INTERNET ADVERTISING AND ITS TYPES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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advertising / internet media / business
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Текст научной работы на тему «INTERNET ADVERTISING AND ITS TYPES»

больше вероятность, что они купят лицензионные продукты. Во-вторых, Microsoft работает с правоохранительными органами по всему миру, чтобы предоставить юридические решения для крупномасштабного использования пиратских продуктов. Список использованной литературы:

1. Бабакулыев М., Мухамметбердиев О.. Глоссарий терминов информационных технологий. Ашхабад. Наука, 2004.

2. Кулиев Д., Аразмырадов Т., Беренов М., Гарягдыев Н. Работа на компьютере. Ашхабад. Туркменский государственный издательский дом Сервис, 2005.

© Шагулыев Ш.А., Огулбиби Г., 2023

УДК 62

Шагулыев Ш. А.,

Старший преподаватель Доврангулиев Р.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов INTERNET ADVERTISING AND ITS TYPES


advertising, internet media, business.

Advertising is the promotion of the consumer qualities of goods and services for commercial purposes in order to create beliefs in potential buyers about the need to purchase goods and use services. Advertising involves any activity that introduces potential buyers and the public to a business organization and its products, creates a positive image of them, and promotes sales. Advertising is the most important tool in promoting a company's goods and services.

Compared to traditional means of advertising, the Internet has the following characteristics: BThe Internet is an effective means of creating awareness about the object of advertising. On the one hand, this is due to the ability to provide more information about the advertised object. On the other hand, it is related to the multimedia nature of the Internet environment, which allows using all possible means of conveying information - texts, graphics, sounds, videos - to the user. In addition, the hypertext nature of the Internet allows the consumer to search for, retrieve, and control the information he or she needs. Therefore, it involves the consumer in the process of learning and mastering the object of advertising and brings him closer to the object of advertising. The Internet is an interactive medium, and as a result, advertising has an active impact on Internet users.

The Internet provides advertisers with an effective way to create a compelling impact on programmatic audiences and users. 0 Based on modern information technologies, the Internet provides wider opportunities for active and in-depth analysis of advertising activities. Types of advertising Depending on the problems and tasks aimed at solving advertising, its types are determined. In practice, advertising rarely has a single goal in mind, and multiple goals are more likely to intersect in the same advertising campaign. They distinguish between

two main types of advertising, i.e. promotional advertising and motivational advertising. Image advertising is aimed at creating an attractive image of the company and the market. Its main purpose is to strengthen the positive image of the brand or firm in the minds of the general public. This goal can be achieved by introducing potential sellers or buyers to the product (service), its function and characteristics, as well as the company's focus and advantages.

Outdoor advertising has a wider range of exposure than other forms of advertising. Its main purpose is to motivate consumers to buy the product or use the service. Usually, it repeats the positive qualities and main advantages of this product (service) compared to similar goods. Let's take a look at what types of Internet advertising these or other tools are. As mentioned earlier, Web sites that perform both the function of promoting the placement of goods and products, as well as the function of advertising, often serve as the basis of advertising. In addition to directly selling goods through the site, it is always one of the means of communicating with consumers to sell the company's products or services. Therefore, the quality of its implementation and the level of implementation of all its functions are one of the most important elements of the communication policy on the Internet. It should be noted that, in addition to promoting advertising and product placement, all other forms of Internet advertising have characteristics characteristic of the Internet. Another of the more common tools is banner advertising. It can also act as a promotional item and perform promotional functions. In these cases, the difference is only in their implementation and, respectively, in the methods used to evaluate its effectiveness, which are described in more detail below. All other Internet advertising tools are primarily designed to solve the problem of attracting visitors to a Web site. This is most evident when using methods such as cataloging and indexing in search engines.

Basic solutions in the Internet advertising environment The implementation of an Internet advertising company (solution) requires a systematic, systematic approach, starting with the development of specific, specific goals, methods and tools of the activities, evaluating the effectiveness of the advertising company, analyzing its results and developing recommendations for the future. . Advertising Company Goals and Objectives The first step in setting up any advertising company is to define its goals and objectives. They are aimed at increasing consumer awareness of the company and its products, increasing the number of visitors to the company's website, informing about any marketing activity on the Internet, increasing the volume of sales, etc. may be The objectives set before the advertising company, in turn, determine the methods and means used. For example, types of audience exposure, time limitations of the events, selection of advertising carriers, criteria for selection of advertising areas, etc. they depend on them. They define end tasks as well as intermediate tasks. Intermediate tasks include attracting visitors to the site, getting them to fill out requests, getting backlinks, etc. may be The amount of money allocated for this work has a great influence on the choice of methods used by the advertising company to achieve its goal. The amount of money allocated to the advertising company depends largely on the number of targeted areas, the system of advertising placement, the frequency of displaying ads, the benefits provided, and a number of other factors. One of the key elements underlying the calculation of the cost to an advertising company is the pricing model for ad placement.


1. G. Ishkabulov, B. M. Ivanov, O. G. Atdayeva, A. K. Myradov, M. Gylichnyazov, G. G. Seyithanova. Databases design Ashgabat. Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2001.

2. G. A. Shukurov, B. M. Ivanov, A. K. Myradov, G. G. Seyidhanova, S. A. Kichiyeva. Data business. Ashgabat. Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2001.

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