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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Topoev Egor V., Prokopjeva Evgenia L.

The article reviews the socioeconomic challenges of people with disabilities employment and accessible environment in Russia and the Republic of Khakassia, one of Russia’s Siberian regions. It focuses on current linguistic, legal, and social barriers that contribute to the low participation of people with disabilities in labor relations. The authors address the issue of the lexeme “invalid” use in the Russian language and suggest replacing it with the people-first language approach. The article attempts to evaluate the accessibility of Russian building codes as an integration factor of people with disabilities into the economy. The article briefly considers the impact of the existed social norm regarding people with disabilities in Russian society on integration. It also implies the issue of discrepancy between official government data and employment levels. The estimated losses in GDP and GRP caused by low-level employment of individuals with disabilities are considered $ 8.2 billion and ₽678 million ($ 9.7 million) accordingly.

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I Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2022 15(7): 1033-1044

DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0907 УДК 332.13

Integration of People with Disabilities in Labor Relations and its Impact on Socio-Economic Development of the Region (Case Study of the Khakassia Republic, Russia)

Egor V. Topoev and Evgenia L. Prokopjeva*

Khakass Technical Institute -

the branch of Siberian Federal University

Abakan, Russian Federation

Received 16.09.2021, received in revised form 15.12.2021, accepted 31.03.2022

Abstract. The article reviews the socioeconomic challenges of people with disabilities employment and accessible environment in Russia and the Republic of Khakassia, one of Russia's Siberian regions. It focuses on current linguistic, legal, and social barriers that contribute to the low participation of people with disabilities in labor relations. The authors address the issue of the lexeme "invalid" use in the Russian language and suggest replacing it with the people-first language approach. The article attempts to evaluate the accessibility of Russian building codes as an integration factor of people with disabilities into the economy. The article briefly considers the impact of the existed social norm regarding people with disabilities in Russian society on integration. It also implies the issue of discrepancy between official government data and employment levels. The estimated losses in GDP and GRP caused by low-level employment of individuals with disabilities are considered $ 8.2 billion and P678 million ($ 9.7 million) accordingly.

Keywords: employment rates, welfare, labor, workforce, people with disabilities, socioeconomic, accessibility, economic growth, the Khakassia Republic.

Research area: economics.

Citation: Topoev, E.V. and Prokopjeva, E.L. (2022). Integration of people with disabilities in labor relations and its impact on socio-economic development of the region (case study of the Khakassia Republic, Russia). J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci., 15(7), 1033-1044. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0907

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: evgenia-prokopjeva@yandex.ru, jedworld011@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1557-3827 (Topoev); 0000-0002-6818-5780 (Prokopjeva)

Интеграция людей с инвалидностью в трудовые отношения и ее влияние на социально-экономическое развитие региона (на примере Республики Хакасия, Россия)

Е. В. Топоев, Е.Л. Прокопьева

Хакасский технический институт -

филиал Сибирского федерального университета

Российская Федерация, Абакан

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются социально-экономические проблемы трудоустройства людей с ограниченными возможностями и доступной среды в России и Республике Хакасия, одном из сибирских регионов России. Основное внимание уделяется существующим лингвистическим, правовым и социальным барьерам, которые способствуют низкому участию людей с инвалидностью в трудовых отношениях. Авторы затрагивают вопрос использования лексемы «инвалид» в русском языке и предлагают заменить ее на подход «человек-первый язык». В статье предпринята попытка оценить доступность российских строительных норм и правил как фактор интеграции людей с ограниченными возможностями в экономику. В статье кратко рассматривается влияние существующей социальной нормы в отношении людей с ограниченными возможностями в российском обществе на интеграцию. Также затрагивается проблема несоответствия официальных государственных данных и уровня занятости. Предполагаемые потери в ВВП и ВРП, вызванные низким уровнем занятости людей с ограниченными возможностями, оцениваются в 8,2 млрд долл. США и 678 млн руб. (9,7 млн долл. США) соответственно.

