Научная статья на тему 'International Nobel information Centre's archive of Nobel family and Nobel Prizes laureates'

International Nobel information Centre's archive of Nobel family and Nobel Prizes laureates Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tyutyunnik V., Pirozhkov G.

The article argues that the international scientific-educational information institution International Nobel Information Centre (INIC), operating in Tambov as a social and humanitarian association, for thirty years of work has proved the need to collect, process and distribute documents on discoveries in the field of science, technology, literature, politics and public life, awarded the Nobel Prizes. Identifying the main directions of development of the Center, the authors substantiate the importance of creating a document fund formed in the Center for the history of the Nobel Prizes and nobelistics as a new science of Nobel's information. The main achievements of nobelistics were described. Along with the analysis of the activity of the Nobel Scientific Library and the Museum for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates , special attention is paid to the Archive for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates. Some measures are proposed to improve the structure of the Archive, the content of funds, further innovative development of archival practices.

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Текст научной работы на тему «International Nobel information Centre's archive of Nobel family and Nobel Prizes laureates»

разными лозунгами действовали в 1918-1920 гг. [10].

Во время досудебного следствия к делу были привлечены 27 свидетелей, в том числе и жена С. Барвинского (Усика) - Барвинская Мария Викторовна [9]. В основном их показания не совпадали с объяснениями арестованного. В дальнейшем, как показывает анализ архивных материалов, дело попало на рассмотрение в сектор прокуратуры по спецделам Народного комиссариата юстиции (НКЮ) УССР, который в 1934-1936 гг. осуществлял прокурорский надзор за деятельностью органов ГПУ-НКВД [6].

В постановлении заместителя прокурора по спецделам УССР Л. Мальцева от 25 августа 1934 г. отмечается следующее: «Ознакомившись с делом Усика-Барвинского С.Е. по ст. 54-13 УК и с обвинительного выводом Уманского райотдела УГБ НКВД нашел, что: 1) материалами дела преступления, инкриминируемые Барвинскому - не подтверждены; 2) хотя с признаний ряда свидетелей установлены дружеские связи Барвинского с бывшим петлюровским офицером Горячкивским, а также вызывают некоторые сомнения обстоятельства побега Барвинского из военного госпиталя во время его ареста деникинской контрразведкой, но факт провокационной деятельности Усика-Барвинского и выдачи им рабочих коммунистического подполья контрразведке ничем не доказан; 3) таким образом достаточных оснований для предания Барвинского суду - нет. Поэтому, руководствуясь ст.197 ч.2 и п.2 ст. 223 УПК постановил: дело по обвинению Усика-Барвинского С.Е. по признакам преступления, предусмотренного ст. 54-13 УК - закрыть» [7].

Таким образом, обвиняемый во «вредительстве» и «провокаторской деятельности», приговоренный Уманским Народным судом к 4 годам лишения свободы в отдаленных краях СССР, С. Бар-винский (Усик) почти год находился под следствием Уманского районного отдела ГПУ до закрытия дела заместителем прокурора за отсутствием достаточных доказательств преступных

действий. Дальнейшая судьба С. Барвинского (Усика) неизвестна.

Список литературы

1. Автобиография Барвинского Степана Евти-хиевича // Государственный архив Черкасской области (далее - ГАЧО). Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 186-187.

2. Выписка из протокола Уманской районной комиссии чистки партии, организации Уманского плодоягодного института // ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 4-6.

3. Выводы о состоянии и работе партколективу Уманского учебного плодоягодного комбината // ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 7-11.

4. ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118 [Дело №№ 595 по обвинению Барвинского Степана Евтихиевич по ст. 54-13 УК УССР 30 октября 1933 г. - 27 августа 1934 г.]. 299 л.

5. Обвинительное заключение по делу С.Е. Барвинского (Усика) // ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 280-285.

6. Окипнюк В. Штатная структура и персональный состав прокурорского надзора за органами государственной безопасности советской Украины в 1920-1930-х гг. Из архивов ВУЧК-ГПУ-НКВД-КГБ. 2011. № 2. С. 137-183.

7. Постановление заместителя прокурора в спецсправах УССР от 25.08.1934 г. // ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 294.

