Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки
но расширить для учащихся, а также взрослой части населения доступ к бюджетным спортивным учреждения. Так как немногие организации, учреждения и компании содержат спортзалы для своих работников, в силу этого большая часть населения и их семьи не имеют возможности заниматься спортом.
Сегодня, задача специалиста по физической культуре и спорту заинтересовать и вовлечь в физическую активность каждого субъекта страны, особенно детей, подростков и молодежь не занимающихся массовой физической подготовкой.
Заключение. Принятые нормативные документы по развитию физической культуры и массового спорта в полной мере мобилизуют социальный и финансовыей ресурсный потенциал страны на оздоровление, формирование здорового образа жизни, которые являются эффективной основой форсирован-
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ного морального и физического оздоровления нации. Прежде всего, в их реализации является добрая воля самого человека, морально-психологический настрой личности, коллектива и общества.
1. Постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от 03.06.17г. ПП-3031 «О мерах по дальнейшему развитию физической культуры и массового спорта».
2. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан от 24.01.20г. № 5924 «О мерах по дальнейшему совершенствованию и популяризации физической культуры и спорта в Республике Узбекистан.
3. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан от 30.10.2020 г. «О мерах по широкому внедрению здорового образа жизни и дальнейшему развитию массового спорта».
4. Постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от 18.12.18г. №4063 «О мерах по профилактике неинфекционных заболеваний, поддержке здорового образа жизни и повышения уровня физической активности населения».
5. Доброрадных М.Б. «Формирование ценности здоровья у студентов в процессе их профессионального образования»// диссертация канд. пед. наук: 13.00.08. М., 2003. 164 с.
Муаллиф билан богланиш учун:
:Head of International cooperation department of Uzbekistan state university of physical culture and sport, Chirchik, Uzbekistan M.R. MASHARIPOV2
2Student of World economy and diplomacy university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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Данная статья будет посвящена теме здоровых отношений между государством и спортом, его Национальным Олимпийским комитетом. Автономия Национального Олимпийского комитета будет рассматриваться в соответствии с правилами Олимпийской хартии. Кроме того, будет обсуждаться деятельность Международного Олимпийского комитета и его отношения с правительствами и другими международными организациями.
Ключевые слова: Международный Олимпийский комитет, Национальный Олимпийский комитет, Олимпийская Хартия, Олимпийское движение, Национальные федерации, Международные федерации.
Маколада Халкаро Миллий Олимпия кумитаси ва мамлакат уртасидаги ^ам-корлик алокалари мавзуси ёритилган. Халкаро Олимпия кумитаси ва унинг турли давлатлар, ^укуматлар ва турли халкаро ташкилотлар билан алокалари тугрисидаги маълумотлар куриб чикилган.
Калит сузлар: Халцаро Олимпия цумитаси, Миллий Олимпия цумитаси, Олимпия Хартияси, Олимпик уаракат, Миллий Федерациялар, Халцаро Федерациялар.
This article will be devoted to the topic of healthy relations between the state and sports, it's National Olympic Committee. The autonomy of the National Olympic Committee will be considered under the rules of the Olympic Charter. The International Olympic Committee and its relations with Governments and other international organizations will also be discussed.
Key words: International Olympic Committee, National Olympic Committee, Olympic Charter, Olympic movement, National Federations, International Federations.
In many countries relation of Government to sports plays important role in developing Olympic sport. The attitude of the Government can range from active support to complete disregard.
Sport is important for the Government, because it provides opportunities for:
> encouraging young people to become involved in healthy social activities; promoting health;
> fostering the educational progress and personal development of athletes and sport players of all ages;
> focusing on cultural and social values;
> highlighting the concepts of excellence and fair play;
> stimulating international exchanges. Government is significant for sports, because
Government can:
> finance sport and provide facilities and services;
> train sport leaders, coaches and teachers;
> help ensure adequate training systems and services for athletes;
> help organise competitions, courses, fund raising;
> help promote sport and healthy lifestyles through the media;
> help promote spectator involvement to
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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки
Olympic games;
% provide support, both administrative and financial, for sport medicine, science and safety; % develop school sport programmes; % provide access to its infrastructure and thus make available opportunities for sport development trough Government agencies or departments, such as the Military, Health and Welfare, Tourism, Sport, Education and Youth.
