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Oriental Art and Culture
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Ключевые слова
musical education of children / music / socialization of a child / social development of a personality / socialization of music / ideological systems / aesthetic education / musical worldview / education system / motivation / socio-pedagogical conditions

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Leyla Ruslanovna Konurova

The article discusses the interaction of music education with the social values of preschoolers of the preparatory group in the development of the child's personality through training in the organization of additional education for children and its socialization in society. It introduces children to the world of music, teaches them to understand it, enjoy it, develop musical and creative abilities, forms a moral and aesthetic attitude towards this world. The development of social relations of a preschool educational institution with cultural and scientific centers gives an additional impetus to the spiritual development and enrichment of the child's personality from the first years of life, improves constructive relationships with parents, based on the idea of social partnership.

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"Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific Methodical Journal / ISSN 2181-063X Volume 3 Issue 4 / December 2022


Leyla Ruslanovna Konurova konurovalejla@gmail .com Guliston State University

Abstract: The article discusses the interaction of music education with the social values of preschoolers of the preparatory group in the development of the child's personality through training in the organization of additional education for children and its socialization in society. It introduces children to the world of music, teaches them to understand it, enjoy it, develop musical and creative abilities, forms a moral and aesthetic attitude towards this world. The development of social relations of a preschool educational institution with cultural and scientific centers gives an additional impetus to the spiritual development and enrichment of the child's personality from the first years of life, improves constructive relationships with parents, based on the idea of social partnership.

Keywords: musical education of children, music, socialization of a child, social development of a personality, socialization of music, ideological systems, aesthetic education, musical worldview, education system, motivation, socio-pedagogical conditions.


Additional education of children, engaged in sports, culture and art, is an important component of the education system and holistic technological process. It is a product the process of education and training, the development of creative thinking through implementation of diversified additional educational programs.

The social formation of the individual occurs throughout life and in different social groups - carriers of different values: family, kindergarten, informal environment, class, school, labor collective [8]. Additional education for children in particular musical, is a necessary and important condition in the formation personality of the child and his further adaptation in the social environment.

Music, being the most directly emotional, temporal and the ideal of all the arts, does not exist in time or space. Sound, being the matter of music, it does not even have a form: it "lives" only a certain period - in the memory of the listener and the sound of a musical instrument [1]. Music is one of means of expressing personal and public opinion, a way of human communication, a form of reflection in the intoned sound of reality itself.

Tasks in kindergarten should not be limited to teaching children to play musical instruments, opening before them the wonderful world of sound kaleidoscope, motivation of interest in regular and serious music lessons [7]. Not less important, in our opinion, are the disclosure of musical abilities and talents of children, their aesthetic education, broadening the general outlook on the basis of artistically full-fledged music, further socialization.

In the scientific literature, socialization is seen as a complex multifaceted the process of assimilation by an individual throughout his life of social norms and cultural the values of the society to which he belongs.

Common to all approaches is social adaptation, as a result and the mechanism of acquiring personal experience in the process of life.

The process of socialization is realized through a system of certain social institutions designed to correct the formation of the social qualities of the individual in accordance with socially significant values, limit or activate the influence of some factors.

Socialization in a special sense of the word is extremely important for society as a whole and various groups by the social process [3]. It is carried out with through social mechanisms that ensure the achievement of social and group goals. These mechanisms are mainly associated with the action of social institutions of society (institutions of education, family, various organizations, etc.) and special means of group influence and control. Institutional and group socialization pursues goals determined by the general type of socio-economic formations, ideological and political systems of society. In accordance with the nature and requirements of these systems, socialization sets only a general direction, the general nature and framework of the formation of a person as a representative of this community or groups.

One of the main components in the system general educational structure, where society and the state most effectively can manage the process of education and formation of personality, development of musical worldview are organizations of additional education for children, including kindergartens, music schools, art schools, aesthetic education studios [9]. In these organizations learn, as a rule, children with an unformed attitude to the surrounding world. That is why it is important to create social and pedagogical conditions to form a musical worldview, using aesthetic and art education, which is of great importance, using educational the potential of society.

The activities of organizations of additional education for children, as a social Institute, has a huge potential for the socialization of the individual and occupies all a more worthy place in the implementation of the educational opportunities of society; in organizations of additional education of children are increasingly provided the opportunity for students to acquire musical experience, actively use it in practical activities; in the formation of the musical worldview of students, significant personality

traits are more actively implemented: social competence, social activity, social needs and abilities, socially significant activities (music classes, extracurricular musical activities).

Music education acts as a means of socialization, because in itself gives students a value orientation. Through immersion in active musical creative activity provides higher opportunities for mastering common human values and inclusion in society.

Creating a special educational environment through music education and the inclusion of students in various types of musical and creative activities create favorable conditions for the enrichment of the spiritual world and development interpersonal relations as indicators of the process of socialization of the individual.

Kindergartens are designed to assist the child in the implementation of the formation his personal qualities, the spiritual image of "I", his value orientation, which in generally contributes to the process of moral education of the student.

Musical art and the spiritual and moral potential inherent in it contribute to the definition of moral guidelines and rules of communication in modern society. At the same time, the development of musical art by students contributes to the formation of value ideas, the foundations of spirituality and morality, knowledge, education of musical culture, artistic and aesthetic taste, morality and motivation for positive actions [5].

Music has a special role in the socialization of the individual from the position psychological influence on the still insufficiently formed psyche of the child. Thanks to this, not only the process of formation of aesthetic human ideals, but also the ability to see and perceive the world on a personal level, which plays an important role in the organization of social relations.

No less important from a socio-pedagogical point of view is the character itself. and direction of music, the degree of its adequacy as an artistic direction and forms of activity to the peculiarities of social mentality and possible prospects for social development [6].

In the process of diverse forms of musical perception, children learn master the laws of the musical language, learn to recognize and reproduce music, are attached to musical notation. All this broadens the horizons of children, expands the horizons of performing activity, makes it possible to significantly improve the level of performing skills, develop the musical abilities of children- in other words, socialize.

The influence of music on the upbringing and socialization of the individual is manifested and carried out in various forms of musical activity:

a) listening to music

b) creative activity, performance;

c) cognitive activity (musical literacy);

d) socially useful activity, expressed in the need conscious and active advertising of musical art.

All forms of musical activity contribute to the formation of skills active perception of music, enriching the musical experience of children, instilling in them new musical knowledge, which in general is an important prerequisite for enrichment musical culture of children[2].

Collective singing, games, when children are embraced by common experiences that create a beneficial basis for individual development.

Music lessons affect the general culture of behavior. Change of tasks, types activities require organization, attention, ingenuity, speed reactions, manifestations of volitional efforts [4].


Socialization with music is closely related to mental processes. Like other types art, music has cognitive value. It reflects the phenomena of life, enriching students with new ideas. Developing the child aesthetically and mentally, it is necessary to support creative manifestations in every possible way, which activate perception and representation, fantasy and imagination. When staging creative tasks, a search activity arises that requires mental activity.

It should be noted that in the upbringing and development of the musical interests of children preschool age preparatory group equally equivalent theoretical and practical forms classes.

Thus, the role of music education in the socialization of children preschool education are in the harmonious development of personality.


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