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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mykoliv Mariya

The article provides the rationale for integrated development of speaking and writing competences and determines peculiarities of integrated skills development of prospective university English teachers. The analysis of mechanisms involved in speaking and writing (reproduction, selection, combination, construction, anticipation, discursiveness), structure of the speaking (knowledge, lexical, grammar, linguosociocultural, speaking, reflective skills, communicative strategies) and writing (knowledge, lexical, grammar, linguosociocultural, writing, reflective skills, communicative strategies) competences as well as the correlation between the components proved the expediency of the integrated development of the target competences of prospective university English teachers. Integrated development of speaking and writing competences of prospective university teachers of English should include integration of: 1) methods (content-based instruction, task-based learning, project-based learning, teaching with technology etc.); 2) tools; 3) contents and materials; 4) procedures. Integrated development of speaking and writing competences should follow the following stages: introductory, basic. The introductory stage includes the development of lexical skills, communicative strategies in speaking and writing, awareness of the structural and linguistic features of academic and professional oral and written discourse (discussions, debates, reports, presentations, essays, teaching materials etc.). The basic stage focuses on the integrated development of speaking and writing skills with the use of different methods (for example web-quests, case analysis etc.).

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УДК 378.091.3:811.111]:005.336.2 10.25128/2415-3605.20.1.21


https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5267-7505 [email protected] postgraduate student

Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University


The article provides the rationale for integrated development of speaking and writing competences and determines peculiarities of integrated skills development ofprospective university English teachers. The analysis of mechanisms involved in speaking and writing (reproduction, selection, combination, construction, anticipation, discursiveness), structure of the speaking (knowledge, lexical, grammar, linguosociocultural, speaking, reflective skills, communicative strategies) and writing (knowledge, lexical, grammar, linguosociocultural, writing, reflective skills, communicative strategies) competences as well as the correlation between the components proved the expediency of the integrated development of the target competences of prospective university English teachers. Integrated development of speaking and writing competences of prospective university teachers of English should include integration of: 1) methods (content-based instruction, task-based learning, project-based learning, teaching with technology etc.); 2) tools; 3) contents and materials; 4) procedures. Integrated development of speaking and writing competences should follow the following stages: introductory, basic. The introductory stage includes the development of lexical skills, communicative strategies in speaking and writing, awareness of the structural and linguistic features of academic and professional oral and written discourse (discussions, debates, reports, presentations, essays, teaching materials etc.). The basic stage focuses on the integrated development of speaking and writing skills with the use of different methods (for example web-quests, case analysis etc.).

Keywords: integrated development of speaking and writing competence, prospective university English teachers, skills, communicative strategies, stages.



Тернопшьський нащональний педагопчний ушверситет iMern Володимира Гнатюка вул. Максима Кривоноса, 2, м. Тернопшь 1НТЕГРОВАНЕ ФОРМУВАННЯ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТ1 В ГОВОРШШ ТА ПИСЬМ1 У МАЙБУТШ1Х ВИКЛАДАЧ1В АШГЛ1ЙСЬКО1 МОВИ

