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Ключевые слова
Integrable equations / Heisenberg ferromagnet equation / Yajima-Oikawa equation / gauge equivalent / Lax representation

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Zhaidary Myrzakulova, Gulgassyl Nugmanova, Nurzhan Serikbayev, Kuralay Yesmakhanova, Ratbay Myrzakulov

We consider some nonlinear models describing resonance interactions of long waves and short-waves (shortly, the LS waves models). Such LS models were derived and proposed due to various motivations, which mainly come from the different branches of modern physics, especially, from the fluid and plasma physics. In this paper, we study some of integrable LS models, namely, the Yajima-Oikawa equation, the Newell equation, the Ma equation, the Geng-Li equation and their different modifications and extensions. In particular, the gauge equivalent counterparts of these integrable LS models (equations), namely, different integrable spin systems are constructed. In fact, these gauge equivalent counterparts of these LS equations are integrable generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet type models (equations) (HFE) with self-consistent potentials (HFESCP). The associated Lax representations of these HFESCP are presented. Using these Lax representations of these HFESCP, they can be studied by the inverse scattering method. For instance, the equivalence established using the Lax representation also makes it possible to find a connection between the solutions of the corresponding integrable equations.

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ISSN 2074-1871 Уфимский математический журнал. Том 15. № 1 (2023). С. 122-134.



Abstract. We consider some nonlinear models describing resonance interactions of long waves and short-waves (shortly, the LS waves models). Such LS models were derived and proposed due to various motivations, which mainly come from the different branches of modern physics, especially, from the fluid and plasma physics. In this paper, we study some of integrable LS models, namely, the Yajima-Oikawa equation, the Newell equation, the Ma equation, the Geng-Li equation and their different modifications and extensions. In particular, the gauge equivalent counterparts of these integrable LS models (equations), namely, different integrable spin systems are constructed. In fact, these gauge equivalent counterparts of these LS equations are integrable generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet type models (equations) (HFE) with self-consistent potentials (HFESCP). The associated Lax representations of these HFESCP are presented. Using these Lax representations of these HFESCP, they can be studied by the inverse scattering method. For instance, the equivalence established using the Lax representation also makes it possible to find a connection between the solutions of the corresponding integrable equations.

Keywords: Integrable equations, Heisenberg ferromagnet equation, Yajima-Oikawa equation, gauge equivalent, Lax representation.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 35C08, 35Q51

1. Introduction

Nonlinear models of long wave-short wave resonant interactions, the so-called LS equations, play an important role in modern physics as well as in modern mathematics [l]-[3]. Some of these models are integrable nonlinear partial differential equations in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions (see, e.g. [4]-[13] and references therein). In 1+1 dimensions, such LS equations of long wave-short wave resonant interactions, formally in general, can be written as

iqt + Qxx + fi(v,vx,q,q,...) = 0, vt + 6(1 q\2)x = 0, (1.1)

where q(x, t) represents an envelope (complex-valued) of the short wave and v(x,t) denotes a real-valued amplitude of the long wave (potential), ó = const. Here f1 is some function of its arguments. System of equations (1.1) can be considered as the nonlinear Schrodinger type equations with self-consistent potentials. It combines all well-known integrable LS models, namely, the Yajima-Oikawa equation (YOE), the Newell equation (NE), the Geng-Li equation (GLE) etc. This outcome is similar to the one that proves that the Korteweg-de Vries and the modified KdV equations are just two particular cases of the Gardner equation. There exists

Zh. Myrzakulova, G. Nugmanova, N. Serikbayev, K. Yesmakhanova, R. Myrzakulov, Integrable Tolkynay equations and related Yajima-Oikawa type equations.

(r) Myrzakulova Zh., Nugmanova G., Serikbayev N., Yesmakhanova K., Myrzakulov R. 2023.

The work is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant API 1971227.

Submitted August 15, 2020.

another interesting class of integrable systems, namely, integrable generalized spin systems or Heisenberg ferromagnet equations with self-consistent potentials (GHFESCP) (see, e.g. [14] [18] and references therein). Such spin systems in general can be written as

i St + f 2 (S,SX,SXX,U,UX,...) = 0, ut + utr(S [Sx,St])x = 0, (1.2)

where a 2 x 2 spin matrix S reads as

5 =(£ -'s,) ™

and satisfies the following condition

S2 = I. (1.4)

Some time we use the following form of integrable generalized spin systems

iRt + MR, Rx, Rxx, u, ux ,...) = 0, (1.5)

where, in contrast to (1.3) and (1.4), the symbol R denotes a 3 x 3 spin matrix satisfying the condition

R3 = eR, (e = ±1).

