Научная статья на тему 'Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners'

Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Вълова Теодора Димитрова

использование электронных платформ и их приложений для продолжения обучения болгарскому языку для иностранцев рассматривается как современная форма университетского образования. Смешанное обучение – это гибкая технология для получения знаний о содержании, структуре и языковых нормах на языке. В электронной учебной среде существует педагогическое взаимодействие, основанное на совместной деятельности и индивидуальном обучении с заранее подготовленными учебными ресурсами.

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the use of electronic platforms and applications to continue audience training in Bulgarian language for foreigners is reviewed as modern form of University education. Blended learning is flexible technology to acquire knowledge about foreign languages-content, structure, language norm and implementation of pedagogic interaction in electronic educating environment, where cooperative activities and individual learning are taking place, employing educational resources preliminary prepared by lecturer.

Текст научной работы на тему «Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners»


УДК 37

РС! 10.21661/Г-469060 Т.Д.Вълова

Взаимодействие между преподавателями и студентами в рамках смешанного обучения иностранцев болгарскому языку


Использование электронных платформ и их приложений для продолжения обучения болгарскому языку для иностранцев рассматривается как современная форма университетского образования. Смешанное обучение - это гибкая технология для получения знаний о содержании, структуре и языковых нормах в языке. В электронной учебной среде существует педагогическое взаимодействие, основанное на совместной деятельности и индивидуальном обучении с заранее подготовленными учебными ресурсами.

| Ключевые слова: электронная среда, смешанное обучение, взаимодействие.

T.D. Vlova

Interaction among lecturers and students within the frame of Bulgarian language blended learning for foreigners


The use of electronic platforms and applications to continue audience training in Bulgarian language for foreigners is reviewed as modern form of University education. Blended learning is flexible technology to acquire knowledge about foreign languages-content, structure, language norm and implementation of pedagogic interaction in electronic educating environment, where cooperative activities and individual learning are taking place, employing educational resources preliminary prepared by lecturer.

| Keywords: e-learning, academic training, pedagogic interaction.

7Production: the continuous development of information society transforms almost eveiy aspect of our life and leads to creating of global in size and complex in nature network environment. The rapid development of digital technologies during the last decade changed the model for academic training, placing new requirements to trainees and trainers. Alongside with classic techniques of teaching in higher school, е. g. pedagogic model «teacher-centered education approach», that use traditional scientific-training methods and resources as lectures, exercises, instruction exercises, more frequently specific approaches are being applied. Those are andragogy, active, draft- and problem based, interactive, electronic, mixed, etc.

Set-up of the problem Subject of this publication is the pedagogic interaction among lecturers and students within frame of blended learning

of Bulgarian language for foreigners. The challenges, as a result of incredible development rate of technological innovations, suggest different content and quality of communication and interaction in higher school. The implementation of training in electronic media after «face-to-face (F2F) auditoriums sessions in Bulgarian language as a foreign language is specifically contemporary in relation to the massive use of new technologies in situations of formal and non-formal learning.

Materials and Methods The realization of pedagogic interaction in web media, using applications for taking simultaneous records, planning, communication, creation of resources, voting, quizzes, reading with understanding of texts and sharing is an example for usage of student-centered approach.

Such type electronic training is blended learning, hybrid training, which combines off-line h on-line sessions. Some


authors define it as learning, where the major function of virtual learning media is keeping and providing of additional educational resources that perform auxiliary function at the traditional manner of training [2].

Nowadays blended learning is determinate as a kind of e-learning approach that combines different types of education techniques and technologies as face to face education and online learning activities. The definition characterized the approach as supporting the learning Web media - problem-oriented, dynamic and interactive. There could be placed training objectives, that require collaborative actions to find, filter, understand, analyze and interpret information, as well supplement the educational content (so called - «collective writing»). At performance of educational tasks, foreign students, learning Bulgarian language have the opportunity to practice it contextually. The resources employed could be multiply kept and used as well modify and improve. It could be summarized that continuing bin online media training bin practice combines various activities of the selected for the purpose approach on which the Common European Framework of reference for languages is based [1].

