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Russian Law Journal
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Intellectual Disability / Special Educational Needs / Educational Policies / Learning Strategies

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lidya Alulima Alulima, Margarita Mena Chiluisa, Mayra Cecilia Coello Villa

Intellectual disability is a condition that directly affects people’s ability to learn according to the levels expected for their chronological age. This limiting disability can manifest in communication and behavioral problems, difficulty in solving problems or understanding content, and limitations that affect their ability to respond to daily situations. The present research seeks to establish a relationship between intellectual disability and the learning of students in the levels of Basic General Education and Unified General High School of the Educational District 17D05-North, Canton of Quito-Ecuador and aims to determine the influence of intellectual disability on the learning of students in Basic General Education and Unified General High School. For this purpose, a qualitative approach methodology was followed, working with a population of students and teachers belonging to the institution under study to whom a survey was applied, using a semi-closed questionnaire that allowed gathering information about the experiences of students with intellectual disabilities in the different educational levels and their entrance to the university. Based on the results obtained, a proposal of learning strategies with interactive content was designed to contribute to the learning development of students with intellectual disabilities.

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1Carrera Educación, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Indoamérica Quito-Ecuador Correo electrónico: lidyaalulima@uti.edu.ec ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6818-2088

2Carrera Administración Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tecnoecuatoriano. Quito-Ecuador Correo electrónico: lmena@istte.edu.ec ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4167-432X 3Carrera de Educación Inicial, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Sociales, Filosóficas y

Humanísticas Universidad Estatal de Bolívar Guaranda-Ecuador Correo electrónico: mcoello@ueb.edu.ec ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4139-4064 Corresponding author: lidyaalulima@uti.edu.ee


Intellectual disability is a condition that directly affects people's ability to learn according to the levels expected for their chronological age. This limiting disability can manifest in communication and behavioral problems, difficulty in solving problems or understanding content, and limitations that affect their ability to respond to daily situations. The present research seeks to establish a relationship between intellectual disability and the learning of students in the levels of Basic General Education and Unified General High School of the Educational District 17D05-North, Canton of Quito-Ecuador and aims to determine the influence of intellectual disability on the learning of students in Basic General Education and Unified General High School. For this purpose, a qualitative approach methodology was followed, working with a population of students and teachers belonging to the institution under study to whom a survey was applied, using a semi-closed questionnaire that allowed gathering information about the experiences of students with intellectual disabilities in the different educational levels and their entrance to the university. Based on the results obtained, a proposal of learning strategies with interactive content was designed to contribute to the learning development of students with intellectual disabilities.

Keywords: Intellectual Disability, Special Educational Needs, Educational Policies, Learning Strategies.


The human being connects with the world through cognition, since it is through cognition that the skills to develop in life are strengthened, but if there is a cognitive impairment that makes it difficult to think and understand, depending on the level of the impairment, then an intellectual disability is generated (Buzsaki, 2022). This is to say that it is one of the various factors that affect the individual. In this regard, Florez (2018) asserts that intellectual disability can be understood as

significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior as manifested in practical, social and conceptual skills, which manifests itself before the age of 18 years.

In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, intellectual disability was considered a form of dementia and was not differentiated from other disorders, as dementia was considered the result of irreversible disorders of intellectual functions and associated with lesions in the central nervous system or age (Custodio et al., 2019).

According to the World Bank (2021), 15% of the world's population, or 1 billion people, experience some form of disability, and the prevalence of disability are higher in developing countries. In addition, between 110 million and 190 million people, or one-fifth of the world's population, are affected by significant disabilities.

According to the analysis of the United Nations Organization (ECLAC, 2019), in the last two decades, progress has been made in the understanding of intellectual disability, achieving its visibility in society thanks to the importance and attention of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda, specifically in goal 4, targets 4.5 and 4.a, where it is indicated that educational facilities must have adequate infrastructure and thus be able to provide all people with the necessary knowledge, skills and values that will allow them to live with dignity, build their own lives and contribute to the societies in which they live. This requires the intervention of current governments to strengthen inclusive education and to allocate resources for teacher training and coordination.