8. Реабилитированные историей. Черкасская область: научное издание. Кн. 7 / Председатель П.Т. Тронько. Черкассы: Изд. Чабаненко Ю.А., 2010. 654 с.

9. Список лиц, подлежащих вызову на судебное заседание по делу С.Е. Барвинского (Усика) // ГАЧО. Ф. р. 5625. Оп. 1. Д. 6118. Арк. 244.

10. Шаповал Ю.И. «Контрреволюционной бо-ротьбистской организации» дело 1935. Энциклопедия истории Украины: в 10 т. / редкол.: В.А. Смо-лий (председатель) и др.; Ин-т истории Украины НАН Украины. Киев: Науч. мысль, 2009. Т. 5: Кон-Кю. С. 106.



Tyutyunnik V..

International Nobel Information Centre, President, Sr.Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor Pirozhkov G.

International Nobel Information Centre, Senior researcher, Dr.Culture, Professor


The article argues that the international scientific-educational information institution International Nobel Information Centre (INIC), operating in Tambov as a social and humanitarian association, for thirty years of work has proved the need to collect, process and distribute documents on discoveries in the field of science, technology, literature, politics and public life, awarded the Nobel Prizes. Identifying the main directions of development of the Center, the authors substantiate the importance of creating a document fund formed in the Center for the history of the Nobel Prizes and nobelistics as a new science of Nobel's information. The main achievements of nobelistics were described. Along with the analysis of the activity of the Nobel Scientific Library and the Museum for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates, special attention is paid to the Archive for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes

Laureates. Some measures are proposed to improve the structure of the Archive, the content of funds, further innovative development of archival practices.

Keywords: International Nobel Information Centre, Nobel Prizes, nobelistics, document fund, Archive for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates.


In recent years, the attitude towards the Nobel Prizes as a sociocultural phenomenon has radically changed in Russia; a new scientific direction is rapidly developing that is nobelistics. The growing interest in them is actualized by the study of the experience of the scientific and educational information institution International Nobel Information Centre (INIC), with headquarters in Tambov and branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baku, Vienna, Hamburg, Stockholm, Varna, Bouake. The institution was created thirty years ago by the founder of nobelistics, doctor of technical sciences, Professor V.M.Tyutyunnik [4; 20] with the aim of creating a single center for using Nobel information. Through the efforts of the INIC, the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) Committee of the Association of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Libraries of the USSR introduced a new classification division in 1991: UDC 06.068: Nobel Prize Award. Nobelistics. So it was legalized the term nobelistics. This line of research was described in detail in a large number of publications [5; 21; 23; 24; 28]. The scientific community recognizes nobelistics as a science of the formation, functioning, processing, analysis and dissemination of Nobel information, object-oriented symbiosis of computer science and science of science [27, p.45-50]).

Today the INIC is one of the notable centers of the International Nobel Movement in the world, the leading organization in the field of nobelistics. Thanks to the painstaking work of their collaborators and associate members, that are Tambov researchers in collaboration with scientists from different countries, the Centre develops a number of substantial long-term scientific international and regional projects. In particular, its employees are laying the foundations of a new scientific direction - Nobel informatics and bio-scientometrics (bio-bibliometrics, bio-informetrics) [26].

A new grand project was born in October 2017 in Tambov at the XI Nobel Congress [22], when Michael Nobel and Peter Nobel (the descendants of Alfred Nobel) announced on the establishment of the Nobel Sus-tainability Trust (NST, Switzerland) award "for outstanding research and development in the field of sustainable development of mankind", including in the field of alternative energy. M.Nobel and P.Nobel together with the head of the SALUS company E.A.Ivankov (Moscow) and the representative of NST in the Russian Federation, the president of the INIC, professor V.M.Tyutyunnik decided: the first award of this Prize in June 2019 will take place in Russia; the Prize will be sponsored by the SALUS company, which is the social partner of the INIC. This event was not only beyond the scope of Russia, it became noticeable in many countries, caused various judgments.

