Научная статья на тему 'Intrabronchial laser therapy in children with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia'

Intrabronchial laser therapy in children with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
children / chronic bronchitis / chronic pneumonia / laser therapy

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Muhamadieva Lola, Rustamova Gulnoza

The observation studied 29 children with purulent endobronchitis at the age from 1 to 13 years old. Among them-there were 17 boys and 12 girls. 9 of children had recurrent bronchitis, 10 children bad chronic pneumonia, and 10 children were with foreign bodies II the bronchus. The results obtained after treatment in children with CB receiving laser therapy show reliable decrease of neutrophils number to 73,1±3,5 in comparison with the data before treatment‑90,4±6,3 (p<0,01). The number of alveolar macrophages increases to 15,1±3,1 in comparison with the data before treatment –2,8±0,1 (p<0,01), the amount of cytosis decreases in comparison with the data before treatment 6,9±1,2 (p<0,01).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Intrabronchial laser therapy in children with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia»

Intrabronchial laser therapy in children with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia

2. Гурарий Н.И. Количественный анализ Т- и В - лимфоцитов и их антиген связывающих субпопуляций у здоровых и больных пневмонией детей.//Автореф. дисс... канд. мед.наук.- Самарканд. - 1981. - 23 с.

3. Калуцский П.В., Шварцкопф Е.С., Окушко Р.В. //Педиатрия. - 2011. - 90. - №1. - С. 124-126.

4. Капранов Н.И. Фармакотерапия при бронхолегочных поражениях у детей, больных муковисцидозом: // Руководство по фармакотерапии в педиатрии и детской хирургии. - М. - 2002. - 267 с.

5. Кушелевская О.В., Зубкова И.В., Сенцова Т.Б. Частота микоплазменной и хламидийной инфекции у детей с врожденными пороками развития легких и бронхов. //Вопросы совр. педиатрии. - 2006. - Т. 5. - №1. - С. 321.

6. Латыпова Ш.А. Роль NO-ергической системы в формировании рецидивирующих форм бронхитов у детей и принципы их лечения. // Автореф. дисс... канд.. мед.наук. - Ташкент, - 2011.

7. Палеев Н.Р., Ильченко В.А. Хронический бронхит. //Болезни органов дыхания. //В кн. "Руководство по внутренним болезням" (под редакцией Палеева Н.Р.) - М. -Медицина. - 2000.-287 с.

8. Рачинский С.В., Таточенко В.К, Волков И.Б. Место хронической пневмонии и хронического бронхита в бронхолегочной патологии у детей. //Педиатрия. - 2004. - №1. - С. 58-66.

9. Резолюция конгресса XIV конгресса Педиатров России с международным участием "Актуальные проблемы педиатрии» // Российский педиатрический журнал. - 2010. - №3. - С. 61.

10. Розинова Н.Н. «Трудный пациент» Клинические формы хронических воспалительных заболеваний лёгких у детей: критерии диагностики и принципы терапии. - Архив. - № 10. - 2007.

11. Шамсиев Ф.М., Каримов УА., Азизова Н.Д. Структура заболеваемости органов дыхания в регионах республики. //Вестник врача общего профиля. - Самарканд. - 2004. - №4. (32) - С. 113-115.

12. Dombi V.H., Walt H., Primary ciliary dyskinesia, immotile cilia Syndrome, and Kartagener Syndrome: diagnostic criteria. //Schweizerische Medizinisch Wochenschrift. J. Suisse de Med. - 1996. - V.126. - Nil. - P. 421-433.

13. Kitz R. Immunoglobulin levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of children with chronic chest disease. //Pediat. Pulmon. - 2000.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-85-86

Muhamadieva Lola, Samarkand State Medical Institute, PhD in medicine, department of pediatric disease E-mail: pbim.uz@gmail.com Rustamova Gulnoza, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Assistant in medicine, department of pediatric disease E-mail: pbim.uz@gmail.com

Intrabronchial laser therapy in children with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia

Abstract: The observation studied 29 children with purulent endobronchitis at the age from 1 to 13 years old. Among them-there were 17 boys and 12 girls. 9 of children had recurrent bronchitis, 10 children bad chronic pneumonia, and 10 children were with foreign bodies II the bronchus. The results obtained after treatment in children with CB receiving laser therapy show reliable decrease of neutrophils number to 73,1±3,5 in comparison with the data before treatment-90,4±6,3 (p<0,01). The number of alveolar macrophages increases to 15,1±3,1 in comparison with the data before treatment -2,8±0,1 (p<0,01), the amount of cytosis decreases in comparison with the data before treatment 6,9±1,2 (p<0,01). Keywords: children, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, laser therapy.

Intrabronchial inflammatory lung diseases are considered to be 17 boys and 12 girls. 9 of children had recurrent bronchitis, 10 chil-an actual pediatric problem as their frequency increases in recent dren bad chronic pneumonia, and 10 children were with foreign years and clinical manifestations are characterized by severe course bodies II the bronchus.

and early disability of patients (2-6). The lung washing out (lavage) of 10 children with urolithia-

Treatment of nonspecific lung diseases (NLD) is provided with sis served as a model ofbconchoalveolar-lavage fluid (BALF) in traditional sanation bronchoscopy with use of different medications "healthy lung".