2 u

function (potential) and (u, 5) are real constants.

The set of equations (1.1) is some kind generalizations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE):

i Qt + qXx + 2 v lql2q = 0. (1.6)

At the same time system (1.2) and (1.5) are certain extensions of the following Heisenberg ferromagnet equation (HFE)

i St + 2[S,S^]=0. (1.7)

Both NLSE (1.6) and HFE (1.7) are integrable and admit some integrable extentions in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions (see, e.g., [19] [38] and references therein). It is well-known that between NLSE (1.6) and HFE (1.7) are related by a gauge and geometrical equivalence [39]-[40], The aim of this paper is to find such gauge equivalence between some particular reductions of systems of equations (1.1), (1.2) and (1.5).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the integrable Tolkynay equation (TE) is presented. The Yajima-Oikawa-Mewell equation (YONE) is considered in Section 3 and its gauge equivalence with the TE is studied in Section 4. In the next two Sections 5 and 6 the gauge equivalent counterparts of the Yajima-Oikawa equation (YOE) and the Ma equation (ME) are presented. The relation between the TE and NE is established in Section 7. The same problem was studied in Section 8 for the Geng-Li equation (GLE). In Section 9, the MXXXIV equation is investigated. In Section 10, the M-V equation and its relation with the LS equations were considered. The last section is devoted to some conclusions and discussions.

2. The Tolkynay equation In this paper, in particular, we study the following Tolkynay equation (TE)

i Rt + [ R2,Rx]x = 0. (2.1)



f Rii Ri2 R

R = 1 R21 R22 R

V R31 R 2 R

and satisfies the following conditions

R3 = R, tr(R) = 0, det(R) = 0.

The TE is one of integrable generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet type equation. The Lax representation (LR) of the TE is given by


% = V1%,


U1 = iXR,

- 3')

Vi = -xXUR2 - - I - X[R2, Rx]


One of most general integrable LS equations is the Yajima-Oikawa-Newell equation (YONE)


iqt + qxx + (iavx + a2v2 - fiv - 2alql2)q = 0, vt - 2(|g|)x = 0, (3.1)

where the parameters a, P are arbitrary real constants. These parameters may be considered as independent constants describing a long-short wave cross-interaction. This system reduces to the YOE for a = 0, P = 1 and to the Newell equation as a = a, P = 0. System YONE (3.1) is integrable. Its LE has the form [8]








Uo = iXE + Q,

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1

100 0 -2 0 0 0 1

—i a\q\2

U2&, = V2$,

Vo = -\2B2 + t\B1 + B0.




i(a2v - ß) aq


B1 = I iaq

i q 0

0 - i q

0 -iaq 0

-avq + i qx

-a2vq + ßq - iaqx 2ia\q\2

ia2\q\2 -a2v q + ßq + iaqx

\ \2 avq - iqx

- a\ \ 2

4. Gauge equivalence between TE and YONE

In this section we establish the gauge equivalence between TE (2.1) and YONE (3.1). In order to do this, we consider the gauge transformation

We obtain where

As a result, we have where

% = g-1§, g = $x=0.

% = Ui%, % = Vi%, Ui = g-1 {Ü2 - gxg-l)g, Vi = g-1(V2 - gtg-1)g. Ui = iXR, V1 = -X2g-1B2g + iXg-1B1g, R = 9-1e9 .


After some calculations, we obtain




g-1Qgg-1Sg + g-1 Sgg-1Qg = g~ On the other hand,

Rx = g-1[S,Q]g = g-1

Hence, we get

0 0

aq 0 - qq

0 - aq 0

0 q 0 \

aq 0 -q 1

0- aq 0


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-ig lBxg = g 1QgR + Rg 1Qg



-aq „2

q 2 i v

0 q I g.