In June 2018, SALUS and the INIC decided to significantly develop and expand the NST idea, and establish their own series of annual international awards "for

technological solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of humanity". This new approach, based on synergy of business and science, will allow a qualitative selection of technological solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of mankind, with the study and integration of international practices, for the subsequent introduction of nominated technologies and their maintenance, up to the launch of mass production and the establishment of supply chains. The infrastructures of the international organizations SALUS and INIC make it possible to accomplish this task, as well as speed up the "transfer of scientific technologies" internationally with the protection of intellectual property rights [2; 25].

Thus, the INIC as a scientific association is an international, Russian and regional organization that actively influences the formation of the information space, the process of informatization of the socio-cultural space of the Russian regions, the expansion of the resource base of information and educational institutions. Successfully using in their work the achievements of scientific and technological progress, new forms of knowledge dissemination, the INIC combines the socio-cultural functions of education and science: it contributes to the translation and implementation of the fundamental values of world and national culture, conducts multi-vector educational work, helps Russians to gain knowledge of the great scientific discoveries marked by the Nobel Prizes. By actively replenishing the new documents of the Nobel Scientific Library (NSL) and the Archives for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates (ANF), original exhibits of the Museum for Nobel Family and Nobel Prizes Laureates (MNF), the INIC solves the main task, which consists in forming powerful information resources on nobelistics.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the research is as follows: against the background of a brief essay on the history of the INIC, using chronological and sociocultural approaches, to show the role of ANF in the formation of the Nobel information space and in the creation of nobelistics.

Brief essay on the INIC history

The INIC was formed in the 1990s. in a complex economic and sociocultural environment as an information organization that has no analogues in Russia. His appearance is connected with the dissemination of important, but scattered information about the life and work of A. Nobel, about the Nobel Institutions and Nobel business structures, about the discoveries of Nobel Prizes Winners. Already the first major scientific events in Tambov are the International Meetings-Conferences of Nobel Prize laureates and nobelists (April 1989, September 1991, September 1993 and later till now) showed the significant potential of the scientific, organizational, and educational opportunities of the association created in Tambov, far from Sweden and the

large scientific centers of the USSR. Today we can confidently state that the idea of organizing the INIC was successfully implemented: Tambov became a prominent center for uniting members of the International Nobel Movement, scientists in the field of nobelistics, which greatly enhances the authority of Russian science. Regular international events in Tambov (Nobel Congresses, etc.), conducted by the INIC, allow Russian scientists and intellectuals to actively cooperate with nobelists from many countries.

The structure of the INIC takes into account the peculiarities of the modern search for the Nobel information, which is still scattered today in many countries. Therefore, employees have to find new, often specific methods of collecting, storing and distributing Nobel information, abandon old approaches to the formation of a document fund, and, above all, ANF funds. INIC researchers have developed innovative approaches to immersing users in the problems of nobelistics with the help of archival documents and genuine artifacts obtained from Nobel Prize Winners; databases and Internet sites are being created to help them, and leading experts of the Centre are consulted.

The main achievements of nobelistics

Without repeating the content of publications [5; 21-24; 26-28], we briefly list only some of the laws of nobelistics. A high correlation was established between the quality of research and the Nobel Prizes in science, which are now the generally accepted measure of the quality of extra-class works (the Nobel level, according to E.Garfield), performed by "world champions" in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. From the point of view of cultural studies, the International Nobel movement is defined as the activity of the communities of private and institutional initiatives related to the Nobel's name functioning in the world community, as a phenomenon of world civilization of the XIX-XXI centuries. The main directions are revealed and the pe-riodization of the International Nobel movement is developed. There is a high level of consistency between the number of Nobel Prizes in the distribution by country and the economic well-being of these countries. Many examples show that nobelistics (its biographical scientometrics of Nobel Prizes and laureates) can be considered as the most fruitful basis for developing models for the development of science, mapping science, highlighting its most promising components. Based on 900 polygon curves of publication activity of each Nobel Prize winner (with the exception of laureate organizations and taking into account two awards to the same person), a generalized model of Nobel laureate's publication activity was established and the pulsating nature of laureates' publication activity with non-constant amplitude and frequency was established. A new pattern was established as a result of analyzing the dynamics of the complete statistical aggregates of document flows (DF) of various thematic directions (works and essays of all Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, economics, only about 900 people, who are authors more than 520 thousand publications in various languages). Its essence lies in the fact that DF develops in time, regardless of the socio-historical processes in society, as was