In this regard, Flores and Alava (2020) state that 5.6% of the Ecuadorian population reports having some disability, approximately 815,900 people, of which 22.32% have intellectual disabilities. Of these people, 22,704 are students with visual, physical, hearing, intellectual and psychosocial disabilities who are part of the regular education system.

On the other hand, Cuesta et al. (2019) state that disability is a situation that results from the interaction between people with foreseeable permanent impairments and any type of barriers that limit or prevent their full and effective participation in society on an equal footing with others. This new approach to the concept suggests a paradigm shift in the treatment of disability and constitutes a manifestation of the strong social content of this reality, which is moving away from individual or medical approaches traditionally applied in its analysis.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, through the Center for Research and Development of Ecuador (CIDE) (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2013), considers that the new paradigm of intellectual disability requires a more accessible society where the whole group is committed to promote, motivate, understand, accept and integrate people with intellectual disabilities in all processes, Therefore, within the curricular and task adaptations, it mentions that for this type of disability, the potentialities must be known and motivation must be given according to the different degrees of disability, which can range from mild, moderate to a severe and profound disability, for which the necessary support must be available according to the needs presented by the students (Barreiro et al., 2018).

The curricular adaptations made by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador for students with intellectual disabilities are developed according to the degree of disability, as mentioned below: • Mild disability: they develop the same skills as other students; in this case, curricular adaptations are not made, participation and timely help if necessary, the requirement according to the diagnosis that the student presents facilitates actions that allow experimentation through activities, which can develop the power of decision, as well as the review of the activities carried out in the classroom, and what is considered to avoid is overprotection and in no way stigmatize the student.

• Moderate intellectual disability: it is considered that curricular adaptations should be made since its evolution is slow and requires supervision and assistance in the learning process through the application of techniques for behavior modification, for which it should be considered that the activities are raised from the simplest to the most complicated, for each of these processes the student will always have the necessary supervision and reinforcement, by the teacher where the student is motivated to interact easily. For this purpose, it is recommended to use clear and natural language.

• Severe or profound disability: the student needs a specialized education since they require more support; in terms of communication is very low the same as to communicate using gestural language, has greater difficulty in achieving their autonomy, always needs the support of someone, in terms of academic activities require specialized education, in the social and labor field require permanent assistance (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2013).

It is worth noting that in the research work of Enriquez (2018), intellectual disability

presents a wide spectrum of causes, such as premature birth, car accidents, encephalopathies and different manifestations, such as communication problems when articulating words and learning difficulties. Therefore, it will depend on external and personal factors. Likewise, he points out that limitations due to intellectual disability are not only cognitive but also socially limiting.

On the other hand, Martín (2019) considers that the use of the term intellectual disability has evolved over ti. The studies carried out in recent decades consider that these people cannot be catalogued as they have been since ancient times as imbeciles, mentally disabled, and mentally disabled. Instead, they are now considered people characterized by presenting "significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, expressed in conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills" (p. 8). These limitations may have originated from birth or developed as a result of aging, accident or disease such as Down, cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, among others.), limitations that may have originated at birth or developed as a result of aging, accident or disease such as Down's, cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, among others.

According to Vivanco (2020), intellectual disability includes (2020) the first dimension is intellectual abilities, which are related to solving problems, understanding concepts, reasoning and abstract thinking. The second dimension, adaptive behavior, includes limitations in conceptual skills related to language, reading and writing, and the understanding of concepts such as time, money and number management; social skills related to the way of interacting; respect for social norms and practical skills to perform daily tasks. The third dimension of health is related to the limitations of biological, psychological, spiritual and mental well-being. The fifth dimension comprises the limitations to performing social roles, and the fifth dimension comprises the limitations to interacting in the environment where they live and the family environment,

For Gutiérrez et al. (2018), adaptive behavior is an element to consider when evaluating an intellectual disability since it includes the skills learned by each person to function in everyday life, so the presence of intellectual limitations can affect the daily activities and those performed in the environment where they function, the observation of these adaptive behaviors allow to have a precise diagnosis and consider the timely application of standardized tests for the population in which people with or without disabilities are included. In addition, the evaluation instruments allow the identification of conceptual, social and practical limitations.