Ключевые слова: уровень занятости, благосостояние, труд, рабочая сила, люди с ограниченными возможностями, социально-экономическая среда, доступность, экономический рост, Республика Хакасия.

Научная специальность: 08.00.01 - экономическая теория.


In 1948 the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which defined tasks all peoples and states should strive to fulfill. The Declaration proclaims that discrimination against a person is unacceptable: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms... without distinction of any kind." (UN General Assembly, 1948). However, full elimination of all types of discrimination is never possible. Thus, after three-quarters of a century, various groups of the world population continue to face infringement of their rights and freedom.

World Health Organization estimates 15 % of the world population, aged 15 and over,

have at least one form of disability. It identifies people with disabilities as the largest minority group (World Health Organization, 2011). According to official data retrieved from the Russian federal register of people with disabilities 1, the number of those with disabilities exceeds 11 million people, which makes up circa 7-8 % of the country's population.

The discrimination against individuals with disabilities in Russia is not visible nor intentional. Most Russian citizens sympathize with those, who have disabilities. They rec-

1 Number of disabled people. Website of the federal state information system "Federal Register of Disabled People". URL: sfri.ru/analitika/chislennost

ognize the need of reducing social and environmental barriers for the group of people in question. However, recent surveys indicate that only 46 % of respondents support joint education of children with and without disabilities, while 48 % stand by segregation. The endorsement level of integration through the workplace is higher: 68 % versus 25 % accordingly. The data implies the existence of the social norm regarding people with disabilities. In fact, Russian society does not perceive them yet as equals (Levada-center, 2019). This issue does not contribute to overcoming stereotypes, regarding the efficiency and productivity of employees with disabilities.

The labor market for people with disabilities in Russia is considered distorted due to the high demand from candidates with disabilities and the low supply of accessible positions (No-vozhilova, 2001). Employers rarely offer job opportunities with altered official duties nor create disabilities friendly environment and workspace. The long-lasting job hunt and the fear of reducing or losing disability allowances and exemptions persist to discourage the integration of individuals with disabilities into labor relations (Fadin, 2020). The fear of the reduction in social payments significantly affects a person's financial well-being and their social protection as disability allowances and exemptions continue to serve as the main income source for people with disabilities in Russia (Natsun, 2019). All these factors led to a major disproportion in the employment of people with and without disabilities (Lukiyanova, 2017).

Environment accessibility is a key in the integration of individuals with disabilities not only into labor relations specifically but in economic processes in general. The state runs a social government program "Dostup-naya sreda" (Accessible environment)2 since 2011. The program is dedicated to "forming legal, economic and institutional conditions that promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society and improve their

2 Passport of the state program of the Russian Federation "Dostupnaya sreda" (Accessible environment). Website of Labor Ministry of the Russian Federation. URL: mintrud.gov.ru/ ministry/programms/3/0

standard of living." Yearly reports declare ongoing improvements in life quality of people with disabilities. However, achieved and target figures along with other outcomes are matters of further review.

The underemployment rates of people with disabilities, the biased social norm in the Russian society, accessibility environment issues alongside legal and linguistic matters - these are all contributors to systematic discrimination of persons with disabilities in Russia.

The article considers the systematic discrimination of individuals with disabilities as a factor of regional development. It aims to assess the country's socioeconomic losses associated with the barriers people with disabilities face and their participation in economic procession. The article focuses on potential GDP and GRP loss in Russia and the Khakassia Republic respectively.

Theoretical framework

The scientific world has a long history of studying employment issues of people with disabilities and paying attention to the labor market in question. However, such studies have not found extensive coverage in the Russian scientific community.

