INTRACORPORATE PR AS A TOOL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CORPORATE CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
мотивация сотрудников / корпоративная культура / внутренние коммуникации / внутрикорпоративный PR / управление персоналом / удовлетворенность персонала / система внутрикорпоративного PR / employees' motivation / corporate culture / internal communications / intracorporate PR / human resource management / staff contentment / intracorporate PR system

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Шмыглина Анна Олеговна, Научный Руководитель Фоминых Н.Ю.

еще недавно лишь малая часть российских организаций занималась формированием своей внутрикорпоративной культуры. Однако сегодня ситуация стала меняться: прослеживается тенденция заинтересованности компаний в реализации грамотного внутрикорпоративного PR. Они стали осознавать значимость внутренних коммуникаций, которые могут повысить их способность к организации и поднять ее авторитет в их глазах, а в конечном итоге обеспечить успех самой компании на рынке.

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recently, only a small part of Russian organizations were engaged in the formation of their internal corporate culture. However, today the situation has begun to change: there is a tendency for companies to be interested in the implementation of the competent internal corporate PR. They began to realize the importance of internal communications, which can increase their ability to organize and raise its authority in their eyes, and ultimately ensure the success of the company itself in the market.


Научно-образовательный журнал для студентов и преподавателей «StudNet» №4/2021



УДК 659.1.01

Шмыглина Анна Олеговна, студентка 1 курса магистратуры, факультета маркетинга, Российский экономический университет им. Г. В. Плеханова, Россия, г. Москва

Научный руководитель: Фоминых Н.Ю., д. пед.н., профессор, кафедра иностранных языков, Российский экономический университет им. Г. В. Плеханова, Россия, г. Москва

Shmyglina Anna, student of the marketing faculty, 1 year of the master degree, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia, Moscow

Academic adviser: Fominyh N.Yu., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, department of foreign languages, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia, Moscow

Аннотация: еще недавно лишь малая часть российских организаций занималась формированием своей внутрикорпоративной культуры. Однако сегодня ситуация стала меняться: прослеживается тенденция заинтересованности компаний в реализации грамотного внутрикорпоративного PR. Они стали осознавать значимость внутренних коммуникаций, которые могут повысить их способность к

организации и поднять ее авторитет в их глазах, а в конечном итоге обеспечить успех самой компании на рынке.

Abstract: recently, only a small part of Russian organizations were engaged in the formation of their internal corporate culture. However, today the situation has begun to change: there is a tendency for companies to be interested in the implementation of the competent internal corporate PR. They began to realize the importance of internal communications, which can increase their ability to organize and raise its authority in their eyes, and ultimately ensure the success of the company itself in the market.

Ключевые слова: мотивация сотрудников, корпоративная культура, внутренние коммуникации, внутрикорпоративный PR, управление персоналом, удовлетворенность персонала, система внутрикорпоративного PR

Key words: employees' motivation, corporate culture, internal communications, intracorporate PR, human resource management, staff contentment, intracorporate PR system

PR is usually divided into external and internal. Despite the fact that internal and external public relations have different goals, objectives, tools and specifics of implementation, they are nevertheless interdependent. That is, with high-quality interaction, they are able to bring success to the company in its activities.

Not so long ago, the term «customer focus» meant exercising influence only on an external client (consumer or customer of a company) in order to satisfy his needs. However, today a client, like PR itself, can be not only external, but also internal. An internal client is an employee of an organization who, just like an external client, has his own goals, principles and values. Staff motivation activities can be named a separate group of intracorporate PR tools which are used to improve the corporate culture of the company [1, с. 36].

Often, the company prioritizes the well-being of the external client, forgetting about the internal client, as a result of which the employee does not feel his importance for the

company and loses a sense of belonging to its fate. Based on this, it will be right for managers to first of all pay attention to caring for the company's internal client (employee), who, with his own job satisfaction, will put more effort into meeting the needs of an external client (customer).

In accordance with E.N. Berdnikova, «intracorporate PR is an activity to develop an intracorporate culture, which is based on those ideas, views, fundamental values that are shared by team members» [2, c.10]. That is, the object of influence of intracorporate PR will be directly the staff working in the company.

In Russia, the subject of the intracorporate PR has been worked on by Konovalenko V., Fadeeva E., Berdnikova E., Aleshina I., Borchaninova E. and Sysoeva E. However, intracorporate PR as a tool for the development of the corporate culture is still a relatively new area for Russia. There are few detailed works on this phenomenon; that is why this topic needs to be researched carefully.

Many companies believe that before starting work on the implementation of internal corporate PR, it is necessary to analyze the problems existing in the organization, and also set a goal that will be achieved through the development of internal public relations.

Internal corporate PR goals:

1. Strengthening the internal culture of the company;

2. Formation of the employee's affiliation with the company;

3. Strengthening the loyalty of the company's employees;

4. Retention of employees in the company.

The implementation of internal PR is based on the development of corporate culture and its improvement. «Corporate culture is a system of values inherent in a particular company, reflecting its individuality, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment» [3, c. 262-274]. One of the main functions of corporate culture can be considered the formation of a sense of belonging to the company's team.