-2i(a2v - ß) -aq 0

[ R, Rx] = g-1

and therefore,



q 4i v 0 q

9 = 9 lQ9 +


0 0



4 i(a2v - ß) aq 0

g-1Qg = [R, Rx] - 3ig

( a2v -ß) 0 0


0 0



Taking into consideration the formula

/0 0 v

E I 0 0 0 | +

\ (a2v - p) 0 0

we obtain

( a2 - ß) 0 0 00

0 0 0 I E = 0,

( a2 - ß) 0 0

g-1Big = i(g-1Qgg-1Eg + g-1Egg-1Qg) = ¿([R, RX]R + R[R, Rx]) = i[R2, Rx].

Thus, we have shown that


g-1B29 = -- 1 + iR2, g-1B19 = i[R2,Rx}.


Finally, we have the following Lax pair for TE (2,1)


Ux = x\R, V = -i\2(R2 - - I) - X[R2, Rx\.


We provide some useful formulas:

tr(R2) = -4alql2 + 8v(a2v - p), det(R^) = 2ip|g|2.

As integrable equation, the YONE admits the infinity number of integrals of motion. For example, here we present the following integral of motion for the YONE (3,1):

P = J J dx,

where a, b are some constants and

J = 4a[a(5/3 - 1)|g|2 + 2v{a2v - /)] = atr(S2) + bdet(Sx), J

Jt = 16a[za(qxq - qqx) - /|q|2 + 2a2v|q|2]x,

10 aa

iß .

and hence,


J dx^j

J dx I =0

with the boundary conditions

limg(x,t) ^ 0, \imv(x,t) ^ 0 as x ^

5. Gauge equivalence between the YOE and the MM-IIE

The first example of integrable long-short waves interactions models is the following Yajima-Oikawa equation (YOE) [1]

i Qt + ^ Qxx -uq = 0,

ut + Ux + lq\X = 0

Its Lax representation reads as

U3 = Aq + 2i AS + (2A) A_1

Fa = -U + 2% A2Al + ABi + Bq + ¿(4A)"


1 0 0 S= | 0 0 0 0 0 1


B i

0 0 0

0 -$* 0 Aq = 1 0 0 0 0 $* 0

0 2 $x + $*

BQ = | 1 $ 0

|$|2 0 |$|2 \

$x 0 $x I

-|$|2 0 -|$|2 )

/ -ni 0 - n

A_1 =| $ 0 $

\ n 0 n

0 —i $* — $* u 2 x


-1 $ 2


-1 $ 2 $

0 |$|2 0 $x 0 -|$|2

$ = qe2 x).

0 -$* 00

0 $*




We consider a gauge transformation

0 = g(x, t, Aq) = 0(x, t, A) | a=Aq C GL(£, C)

as A = Aq, where

9x = U3(x,t,Ao)g, gt = V3(x,t,Ao)g,


U4 = g_1u3g - g-1 gx, V4 = g_1vsg - g-1 gt.

We obtain:

U4 = 2i(A - Aq)9-1Aig -

A - A0 _1 a

1A\9 A_19,


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V4 = 2*(A2 - A20)g_1A\g - U4 - ^^9_1B_19 + (A - Aq)B1 .

We introduce two new matrices R and a

R = g_1Sg, a = g_1A_1g, R3 = R.


U4 = 2x(A - Aq)[R + (4^AqA)_V],

V4 = -U + (A - Aq){2í(A + Aq)R2 + R(R2)x + A_1 [í(4Ao)_1[a, R2] + 2[a, R2]R]}.

This Lax pair gives the following Makhankov-Myrzakulov-II equation (MM-IIE) [24]

R + Ri + (2rR - 2\BR'i)x + («A0)-1k = 0,

( + + (^k, R]x - i\0[(J,R2])x + i\0h = 0,



h = [a(Rx - 2 i\oI),R2] + ([R2,a]R)x, tr( U4) = tr( V4) = tr( U3) = tr( V3) = tr( R) = tr(<r) = 0.

6. The MM-IE and its relation with the Ma equation Let us consider the following Makhankov-Myrzakulov-I equation (MM-IE) [24]

iRt + 2[ R,RXX] - 4(RXR)X = 0,


R3 = R.

The MM-IE is integrable. The corresponding LR has the form

% = U5 %,

% = V5^,


U5 = %\R, V5 = 2%\2R2 + 2\(R2)x. Note that the MM-IE is gauge equivalent to the following Ma equation (ME) [24]

iqt - 2qxx + 2uq = 0, ut + |<?|2 = 0.