Table 1

Instruments for assessment of general intelligence and psychomotor development

Age of application Instruments


BSID, Bayley Scales of Infant Development

BABS, Adaptive Behavior Scale for children from 3 to 18 years of age. DABS, Diagnostic Adaptive Behavioral Scale for 4 to 21 -year-olds. MSCA, Mecarthy Scales of Abilities and Psychomotor Skills for Children.

Childhood, and adults

adolescence WPPSI, Preschool and elementary school intelligence scale.

WISC, R. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised. WISC-IV, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised-IV. K-ABC, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children.

Source: Own elaboration from Navas et al. (2008) and Gutiérrez et al. (2018). Disability category assessment instrument.

Meanwhile, Szumski et al. (2020) explain that in the dimension of participation, interaction and social roles, it should be considered that in learning environments, interactions between individuals should be favored since their social integration helps the person and provides opportunities to perform in their social environment, so it is relevant that classrooms have support materials to develop student's skills to the maximum.

Several movements have been generated for the integration of the mentally disabled population, where the discrimination that this vulnerable population had received for years has been recriminated, starting with the elimination of colloquial jargon that is pejorative and even denigrating. These minuscule actions are significant and prevent discrimination in social groups, promoting the comprehensive understanding of individuals and their valuation as important members of society since these adjectives are inadequate, discriminatory, and inappropriate (Peredo, 2016).

Another important aspect of the integration of the mentally disabled population is the understanding of the individual needs of each one, understanding that depending on the type of disability and level, they may have difficulties in moving, interacting, writing, playing, etc. Given these particular needs, teachers must have the skills to effectively recognize both physical and mental conditions that will allow them to offer a learning process that weighs the limitations of each of their students and thus adapt their curricular planning, creating the conditions for inclusive education, with activities that can be developed in the course of their daily lives so that they can develop independently (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2013).

Inclusive education is associated with positive personal outcomes for all students, as it involves a methodology adapted to the requirements of each student and, among other positive benefits, allows the acquisition of social skills such as learning to value diversity. Furthermore, regarding students with disabilities, the available evidence supports that inclusive education promotes positive personal outcomes in different areas of their lives, such as the cognitive and social spheres, the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills, communication and social interactions, self-determination, sense of belonging and learning expectations, and in post-school outcomes, the latter being fundamental for social inclusion beyond the educational stage (Heras et al., 2021).

For their part, Porras et al. (2018) express that educational institutions must have the necessary measures for the attention to diversity in educational centers and must be instances open to their community, endowed with inclusive educational policies, with curricula adapted to

the particular needs of students. These conditions are focused on promoting inclusive and flexible projects for children and young people who present some intellectual limitation, developed by prepared teachers who coordinate with parents and families to face new challenges every day and meet all the requirements demanded by society.

According to Müller et al. (2021), students' developmental competence in school is influenced not only by individual dispositions, teachers, and family background but also by their peer group, where peer characteristics affect students' individual skill development. This context of peers in the classroom on developmental competence in school is well established for typically developing children and adolescents, but less is known about the effect of peers on students with intellectual disabilities in their classrooms.

On the other hand, Arrieta (2019) considers that people with intellectual disabilities required to be included in the educational processes to achieve skills that provide autonomy, so they demand the mastery of basic knowledge and the use of Information and Communication Technologies to have a satisfactory insertion of students with intellectual disabilities in educational contexts at different levels. ICTs are considered an important element in the teaching-learning process, which allows people with limitations to overcome learning barriers and improve their quality of life by benefiting the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in educational, social, family and work contexts. Therefore, teachers must be trained to serve students with intellectual disabilities by providing learning opportunities and promoting inclusive practices through innovative proposals to promote their development and comprehensive training in higher education.