(antibiotics, steroids, enzymes, etc.) (1,7-9). For the treatment of The children had not pathology of the respiratory tract, the

purulent endobronchitis in NLD it is also used helium-neon laser. lavage was taken during the surgical operation through the intuba-The aim of the presented investigation was the improvement tion tube. In the comparison group there were children with chronic of the treatment results of the purulent endobronchitis in children pneumonia, recurrent bronchitis and foreign bodies of the bronchus. with nonspecific lung diseases with intrabonchial use of gallium- These children receivedtraditional therapy, during their bron-

arsenide laser. choscopy it was not used laserotherapy. In order to perform endo-

The observation studied 29 children with purulent endobron- bronchial laser irradiation it was used low-intensive semi-conduct-chitis at the age from 1 to 13 years old. Among them-there were ing laseronthe gallium-arsenide base (ALT "Sogdiana", Uzbekistan),

Section 8. Medical science

with persistent acting in there diapason with the length of wave 0.67 mkm, in the dose 4.87 Jg\sm3.

Laserotherapy was performed in the following way. During the bronchoscopy it was carried out lavage with use of physiologic saline until the clear irrigated waters from the orifice of segmental bronchus. Subsequently, it was irradiated by the use of the light of gallium-arsenide laser with exposition during 1 minute.

From the sediment of BALF centrifugation it was prepared the smear with the following fixation. Calculation of the cells elements was performed under the immersion for 100 cells with the percentage evaluation of the cytological composition.

The distinctive clinical features of die diseases in children were the frequency of cough and the amount of expectoration; these cough was more frequent and the expectoration amount was larger in children who had chronic pneumonia. Also, auscultative data were distinguished: the presence of the local bubbling rales in children with chronic pneumonia, scattered dry and single bubbling rales in children with recurrent bronchitis.

During the bronchological investigation in all patients it was diagnosed purulent end bronchitis. The control group was characterized with prevailed amount of alveolar macrophages (AM) 91.4±2.0; low amount of neutrophils (NP) 10.8+2.0 and lymphocytes (LC 7.8±1.2. In all examined children, except children

from the control group, it was determined the increasing amount of neutrophils and lymphocytes and die sharp decreasing amount of alveolar macrophages.

After treatment of children with CB, receiving laser therapy, reliable decrease of neutrophils number to 67,1±6,4 is noted in comparison with the data before treatment 89,7±2,7 (p<0,01), the number of alveolar macrophages increases to 25,8±7,4 in comparison with the data before treatment 4,9±1,7 (p<0,01), the amount of cytosis decreases to 1,8±0,7 in comparison with the data before treatment — 11,7±0,6. The number of lymphocytes also increases.

The results obtained after treatment in children with CB receiving laser therapy show reliable decrease of neutrophils number to 73,1±3,5 in comparison with the data before treatment-90,4±6,3 (p<0,01). The number of alveolar macrophages increases to 15,1±3,1 in comparison with the data before treatment -2,8±0,1 (p<0,01), the amount of cytosis decreases in comparison with the data before treatment 6,9±1,2 (p<0,01).

Thus, treatment with the use of gallium-arsenide laser is one of the acceptable and effective methods of treatment of purulent endobronchitis in children with NLD. This method allows reaching during the short time a restoration of the bronchial patency, regression of the inflammatory process in bronchus and also restoration of the local lungs defense.


1. Artamonov R. The importance of the bronchial patency disorders in children with bronchial pathology, Pediatrics, - 1982. - Vol. 1, - P. 6-9.

2. Бубнова Н. И. Хронические неспецифические заболевания легких у детей.//в кн. Клеточная биология легких в норме и при патологии. (под редакцией Ерохина В. В., Романовой Л. К.) - М. - 2000. - С. 351-357.

3. ГурарийН. И. Количественный анализ Т- и В - лимфоцитов и их антиген связывающих субпопуляций у здоровых и больных пневмонией детей.//Автореф. дисс... канд. мед.наук. - Самарканд. - 1981. - 23 с.

4. Калуцский П. В., Шварцкопф Е. С., Окушко Р. В.//Педиатрия. - 2011. - 90. - № 1. - С. 124-126.

5. Капранов Н. И. Фармакотерапия при бронхолегочных поражениях у детей, больных муковисцидозом://Руководство по фармакотерапии в педиатрии и детской хирургии. - М. - 2002. - 267 с.

6. Палеев Н. Р., Ильченко В. А. Хронический бронхит.//Болезни органов дыхания.//В кн. Руководство по внутренним болезням. (под редакцией Палеева Н. Р.) - М. - Медицина. - 2000. - 287 с.

7. Рачинский С. В., Таточенко В.К., Волков И. Б. Место хронической пневмонии и хронического бронхита в бронхолегочной патологии у детей//Педиатрия. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 58-66.

8. Резолюция конгресса ХШконгресса Педиатров России с международным участиемАктуальные проблемы педиатрии//Российский педиатрический журнал. - 2010. - № 3. - С. 61.

9. Шамсиев Ф. М., Каримов У А., Азизова Н. Д. Структура заболеваемости органов дыхания в регионах республики.//Вестник врача общего профиля. -Самарканд. -2004. - № 4. (32) - С. 113-115.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-86-88

Narzullaev Nuriddin Umarovich, PhD, Assistant of Department of Otorhinoloryngology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan E-mail: ss-1961@mail.ru

FarGALS efficiency in complex treatment of HIV-infected children with acute purulent sinusitis

Abstract: The effectiveness of the local treatment of inflammatory purulent processes can be significantly increased through the use of evidence-based many-component compositions based on etiology, pathogenesis, the difference between the current process, where each of the components of the targeting to a particular inflammatory factor. Under our supervision there were 62 HIV-infected children, treated in a children's ENT clinic for acute purulent sinusitis. FarGALS use solution to complex treatment and rehabilitation of ENT-organs from HIV- infected children, improve hygienic index by 43%, reduces up to the

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