previously thought, but due to internal and external socio-information processes that characterize the DF itself as a phenomenon. We are talking about the form of empirical dependence: the number of documents in a given scientific area (function) - time in years (argument). The manifestation of this pattern begins with a time interval of 15-20 years; socio-historical processes are more active in the flow in a narrower period of time. Model curves of DF dynamics show first a slow growth in the volume of documents, then an acceleration of growth to the peak, a decrease, then a slow and accelerated growth. Thus, over a 150-year time interval, the DF is simulated by a sinusoidal curve with a pulsating amplitude and frequency; this sinusoid is inclined to the x-axis at a positive angle of 15-20°. On the discovery of the new pattern of dynamic development of the DF allows us to assert independence from the scope and subject matter of documents (physics, literature, chemistry, etc.). The "experimental purity" of the established pattern is quite high not only because of the powerful volume of DF, but also due to the fact that the entire DF (both in each direction and in their sum) with an accuracy of 5% fits into a typical hyperbola in dynamic coordinates. The practical significance of this discovery has yet to be realized, but it is already completely clear that the authors' artificial orientation towards the socio-historical process only reduces the value of the publications (scientific, literary or other).

Archive and its structure

In the organizational sense, the archive was a part of the NSL in the first years of the work of the INIC, today it is an independent structural unit [20; 6, p.12-15]. It consists of originals and copies of especially valuable documents, a personal document resource of Nobel Laureates and nobelists known in the world: a set of letters, copies, film, photo, video documents and much more. All materials have passed the examination of value, most of them have scientific, social and cultural value. In Russia, ANF is the only collection of materials of its kind about the Nobel family, Nobel Laureates, their life and activity. The list of questions that archival documents can answer researchers is quite wide: from political to scientific.

When forming the archive, as a division of INIC, the archival rules are based on it. However, the unique specificity of the available documents played a role. The unit for storing documents in the archive is a case - a set of documents. Case records form thematic collections of documents within the funds included in special sections, which are the largest part of the archive structure. In general, it has the following form. ANF INIC: Section 1 - Documents of the Nobel family. Section 2 - Nobel Prize Laureates. Section 3 - The International Nobel Movement. Section 4 - Nobelists. Section 5 - INIC Documents. Of greatest interest is the second section. The number of its cases equals the number of currently available Nobel Laureates (it is clear that their number is increasing annually and is currently 935). The laureates act as archive fundmakers.

The numbering of cases is subject, on the one hand, to chronology - by year of awarding prizes, starting in 1901, on the other, - to the procedure for awarding prizes by awarding organizations: "inside" of each

year, first are the documents of physicist laureates, behind them are chemists, physiologists or physicians, writers, peacekeepers and, since 1969, economists. If the same award was shared between two or three laureates in the same year, then the cases are arranged in the order announced in the decision of the relevant awarding organization. If in some year the prize in one of the nominations was not awarded, then the case's sequence number is "inherited" by the winner of the nomination following the above list. The main array of documents of each case is classified according to the principle: "he/her" and "about him/her". The first case includes documents whose author is directly the Nobel Laureate himself: scientific articles, letters, Nobel Lecture, etc.; they are presented in the form of manuscripts, typewritten texts, photocopies, etc. The second case includes presented in various forms any materials containing third-party information about the winner or his/her works. In some cases, in separate inventories there are documents related to the correspondence between INIC and its leader with the Nobel Laureates.

We believe that the structure of cases cannot be "carved into granite": in the process of funding documents, it periodically changes.

A specific example of one of the cases in the second section of the ANF is the case of academician Zh.I. Alferov (Russia), Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000. In the affairs of the cases are stored as documents, the author of which the laureate himself, and documents about him and his scientific achievements (their list is too large to bring it in this work). We only say that in terms of volume it is one of the largest cases of the archive. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that the INIC President maintains close working and friendly contacts with Zh.I.Alferov. Photo and video materials relating to the outstanding Russian scientist are highlighted in separate documents within the case.