Проаналгзовано доцшьнкть ттегрованого формування англомовног K0MnemeHmH0cmi в говорiннi та nucbMi, визначено особливостi взаемопов 'язаного формування цих компетентностей у майбуттх eu^ada4ie англшськог мови. На основi анализу nсихофiзiологiчних механiзмiв говорiння та письма (репродукщя, добiр, комбiнування, конструювання, антиципаця, дискурсивтсть), структури компетентностей в говорiннi (знання, лексичт, граматичт навички, вмiння монологiчного мовлення, вмiння дiалогiчного мовлення, лiнгвосоцiокультурнi, рефлексивн вмiння, комунiкативнi стратеги) та письмi (знання, лексичнi, граматичнi навички, вмiння письма, лiнгвосоцiокультурнi, рефлексивш вмiння, комункативш стратеги), а також кореляцН Их компонентiв доведено доцшьтсть iнтегрованого формування англомовног компетентностi в говорiннi та письмi. Конкретизовано змют англомовног компетентностi в говорiннi та письмi майбутнiх викладачiв англтськог мови. Визначено, що взаемопов 'язане формування цшьових компетентностей повинно передбачати ттеграцт: методiв (контентно орiентоване навчання, метод виршення завдань, проектний метод, навчання iз залученням тформацтних технологш тощо); 2) змкту (ситуаци, теми, проблеми, тексти, лтгвосоцюкультурний матерiал, знання, навички, вмтня); 3) засобiв (наприклад, використання навчальног платформи Moodle, на якт розмщено необхiднi матерiали (статтi, вiдеозаписи i т.д.) та программного забезпечення, яке дозволяе проводити вiдеоконференцii Big Blue Button, Zoom тощо); 4) методики реал1заци. Обтрунтовано етапи ттегрованого формування компетентностi в говортн та письмi у майбутнх викладачiв англтськог мови:



вступний, спрямований на розвиток лексичних навичок студентгв, ознайомлення майбуттх викладач1в 1з комуткативними стратеггями, притаманними академ1чному та профестному усному i писемному стлкуванню, формування вмть Их використання, вмтня враховувати структуры та лтгвктичш особливостi англомовного академiчного та профестного стлкування (дискусш, дебатiв, доповiдей, презентацт, есе, навчальних матерiалiв тощо) у процеа говортня та письма; основний, зорieнтований на ттегрований розвиток умть говортня (монологiчне та дiалогiчне мовлення) та письма з використанням сучасних технологт (веб-квест технологи, кейс-технологп тощо).

Ключовi слова: iнтегроване формування компетентностi в говортт та письмi, майбутнi викладачi англтсько'1 мови, вмтня, комуткативш стратеги, етапи.



Тернопольський национальный педагогический университет имени Владимира Гнатюка ул. Максима Кривоноса, 2, г. Тернополь ИНТЕГРИРОВАННОЕ ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ В ГОВОРЕНИИ И ПИСЬМЕ БУДУЩИХ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ АНГЛИЙСКОГО


Проанализирована целесообразность интегрированного формирования англоязычной компетентности в говорении и письме, определены особенности взаимосвязанного формирования этих компетентностей у будущих преподавателей английского языка. С помощью анализа психофизиологических механизмов говорения и письма (репродукция, отбор, комбинирование, конструирование, антиципация, дискурсивность), структуры компетентностей в говорении (знания, лексические, грамматические навыки, умения монологической речи, умения диалогической речи, лингвосоциокультурные, рефлексивные умения, коммуникативные стратегии) и письме (знания, лексические, грамматические навыки, умения письма, лингвосоциокультурные, рефлексивные умения, коммуникативные стратегии), а также изучения корреляции их компонентов доказана целесообразность интегрированного формирования англоязычной компетентности в говорении и письме. Конкретизировано содержание англоязычной компетентности в говорении и письме будущих преподавателей английского языка. Взаимосвязанное формирования целевых компетентностей должно предусматривать интеграцию: 1) методов (контентно ориентированное обучение, метод решения задач, проектный метод, обучение с привлечением информационных технологий и т.д.); 2) содержания, 3) средств (сочетание учебной платформы Moodle и программного обеспечения, для видеоконференции - Big Blue Button, Zoom и др.); 4) методики реализации. Обоснованы этапы интегрированного формирования компетентности в говорении и письме будущих преподавателей английского языка: 1) вводный, направленный на развитие лексических навыков студентов, ознакомление будущих преподавателей с коммуникативными стратегиями, присущими академическому и профессиональному устному и письменному общению, формирование умений их использования, умений учитывать структурные и лингвистические особенности англоязычного академического и профессионального общения (дискуссий, дебатов, докладов, презентаций, эссе, учебных материалов и т. п.) в процессе говорения и письма; 2) основной, ориентированный на интегрированное развитие умений говорения (монологическая и диалогическая речь) и письма с использованием современных технологий (веб-квест технологии, кейс-технологии и т. д.).

