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Ключевые слова
информационная культура / дидактическая тестология / развивающие технологии / интеллектуальное становление / оптимизация образовательного процесса / дистанционная образовательная среда. / information culture / didactic testology / developing technologies / intellectual formation / optimization of the educational process / distance learning environment.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Куклина А.И.

Олимпиады по иностранным языкам давно зарекомендовали себя как эффективное средство совершенствования навыков владения языком и повышения общего культурного уровня студентов, возможность для творчества, как один из способов формирования умения работать самостоятельно и как показатель языковой компетентности студентов, источник их положительных эмоций. Существующие реалии потребовали нового подхода к уже известным видам работы. В данной статье рассказывается о многолетнем опыте проведения интернет-олимпиады по профессионально-ориентированному переводу в Сибирском государственном университете науки и технологий им. академика М.Ф. Решетнева.

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Olympiads in foreign languages have proven themselves to be an effective means of improving language skills and raising the general cultural level of students, an opportunity for creativity, a way to form the ability to work independently and an indicator of students' language competence, a source of their positive emotions. The existing realities required a new approach to well-known kinds of work. The paper describes the long experience of conducting an Internet Olympiad in professionally oriented translation at the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev.



Куклина А.И.

старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков для технических специальностей факультета социального инжиниринга СибГУ науки и технологий им. М.Ф. Решетнева



Kuklina A.

senior teacher of the Department offoreign languages

for technical specialties Faculty of social engineering

Siberian state university of science and technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev


Олимпиады по иностранным языкам давно зарекомендовали себя как эффективное средство совершенствования навыков владения языком и повышения общего культурного уровня студентов, возможность для творчества, как один из способов формирования умения работать самостоятельно и как показатель языковой компетентности студентов, источник их положительных эмоций. Существующие реалии потребовали нового подхода к уже известным видам работы. В данной статье рассказывается о многолетнем опыте проведения интернет-олимпиады по профессионально-ориентированному переводу в Сибирском государственном университете науки и технологий им. академика М.Ф. Решетнева.


Olympiads in foreign languages have proven themselves to be an effective means of improving language skills and raising the general cultural level of students, an opportunity for creativity, a way to form the ability to work independently and an indicator of students' language competence, a source of their positive emotions. The existing realities required a new approach to well-known kinds of work. The paper describes the long experience of conducting an Internet Olympiad in professionally oriented translation at the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev.

Ключевые слова: информационная культура, дидактическая тестология, развивающие технологии, интеллектуальное становление, оптимизация образовательного процесса, дистанционная образовательная среда.

Keywords: information culture, didactic testology, developing technologies, intellectual formation, optimization of the educational process, distance learning environment.

The onset of the information age required, among other things, changes in modern education. We are gradually getting used to all kinds of electronic courses, educational games and competitions held on the Internet. The attraction of scientific thought to the distance learning environment was influenced by global changes in science, technology, society and economy. They caused an increase in the degree of informatization of society, contributed to the spread of information communications and the creation of remote educational spaces. The noted tendencies made it possible to create various networks of communication between people at a distance, to provide access to various resources, services and products at different times. The pedagogical use of information technology, computer and organizational technology, various educational services and telecommunication systems is due to the nature and intensity of the informatization processes taking place in society and public life [3].

Thanks to free access to the Internet, students have the opportunity to take part in various network interu-niversity, all-Russian and international Olympiads and competitions in a foreign language. Educational Olym-

piads have a long history, but they acquired new significance under new conditions of pandemic and self-isolation. Olympiads help students to feel members of the student community at this difficult time. The Olympiad is a competition designed to identify the most worthy of the participants, to establish the winners. The competitive spirit of the Olympiad allows each participant to show their maximum capabilities. For a student, the Olympiad is a source of improving the professional language and cultural outlook, an opportunity for creativity, the formation of the ability to work and create independently; it is the unity of learning and creativity, an indicator of students' success and their competence, positive emotions. Olympiads reveals the names of many talented students.

Students take part in distance Olympiads with pleasure. Thanks to participation in such Olympiads and competitions students significantly expand their horizons, get the opportunity to effectively apply the knowledge gained in the learning process, in a nonstandard situation, show erudition and logical thinking, and improve their ability to work in a limited time. Participating in such an intellectual marathon is very interesting and useful for students of different intellectual

potential. Many of them through such Olympiads get the chance to make sure that the level of their knowledge does not yield to that of other students from different parts of the world.

When teachers use and organize this form of work, their role also changes, and the level of their information culture rises. Teachers are the coordinators of the information flow. Therefore, they need to be proficient in modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate in the same language with students. For teachers the Olympiad is a challenge and at the same time demonstration of their competence and pedagogical skills, an exchange of experience with colleagues.

The Student Internet Olympiad in Foreign Languages is designed to stimulate the quality of professional training of specialists; improve the educational process, activate independent research, extracurricular work with students; develop memory, attention, logical thinking; create opportunities for the formation of the competence and personality of a future specialist; to orient students towards the active development of methods of obtaining new information; to demonstrate the pedagogical competence of teachers, their pedagogical skills.