Other sections of the archive also differ somewhat in their internal structure, since each of them has its own specifics.

One of the promising directions for the development of ANF is the creation of the Nobel electronic archive. The solution to this problem involves the work on the more accurate structuring of ANF documents. However, there is also a problem with the specifics of the archive: all of its documents are directly related to the Nobel theme, and their nature is different. The difficulties in funding ANF documents related to the allocation of documents to the archival collection from NSL funds have not yet been overcome.

Today INIC has more than 100 thousand storage units in ANF, most of which have not yet been put into scientific circulation and have not been used in educational practices. Moreover, the archive is constantly updated with new documents. Thus, in recent months, photographs of N.Bohr's arrival in Moscow in 1961, a personal diary and photographs from the archive of N.N.Semenov, received from his widow L.G.Scherba-kova-Semenova, photos, brochures, personal life materials appeared W.Brandt, transferred to the ASN by the Willy Brandt Forum in Berlin, a large number of postage stamps and coins from around the world, and others.

Analysis of the archive functioning

If all this property - the archive documents -"works" primarily for scientists, then the pride of the INIC - NSL and MNF - are open to a wide range of visitors: there are regularly held cycles of Nobel educational and enlightening activities, meetings with schoolchildren, students, teachers, employees of resource and information institutions, journalists. Although the staff of the INIC address the ANF documents in special, and often massive educational and enlightening activities.

Cultural, art criticism and archival analysis of documents, materials, artifacts stored in INIC shows that they belong to a heritage with historical (reflection of important events in history), art and aesthetic (presence of works of art), ethnographic (reflection of typical and special features of different countries and peoples) value. This list can be supplemented, expanded and specified, as the museum collections, library and archival funds are constantly being replenished. Using the expert assessment method, it is proved that the vast majority of ANF documents have many types of potential value. Analysis of the applied value of archival documents (as, incidentally, library documents and museum exhibits) shows their important scientific and educational values. This is significant both for the world and national cultures, and for the socio-cultural space of the regions of the Russian Federation, first of all, the Tambov region, and even its specific territories (when it comes to the connections of Nobel Prizes Winners with the Tambov region or its particular population center, for example A.I. Solzhenitsyn, P.A. Cherenkov, G.B. Shaw and others). The list of types of applied value of INIC intellectual products, created on the basis of ANF (scientific and popular science articles, dissertations, monographs, scientific educational and enlightening projects, etc.) can be continued. It is important to note that the leading scholars of not only Russia, but also foreign researchers working at ANF, as well as library documents, museum artifacts and INIC office materials, acted as experts of the archival collection.

In 1999-2013 INIC had scientific and educational platforms: The Tambov branch of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (TF MSUCA) was opened at the initiative of the president of INIC. Under the leadership of the principal educational institution and the Nobel Center, the Tambov University prepared specialists relying on the achievements of the basic sciences, introduced the competence model of education into the educational process, developed the ability of students to work independently and creatively. An important role in the preparation, first of all, of document specialists and archivists, as well as other specialists for management information structures (departments: Documentation and Archival Studies, Applied Informatics, Social and Cultural Activities, etc.) was played by the presence of the INIC archive, library and museum, where training seminars and field trips took place. The inclusion of students in research applied scientific programs developed by the Center based on ANF was useful for them. The methodological support of the educa-

tional process [7-15] was created by the authors together with colleagues and successful students in the framework of these programs.

Based on the axiological approach to the results of the work of the basic structures of INIC, state (Tambov State Technical University, G.R.Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov College of Arts) and private (Tambov Economic Technical School, Tambov branch of the Russian New University) educational institutions use documentary INIC funds in the educational process and research work. So, frequent guests at INIC are students of TSTU and TFRosNOU. Trainee and graduate studies were conducted by students at TSU, TSTU and TFMSUCA on the basis of ANF, the authors wrote scientific papers [1; 3; 16-18, etc.]. Thus, in the practice of Tambov educational institutions, an interesting experience was accumulated in studying students of the intangible heritage on the basis of INIC [19, p.126-136]. The students of TSU, TSTU and TF MSUCA (under the guidance of authors based on ANF) performed term and diploma studies, wrote scientific works [1; 3; 16-18, etc.]. Thus, in the practice of Tambov educational institutions, an interesting experience was accumulated in studying students of intangible heritage on the basis of INIC [19, pp.126-136].