Ключевые слова: интегрированное формирование компетентности в говорении и письме, будущие преподаватели английского языка, умения,

Recently there has been an increase in research in the field of integrated foreign language teaching and learning. Integrated approach includes integration of a foreign language with professional disciplines, integrated skills development, technology integration etc. Integrated foreign language teaching was studied by E. Hinkel, R. Oxford, M. Burak, O. Bykonia and others. M. Burak developed methodology of integrated formation of prospective university English teachers' speaking competence and information-communicative competence based on the ideas of communicative, integrated and sociocognitive approaches with the intensive use of internet services (Google Hangouts, Google Classroom, Skype, YouTube) [3]. N. Dobrovolska focuses on integrated development of reading and speaking skills of IT students [4] and made conclusions that reading activities should prepare students

for speaking activities, texts may be used to develop linguistic and information basis for the subsequent spoken production and interaction; the mechanism of transfer should be activated.

However, there is still a need to study integrated skills development of students of both linguistic and non-linguistic specialties.

Nowadays numerous studies are dedicated to developing foreign language competence of undergraduate students majoring at foreign languages (I. Zadorozhna, V. Chernysh, A. Paletska, I. Zaitseva etc.). Meanwhile training prospective university teachers of English needs studying in order to develop effective methodology and ensure the highest quality of education.

The aim of the article is to provide the rationale for integrated development of speaking and writing competences and determine peculiarities of integrated skills development of prospective university English teachers.

Integrated skill development is contrary to segregated-skill instruction which means focusing on segregated skills and which is still quite popular (e.g., developing grammar skills during the classes of Practical Grammar or phonetic skills at Practical Phonetics). Though sometimes it may be necessary to focus on particular skills, in many cases the segregation of language skills is only partial or even illusory as students do different tasks which incorporate reading, listening etc. Besides, purely segregated-skill instruction is opposite to the integrated way people use language skills in real life [13].

Speaking is often opposed to writing. Comparing oral and written discourse R. Hughes concluded that the former is oral, context dependent, often unplanned, transient, dynamic, primary, inter-personal, stigmatized whereas the latter is visual (motoric), planned, decontextualised, non-transient, static, secondary, logical, conservative, contractual [10, p. 11-12]. Another comparative research led to the conclusion that all spoken university registers are involved, marked for the absence of impersonal styles, whereas all written university registers are highly informational, elaborated in reference, characterized by impersonal styles [7, p. 282], use of well-formed sentences within thoroughly structured paragraphs [12, p. 26].

On the other hand, the analysis of mechanisms involved in speaking and writing, shows that they have much in common. The simplest one is the mechanism of reproduction which can be complete (phrases are removed from the text without changes to be used in writing or speaking) and partial (reproduction-transformation). The selection mechanism covers the selection of words and the selection of grammar structures from long-term memory. The word choice depends on the purpose of the message, the relationship between communicators, situation. The choice of grammar structure is influenced by the communicative purpose, situation and the function of the structure. Reproduction and selection are subordinated to the mechanism of combination, which provides the formation of new phrases and determines such characteristics as productivity, novelty, speech rate. Mechanism of construction ensures the construction of new speech units on the basis of a certain abstract model stored in the human brain, but not due to the awareness of language rules. On the contrary, the construction of a phrase with conscious application of language rules indicates an insufficient proficiency level. The mechanism of anticipation is considered in two aspects: structural (anticipation of a phrase, structure) and semantic (anticipation of the whole situation). The mechanism of discursiveness provides us with the ability to assesses the situation, perceive feedback signals (verbal / nonverbal reaction of the interlocutor), make decisions, activates the knowledge about the subject of communication [2, p. 104-106]. The above-mentioned mechanisms (reproduction, selection, combination, construction, anticipation, discursiveness [2, p. 104]) are involved in oral and/or written communication.

In order to provide the rationale for integrated skills development, it is necessary to analyze and compare the structure of the target competences.

