Научная статья на тему 'Interaction cells of brewing yeasts with ferro fluid'

Interaction cells of brewing yeasts with ferro fluid Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Saccharomyces cerevisiae / yeast cells / the magnetic fluid / transmission electron microscopy / incubating / nanoparticles of magnetite / endocytosis

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Aronbaev Dmitry, Vasina Svetlana, Aronbaev Sergey

Transmission electron microscopy studied the nature of the interaction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells with magnetic fluids. It was shown that the modification of brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae based ferrofluid magnetite nanoparticles is an active process, which should be done with the cultured cells are in the exponential growth phase.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Interaction cells of brewing yeasts with ferro fluid»

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-121-123

Aronbaev Dmitry, Samarkand State University, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

E-mail: diron51@mail.ru Vasina Svetlana, Samarkand State University, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry E-mail: vasinas2003@mail.ru Aronbaev Sergey, Samarkand State University, Doctor of Chemistry, Head of the Laboratory «Ecological Systems and Devices» E-mail: diron51@mail.ru

Interaction cells of brewing yeasts with ferro fluid

Abstract: Transmission electron microscopy studied the nature of the interaction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells with magnetic fluids. It was shown that the modification of brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae based ferrofluid magnetite nanoparticles is an active process, which should be done with the cultured cells are in the exponential growth phase.

Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast cells, the magnetic fluid, transmission electron microscopy, incubating, nanoparticles of magnetite, endocytosis.


The use of magnet materials opens new possibilities of sorption technologies to extract toxicants from water [1-3]. Giving sorbents magnetic properties is carried out by treating the alleged sorption materials magnetic fluids (MF) on the basis of magnetite [4]. In recent years, in the world are increasingly began to be used for remediation of wastewater and surface water bio-sorptional technologies based on the use of living or dead organisms of different taxonomic groups, in particular yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae, constitute an almost inexhaustible resource for learning based on these cheap sorbents.

In our previous papers were shown sorption analytical properties of yeast cell walls and the possibility of using biosorbents on their basis [5]. Joint immobilization RACs and magnetite in Ca-alginate gel led to the creation of a promising new smart material wider engineering and technology and environmental purpose [6; 7]. In this regard, the study of the interaction of the microorganism with ferromagnetic fluids is of particular relevance.

We note that the study of the interaction of living cells with nanomaterials in general is of great interest, since the evaluation of such interactions can be used to identify the toxic properties of nanomaterials and directional change

cell properties, visualization of cellular organelles, highly accurate identification of micro-organisms and the use of cells as three-dimensional templates [8].

The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the interaction of cells brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the components of magnetic fluids on the basis of the synthesized magnetite.

Materials and methods

We used yeast Saccharomyces CEREVISIAE strain W37, which are in the growth phase and after heat treatment in boiling water for 20 minutes. For this purpose, 2 g. of yeast sample was suspended in 10 ml. of 0.1 M. acetate buffer at pH 5.2. Then precipitate was separated from the liquid phase on Centrifuge at 3000 rev/min for 15 min.

The resulting yeast biomass was incubated for 2 hours with a magnetic fluid based on a synthetic magnetite stabilized by perchloric acid. Magnetite was obtained by [9; 10]. The concentration of magnetite nanoparticles in magnetic fluid sample was determined by a colo-rimetric method using photocolorimeter KFK-3 [11].

Procedure for obtaining magnetically responsive yeast cells was as follows:

3 ml. of the yeast suspension was mixed with 1 ml. of ferrofluid and incubated at 30 °C during 2 hours with

stirring. Thus, most of the yeast cells got properties as magnetically responsive. Magnetic and nonmagnetic yeast cells were separated by using permanent magnet. The residual magnetic fluid is also removed by using multiple washing of acetate buffer solution to obtain a clear supernatant.

In a similar manner it was carried out magnetic modification dead yeast cells obtained by heat treatment of yeast.

On the fig. 1 shows the micrograph obtained by TEM. Images showed small amount of magnetic nanoparticles on the surface of the yeast cell wall and much larger number of cells in the inner space. Here also shows that the nanosized particles of magnetite is located between the cell wall and the plasma membrane, i. e. in periplasmic space PS (Periplasmatic Space).

On the fig. 2 shows microphotographs of a magnetic modification dead yeast cells yeast cells subjected to heat treatment. Here there is a greater accumulation ofnanopar-ticles on the surface of the CWY (Cell Wall ofYeast), and not in the periplasmic space and inside the cells.