For 10 years the Department of Technical Foreign Language and Business Foreign Language of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev have jointly conducted an Internet Olympiad in professionally oriented translation for students of non-linguistic specialties. As part of the event, students are offered the opportunity to try themselves in the art of translation as a necessary skill in any profession. The purpose of the Olympiad is to increase interest in learning foreign languages, as well as to identify talented young people who want to show their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of professionally oriented translation. Some winners of the Olympiad have already defended their candidate theses.

In recent years, the event has reached the international level, covering not only universities in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Russian participants are represented by universities from Moscow, Tomsk and the Tomsk region, Barnaul, Kemerovo and Kemerovo region, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk region, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Chita, Kurchatov and other cities.

The Olympiad is held in the form of a distance competition. The tasks for it are developed by the methodological commission, approved by the chairman of the Organizing Committee.

The Olympiad is held remotely in two rounds. The first round is a selection test (100 questions, multiple choice), which takes 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete. The test includes tasks concerning English grammar, lexis, use of language, country study. There are no ready-made test items for such Olympiads, so the tests are made by employees of the departments of business and technical foreign languages every year. Compilation of Olympiad tests is based on the principles of didactic testology, however, since testing does not pursue diagnostic goals, does not contain

gradation, and is not used again, we do not conduct preliminary approbation of these tests. This approach, among other things, allows maximal keeping the content of tasks in secret [6]. According to the results of the first round, students with at least 65 points are admitted to the second round. The second round consists of translating a text on a professionally oriented topic. The system prevents students from entering the test again after the specified time. The second round of the Olympiad takes place on a day specially designated for each section. Students need to choose a section in accordance with the direction of training. Students have 1 hour (60 minutes) to complete the translation and send the text. If the translation is sent later than the specified time, it will not be considered by the commission. The text on the specialty is selected in such a way that it arouses cognitive interest related to the future professional activities of students. Teachers take into account the peculiarities of modern English-language scientific texts; they help in the formation of tasks for the Olympiad. According to the results of the second round, the winners are determined in each section.

It would seem that the procedure is extremely simple. But judging by the feedback from students, this is not entirely true. As we know, translation is the transfer of meaning of what is said (written) in one language by means of another language. When translating, two tasks should be solved:

- the task to correctly understand the content of the statement (text) in the original language;

- the task to fully and accurately convey this content by means of the target language.

When translating, one must: 1) have a certain stock of words in the English language (including special terminology in a certain area of knowledge); 2) know the grammar of the English language, otherwise the words will remain only bricks from which nothing can be "built"; 3) master the technique of translation and be able to effectively use the dictionary (before opening the dictionary, to know by formal signs to which part of speech the unfamiliar word belongs; to know all the features of building a dictionary); 4) have an idea of the field of knowledge to which the translated text belongs (and ideally, to navigate in it well) [5].

"Translation is such a simple thing, just open the dictionary and choose the most suitable word depending on the context! Especially when no one is watching your actions, the Olympiad is in an online format. However, coping with the tasks turned out to be not so easy. First, you get a draft version of the text; edit it so that both the meaning remains and the text sounds beautiful. This required knowledge of stylistics and skills of literary editing. I remember I was very afraid to distort the text, changing some components in it. There were even a few fixed expressions and collocations for which it was necessary to find similar ones in Russian,"recalls one of the winners of the Internet Olympiad.

All of the above allows us to conclude that Internet Olympiads in professionally oriented translation are a unique environment for the manifestation and development of the intellectual potential of students.

The Olympiad as an environment is not only a factor, but also a condition for the development of personality. The Olympiads are one of the most effective ways to form the intellectual elite of the nation. However, the ultimate goal of holding various kinds of Olympiads is not the formation of a narrow caste of student prodigies, but the identification of young talents and the introduction to intellectual activity of as many students as possible. The Olympiad as a unique developing environment has enormous potential for the intellectual development of students. Single-profile subject Olympiads contribute to the intellectual development of students within a narrow specialization, confirm their professional orientation, and allow them to plunge deeply into the chosen specialty.

Summing up the analysis of the role of subject Olympiads in the development of the intellectual potential of students, we note that such competitions play an important role in identifying talented students. But it is even more important for the intellectual development of students, thanks to these activities, to acquire an incentive, an impulse to further improve their mind and creative abilities; motivation not for empty accumulation of knowledge, but for their inclusion in the wider picture of the world; understanding that one can learn everywhere, including the process of the game-competition.

In conclusion it is worth noting that education with the involvement of Internet technologies has many points of contact with the study of a foreign language, which is becoming especially relevant in the modern world. Competent use of new types of student work and Internet communications in teaching a foreign language can significantly optimize the educational process. Distance Internet Olympiads form stable positive emotions in students, which help to increase their motivation to learn; develop imagination and creative thinking; help to analyze their educational activities, develop technical skills in using computer programs. The materials of the Internet Olympiad can be used in the educational process after the end of the Olympiad, as well as in the creation of online specialized courses.


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