Unemployment studies and their impact on individuals' satisfaction with the quality of life deserve close attention (Wulfgramm, 2011). Labor performs psychosocial functions that are non-material in nature which gives a person a sense of satisfaction and self-sufficiency. Progressive employment theories justify the need for social learning that contributes to labor market expansion and economic growth (Amberg, 2015). Recent research reveals that demographic characteristics and the impact of health problems play an essential role in the relationship between disability and personal wellbeing. It raises the social inequality question, which serves as a basis for effective government intervention (Emerson, 2020). Studies devoted to assessing the impact of the education system on the structure of the labor market are of great importance. They emphasize the importance of quality education, including for the adaptation of socially vulnerable citizens in society (Saksonova, 2015).

The scientific community offers various models and ways of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. Experts distinguish two main models, assessing the effectiveness of their application for society development: the charity model and the social model (Lakshmi, 2020). Social marketing is now becoming a new direction in social policy. It promotes recognition of individuals with disabilities' needs in planning commercial activities and marketing strategies (Vishnyakova, 2020).

Scientists also recognize health policy as the main driver of economic growth and improving the quality of life (Cabrera, 2018). This aspect is vital since the main problem of the work is to set up the relationship between the quality of life and the macroeconomic indicators of the development of the region in question.

When developing employment policies, we should address organizational, technical, therapeutic, preventive, socio-economic, information, educational, and legal factors (Biscaev, 2016). The scientific community believes it is crucial to consider the employment peculiarities of candidates with disabilities in terms of the regional economy structure (Scharf, 2016).

In a competitive economy, the family's prosperity depends primarily on its members taking part in profitable economic activities. Families that have members with disabilities tend to face more significant economic problems due to the lower productivity of people with disabilities compared to people without disabilities, as well as due to weak financial support from the state (Angela, 2015).

Russian scientists view the access restrictions to social infrastructure, education, and the labor market among people with disabilities as a form of social inequality. They suggest there is a need for facilities' infrastructure adaptation as a tool of social support measures regarding environmental accessibility y (Ku-zova, 2016). Recent research confirms that both economic losses due to chronic diseases and disability and social damage due to existing are equally important to account (Ivanova, 2019).

Despite the existing stereotype in society that workers with disabilities can only perform low-skilled work, the theoretical basis proofed

the opposite. A person, who has a disability might surpass a person without it in certain activities. Contrary to the widespread belief it is expensive and costly to hire people with disabilities, excluding them from the labor market costs companies more than actively engaging them (Lama, 2019).

Today we observe the worldwide tendency towards inclusion and acceptance. The integration of individuals with disabilities into labor relations is no exception. Governments work on expanding and adapting social tools for integration. However, several countries, including Russia, continue to meet the matters of low-level employment of persons with disabilities. The Russian state authorities and Russian people preserve the Soviet attitude model regarding disability. The current state of affairs evokes the need to use foreign experience in the integration processes and their evaluation. At the moment, there was no assessment of potential losses in GDP and GRP in Russia based on the low employment of individuals with disabilities.

Statement of the problem

Discrimination of people with disabilities in Russia starts off with trivial things, e.g., official term. In Russian culture, people use the adopted from Latin word invalid, which means disabled. The term is correct in compliance with legislation and official rules of the Russian language. Despite a broad discussion within the disability community, according to federal law individuals with disabilities in Russia should be called disabled persons. Russian dictionaries also identify a person with a disability as a disabled person (Ozhegov, 2009; Skvorcov, 2019).

Other languages tend not to use these terms. Over time their meaning has changed into a negative and offensive lexeme. The original connotation of the Latin term invalidus means weak, infirm, and powerless. As an alternative, the international community applies linguistic principles of people-first language,

3 Federal Law No.181-FZ of 24.11.1995 as amended on

08.12.2020 "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the

Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions that entered into force on 19.12.2020)

when we acknowledge one's personality first, and - only then -their disability (Gomes, 2018). World public organizations endorse the elimination of derogatory language in favor of people-first language. In 2015, the UN expressed4 concern about the official terms regarding individuals with disabilities in Russian. It stated the Russian term "...does not reflect the model of human rights." In the Americas and European countries, both non-profit and state organizations show support to the people-first language. Government agencies occur to take part in official memos and guidelines development for the non-discriminatory use of terminology, considering the national peculiarities, languages, and dialects (Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, 2011). In some cases, the authorities insist on delivering a positive message to improve the disability image. They add an explanation for the inadmissibility of derogatory terminology (Gobierno del Estado de Mexico, 2018; Sozialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, 2013).

