INTEGRATED LESSON OF LITERATURE AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE AS A FORM OF ORGANIZING A NON-STANDARD LESSON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lobova A. Y., Ponomareva L. D.

The article is devoted to the current issue on the integration of academic subjects in the system of school education, in particular, literature and a foreign language. The study of literature and a foreign language in their integrative ties is important for the formation of a worldview, the development of personal self-awareness, value orientations of students. The author of the article presents a non-standard format of an integrative lesson that allows students to go beyond the narrow bounds of one subject and deepen philological knowledge through interdisciplinary connections. It also reveals the question of the development of a linguistic personality in the educational environment, and its preparation for a dialogue of cultures. The formation of communication skills takes one of the leading roles in the process of teaching humanitarian disciplines, which entails the integration of new modern educational technologies that will contribute to a comprehensively developed personality. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to design an integrated lesson as a non-standard form of organizing educational work in literature, to identify the possibilities of using integrative technology in the process of humanitarian education. The authors of the article show in detail what the integration of literature and a foreign language looks like at the present stage and what skills students acquire by studying in a non-standard format. The article discusses the main functions of an integrated lesson of literature and a foreign language, including the ability to study a literary text based on knowledge of a foreign language; to master the native language in comparison with the foreign language; to receive linguistic and cultural knowledge about the native country and the country of the target language. An integrated lesson as an innovative form of organizing educational work in literature is versatile, communicative, and has a speech-making orientation. The authors of the article have proved the necessity and effectiveness of the use of integrative technology in the process of speech development of students.

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УДК: 371.3

DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2021-5-4-69-72

А. Ю. Лобова (Магнитогорск, Россия) Л. Д. Пономарева (Магнитогорск, Россия)



Аннотация: Материалы посвящены актуальной проблеме интеграции учебных предметов в системе школьного образования, в частности, литературы и иностранного языка. Изучение литературы и иностранного языка в их интегративных связях имеет важное значение для формирования мировоззрения, развития личностного самосознания, ценностных ориентаций учащихся Авторами доклада представлен нестандартный формат интегративного урока, позволяющий обучающимся выйти за узкие рамки одного предмета и углубить филологические знания благодаря межпредметным связям. Раскрывается вопрос о развитии языковой личности в образовательной среде и ее подготовке к диалогу культур. Формирование коммуникативных навыков занимает одну из ведущих ролей в процессе обучения гуманитарным дисциплинам, что влечет за собой интеграцию новых современных образовательных технологий, которые поспособствуют всесторонне развитой личности. Целью исследования, представленного в докладе, является проектирование интегрированного урока как нестандартной формы организации учебной работы по литературе, выявление возможностей использования интегративной технологии в процессе гуманитарного образования. Авторами публикации подробно показано, как выглядит интеграция литературы и иностранного языка на современном этапе и какие навыки учащиеся приобретают, обучаясь в нестандартном формате. Авторами рассмотрены основные функции интегрированного урока литературы и иностранного языка, среди которых возможность изучать художественный текст с опорой на знания иностранного языка; осваивать родной язык в сопоставлении с иностранным языком; получать лингвострановедческие знания о родной стране и стране изучаемого языка. Интегрированный урок как инновационная форма организации учебной работы по литературе обладает универсальностью, коммуникативностью, имеет речетворческую направленность. Доказывается необходимость и результативность использования интегративной технологии в процессе речевого развития обучающихся.

Ключевые слова: литература, иностранный язык, межпредметные связи, интегративная технология, языковая личность, система образования.