The interest of nobelists researchers to the ANF has increased in recent years. A big plus of the Center, as an information organization, is the provision of a wide range of services: the supply of archival information in all possible forms is possible, since it is concentrated in one place. This was repeatedly used not only by Russian scientists, but also by foreign researchers. The number of requests to the library-museum-archive system INIC is increasing annually. It is valuable that often the archival information obtained by researchers fills up the information bases of the INIC, copies of valuable archival documents from other repositories are often transmitted to the ANF.

Thus, the activity of INIC demonstrates the importance of creating a single complex of Nobel materials, the need for further collection, processing and distribution of documents on nobelistics. Providing the scientific community with authentic information about the discoveries of the Nobel level, actively contributing to the growth of the authority of international science, INIC enriches the sociocultural space with reliable information about the Nobel Prize phenomenon, breakthrough scientific ideas and the great discoveries of Nobel laureates. The most important role in this is given to the formation and active use of ANF funds, first of all, especially valuable documents-originals. The document fund formed by the Center serves as a foundation for researchers to create the history of Nobel Prizes and nobelistics. In addition, the activities of the archival services of INIC, along with the work of the library and the museum, contribute to the further innovative development of both library-museum and archival educational and enlightening practices.


1. Chernikova E.I. Documenting the activities of the scientific Association (International Nobel Information Centre): diploma work. Tambov, 2007, 46 p.

2. Information message about the creation of the INIC Prize in the area of humanistic. Formation of professionals in the region: new approaches: proceedings of the XVIII Int.. Sci. Conf., Tambov, 7-8 June 2018. Ed.: Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik, Prof. V.A. Zernov. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg; Stockholm: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2018, p.170.

3. Mamoyan R.A., Zyryanova N.B., Pirozhkov G.P. Local history information in advertising: rules of use. Formation of a professional in the region: new approaches: materials XIV Intern. Sci. Conf., Tambov, November 21-22, 2014. Tambov; M.; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2014, pp.28-30.

4. Pirozhkov G.P., Pirozhkova I.G. History of the international information Nobel center as a movement from idea to result. General history. 2018, No.2, pp.3-8.

5. Pirozhkov G.P., Pirozhkova I.G., Tyutyunnik V.M. International Nobel Information Centre as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Professional formation in the region: new approaches: materials XVIII Intern. sci. conf., Tambov, 7-8 June 2018. Ed.: Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik, Prof. V.A. Zernov. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg; Stockholm: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2018, pp.50-58.

6. Pirozhkov G.P., Ryazanov D.S. Archive of the International Nobel Information Centre: features of funding documents. Science, technology, society and the Nobel movement: (materials Nobel Congress - 9 Int. Meetings-Conf. of nobelists), September 27-29. 2010, Tambov (Russia). Ed. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2010. INIC Trans., Vol.4, pp.12-15.

7. Pirozhkov G.P. Archival science: method. recommendations for the seminar lesson "Informatization of archival business". Tambov, 2007, 8 p.

8. Pirozhkov G.P. Archival science: method. recommendations for the seminar "Legal framework for the regulation of archival business in Russia. Tambov, 2007. 8 p.

9. Pirozhkov G.P. Archival science: plan of the seminar "Management in archives" and method. recommendations. Tambov, 2007, 7 p.

10. Pirozhkov G.P. Archival science: program of studies conf., tests and questions for the exam. Tambov, 2007, 8 p.

11. Pirozhkov G.P. Archival science: studies-method. manual for students on special. "Scientific discipline of documentation and documentary maintenance of management". 2nd ed. Tambov, 2002, 58 p.

12. Pirozhkov G.P. Office management: textbook-method. manual for students enrolled in special. "Scientific discipline of documentation and documentary maintenance of management". Tambov, 2002, 32 p.

13. Pirozhkov G.P. History of bureaucracy in Russia. Genealogy. Heraldry. Sphragistics. Faleristics: author programs courses and method. recommendations for students enrolled in special. "Scientific discipline of documentation and documentary maintenance of management". Tambov, 2002, 51 p.