People with disabilities have a long history of discrimination against them. Significant attitude changes began to occur at the end of the 20th century due to the rights of people with disabilities movement that stands for equal rights and inclusion. The movement changed the concept of disability and increased awareness of systematic discrimination: obstacles individuals with disabilities face are rather caused by social relations than by disability (Paramonova, 2016). However, the Russian government does not seem to recognize and adopt these changes anytime soon as the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation recently refuted5 the intentions to alter official terms.

There is also a legal problem that makes it difficult for people with disabilities to integrate: normative-legislative regulations and building codes. The article compares current

4 Concluding observations on the initial report of the Russian Federation. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN. URL: undocs.org/en/CRPD/C/RUS/CO/1

5 Comment of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on the issue of improving legislation in the field of disability and the material of the Izvestia newspaper. Website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. URL: mintrud. gov.ru/social/25

Russian rules to the United States equivalents as the US is known for promoting a disability-friendly approach. In Russia, the foremost legislature in force regarding accessible environment is SP 59.13330.2016 (Updated version of SNiP 35-01-2001) "Доступность зданий и сооружений для маломобильных групп населения6". In the US there has been the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in effect since 90-es. All regulations are formed based on ADA Standards, which act as accessibility construction and design requirements for the environment, transport, communications, medical equipment, and information technologies. The regulations' clarification is presented in the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) with detailed instructions (Gold, 2010).

According to the ADAAG guidelines, at least 50 % of entrances should be accessible and always directly connected to public pathways. The change in floor levels could not affect the accessibility of public pathways. An accessible path should coincide as much as possible with the one that people without disabilities use. The primary purpose of these requirements is to ensure greater accessibility of buildings for the convenience of citizens7. The ADA Standards highlight the buildings must have a single path for everyone connected to the parking lots and pedestrian areas with maintaining the location of vertically constructed routes. It means structures for people with disabilities cannot be in another wing of the building. In Russia, the number of accessible entrances is not a percentage, but a minimum of one. The same requirement for different floor levels is applicable. However, there is no need to put the accessible environment anywhere near the public pathways. This legal gap allows inadequate adjustments, the only purpose of which is to match the required figures on paper. Therefore, these "adjust-

6 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility: SP 59.13330.2016. Updated version of SNiP 35-01-2001. Introduction. 2017. Moscow: Standartinform, 2017. 41 p.

7 The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities [Text]: as amended through May 7, 2014.PublishedintheFederalRegisteronJuly 23, 2004.

ments" do not increase the building's accessibility. The possible case scenario in Russia is when the entrance is considered accessible for a person with a wheelchair, but it leads straight to the ladder.

A comparison of the construction codes in question shows that the Russian construction regulations act as suggestions rather than requirements. They are lacking detailed instructions and explanations, which lead to significant variability of rules interpretation and neglect of elements of the accessible environment. This matter leaves the question of individuals with disabilities integration open.

Up until the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in the share of vacancies available for applicants with disabilities on the labor market. On average in 2019 only 1.6 % of job openings were available for people with disabilities nationwide. In the Republic of Khakassia, this indicator was in the range of 1.5-1.9 %. The majority of available vacancies are in "work from home" mode and part-time only. Many companies in Russia hire individuals with disabilities to follow the quota requirements. However, they tend to hire people, who have disabilities that slightly affect their performance (HHResearch, 2019).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have shifted their approach to hiring people with disabilities. For the first time since 2017 official data showed an increase in employment of people with disabilities. This happened as a result of mass transfer to "work from home" mode in the world. The pandemic also affected the requirement for work experience (HeadHunter, 2020). Unlike many other countries, Russia avoided a downfall in employment among people with disabilities. This phenomenon likely happened due to the government's measures of declaring a month of paid non-working days. Thus, the labor market changes during the pandemic seem to have a positive impact on the people with disabilities employment rates in Russia. However, the authors acknowledge that changes in question occur within the timeframe of limited qualitative alterations in a working environment for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, such changes are rather of a temporary nature. Sub-

sequently, the long-term outcomes pose a threat to employment to people with disabilities in the future.