The importance and topicality of the issue to use electronic resources in foreign language teaching is outlined in three spheres: 1) on one part various activities for developing of competencies are being combined in four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing; 2) on the other part digital skills and individual learning skills are acquired; 3) and the third part rapid applicability of knowledge to practice is achieved.

The detailed reasons are united in approach blended learning, which integrates elements of formal - university education (acquiring basic knowledge) and elements of non-formal education (individual acquiring of knowledge, skills and relations).

Speaking about generation «Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube» it is important to underline, that modern students have grown up, surrounded by technologies. Due to that circumstance they permanently are being present in social networks /Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn/. They are always online to various applications - Vyber, WhatsApp, etc., usually connecting Internet with Mobbing, Cybermobbing. The students may be called «digital students».

That is why inclusion of online resources in training of foreign students provides them the opportunity to benefit from digital technologies advantages in safe and efficient manner and simultaneously to acquire given language material. We can point out the following basic characteristics of the resources that determine their implementation: attractive, motivating, interactive, communicative, developing, stimulating, etc. The

objectives that are implemented through blended learning are: acquire spelling skills, literacy speech, and syntax, morphology for modeling of situation with language means, creation of interest and motivation for learning Bulgarian language.

Prior to define the specific peculiarities of the pedagogic interaction between lecturer and student it is worth noting to point out some substantial characteristics of the educational domain b offline and online media visualized in table 1.

The pedagogical interaction into blended learning includes different types of interactions: student - teacher, student - student, students - community, student - tools/ resources, student - content, student - environment. The interaction among referenced groups in both forums is determined by the specifics of training and educational activities of students in view of andragogy. The students are aware of themselves as individuals and organize their own learning (as individuals and as in groups). They identify the available opportunities and ability to overcome the obstacles to successful learning. They individually set concrete goals, continuously pursuing them, including through efficient time management, place and information. They have skills to acquire ad process new knowledge, building upon previous education. They use and apply knowledge in various context and in dependence of place, environment, participants in communication/learning.

Those particulars of students are important in e-learning and m-learning, providing new forms to obtain and acquire data. In turn, training, determined by digital instruments allows to lecturer to implement personalized learning, based on knowledge of small portions.

In communication the lecturer performs various pedagogic roles. He/she is an expert, elaborating the interactive resource, a mentor - assigning tasks, a facilitator - guaranteeing successful group communication in virtual auditorium, an assistant-guaranteeing collaboration of learning process.

In the conditions of educational process, the interaction has predominantly intentional nature. It is realized in targeted and organized manner. The major role is of the lecturer to build up and implement it, contributing to enhance to maximum the efficient learning. Among the basic educator's mechanisms for intentional influence are: conviction and implication. In that sense, the dialogue be-tween lecturer and students in blended learning should envisage: equality among lecturer and group, trust, sincerity, responsible attitude towards each other of the stage go F2F module; design, structuring and presentation of educational material in training software.

The interaction between lecturer and student in online media includes various types of activities. The basic,

Table 1

Comparative analysis of the pedagogic interaction between lecturer and students (offline and online environment)

Offline environment Online environment

From the current approach to teaching To competency-based approach

From accumulating a certain amount of knowledge To aim develop specific skills

From the abstract training To acquiring of competencies


Интерактивная наука | 3 (25) • 2018



1. Common European Framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/source/framework_en.pdf

2. Sharpe R. The undergraduate experience of blended e-learning: a review of UK literature and practice / R. Sharpe, G. Benfield, G. Roberts, R. Francis [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/ documents/ourwork/research/literature_reviews/blended_elearning_full_review.pdf

performed by lecturer and students are educational-collaborative actions. A simultaneous interaction is being exercised with remaining users - each one may read and comment published answers of the colleagues. In that sense the students establish ties and learn in community, developing the educational resources, created by the lecturer. An element of the pedagogic interaction is the permanent back feed. Another element is the evaluation

process that is based on objective methods adequate evaluation scale.

Conclusion: It may be summarized that, blended learning modifies the relations and links lecturer -student, creating conditions for personalized oriented communication with the leading role of trainer and active position of trainee to both modules - online and offline.

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