INTRODUCTION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TO EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Kuziev B.N., Murtazin E.R., Kholmuminova D.A.

The Portal of Information educational network ZiyoNET includes the necessary information for youth, teachers, and also other interested persons and represents a complex of the convenient tools necessary for reception of the interesting information, familiarising with modern skills in sphere ИТ, dialogue and an exchange of experience, and it is a lot of another.

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Статья посвящена изучению портала Информационной образовательной сети ZiyoNET, который включает в себя всю необходимую информацию для молодежи, преподавателей, а также других заинтересованных лиц и представляет собой комплекс удобных инструментов, необходимых для получения интересующей информации, приобщения к современным навыкам в сфере ИТ, общения и обмена опытом, и много другого.


UDC 373.03


B.N. Kuziev1, E.R. Murtazin2, D.A. Kholmuminova3


The Portal of Information educational network ZiyoNET includes the necessary information for youth, teachers, and also other interested persons and represents a complex of the convenient tools necessary for reception of the interesting information, familiarising with modern skills in sphere HT, dialogue and an exchange of experience, and it is a lot of another.

Keywords: electronic libraries, information technology, scientific communications, interpretations, sites-satellites.

For a modern society the major values are information and knowledge (a so-called information resource) which become more and more significant factors of development of each person separately and the states as a whole, defining them well-being. Preservation and development information a resource, and also access granting to it, is a key problem of any developed the states. In this connection in the last time the world community at the highest level pays the increasing attention to questions of development of electronic libraries as one of the most effective ways of preservation national cultural and scientific property.

Are actively discussed and gradually the new information technology capable in close prospect to render essential support to scientists, researchers, students, pupils start to be developed. Among such technologies more often name cloudy information services, systems scientific communications, mobile appendices, developed search systems, personal devices of reading, system automated transfer and interpretations and others. It is represented that at a successful embodiment of these technologies in life and their mass application they will be capable to make serious impact on availability information a resource, and, hence to promote to improvement of quality formations and to serious breaks in scientific sphere

In the world there is a considerable quantity of the electronic libraries differing under approaches, the organisations, to structure of funds and conditions grantings materials. In the present work we will consider scientific electronic libraries (НЭE) which purpose is aggregation and the organisation access to modern to knowledge, presented scientific publications (articles in periodicals, monographies, pre-prints, dissertations, author's abstracts, etc.) in electronic form.

With the Decision of the President of Republic Uzbekistan from 9/28/2005 № software-191 "About creation of a public educational information network of Republic Uzbekistan", in Uzbekistan «National public educational information network ZiyoNET» has been created

Main objective of network ZiyoNET is assistance to introduction in an education system of a wide complex of information-communication services for pupils and republic youth.

1Кузиев Ботир Намазович - кандидат технических наук, доцент, Джизакский политехнический институт, Узбекистан.

2Муртазин Эмиль Рустамович - ассистент, Джизакский политехнический институт, Узбекистан.

3Холмуминова Дилором Анваровна - ассистент, Джизакский политехнический институт, Узбекистан.

Научный руководитель: Салиев Эргаш Алибекович - кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, ректор Джизакского политехнического института, Узбекистан.

YHeHbiH XXI BeKa • 2016 • № 3-1 (16)

The portal of Information educational network ZiyoNET includes the necessary information for youth, teachers, and also other interested persons and represents a complex of the convenient tools necessary for reception of the interesting information, familiarising with modern skills in sphere HT, dialogue and an exchange of experience, and it is a lot of another.

To the users registered with system ID.UZ, portal ZiyoNET offers all necessary conditions for realisation of the possibilities, in particular:

Creation of free sites-satelitov on the domain 3 levels «zn.uz»;

Creation of groups, creation by that in groups, possibility of the invitation of participants in groups and also to participate in themes created by other users;

To ask the questions and to answer questions of other users in section "Questions and answers";

To participate in a rating of players of section of "Game";

Participation in various competitions РЦ of network ZiyoNET etc.

The primary goal of Information educational network ZiyoNET is assistance to introduction in an education system of a wide complex of information-communication services for pupils and republic youth. In this connection, besides the basic projects ZiyoNET offers additional possibilities to the users allowing more widely to use information technology in educational process.