Research method

The low level of employment of people with disabilities remains one of the most important economic problems in Russia. The presence of a disability reduces the interest of employers in hiring a potential employee since this entails a number of obligations for the hiring party. The article relies on a study "the price of alienation: the economic consequences of excluding disabled people from the world of work" conducted by the ILO, where experts analyzed the macroeconomic losses from the exclusion of people with disabilities from labor relations (Buckup, 2009). The ILO established critical data for calculating macroeconomic losses are labor market activity, employment, unemployment indices, and the value of GDP per capita in the studied country. The revealed pattern determines the potential amount of lost GDP based on the aggregate of losses for each disability group.

The key data for the assessment are labor market activity indicators such as employment and unemployment indices as well as the value of GDP per capita in the country in question, using the formula: k

L = ^ PniYi i=1

The potential economic losses are equal to the sum of the product of the average labor productivity in the country P, the number of people with disabilities ftj, where i is the disability group and the calculated labor productivity coefficient for disability groups Yi

where /?j is the real productivity of a person with a disability of I group;

Pi is the potential productivity;

et is the employment index;

jUj is the unemployment index among people with a disability of group I;

is the unemployment index among those who do not have a disability;

di is the share of people with disabilities who are not part of the labor force,

d is the share of people without disabilities who are not part of the labor force.

The first part (/?* — /?()e, stands for indicators of the productivity of the employed population with disabilities, considering barriers related to physical movement and access to education. The second part /?*(/"[ — /^examines the ratio of employment indicators for people with disabilities to the employment of those without disabilities. The third part (d; — d) reflects the ratio of inactivity indicators of people with and without disabilities.

Data analysis

The average productivity indicators for disability groups are determined. The choice of the scenario finds their use for calculating economic losses, considering the differences in data collection methodology in different countries (Table 1). Disability groups are transferred from the foreign gradation to the Russian three groups (in the same place).

To figure out the level of macroeconom-ic losses from the weak involvement of people with disabilities in labor relations in the Rus-

sian, data from information system "Federal Register of Disabled People" and the Ministry of Labor were used (Table 2)8.

Based on the statistics and the given method of the ILO, an assessment of the economic losses associated with the labor activity of people with disabilities is given (Table 3).

The potential GDP losses associated with the employment level of people with disabilities in 2018 amounted to $ 8.2 billion: $ 5.9 billion for group III of disability, $ 2.2 billion for group II and $ 0.1 billion for group I. Thus, the GDP loss in 2018 from the weak involvement of people with disabilities in labor relations amounted to 0.5 %.

This indicator can hardly be called significant from the point of view of the economy. However, when evaluating the study results, it should be considered that the official statistics in Russian do not reflect the reality and depth of the problem.

In a study by the ILO. In a few countries where there are difficulties with the availability

8 Employment of disabled people. Website of the Federal State Information System "Federal Register of Disabled People". URL: https://sfri.ru/analitika/zanyatost; Results of the year: employment and labor migration. Website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. URL: https://mintrud.gov.ru/employ-ment/employment/718.