According to the Ministry of Education of Ecuador (2019), the educational environment around students with intellectual disabilities in the country has improved significantly since the actors of the educational community have achieved awareness to support the learning processes of students with special educational needs. As a result, it can be said that these students are able to participate and learn and be active entities within the school and society. However, in some institutions, there are still barriers, such as inadequate infrastructure and a lack of an interdisciplinary team of teachers and specialists to assist in the integral development of students with intellectual disabilities. However, educational management by educational leaders is fundamental for including students with intellectual disabilities in the educational system and the curricular adaptations required for them to achieve significant learning.

On the other hand, in recent years, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences formulated by Howard Gardner has had a tremendous impact on elementary and high school classrooms. Gardner (1983) assesses the students' strengths with some deficiency, helping teachers discover which type of intelligence students excel. Salguero and García explain (2017) that the theory of multiple intelligences arises from the conditions of each individual, added to the environment where they develop, variables that affect, to a greater or lesser extent, the development of one or more types of intelligences described by Gardner, such as logical-mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. To develop different intelligences, it is necessary that the learning environments in educational centers be attractive and stimulating for students. Encouraging interaction with different materials, peers and teachers in the areas of knowledge, thus promoting cooperative learning and respect for the points of view of others.


The study applied a mixed research paradigm since "the qualitative approach seeks mainly the dispersion or expansion of data and information, while the quantitative approach aims to intentionally "narrow down" the information" (Hernández, 2014, p. 10). This has allowed to have a broader and deeper perspective of the study phenomenon.

The data collection process required a survey previously validated by professional experts composed of 15 items, related to the variables Intellectual Disability and Learning, with the Likert scale, which "Consists of a set of items presented in the form of statements or judgments, to which the reaction of the participants is requested" (Hernández, 2014, p. 238), whose scale was: 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Somewhat disagree, 4: Neither agree nor disagree, 5: Somewhat agree, 6: Agree, 7: Strongly agree.

For data processing, the IBM-SPSS statistical program was used, extracting the data with the exploratory factor analysis using the Bartlett and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test, which intends "to evaluate this relationship. The Kaiser Meyer Olkin index (KMO) is used, which takes values between 0 and 1" (Mendez and Rondón, 2012, p. 199). So a general rule for interpreting statistics, KMO values between 0.8 and 1 indicate adequate sampling. For the case of the research, it yielded a value of (0.927), and in reference, Kaiser's values of 0.90 to 1.00 highlights it as adequate.

The population comprised teachers and directors of the Educational Districts belonging to the Metropolitan District of Quito, Zone 9, in the province of Pichincha, approximately 16,000, from which we obtained a sample of 6,278 to whom the survey was applied through Google Form.

The formula was used to determine the sample size:

Z2 xPxQxN

n =-

E2(N -1)+Z2 xPxQ


n = Sample size

Z = Confidence level 95% = 12.71 P = Expected ratio = 0.20 Q = Complement of p = 0.8 N = Population = 16,000 E = Accuracy or margin of error = 0.05

Applying the formula, the sample is determined in 6,278 teachers and directors of the Metropolitan District of Quito educational districts, who provided information according to the data collection instruments designed for this purpose and in accordance with the objectives of the research.


The results shown are of a general nature and are the most demonstrative obtained from the present study.

Exploratory Factor Analysis Table 2.

KMO and Bartlett's test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy 0,927

Approx. chi-square 79088,271

Bartlett's test for sphericity Gl 105

Sig. 0

Source: IBM Statistician - SPSS

Applying the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin sampling measure, it is contrasted to be above the accepted limit of 0.40 for the instrument was 0.93. The criteria for Bartlett's test of sphericity were also met, obtaining a result <0.005 as was 0.