For increase in educational and socially-significant projects in a national segment of a network the Internet, is given by the Resource centre of network ZiyoNET service of a free hosting for sites of educational institutions and socially-significant projects.

According to the governmental decisions works on connection of educational institutions to a network the Internet and association in uniform uchebno-educational network ZiyoNET are conducted.

Document subject

The Present Rules come into force from the moment of the beginning of using portal ZiyoNET and extend without day;

In a kind of gratuitousness of the services rendered within the limits of Rules, to them norms about protection of the rights of consumers cannot be applicable.


Users of portal ZiyoNET are subdivided on:

Usual users;

Authorised through registration in system ID.UZ.

Usual users of portal ZiyoNET can look through the information only;

The authorised users can:

To Fill the data about itself, to offer and accept friendship;

To Create free sites-satellites on the domain 3 levels «zn.uz»;

To Create groups on interests, to initiate dialogue in groups, to make comments and publish media materials;

To ask the questions and to answer questions of other users in section "Questions and answers";

To Participate in a rating of players of section of "Game";

To Participate in various competitions РЦ of network ZiyoNET etc.


Sites-satellites of Information educational portal ZiyoNET are a platform for initial acquaintance with work and administration of sites in a network the Internet. Sites-satellites are intended for improvement of professional skill of teachers, pupils and all wishing to raise the level of preparation for work with information-educational resources by means of a network the Internet. Sites-satellites represent the control system adjusted and prepared for the further work of a content (CMS) Wordpress. All sites-satellites are located on the domain 3 levels - «zn.uz»;

Sites-satellites are not a platform for advertising or promotion of other sites;

All sites-satellites on the domain of the third level «zn.uz» are periodically checked on frequency of updating of materials;

Each site-satellite should contain not less than 5 publications during last 3 months;

In case of non-observance of the given rules on the mailing address specified at registration, the prevention after which within two weeks the user can update the site will be directed and bring into accord with rules. In case of absence of updatings within two weeks after the prevention, the portal administration reserves the right to itself to block, and then to remove a site of the user;

The Administration of portal ZiyoNET carries out technical support of an existing program complex in case of failures in work of sites-satellites;

The Administration of portal ZiyoNET does not carry out working out, completion and development of sites-satellites.

On portal ZiyoNET and sites-satellites it is forbidden

To place materials and to create publications with obscene names and the maintenance, intentionally to distort words, to use a floor-mat and a slang in publications and comments;

To place the information, which:

Breaks current legislation Py3;

It is incompatible with the standard norms of morals and decency;

Reflects racial, national and religious hostility;

Contains images, video and-or references to images and video of erotic character.

To discuss rules of portal ZiyoNET and the actions of Administration directed on their performance, publicly to make a complaint to moderators and managers of portal ZiyoNET.


1. The decree "On measures to implement state social policy" (paragraph "h") URL: http: // npe3HgeHT.p$/news/15233www.ziyonet.uz

2. The world summit on the information society: Collection of materials.M.: ICOS UNESCO "Information for all", 2007. - 85 S.

3. URL: http: // www.ifap.ru/library/book193. pdf

4. Abid, A. The World Digital Library and Universal Access to Knowledge.RL:http: // www.unesco.org/new/ fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/ pro-gramme_doc_wdl.p d f

© B.N. Kuziev, E.R. Murtazin, D.A. Kholmuminova, 2016

УДК 373.03


Б.Н. Кузиев, Э.Р. Муртазин, Д.А. Холмуминова

Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению портала Информационной образовательной сети ZiyoNET, который включает в себя всю необходимую информацию для молодежи, преподавателей, а также других заинтересованных лиц и представляет собой комплекс удобных инструментов, необходимых для получения интересующей информации, приобщения к современным навыкам в сфере ИТ, общения и обмена опытом, и много другого.

Ключевые слова: электронные библиотеки, информационные технологии, научные коммуникации, интерпретации, сайты-сателлиты.

© Б.Н. Кузиев, Э.Р. Муртазин, Д.А. Холмуминова, 2016

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