After some simple scale transformations, the ME takes becomes YOE (5,1), In contrast to the YOE, for the ME the LR takes a simpler form [3]

= U6$,


where Here

U = C0 + i\E,



o =

' I 0 1 n \ E* I 2

0 0 J

0 —i Ex - 2 |E |

E* 0

0 E 0




= V>$, D0 + XD1 + 2i\2D2.

10 0 0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 E 0 0 0 - E* 0 0 0

Do = E2

As we mentioned, the MM-IE and the ME are gauge equivalent one to other. In order to prove this, let us consider the gauge transformation ^ = u-1$, where u = $(x, t, A) |a=o- Then we have

ux = Ue0u, ut = V60u,


U6o = Ui |A=0, V60 = V1 |A=0.

As a result, we get

U5 = u 1U6u - u 1ux, V5 = u 1V6u - u 1 u





U6 = iXu Eu, V6 = Xu D1u + 2iX u D2u. After some calculation we obtain

u-lDiu = 2(R2)x, u-1D2u = R2,


R = u-1Eu.

The matrix function R satisfies the following conditions

tr(R) = 0, det(R) = ^E|2, det(Rx) = det(u-1[Cb Co]u) = ^E|2.

It is not difficult to confirm that the matrix function R satisfies MM-IE (6,1), This is proves that MM-IE (6,1) and ME (6,2) are gauge equivalent one to the other,

7. The TE and its relation with the Newell equation The TE reads as

i Rt + [ R2,Rx]x = 0, where the spin matrix R is of the form

13 23 33

and satisfies the following conditions

R3 = R, tr(R) = 0, det(R) = 0.

Here a = ±1 R12 = R- = R1 — iR2 is a complex function and R11 functions. Let us calculate some useful expressions


l Rii Ri2 R

R = I R2i R22 R

i \ R3i R32 R

Rii Ri2 i / R co R-

-oRi2 0 a Ri2 I =I —aR+ 0 aR+

— — Ri2 —Rii ) 1 \ — — R- — R

R3, Ri, R2,v are real


R2 = I -(Rii + tv)aRi2 —2<r | Ri212 -(Rii + tv)aRi2

Rh — vlRnl2 + v2 (Rii — iv)Ri2 >)




R3 = R2R =R = (R2i — 2a|Ri2|2 + v2) 1 —a Ru

( Rii — iv) Ri2 R2i — alRi2l2 + v2


0 aRi2 Ri2 —Rii

( r2n — 2alri2l2 + v2)r.

We hence obtain the following condition

R\l — 2alRi212 + v2 = R2 — 2alR+l2 + v2 = R¡ — 2a(R¡ + R2) + v2 = 1.

The TE is one of integrable generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet type equation. The LR of the TE is given by

^ = U7^, = Vj^,


Uj = tXR, Vj = — X2 IR2 — -I ) — X[R2, Rx].


It is not difficult to confirm that the gauge equivalent of TE (7.1) is a Newell equation (NE) which reads as [2]

i qt + qxx + (iux + u2 — 2alql2)q = 0, ut — 2a(|g|2)x = 0,

where a = ±1, Note that in addition to a long wave-short wave coupling, the short wave has the same self-interaction as the NLSE (1,6), The NE is integrable. Its Lax representation is [21, [111

$ A m

$ = Vs$,


U8 =

i X q i v a q 0 aq iv q -iX

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-\iX2 - ialql2 - Xq + iqx - vq

Vs = I -a(Xq + qx + vq) \iX2 + 2ialql2 a(Xq - iqx -vq)


Xq + iqx - vq -1iX2 - ialql2

It is not difficult to verify that these matrices satisfy the following conditions

U+(A) = -AU (A) A, V+(A) = -AV (A) A,

U+(X) = -BV (-X)B, U+(X) = -BV (-X)B,



A = I 0 -a 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 B = I 0 1 0 100

8. Geng-Li equation

Again we consider TE

i Rt + [ R2,Rx]x = 0.