Speaking competence is considered to be an integration of knowledge, lexical, grammar and phonetic skills as well as skills of spoken production and spoken interaction [6, p. 189]. Writing competence incorporates knowledge, lexical, grammar and writing skills [6, p. 298].

It is important that the same grammar and lexical systems are valid for both writing and speaking.

B. Norton and K. Toohey claim that learning a language involves a socioculturally situated social practice [11]. It means that speaking and writing competences include linguosociocultural skills which determine the effectiveness of communication in sociocultural context.


The development of advanced speaking and writing skills implies acquiring effective learning and communicative strategies. However, master's degree students are usually experienced learners who are supposed to be able to apply efficient learning strategies. It seems to be more important for them to master communicative strategies and use them correctly and appropriately. For example, prospective university teachers should be able to use language efficiently for academic and professional purposes [9, p. 27]. University teachers of English are often actively involved in professional debates, discussions etc. so they should be able to convey their thoughts clearly, argue their ideas. Argumentative discourse aimed at persuading listeners or readers is characterized by intensive use of different argumentative strategies and tactics among which are the following: 1) reference to authority, famous people; 2) use of numbers, statistics, which makes the argument more visual, and the author's ideas more significant; 3) emphasizing the obviousness of certain ideas (It's quite evident that...); 4) appeal to emotions and feelings (use of metaphors, epithets etc. depending on the objective and the audience) [1, p. 54]. The ability to use such strategies and tactics appropriately will greatly contribute to the effectiveness of communication.

Master's degree students should also develop reflective skills which help them analyze their experience, determine needs, individual objectives, language proficiency, analyze learning style, strengths and weaknesses, examine the reasons of failures, analyze issues from different perspectives [15, p. 65]. Therefore developing target competences means involving "emotive regulatory practices" [15, p. 65].

Taking into account the above-mentioned, we have come to the conclusion that on completing Master's program students should become proficient English speakers which means that they can:

• use a wide range of vocabulary (including idioms) with flexibility and precision in all topics, select vocabulary appropriately for the audience and the setting (lexical skills);

• use in their speech a wide range of structures appropriately and correctly (grammar skills);

• use a wide range of pronunciation features (phonetic skills);

• analyze and take into account the target audience (shared knowledge), build statements based on status, degree of formality and relations of participants, interests, motivation etc.; pay attention to the success of communication and manage it by adjusting components of speech (skills of oral production, oral interaction);

• speak coherently, develop topic smoothly with rare hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections; convey and argue ideas, facts, opinions; clearly and logically answer the questions of the audience (skills of oral production);

• communicate fluently, spontaneously, reasonably; participate actively in debates on topics of an academic or professional nature; take an active part in the exchange of facts, ideas, opinions; understand complex and elaborated speech (skills of oral interaction) [10, p. 104; 5, p. 499, 502];

• use registers and styles appropriate in the sociocultural situation; predict and prevent possible socio-cultural problems and barriers; imagine linguistic and sociocultural portraits of participants in intercultural communication; adapt to the English-speaking environment, following the rules of politeness, showing respect for other communities and their traditions [5, p. 519] (linguosociocultural skills);

• employ communicative strategies effectively and appropriately in order to achieve the purpose of oral communication (communication strategies);

• reflect on the results of their learning, level, objectives, determine ways of further development of speaking competence (reflective skills).

At the end of the Master's program students are supposed to reach a high level of writing competence (C2.1-C2.2) and be able to:

• use a wide range of vocabulary, select vocabulary appropriately for the target audience and objectives (lexical skills);

• use a wide range of structures appropriately and correctly (grammar skills);

• analyze and take into account the target audience (shared knowledge), interests, motivation etc.; write coherent, detailed and well-structured texts using various means of communication, employing examples and illustrations, using quotes; emphasize the most relevant points and state them clearly (e.g. in an essay, report) and support them with relevant arguments and examples; synthesize

information from different sources in a coherent text; adapt the style of writing to the context and needs of the readership [5, p. 509, 577-578] (writing skills);

• use registers and styles appropriate in the sociocultural situation; imagine linguistic and sociocultural portraits of the reader; adhere to the rules of politeness, show respect for other communities and their traditions [5, p. 519] (linguosociocultural skills);

• employ communicative strategies effectively and appropriately in order to achieve the purpose of writing and emphasize the main ideas (communication strategies);

• reflect on the results of their education, level, objectives, determine ways of further development of writing competence (reflective skills).