А. Y. Lobova (Magnitogorsk, Russia) L. D. Ponomareva (Magnitogorsk, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to the current issue on the integration of academic subjects in the system of school education, in particular, literature and a foreign language. The study of literature and a foreign language in their integrative ties is important for the formation of a worldview, the development of personal self-awareness, value orientations of students. The author of the article presents a non-standard format of an integrative lesson that allows students to go beyond the narrow bounds of one subject and deepen philological knowledge through interdisciplinary connections. It also reveals the question of the development of a linguistic personality in the educational environment, and its preparation for a dialogue of cultures. The formation of communication skills takes one of the leading roles in the process of teaching humanitarian disciplines, which entails the integration of new modern educational technologies that will contribute to a comprehensively developed personality. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to design an integrated lesson as a non-standard form of organizing educational work in literature, to identify the possibilities of using integrative technology in the process of humanitarian education. The authors of the article show in detail what the integration of literature and a foreign language looks like at the present stage and what skills students acquire by studying in a non-standard format. The article discusses the main functions of an integrated lesson of literature and a foreign language, including the ability to study a literary text based on knowledge of a foreign language; to master the native language in comparison with the foreign language; to receive linguistic and cultural knowledge about the native country and the country of the target language. An integrated lesson as an innovative form of organizing educational work in literature is versatile, communicative, and has a speech-making orientation. The authors of the article have proved the necessity and effectiveness of the use of integrative technology in the process of speech development of students.

Keywords: /iterature, foreign language, interdisciplinary connections, integrative technique, linguistic person, educational system.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the school prepares students for cognitive activity, which allows them to ensure personal and intellectual development, enrich existing knowledge, and apply it in new situations. The current stage of development of a general education school is associated primarily with

the need to solve the problem of increasing the cognitive activity and creative potential of students [1;8]. Innovative pedagogical technologies contribute to solving the indicated problem. One of these technologies is integrative technology, which involves the development of an integrated lesson - a lesson of a new format that combines two or three disciplines that at first glance seem to be incompatible [5]. This lesson format allows students to be independent for 60-80% of the lesson and promotes full participation in the educational process. The main goal of integrated lessons is to form students' holistic worldview. Nowadays it can be remarked that the majority of students separate school disciplines from each other, excluding the possibility of their synthesis.

In the modern educational system, integration processes are inevitable primarily because integration in a teaching process is a promising model for generalizing the knowledge gained by students and the possibility of their combination. Moreover, the integration of school subjects knowledge allows for the coordinated study of different disciplines, contributes to the formation of a holistic view of the world among students. Therefore, it becomes necessary to increase the scientific level of education, to boost the mental, creative activity of students, to develop their cognitive interest, thus ensuring the holistic development of the personality. Interdisciplinary integration facilitates the intensification of education; it is aimed at deepening the coherence between school subjects [4]. That is why the development of integrated lessons becomes a paramount task, the solution of which helps to build a picture of the world as an interconnected single organism.

The modern integrated lesson differs significantly from the traditional one. An integrated lesson is a special type of lesson that combines teaching simultaneously in several disciplines while studying one concept, topic or phenomenon. Within this non-standard lesson, the leading discipline, acting as an integrator, and auxiliary disciplines, contributing to deepening, expanding, clarifying the material of the leading discipline, is always distinguished. The advantages of a multi-subject integrated lesson over a traditional mono-subject lesson are obvious. In such a lesson, you can create favorable conditions for the development of a variety of students' mental abilities, you can go to the formation of broader synergetic thinking, teach the application of theoretical knowledge in real life situations. Integrated lessons bring the learning process closer to life, naturalize it and fill it with meanings.

As an example, we've come up with an idea to use an integrative approach in a literature lesson with the introduction of a foreign language. The study of literature and a foreign language in their integrative connection is important for the formation of a worldview, the development of personal identity, value orientations of students [3].

Let us list the main goals of an integrated lesson of literature and a foreign language.

1) Look at literature from a new angle: study a literary work based on knowledge of a foreign language. We are talking about foreign literature and language peculiar to a work of fiction by a foreign author. Acquaintance with the best examples of foreign poetry does not lead to a simple accumulation of knowledge, but to the understanding of the spirit, culture, psychology, the way the folk think, and this is the important cultural significance of literary material. In general, the study of foreign poetry forms students' ability to participate in the dialogue of cultures [3]. In an integrated lesson, students are given the opportunity to see how the same action or description is presented in the original and translated into Russian texts. As you know, when translating a piece of literature into a foreign language, some inaccuracies in translation may occur due to certain stylistic possibilities of the language. By comparing the original and the translation, students obtain a completed picture of the entire story, which prompts them to new questions or answers.

