socio-political atmosphere and the performance of law enforcement, respectively. The causes of violence were football spectators. The results of this study showed that among the items in the crowd and excitement, respectively, being with other spectators, not being arrested by the police in a crowded stadium, the excitement of insulting the referee and the coaches and players of the rival team, as well as the appropriate stadium environment. Violent acts and anonymity in this environment were the highest factor in the violent behavior of rioters. The results of the present study in this regard are consistent with the studies of Strosky (2014), Ghasemi et al. (2009), Spage (2007) and Anbari (2002). Also, the stimulation of the mass media was one of the important factors on the formation and occurrence of aggression, vandalism and mobility of riotous football spectators with a factor load (0.89). According to the results obtained from the point of view of the statistical sample, among the items related to the media factor, the

most important factor in creating violent behaviors of riotous football spectators is their incitement by TV programs and incitement to sports magazines (0.79) And (0.76). Thus, the more violent films, press studies, riotous television provocations, and media provocations, the more violent, vandalistic, and vandalistic the behavior becomes. The results of this research in the field of inciting riotous spectators by publications as well as the rate of watching satellite programs are consistent with the researches of Tonnbam, Steward and Singer (1997) and Lhasai et al. (2008). But it does not correspond to the results of Khademi (2008), Anbari (2002) and Noor Alivand (2007) researches. In this research, the media and the press reduce the process of aggression in sports fields and stadiums. In this study, the socio-economic status of riotous football spectators was divided into seven items, of which 5 items were age, marital status, educational status, employment status, and education and family income in riot spectators' tendency to violent, mobbing and vandalistic behaviors. They were effective. While there was no significant factor (less than 0.3) between the three variables of place of birth and residence of the rioter with their tendency to violent, thug and vandalistic behaviors in football. The results of this study are consistent with the results of Khademi (2008), Rahmati (2003), Strosky (2014), and Andros (2014). In this research, there is an inverse relationship between age and violent and vandalistic and violent behaviors, that is, as age increases, violent and vandalistic and vandalistic behaviors decrease. The findings of Budin, Hines, and Robbins (2004) also show that aggression and bullying are most often perpetrated by young people and those who are younger. In terms of marital status, single people are more violent than married people. Also, the higher the educational status and socio-economic status of the riotous football spectators, which includes the education of their parents, as well as the income of their families, the less violent, vandalistic and vandalistic their behavior will be. In terms of employment status, unemployed people are more violent than employed people. However, the results of research on the two variables of place of birth and place of residence do not agree with some previous research. In the research of Dr. Samadi Rad (2005) and Ramon Spage (2006), one of the most important factors influencing the violent behavior of football spectators and their bullying is the identification of regional and local identity, while in the present study, this factor is a factor. Did not gain meaning. Also, regarding the employment of parents of riotous spectators, the results of this study are different from previous research and there is no relationship between the employment of parents of riotous spectators and their violent behaviors.

According to the results obtained from the perspective of the statistical sample of situational factors of riot spectators in their tendency to aggression, mob and vandalism in football, with a factor load (0.82) ranked fourth. In fact, the greater the level of satisfaction with the situational factors of riotous spectators, the less violent, vandalistic, and vandalistic the behavior. The results of the present study show that the most important situational factors in order of priority are: the status of the results and scores of the favorite team (with a factor load of 0.74), the transportation system to the stadium (0.70), the refereeing status of the matches (69 / 0), health and safety status and welfare facilities (0.61). The findings of Madonsen and Eck (2008) indicated that one of the most important causes of aggression is the location of the stadium. The results of this study on the relationship between satisfaction with the situational factors of riotous football spectators and their tendency to violent, thug and vandalistic behaviors in football with the research of Simon (2006), King (2001), Coakley and Danley (2006), Jahanfar and Et al. (2008), Noor Ali Vand (2007) and Anbari (2002) are consistent. In all these researches, the lack of conclusions of the favorite team, poor refereeing and refereeing mistakes, dissatisfaction with the welfare facilities and the transportation system to the stadium are the most important factors in the occurrence of violent, thug and vandalistic behaviors in football. It becomes. The results of the research of Vasiliki and Stephanos (2012) also showed that the situational factors of the game, such as violent movements of players and referee's mistakes, cause aggression in the spectators and, consequently, disturbances inside and outside the stadium. Also in the field of safety and health, the results of the research of Gholami Tarkslouyeh and Heidarinejad (2015) showed that this factor along with refereeing, media coverage and factors related to sports management are four factors in the occurrence of spectator aggression, respectively. In examining the relationship between dissatisfaction with the sociopolitical atmosphere of rioting spectators and their tendency to violent behaviors, three items were asked. Among them, two items had a sense of responsibility of managers and community officials and participation in elections with a factor of more than 0.5. Therefore, the greater the sense of responsibility of managers and community leaders, as well as participation in elections, the less violent, thug and vandalistic behaviors will decrease. The result of this study on the relationship between dissatisfaction with the political climate and the tendency of riotous spectators to violent and vandalistic behavior in football is consistent with the research of Jan Taylor (1990), Zolaktaf (2004), Anbari (2002) and Noor Alivand (2007). . In all

these cases, violence and vandalism are one of the results of dissatisfaction with the socio-political atmosphere of society. According to the results obtained from the spectators 'point of view, controlling the rioting spectators, maintaining order and security in the stadium and inciting the rioting spectators by the police were one of the effective reasons for the rioters' tendency to violent, vandalistic and vandalistic behaviors. This means that the more the rioters' control over the rioters, the more the police maintain order and security at the stadium, the less likely it is that rioters will commit acts of violence, mobs and vandalism, and vice versa. Also, incitement of riotous spectators by the police can lead to an increase in their violent, bullying and vandalistic behavior in football. From the point of view of riot spectators, the most important option among the police was the presence of the police, and among the provocative actions of the police, the highest factor was the inappropriate behavior of some police officers. Therefore, in this regard, instead of using conscripts who have less experience and training, it is better to use experienced forces and trained staff in maintaining order and security in sports stadiums, especially in sensitive games. The results of this study on the relationship between police performance and the tendency of rioters to violent and vandalistic behavior in football with research with Pearson (2007), Spage (2006), Ghasemi et al. (2009), Paknejad (2005) and Anbari (2003) is consistent.


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Статья поступила в редакцию: 07.04.2023

Majid Keramati Moghadam - PhD, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch, Lorestan, Iran, e-mail: majid.keramatimoghadam@gmail.com

Mohsen Tayebi - PhD., Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, e-mail: drtayebi2@gmail.com

Mohsen Keramati Moghadam - Ph.D student, Azad University, Isfahan branch, Isfahan, Iran, e-mail: mohsenkeramatimoghadam@gmail.com

Кузнецова Зинаида Михайловна - доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Набережночелнинский филиал «Университет управления «ТИСБИ», 423806, Россия, г. Набережные Челны, ул. Комсомольская набережная, дом 6, Чайковская государственная академия физической культуры и спорта, 617674, Россия, г. Чайковский, ул. Ленина, дом 67, e-mail: kzm diss@mail.ru

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