Table 3.

Total variance explained


§ Autovalores iniciales


Sumas de cargas al cuadrado de la extracción

Sumas de cargas al cuadrado de la rotación

s o O Total % de varianza % acumulado Total % de varianza % acumulado Total % de varianza % acumulado

1 8,9830 59,885 59,885 8,983 59,885 59,885 5,018 33,455 33,455

2 1,0710 7,142 67,027 1,071 7,142 67,027 4,091 27,270 60,725

3 1,0100 6,732 73,758 1,01 6,732 73,758 1,955 13,034 73,758

4 0,6500 4,333 78,092

5 0,5820 3,881 81,972

6 0,4900 3,269 85,241

7 0,3960 2,643 87,884

8 0,3310 2,209 90,093

9 0,3010 2,007 92,1

10 0,2730 1,823 93,923

11 0,2370 1,58 95,503

12 0,2080 1,387 96,89

13 0,1870 1,248 98,138

14 0,1710 1,139 99,277

15 0,1080 0,723 100

Source: IBM Statistician - SPSS

The results obtained from the extraction method were: principal component analysis from the processing of the surveys applied to teachers and managers of the Metropolitan District of Quito, in the IBM - SPSS statistical program.

The first component accounted for 60% of the variance, the second for 7% and the third for 6.7%. However, the second component in the rotation sums obtained 27% of the variance and the third component 13%. Therefore, a three-factor solution was chosen based on the screening test, and the requirements that a retained component explain at least 10% of the variance and at least 73% of the cumulative variance be explained by the set of retained components.

Table 4.

Initial component

Componente 1

9 ¿Se promueve la utilización de estrategias metodológicas que afiancen aprendizajes significativos de los estudiantes con DI?

8 ¿Desarrolla acciones afirmativas que garanticen con su quehacer docente, el acceso y permanencia durante la trayectoria académica de los estudiantes, que presentan DI?

12 ¿Adopta mecanismos para que la planificación micro curricular sea diferenciada para estudiantes con capacidades diferentes?

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13 ¿Cómo docentes y autoridades difunden lineamientos para que se adopten metodologías de enseñanza para atender necesidades educativas de determinados estudiantes?

10 ¿Desarrolla estrategias de apoyo para que las personas con DI puedan lograr la culminación del Bachillerato General Unificado?

7 ¿Participa en la elaboración del Documento de Adaptación Curricular que garantiza que los estudiantes con Discapacidad Intelectual puedan ejercer el derecho a desarrollar actividades, potencialidades y habilidades?

6 ¿Cómo docentes realizan el informe de casos de estudiantes que demandan procesos de enseñanza diferenciados, de acuerdo al Modelo de funcionamiento del Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil.?

11 ¿Desarrollan normativas internas de la Institución, que garanticen el cumplimiento de los derechos de los estudiantes con NEE?

2 ¿Las autoridades educativas facilitan el acceso a una educación inclusiva en todos los niveles? 1 ¿Las autoridades educativas institucionales socializan políticas de educación inclusiva?

3 ¿Las autoridades educativas y docentes promueven acciones afirmativas para difundir que todos los ciudadanos tienen el derecho a una educación inclusiva?

5 ¿En la Institución Educativa, el Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil coordina acciones tendientes a garantizar la permanencia y promoción de los estudiantes con Discapacidad Intelectual?

4 ¿El Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil promueve un ambiente de respeto a los derechos y a la integridad física, psicológica y sexual de los estudiantes, en un ambiente libre de violencia?

15 ¿Considera que el Sistema de Educación Superior está articulado con la formación de bachillerato, según lo reflejan los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes?

14 ¿Las autoridades y el DECE ha establecido que el proceso de evaluación se desarrolle de acuerdo a las necesidades de los estudiantes.?_

Source: IBM Statistician - SPSS



0,804 0,74 0,712




0,341 0,237

0,366 0,329 0,375 0,17 0,108

The initial component of the table shows the variance explained by the initial solution. Eight factors in the initial solution have eigenvalues greater than 0.50. This suggests that three latent influences are associated with service use, but there remains room for much unexplained variation.