There is a tendency to include in the jurisdiction of national and Federal Governments responsibility for national and international organisations and events. Regional and municipal authorities limit their duties to regional and local affairs.
Whatever the situation in the jurisdiction, the Government should treat sports organizations as ordinary voluntary organizations, such as professional organizations, social clubs, "in the service of society " clubs, etc.
A healthy relationship between Government and sport organisations include:
% frequent communication between officials; % mutual respect; % cooperation;
% clarification of roles and responsibilities of each in the development of sport;
% financial support from Government; % sport organisations financially and technically responsible and accountable;
% needs of both Government and sport organisations mutually respected and met.
The deterioration or bad relations between the state and sports is indicated by:
% poor communication, limited consultation; % one group works independently of the other; % limited financings; % ignoring each other's needs; % statement made by sports associations: "Give us money and leave us alone";
% limited knowledge of each other or the goals of each other's activities.
The Olympic Charter (2013) points to the relationship that should exist between NOC and their Governments. It includes following provisions on this subject:
Rule 28.3: "The NOCs have the exclusive authority for the representation of their respective countries at the Olympic Games and at the regional, continental or world multi-sports competitions patronised by the IOC. In addition, each NOC is obliged to participate in the Games of the Olympiad by sending athletes."
Rule 28.4: "The NOCs have the exclusive authority to select and designate the city which may apply to organise Olympic Games in their respective countries"
Rule 28.5: "In order to fulfil their mission, the NOCs may cooperate with Governmental bodies, with which they shall achieve harmonious relations. However, they shall not associate themselves with any activity which would be in contradiction with the Olympic Charter. [...]"
Rule 28.6: "The NOCs must preserve their autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including but not limited to political, legal, religious or economic pressures which may prevent them from complying with the Olympic Charter."
Rule 28.9: "Apart from the measures and sanctions provided in the case of infringement of the Olympic Charter, the IOC Executive Board may take any appropriate decisions for the protection of the Olympic Movement in the country of an NOC, including suspension of or withdrawal of recognition from such NOC if the constitution, law or other regulations in force in the country concerned, or any act by any Governmental or other body causes the activity of the NOC or the making or expression of its will to be hampered.[...]"
Also rule 29 of the Olympic Charter (2013) states as follows:
"To be recognised by an NOC and accepted as a member of such NOC, a national federation must exercise a specific, real and on-going sports activity, be affiliated to an IF recognised by the IOC and be governed by and comply in all aspects with both the Olympic Charter and the rules of its IF."
Explanation of the NOC's relationship with the Government
1. How can the NOC maintain its independence from the Government while it depends on its funding?
2. What in your country can lead to a dramatic violation of the agreement between your NOC and the Government?
3. What course of action could your sport organisation take when it has a major disagreement with Government?
4. Describe relation of your NOC to your national Government using five adjectives.
5. How does the Government help your sport organisation and vice versa?
6. Which special departments or ministries exist in your country that are responsible for developing national sport? For instance, Ministry of culture, teenagers, education, sport.
7. Does your country have a sport law? What does it say?
8. Do you know whether your state has set certain goals in relation to sports? If yes, what are they?
9. Which Governmental ministry responsible for sport? What else is this Ministry responsible for?
10. Does that ministry relate directly to sports or does it have an indirect mechanism for distributing money allocated by the Government, such as the sports Council?
11. What other Government ministries promote and develop sports (for example, education, schools, universities, the army, police, and regional Government bodies)?
12. How the activities of various state organizations are collaborated?
13. Is there a national sport plan? If so who is responsible for drawing it up? And who is responsible for monitoring its implementation?