14. Pirozhkov G.P., Zorina V.P., Krasnikov V.V., Pirozhkova I.G. Auxiliary historical disciplines: terms and definitions: studies benefit. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2004, 46 p.

15. Pirozhkov G.P., K^eMHHa .T.B. Archival science. Archival heuristics: special seminar program and method. recommendations for students. Tambov, 2007, 13 p.

16. Pirozhkov G.P., Golovleva V.V., Ishin A.V., Schyogoleva N.M The work of a cultural historian with folklore monuments. Ways of modernization of research and educational activities in the field of culture and art: materials 3rd Int. Sci.-prakt. Conf., Krasnodar, 5 apr. 2013. M.; Krasnodar: "BIBKOM", 2013, pp.140142.

17. Pirozhkov G.P., Pyshkaryova O.S., Karikova D.A. etc. The activities of the International Nobel Information Centre (INIC): regional aspect. The Formation of a specialist in the region: new approaches: materials of the IV Intercollegiate Sci. Conf., 11-12 apr. 2004, Tambov. Ed. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku, Vienna: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2004, pp.62-66.

18. Pirozhkov G.P., Chernikova E.I. Library documents of the International Nobel Information Centre as a valuable information resource of culture. Socio-Cultural space of regions: traditions and modern trends: materials and docum. Sci.-prakt. Conf., May 25, 2009. Belgorod: BSICI, 2009, pp.175-178.

19. Pirozhkov G.P., Pirozhkova I.G. Intangible cultural heritage: from the experience of studying at the University. Science, technology, society and the Nobel movement: Materials of the Nobel Congress - 11 International meeting-conference of Nobel laureates and nobelists, 24-28 Oct. 2017, Tambov (Russia). Ed. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg; Stockholm: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2017. INIC Trans., Vol.6, pp.126136.

20. Ryazanov D.S. International Nobel Information Centre: from its inception to the present day: (to

The scientific heritage No 41 (2019) the 20th anniversary of the International Nobel Information Centre). History of science and technology. 2010, No.6, pp.21-38.

21. Science, technology, society and the Nobel movement: Materials of the Nobel Congress - 10 (anniversary) International meeting-conference of Nobel laureates and nobelists, 29-31 Oct. 2013, Tambov (Russia). Ed. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2013. INIC Trans., Vol.5, 272 p. (To the 180th anniversary of Alfred Nobel).

22. Science, technology, society and the Nobel movement: Materials of the Nobel Congress - 11 International meeting-conference of Nobel laureates and nobelists, 24-28 Oct. 2017, Tambov (Russia). Ed. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg; Stockholm: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2017. INIC Trans., Vol.6. 512 p.

23. Tyutyunnik V.M. The international Nobel movement. Scientific researches: collection of scientific works. Ed. A.I.Rakitov. M.: ISISS RAS, 2017, pp.175-204.

24. Tyutyunnik V.M., Kamenskaya V.V., Ryazanov D.S. Museum, library and archive of Nobel family and Nobel Prize laureates. Prospects of science. 2016, No.8(83), pp.66-71.

25. Tyutyunnik V.M. Interrelations of Informatics and science: data analysis and models. Tambov, 1989, 44 p.

26. Tyutyunnik V.M. The Statutes of the Nobel Sustainability Trust (NST), a non-public joint-stock company "SALUS" (NAO "SALUS") and the International Nobel Information Centre (INIC), announced 24.10.2017, with changes from 01.06.2018. Information systems and processes: collection of scientific works. Ed. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku; Vienna; Hamburg; Stockholm: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2018. Vol. 17, pp.125145.

27. Viacheslav Mikhailovich Tyutyunnik. Biobib-liografy of academician V.M. Tyutyunnik. Anniversary issue. Tambov; Moscow; St. Petersburg; Baku, Vienna: INIC Publ. House "Nobelistics", 2007, 258 p.

28. Voytin A.O., Tyutyunnik V.M. New approaches to preservation and actualization of cultural heritage. Bulletin of Voronezh State Uni. Ser. Problems higher education. 2014, No.4, pp.46-50.

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