Table 1. Average productivity by disability group,%

Disability group ß ß ■ ' min ß ' max ß* ß* . ' min ß* ' max

III 75 70 80 95 90 100

II 55 50 60 75 70 80

I 25 20 30 55 50 60

Do not have disability 100 100 100 100 100 100

Table 2. The share of people with disabilities in the structure of the labor force in the Russian Federation in 2018

Disability group Employed Unemployed Not part of the labor force Total

% 000's % 000's % 000's 000's

III 13,72 615,5 21,72 974 65,56 2 895 4 484,4

II 5,28 283,9 22,14 1 189,6 72,57 3 898,6 5 372

I 1,55 22,2 28,29 405,5 70,16 1 005,7 1433,4

Do not have disability 89,2 71 678,4 4,5 3 700 6,3 5 161,7 81 361,7

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Table 3. Economic losses associated with labor activity of people with disabilities

Index Disability group


Number of people, K 4 484.4 5 372 1433.4

Labor productivity coefficient by disability groups yt 0.85 0.68 0.55

Part I G9f-Ä)et 0.3 0.01 0.00

Part II ßtQii-n) 0.21 0.17 0.16

Part III ß-(dt-d) 0.6 0.51 0.39

Pnoib $B $ 5.928 $ 2.209 $ 137

Economic loss, $B $ 8.275

of information reflecting the current situation of people with disabilities, the indicators for estimating macroeconomic losses based on official sources alone are significantly lower than the joint estimate using reliable alternative unofficial sources (Buckup, 2009)

Territorial differentiation in development remains one of the most important socioeconomic problems in Russia. According to the results of all-Russian studies of accessibility, Russian regions were divided into three groups (CIK "Rating," 2015).

The first group of the rating includes 18 regions with the best accessibility of transportation, trade, consumer services, and infrastructure facilities in general. These are regions where objects of infrastructure accessible to people with disabilities create a single set of mechanisms, that is, an accessible ecosystem. The highest rating has Moscow (8.4 points), Krasnodar Krai (7.2), the Republic of Tatarstan (6.8), the Chechen Republic (6.2), Belgorod Oblast (6), and others.

The second group of the rating consisted of 47 regions of Russia, where there are elements of an accessible environment, but not providing a coherent system. This includes the Republic of Khakassia (4 points and 35th place in the rating).

The third group of the rating includes 19 regions in which the infrastructure under the "Dostupnaya sreda" program is non-systemic and consists of separate facilities built independently of each other. The lowest positions in this group are occupied by the Republic of

Tuva, Chukotka AO (1 point each), Republic of Kalmykia (1.6), Amur Region, and Republic of Ingushetia (2 points).

The reasons for this situation are different in all regions, so it is important to analyze the problems under consideration on the example of a particular region, which has difficulties in involving people with disabilities in the workforce. One such region is the Republic of Khakassia - a subject of the Siberian Federal District (SFD). SFD is among the top 3 federal districts in terms of the number of citizens with disabilities (Fig. 1).

The Republic of Khakassia, together with the Republic of Tuva, ranks 6th in terms of the number of people with disabilities in SFD (Fig. 2).

The proportion of people with disabilities in the Republic of Khakassia is only 2 %, which corresponds to the population and the volume of production in the region. Nationwide, the number of people with disabilities in the region is not large. Nevertheless, the problems of a particular region are typical for other subjects of Russia as well.

The potential loss of production in the region can be estimated using the above methodology, taking into account the population of the region in question and data on the employment of people with disabilities by the group. Tables 4 and 5 present statistical data.

To calculate the proportion of people with disabilities in the region, as well as to calculate the economic losses associated with the non-inclusion of people with disabilities in labor re-

Fig. 1. Distribution of people with disabilities by federal districts in 2019

Fig. 2. Distribution of people with disabilities by subjects of the SFD in 2019

Table 4. The share of people with disabilities in the structure of the labor resources of the Russian Federation in 2018 in the Republic of Khakassia

Disability group Employed Unemployed Not part of the labor force Total

% people % people % people people

III 11.14 1 387 24.78 3 084 64.08 7 976 12 447

II 5.36 354 38.77 2 564 55.87 3 694 6 612

I 2.06 180 29.37 2 573 68.57 6 007 8 760

Do not have disability 94.8 242300 5.16 13 200 5.2 13 300 255600

Table 5. Economic losses associated with labor activity of people with disabilities

Index Disability group


Number of people in the group, K 12 447 6 612 8 760

Labor productivity coefficient by disability groups Yi 0.87 0.69 0.55

Part I G9f-Ä)et 0,6 0,39 0.38

Part II ß-ißi-ß) 0,24 0,29 0.16

Part III ß-(dt-d) 0,02 0,01 0.01

PntYi, PM 527,4 107,7 42.9

Economic losses, PM 678.2

Source: https://rosstat.gov.ru/labor_market_employment_salaries

lations, the official labor indicators of Rosstat, the federal state information system "Federal Register of Disabled People" and the Ministry of Labor of Russia were used9.