14. How do you apply for Government money?
15. How could you improve your grant application?
16. What is the status of your NOC within your national sports structure?
17. List the ways in which non-Governmental and Governmental organisations interact.
18. How this interaction can be developed and improved?
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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки
19. What can be done by non-Governmental organisations to improve this interaction?
IOC and its relations with Governments and other international organisations
During NOC visits, the IOC President tries to meet with Government leaders for the following reasons:
> Discuss the principles and goals of the Olympic movement;
> To express the importance of the support provided by Governments to the development of both mass sports and high-performance sports;
> Accentuate the importance of NOC and IOC independence.
The IOC has concluded cooperation agreements with most specialized organizations in the UN system, as well as with other national organizations related to sport.
If necessary, NOC also participates in international political events. This should not come as a surprise, because the Olympic movement is international in nature and its activities arouse interest in the mass media. The Olympic games support national pride, which is highlighted by the parade of athletes in national team costumes at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic games, the raising of the flag and the performance of the national anthem at the awards ceremony. However, despite all these
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events, first of all, the Olympic games are competitions between people, not between countries.
Most of people believe that propaganda of national pride and recognition is an important part of the Olympic games. It highlights the acceptance of the Olympic games and the Olympic movement for many nations and helps to identify elements of competition.
Lord Killian stated: "It is impossible to separate sports from politics, but it should be possible to protect sports from political interference".
The IOC's efforts to express Olympic principles and unite the world's youth at the Olympic games have earned common respect. Political problems complicated the work of IOC leaders. The IOC has not always succeeded in achieving its goals. However, it has earned respect for its efforts and it has managed to maintain its integrity, unity and independence.
1. Sport administration manual. Dr. Roger Jackson Hurford Enterprises Ltd. The University of Calgary, Canada. 2005 IOC Lausanne, Switzerland. 99-101 pages.
2. Sport administration manual. Dr. Roger Jackson Hurford Enterprises Ltd. The University of Calgary, Canada. 2010 IOC. 120-122 pages.
3. Sport administration manual. Dr. Roger Jackson Hurford Enterprises Ltd. The University of Calgary, Canada. 2014 IOC. 40 page.
4. Olympic Charter. September 2013 IOC Lausanne, Switzerland. 58 page.
Доктор педагогических наук (DSc), О.Л. ЭРДОНОВ1
'Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада Аль-Хоразмий, город Ташкент, Узбекистан Старший преподаватель, В.В. МАХМУДОВ2
2Ташкентский институт инженеров
ирригации и механизации сельского
хозяйства, город Ташкент, Узбекистан
Старший преподаватель,
3Каршинский инженерно-экономический
город Карши, Узбекистан
Информация для связи с автором:
го та t О Œ (Л
В статье освещено значение некоторых технико-тактических действий и анализ игровых показателей высококвалифицированных спортсменов, занимающихся мини-футболом.
Ключевые слова хронометраж, игровая деятельность, технико-тактическое мастерство, мини-футбол.
Ма^олада мини-футбол билан шугулланувчи ю^ори малакали спортчиларнинг айрим техник-тактик ^аракатларининг а^амияти ва уйин курсаткичларининг та^лили ёритиб бе-рилган.
Калит сузлар: хронометраж, уйин фаолияти, техник-тактик уаракатлар, мини-футбол.
The article highlights the importance of some technical and tactical actions and the analysis of game indicators of highly qualified athletes involved in mini-football.
Key words: timing, game activity, technical and tactical skill, mini-football.
Сложная многофакторность спортивных игр и мини-футбола в частности, затрудняет выбор объективных критериев соревновательной деятельности, и поэтому процесс подготовки связан с использованием большого объёма средств, не отвечающих требованиям игры. Поиск оптимальных средств и методов тренировки во многом будет зависеть от того, насколько приблизится к истине наше представление
о соревновательном упражнении [6].
Вместе с тем поиск новых подходов к спортивной подготовке опирается на необходимость повышения эффективности спортивной деятельности [4,8]. При этом актуально стоит вопрос разработки новых средств и методов технико-тактической подготовки квалифицированных футболистов в мини-футболе
8 e-mail: [email protected] №7-2020