2) All languages have their own stylistic devices: idioms, proverbs, sayings, etc. Such phrases may sound rather strange to everyone, except for those who have heard these phrases since childhood. Here are some examples of idioms in Russian and English. When it comes to something impossible, in Russia they will say "when a crayfish whistles", and in England and America "When pigs fly". Or, if everything is very simple, they say "simpler than a stewed turnip", and in England and America "A piece of cake". Thus, the same meaning is conveyed differently in two different languages, which gives students an idea of how a speaker of other language thinks and puzzles why there is a pig instead of crayfish and a piece of pie instead of turnips. In this case, the cognitive process of students is activated.

3) To acquaint students with culture-specific elements and the country of the target language through literary works. These elements are understood as objects that are characteristic of a certain nation, but which have no analogy in their language. Sometimes such elements need to be described detailed, sometimes it needs a few words, but they do not convey the main feature of this culture-specific element.

An integrated lesson of literature and a foreign language facilitates the student's linguistic personality. In the educational sector, various aspects are now clearly defined, one of which, of course, is the speech aspect [6], which allows the teacher to prepare students for a dialogue of cultures. Such preparation is possible in a

lesson of a new format - an integrated lesson of literature and a foreign language.

The main competence that students acquire in this lesson is the communicative competence of a linguistic personality, which is formed based on general cultural baggage, develops and corrects in the process of speech practice or purposeful learning. Having communicative competence is an indicator of the communicative culture of a linguistic personality, serves as one of the important indicators of the general culture of a person [5]. An integrated lesson is aimed at developing a linguistic personality: academic subjects are included in the humanitarian course and therefore have a high level of compatibility and interconnection. The level of interconnection must be considered when planning a lesson in this non-standard format. The higher the connection is, the easier it is to plan the educational process and set the goal of the lesson. If this factor is taken into account, then the effectiveness of the lesson increases.

Thus, the use of integration in the process of creating a non-standard lesson allows to form the artistic skills of students, to develop the ability to understand and determine the value of literature. The main goals of integrating a foreign language with humanitarian disciplines, including literature, are to improve communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge and sharing this knowledge in a foreign language verbal communication [3]. Moreover, the introduction of integrative technology into the educational process facilitates the development of the linguistic personality of students, which is the main goal of the subjects of the humanitarian course.


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Лобова А. Ю., Пономарева Л. Д. Интегрированный урок литературы и иностранного языка как форма организации нестандартного урока // Гуманитарно-педагогические исследования. 2021. Т. 5. № 4. С. 69-72.

Lobova А. Y., Ponomareva L. D. Integrated Lesson of Literature and Foreign Language as a Form of Organizing a Non-standard Lesson, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2021, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 69-72.

Дата поступления статьи - 01.12.2021; 0,39 печ. л.

Сведения об авторах

Лобова Анастасия Юрьевна - учитель иностранных языков МОУ «Гимназия № 53», студент-магистрант МГТУ им. Г.И. Носова, Магнитогорск, Россия; nastya.lobova.15@mail.ru

Пономарева Любовь Дмитриевна - доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры русского языка, общего языкознания и массовой коммуникации МГТУ им. Г.И.Носова; Магнитогорск, Россия;


Anastasia Yu. Lobova, teacher of foreign languages at Gymnasium 53, undergraduate student of the State Technical University. G.I. Nosov.; Magnitogorsk, Russia; nastya.lobova.15@mail.ru

Lyubov D. Ponomareva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Mass Communication of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University Magnitogorsk, Russia; ponomareva.ld@yandex.ru

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