Table 5.

Rotated components

ITEM Componentes

1 1 2 1 3

9 ¿Se promueve la utilización de estrategias metodológicas que afiancen aprendizajes significativos de los estudiantes con DI? 0,834 0,336 0,102

8 ¿Desarrolla acciones afirmativas que garanticen con su quehacer docente, el acceso y permanencia durante 0,818 0,377 0,086

la trayectoria académica de los estudiantes, que presentan DI?

12 ¿Adopta mecanismos para que la planificación micro curricular sea diferenciada para estudiantes con capacidades diferentes? 0,804 0,384 0,127

13 ¿Cómo docentes y autoridades difunden lineamientos para que se adopten metodologías de enseñanza 0,74 0,216 0,386

para atender necesidades educativas de determinados estudiantes?

10 ¿Desarrolla estrategias de apoyo para que las personas con DI puedan lograr la culminación del 0,712 0,204 0,334

Bachillerato General Unificado?

7 ¿Participa en la elaboración del Documento de Adaptación Curricular que garantiza que los estudiantes con 0,672 0,405 0,139

Discapacidad Intelectual puedan ejercer el derecho a desarrollar actividades, potencialidades y habilidades?

6 ¿Cómo docentes realizan el informe de casos de estudiantes que demandan procesos de enseñanza 0,629 0,539 0,125

diferenciados, de acuerdo al Modelo de funcionamiento del Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil.?

11 ¿Desarrollan normativas internas de la Institución, que garanticen el cumplimiento de los derechos de los estudiantes con NEE? 0,57 0,385 0,497

2 ¿Las autoridades educativas facilitan el acceso a una educación inclusiva en todos los niveles? 0,341 0,817 0,078

1 ¿Las autoridades educativas institucionales socializan políticas de educación inclusiva? 0,237 0,791 0,178

3 ¿Las autoridades educativas y docentes promueven acciones afirmativas para difundir que todos los 0,366 0,773 0,163

ciudadanos tienen el derecho a una educación inclusiva?

5 ¿En la Institución Educativa, el Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil coordina acciones tendientes a 0,329 0,757 0,302

garantizar la permanencia y promoción de los estudiantes con Discapacidad Intelectual?

4 ¿El Departamento de Consejería Estudiantil promueve un ambiente de respeto a los derechos y a la 0,375 0,598 0,35

integridad física, psicológica y sexual de los estudiantes, en un ambiente libre de violencia?

15 ¿Considera que el Sistema de Educación Superior está articulado con la formación de bachillerato, según 0,17 0,147 0,893

lo reflejan los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes?

14 ¿Las autoridades y el DECE ha establecido que el proceso de evaluación se desarrolle de acuerdo a las 0,108 0,394 0,55

necesidades de los estudiantes.?

Source: IBM Statistician - SPSS

On the basis that in the KMO test, it is visualized that in component 1, items 9, 8, 12, 13, 10, 7, 6 and 11 obtain a high value between 0.5 and higher than 0.8, so they are considered convenient, considering that these items are related to the learning process of students with intellectual disabilities. Likewise, from component 2, items 2, 1, 3, 5 and 4 obtain values between 0.5 and higher than 0.8, which are related to Intellectual Disability, and items 15 and 14 also exceed the indicated values and are related to Higher Education.

The rotated factor pattern of loadings of the Varimax rotation pattern that "minimizes the number of variables that have high loadings on each factor" (Lopez, 2019, p. 10) was applied. In the matrix, the pattern loadings are essentially standardized regression coefficients comparable to those obtained in multiple regression, and they reflect each factor's unique contribution to the variance of the observed item.

Grifl-ee- da Bedlmo ntaei en


1 2 3 4 sa 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S Numero de components

Figure 1.Sedimentation graph

The acquired sedimentation graph of the AFE corresponding to the Intellectual Disability and Learning Disability components is presented, in which it can be observed from right to left how the eigenvalues are falling prominently.