Figure 1 presents the correlation between the components of speaking and writing competences. However, the integration process is more complicated as, for example, good speaking or writing is usually closely connected with reading and listening as writing on complex topics we usually look for some oral (webinars, seminars etc.) or written information.

The analysis showed the correlation between the components of speaking and writing competence and hence the expediency of the integrated development of the target competences of prospective university English teachers.

In the integrated skills development two types of instruction are distinguished: content-based learning focusing on learning content through language and task-based learning emphasizing the use of language in communicative activities [13].

Content-based instruction implies that students master English while learning other subjects. A. U. Chamot and J. M. O'Malley developed Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach which shows that language learning strategies can be efficiently used in content-based instruction [8]. There are different models of content-based instruction (theme-based, adjunct, sheltered [14] etc.) which often take into account students' level of language proficiency. However, prospective university teachers of English are usually quite proficient language users so integration through content-based instruction can be an effective way of their training in terms of content learning and developing language skills during the classes of "Methods of foreign language teaching in higher education institutions", literature courses etc.

Figure 1. Correlation between the components of speaking and writing


Task-based learning in case of prospective university teachers training implies students' participation in meaningful communicative tasks which require "comprehending, producing, manipulating, or interacting in authentic language while attention is principally paid to meaning rather than form" [12, p. 10] and includes much pair and group work to perform complex tasks.

However, we wouldn't narrow the integrated skill approach only to task-based instruction which originates from Communicative language teaching. It was developed on the idea that language can be acquired best through communication as in real life it is used as a communicative tool. The statement is true both for productive and receptive skills. It is also recognized that Communicative language teaching encourages the student to be more engaged in learning English and thus develop productive skills both inside and outside classroom.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that integrated development of speaking and writing skills of prospective university teachers of English should include integration of methods. It can be content-based instruction, task-based learning, project-based learning which is of great value at Masters' courses as it often makes a complex task the focus of a series of lessons or even a term and includes some final product developed by students. Teaching with technology can also be an effective way to deal with challenges universities are facing now and provide the best quality training. A wide range of modern internet services, learning platforms give users opportunities to communicate online, exchange messages, share information etc. and create personalized and effective learning environment. Thus, Moodle can include some synchronous learning tools to provide opportunities for web-conferencing.

It is evident that nowadays teaching without technology is almost impossible. Depending on the methods selected teachers may use different tools according to the objectives set. So integrated development of speaking and writing skills of prospective university teachers of English includes integration of different learning tools (for example, learning platform Moodle and web-conferencing service Big Blue Button or Zoom).

The analysis of the correlation between the components of the target competences led us to the conclusion about the expediency of determining integrated content (situations, topics, problems, texts, linguosociocultural material, knowledge, skills) and procedures for speaking and writing competences development, which will activate the mechanisms of transfer.

Integrated development of speaking and writing competences should follow two stages: introductory, basic. The introductory stage includes the development of lexical skills, communicative strategies in speaking and writing, awareness of the structural and linguistic features of academic and professional oral and written discourse (discussions, debates, reports, presentations, essays, teaching materials etc.). The basic stage focuses on the integrated development of speaking and writing skills with the use of different methods (for example web-quests, case analysis etc.).

In the article we have provided the rationale for integrated development of speaking and writing competences and determined peculiarities of integrated skills development of prospective university English teachers (integration of methods, tools, contents, procedures).

Further research should focus on the methodology of integrated development of speaking and writing competences of prospective university English teachers.


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