Thus, the estimated loss of GRP in Kha-kassia in 2018 was 678.2 million rubles, which is 0.3 % of GRP. The distribution of the 2018 budget shows that the government of the region allocated 8.6 billion rubles for social policy. Potential losses of the region amount to 7.9 % of this amount and more than 10 % of the region's expenditures on the social welfare of the population. The losses of the Khakassia in 2018 from the low involvement of people with disabilities in labor relations can be regarded as a drop in the ocean. Nevertheless, the annual budget deficit and the high level of social obligations of the region make it necessary to pay attention even to such insignificant in terms of numbers. Therefore, it is important to implement measures to support people with disabilities in order to integrate them into society and the labor market, starting from the municipal and regional levels.

The problem of the low involvement of people with disabilities in labor relations in Russia will remain pressing for many years to

9 Employment of disabled people. Website of the Federal State Information System "Federal Register of Disabled People". URL: https://sfri.ru/analitika/zanyatost; Results of the year: employment and labor migration. Website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. URL: https://mintrud.gov.ru/employment/ employment/718; Labor market, employment, wages. Website of the Federal State Statistics Service URL: https://rosstat.gov. ru/labor_market_employment_salaries.

come. In the current situation, a radical change in indicators is impossible. However, a gradual increase in the labor potential of people with disabilities will allow the country not only to use the existing labor reserves but also to improve the standard of living of the entire population.


When a workplace is accessible, many individuals with disabilities perform high productivity. However, their employment remains an acute socioeconomic problem in the world. The integration of people with disabilities into the labor market is hampered by a series of barriers that complicate the employment processes and reduce the motivation to overcome them.

Russia is not a leader between countries in terms of providing people with disabilities with equal and comfortable living conditions. The current institutional and social barriers in the country are systematic. Institutional barriers to the integration of people with disabilities are familiar to many since people without disabilities also must face them. These are problems related to the volume and quality of social support, the accessible environment, and the shortcomings of the regulatory framework.

The Russian government makes a lot of efforts to change the situation, including the development of the state program "Dostupnaya sreda" and the system of job quotas for people with disabilities. However, world practice shows that such an approach can have a nega-

tive socio-economic and structural impact on the integration processes. Social barriers in the country are implicit, invisible, and therefore more important for consideration and solution. These include the established linguistic norms in the Russian language and the presence of a social norm. These problems affect the disinterest of the population in understanding and solving disability problems, which complicates the integration of people with disabilities into labor relations.

Integration is also complicated by low motivation on the part of employers to hire employees with disabilities. The employment of a person with a disability carries additional risks and costs for the employer. Unfortunately, state support is not enough for the mass adjusting of working spaces for people with disabilities.

The results of the study showed that under the influence of the low level of employment of people with disabilities in Russia, the country annually loses about 0.5 % of GDP, which is


$ 8.2 billion. Regional losses of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Khakassia - amount to 0.3 % of GRP, which is equal to P678.2 million. The study used official data from the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities. In interpreting the results, it is necessary to consider the specifics of data accounting and a small percentage of applicants who apply for help to state structures. The real economic losses are higher.

The article suggests some tools for further consideration: internship positions development for applicants with disabilities in the workplace with state-paid wages; introduction of a reimbursement system for transportation costs from and to the workplace; changes in government programs and grants in a way of providing tax preferences for employers with a hiring system of people with disabilities; implementing a personal assistance regional systems with the participation of third parties, e.g., non-profit organizations.

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