In 1991 Harris and Moran assumed that there are ten characteristics, on the basis of which you can form a system of rules of conduct in a company [4, c. 145]:

1. Self-awareness by the employee of his place in the organization;

2. The type of joint activity (with the help of which way employees interact in the process of solving work issues);

3. The rules of conduct existing in the team;

4. The type of management in the company (by what method the managers exercise control over the employees);

5. The presence of business etiquette when interacting in a team;

6. The attitude of workers to work;

7. Values and traditions of the company;

8. The existing system of internal communications in the organization;

9. Culture of communication;

10. Features of setting tasks and goals, as well as delegation of authority.

Based on these characteristics, it is possible to analyze the corporate culture of any organization and draw a conclusion about its impact on the company's team. It should be noted that a positive reputation and a good image of a company primarily consists of a favorable atmosphere in the work collective, and the behavior of employees is a litmus test of what is actually happening in the company.

In 2015 Maslova V.M. pays attention to the internal communications and says that typically, the formal structure of internal communications includes horizontal and vertical communications [5, a 370-376]. The main purpose of horizontal communication is to link the various departments or departments existing in the organization in order to exchange information to effectively resolve business issues. Vertical communication implies the transfer of information from the highest levels of management to the lowest, as well as vice versa from the lowest to the highest.

It should be noted that in almost every organization, in addition to the formal structure of intracorporate communications, there is also an informal structure, which includes the transfer of information through unofficial channels. Despite the advantage of

the speed of information transfer, informal communication often conveys distorted and inaccurate information, which can harm the well-being of the work environment.

In order for internal communications to be beneficial to the work process, it is necessary to achieve a balance in the structure of these communications. That is, the company should be equally well established both horizontal and vertical communications. Informal communications can also be present, but their impact on staff should be minimal, and the information obtained in this way should not become a priority for employees over official information.

Berdnikova E.N. (2018) notes that before starting to carry out internal corporate PR, it is important to analyze what values exist in the company. This can be the basis for the development of internal corporate culture. «To identify the value system, it is necessary to have information about the number of employees, their average age, education. The team should be conditionally divided into small groups, since people with similar professional values work in one subdivision or department» [6, с. 9].

After analyzing the values of the company's team, you can proceed to the implementation of internal corporate PR, which is implemented through internal communication channels. Intracorporate communication is any kind of communication between employees in the course of their professional activities. Without internal communications, it is impossible to build a workflow, because it is with their help that employees can get to know the company in more detail, its philosophy and principles of work, as well as understand the corporate culture of the entire organization as a whole.

To sum it up, we can say that today the trend is such that the success and activity of the company largely depends on the policy of internal corporate PR, which is a necessary measure for the development of the entire enterprise.

Intra-corporate public relations can solve many problems, in particular, increase the commitment of employees to the cause and the values of the organization, build their pride in their company, make them feel like a part of a single process, and get additional motivation and satisfaction from this.

Thus, in conditions of market competition, most companies are beginning to realize the importance and necessity of implementing internal corporate PR. Regularly undergoing external influence, getting used to the ongoing changes, a modern company must learn to manage the potential of internal communications, which will help not only react to the influences of the external environment, but also make it possible to successfully manage the development of all subsystems of the organization itself. A theoretical review of existing research proves this. At the same time, in our opinion, the attention of researches to the identification of specific relationships between intracorporate PR and corporate culture has not been paid enough, which actualizes special research in this area.

Список литературы

1. Фадеева Е.Н. Связи с общественностью / Е.Н. Фадеева. М: Юрайт, 2017. - С. 36

2. Бердникова Э.Н. Внутрикорпоративный PR и событийный маркетинг: учебное пособие / Э.Н. Бердникова. М.: Издательские решения, 2018. - С. 10

3. Долженко, Р. А. Построение системы внутренних коммуникаций в организации / Р. А. Долженко, С. А. Гаврилов. - Текст: электронный // Мотивация и оплата труда. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 262-274. - URL: https://grebennikon.ru/article-48en.html (дата обращения: 09.04.2021)

4. Коноваленко В.А. Реклама и связи с общественностью /В.А. Коноваленко. М.: Юрайт, 2017. - С. 145

5. Маслова, В. М. Роль внутрикорпоративных коммуникаций в компании / В. М. Маслова. - Текст: электронный // Научный альманах. - 2015. - № 11-1. - С. 370-376. - URL: http://ucom.ru/doc/na.2015.11.01.370.pdf (дата обращения: 09.04.2021)

6. Бердникова Э.Н. Внутрикорпоративный PR и событийный маркетинг: учебное пособие / Э.Н. Бердникова. М.: Издательские решения, 2018. - С.9


1. Fadeeva E.N. Rublic relations / E.N.Fadeeva. M: Yuright, 2017. - P. 36

2. Berdnikova E.N. Intracorporate PR and event marketing: tutorial / E.N. Berdnikova. M.: Izdatel'skie resheniya, 2018. - P. 10

3. Dolzhenko, R.A. System building of the internal communications in the company / R.A.Dolzhenko. - Text: electronic // Motivation and the salary- 2017. - № 4. - P. 262-274. - URL: https://grebennikon.ru/article-48en.html (date of the application: 09.04.2021)

4. Konovalenko V.A. Advertising and public relations/ V.A.Konovalenko. M.: Yuright, 2017. - C. 145

5. Maslova V.M. Role of the intracorporate communications in the company / V.M.Maslova. - Text: electronic // Nauchniy almanah. - 2015. - № 11-1. - P. 370376. - URL: http://ucom.ru/doc/na.2015.11.01.370.pdf (date of the application: 09.04.2021)

6. Berdnikova E.N. Intracorporate PR and event marketing: tutorial / E.N. Berdnikova. M.: Izdatel'skie resheniya, 2018. - P. 9

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