Figure 1 shows the eigenvalues ordered from highest to lowest according to the amount of variance explained by a principal component. Some eigenvalues are close to zero, which means that the corresponding factor cannot explain a relevant amount of the total variance. Therefore, factors 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, located close to zero, are considered residual factors and present no reason for the analysis.

Table 6.

Component transformation matrix

Component 1 2 3

1 0,707 0,618 0,344

2 -0,659 0,752 0,003

3 -0,257 -0,229 0,939

Source: IBM Statistician - SPSS

Through the extraction method principal component analysis and Vartimax Rotation with Kaiser normalization, the interface correlation of 0.71 and 0.66 revealed a moderate positive correlation between the two components. Higher levels of learning perception and intellectual disability were significantly associated.


Once obtained the results of the application of the validated instrument to teachers and directors of educational institutions of the different educational districts of the Metropolitan District of Quito, province of Pichincha, Ecuador, to know the perception regarding Intellectual Disability and learning of students, it is evident the relevance of the socialization of educational policies for the welfare of students with SEN and the implementation of teaching strategies to help improve the teaching-learning process. Considering that "students with intellectual disabilities tend to present learning problems since learning is non-linear, their brain development is slower and immature" (Zambrano, 2021, p. 9). Therefore, the developed affirmative actions and the degree of knowledge teachers have is extremely important to adapt the curriculum to the needs of students.

The questionnaire covered two fundamental variables: Intellectual disability, which examined the level of knowledge of managers and teachers of the educational policies related to the study, as well as their application in the teaching-learning process, and learning, which examined the differentiated development according to the characteristics and needs of the students. Similar studies, such as the one presented by Hurtado-Guamán and Bravo-Serrano (2021), show that curricular adaptations are of utmost importance to achieve the learning development of individuals with special educational needs, being necessary for the development of various skills in teachers that allow students to develop significant learning, personal autonomy and basic knowledge for the development of everyday life. This is similar to the study by Alulima and Mena (2022), who stated that students with intellectual disabilities require teachers to manage knowledge, methodologies and didactic strategies to achieve true student insertion.

The learning of children and young people with intellectual disabilities has become a great challenge in the pedagogical work of teachers, which implies that they must be updated in educational policies that are issued to promote the learning of students who learn at a slow pace, with certain particularities, which involves applying methodological strategies according to the pace of learning and generating appropriate environments to achieve the uptake of content by students. Alulima et al. (2022) mentioned that classrooms must be organized so that students with intellectual disabilities can concentrate on activities and receive support from the teacher to identify progress and timely assistance.


From the Exploratory Factor Analysis applied, it can be noted that there is little dissemination of educational policies regarding intellectual disability, and it can also be inferred that teachers mostly elaborate curricular adaptations, but they perceive that there is little support from the management team and the Student Counseling Department.

In the rotated component KMO test, teachers apply affirmative actions that lead students with intellectual disabilities to achieve meaningful learning.

In conclusion, the perception of teachers after the questionnaire applied and obtained through the AFE is that affirmative actions are applied in which curricular adaptations are included for students with Intellectual Disabilities, according to their needs, as well as the scarce coordination on these aspects with the authorities and officials of the Student Counseling Departments.

The application of differentiated and adapted didactic strategies in the different areas of study is a priority for students to achieve significant learning.


1. Alulima, L. y Mena, L. (2022). Intellectualdisabiity students learning in higher education. Journal of Positive Psychology & Well-being 6(1). https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4167-432X

2. Alulima, Mena, L. y Guevara, E. (2022). Construcción y validación del cuestionario de percepción de docentes sobre discapacidad intelectual y aprendizaje. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación (44), 167-175. Construcción y validación del cuestionario de percepción de docentes sobre discapacidad intelectual y aprendizaje - Dialnet (unirioja.es)

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