It should be noted that the magnetic nanoparticles were able to cross the cell wall, but not the cell membrane. But we know that it is the cell membrane, instead of yeast cell wall may be responsible for the selective sorption of toxicants.

This means that the procedure of physical effects on cells, for example, heating, and the procedure of

The resulting samples of the modified yeast cells were washed, fixed and prepared for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) [12]. Images were captured on a microscope Jeol 1200 EX (Japan) at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV.

Results and discussion

Transmission electron microscopy is one of the main tools used to study the interaction between nanoparti-cles and living cells.

magnetic updating has more importance in terms of adsorption capacity of cells.

We have also studied the effect of phase yeast cell growth on its ability to be magnetically responsive.

For this experiment was performed incubation the normal yeast biomass with a magnetic fluid and incubation with magnetic fluid cultured yeast in the growth phase.

Transmission electron microscopy shown that in the latter case, i. e. when incubated with ferrofluid cultured yeast cells in the growth phase, magnetite nanoparti-cles incomparably greater than that for normal yeast cells.

This is due to the fact that for cultured cells of yeasts in exponential growth phase, an acceleration of cellular functions, and hence the ability endocytosis — capture magnetite nanoparticles by incubating such cells with ferrofluid [13]. This, in turn, shows that the process of internalization of nanoparticles is active and not passive phenomenon. The same conclusion were made by researchers [8].

Fig. 1. TEM pictures of yeast-cells is incubated with magnetic nanoparticles of magnetite. Note the presence of magnetic nanoparticles inside of cell and in the periplasmic space PS (arrow)

Fig. 2. TEM pictures of a magnetic modification dead yeast cells subjected to heat treatment. Note that magnetic nanoparticles are outside the cells instead of in the periplasmatic space (PS)

Conclusions active process, which should be carried out with the cul-

As a result of the research, we came to the following tured cells are in the exponential growth phase.

conclusions: 2. We offer magneto-modified yeasts, as a promising

1. Modifying of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae bio-sorptional smart material for engineering and envi-

with ferrofluid based on magnetite nanoparticles is an ronmental applications.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-124-126

Makhmudova Feruza Akhmadjanova, The senior scientific researcher, Tashkent chemical-technological institute E-mail: feruza_ahmadjonovna@mail.ru Maksumova Oytura Sitdikovna, The Doctor of Chemistry sciences, professor E-mail: omaksumovas@mail.ru

Synthesis on a basis olefines

Abstract: possibility of obtaining unsaturated monatomic alcohols by the condensation reaction of olefines with formaldehyde in the presence of catalysts is shown. Kinetic regularity of reaction interacting of olefines with formaldehyde from the relationship of initial reagents, the nature of catalyst and temperature are studied.

Keywords: olefins, unsaturated alcohols, the catalyst, condensation, solvent, formaldehyde.

Liquid olefines are important inter-mediats in organic to obtain organic compounds of different classes, including unsaturated alcohols. The analysis of this data shows the possibility of two regimes of process with anhydrous formaldehyde:

1) at 20-100 °C in the presence of catalysts and dissolvents;

2) thermal condensation at 150-240 °C, 5-10 atm. pressure. For our researches the first regime as in the laboratory environment it is technologically more preferable chosen.

The purpose of the present work is the synthesis of unsaturated alcohols by the condensation reaction tertiary isomers of hexene with formaldehyde.

During the undergone reactions by interacting of tertiary olefines: 2-methyl-1-pentene, 2-ethyl-1-pentene, 3-methyl-1-pentene, 3-methyl-2-pentene with formaldehyde at rather low temperatures in the presence of the catalysts have been detected unsaturated alcohols under following circuit designs:

synthesis. As chemical raw materials, they draw attention of researchers in the respect that at the synthesis on their basis, reactions can undergo at atmospheric pressure in milder conditions. Liquid olefines enter into various reactions which compounds of other classes, including unsaturated alcohols are formed. Unsaturated alcohols can be used in various spheres of national economy. In chemical, food and other industries for allocation of firm suspended matters, for the separation of synthetic organic ion exchangers, for clearing of industrial flow and intermediate products in organic synthesis etc [1, 10].

Unsaturated alcohols can be synthesized in the various ways [2, 3]. Among them Prins reaction, which is understood as interaction of olefines with aldehydes in the presence of catalysts, is a convenient method. However, in Prins reactions depending on the nature of olefine and aldehyde, from reaction conditions, and also on the character of the catalyst and dissolvent it is possible

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