In contrast to the previous cases, now we assume that the spin matrix R satisfies the conditions

R3 = -R, tr(R) = 0, det(R) = 0. (8.2)

Then the LR for TE (8.1) becomes

= Ug^, % = , (8.3)


Ug = AR, Vg = -I A2R2 + xA[R2,Rx]. R

R = g-1Jg,


/0 -10 J = I 1 0 0 000

We consider the gauge transformation

$ =

Hence, it follows from equations (8.3) that the new matrix function $ satisfies the equations

$ = Ug$, $t = Vg$,


i iv -A 0 \ / iA2 - 2iIql2 0 -iAq

Us = I A 0 -q I , V8 = I 0 tA2 - t^2 iqx + vq y 0 q 0 y y -iAq iqx - vq ilql2

The compatibility condition

Ust - Vsx + [Us,Vs] = 0 gives the Geng-Li equation (GLE) [4]

iqt + qxx + 2lql2q + i(vq)x = 0, vt + 2(lql2)x = 0. (8.4)

This proves that TE (8,1) with conditions (8,2) and LE (8,3) is gauge equivalent to GLE (8,4),

9. The M-XXXIV equation

One of integrable HFE with self-consistent potentials (HFESCP) is the following Myrzakulov-XXXIV (M-XXXIV) equation

1 2'

where S = ( Si, S2, S3) is the unit spin vector that is S2 = Sf + S2f + S| = 1 and u is a real function (potential). The M-XXXIV equation is integrable. The corresponding LE has the form


^ = 1 [S + = 2 [S + (2b + 1)mxx + 2W (9-1)

where W = Wi + W2 and

St + S A S^ -uS = 0, ut + -(SX)x = 0,

Wi = (2b + 1)E + (2b + 1)SSX + (2b + 1)FS,

W2 = FI + -Sx + ES + aSSv, S± = Si ± iSf, 2

E = -—Ux, F =- (UX - 2u>] , S ÍS3 S

) ■ s =(Ü .

2 a ^ 2\a V' \S+ — S3/

In fact, the compatibility condition = gives the following system of equations

iSt + 1 [ S, S^] — iwS% = 0, 1



wv - — tr(SS, Sv]) = 0,

£ = x +— y, r> = —x, w = . a

Hence after the simple transformation r] = t, w ^ u, £ ^ x, we obtain

iSt + 2[S, Sxx] — iuSx = 0, ut — ^MS[Sx, St]) = 0. (9.2)

The following equations hold:

[Sx,Si] = — (SX)xS, S [Sx,Si] = — (SX)x I, SX = , S [Sx,Si] = — (SX)x I,


t r( S [ Sx,St]) = — 2z(sx)x. Hence, M-XXXIV equation (9.2) can be written as

iSt + 2[S, Sxx] — iuSx = 0, Ut + 2(sx)x = 0. (9.3)

Let us find the equation which is gauge equivalent to M-XXXIV equation (9.3). To this end, we consider the following tranformation

$ = g-1^, (9.4)

where ^ is the matrix solution of linear problem (9.1), $ and g are a temporally unknown matrix functions. Substituting (9.4) into (9.1), after some calculations we get

a$y = Bi$x + Bo$, $t = iC2 $xx + Ci$x + Cq$, (9.5)


(0 0) , B = 0) ,

(b +1 , Ci = f° 0), c = fcii C12)

0 1 0 0 21 22

2 1 0 bj ' 1 y I r °

c12 = i(2b + 1) qx + i a qy, c21 = — 2 % brx — i ary.

Here Cjj satisfy the following system of equations

ciix — aciiy = i qrx + r C12 — q C21, a c22y = —ir qx + r C12 — q C21.

The compatibility condition of equations (9,5) gives the following (2+l)-dimensional nonlinear Sehrôdinger equation:

i qt + gçç + v q = 0, i rt — r^ — v r = 0, vv + 2(r q)% = 0,

or, after î] —y t, we have

i qt + qxx + vq = 0, i rt — Txx — V r = 0, Vt + 2(rq)x = 0.

It coincide with ME (6,2), Thus, we have presented a new LE for the ME or for the YOE, Consequently, we have found a new form of the gauge equivalent counterpart of the ME and/or the YOE, namely, the M-XXXIV equation,

10. The M-V equation

Our next example of integrable generalized HFE is the so-called Mvrzakulov-V (M-V) equation, The M-V equation reads as

iRt + 2[R, Ry]x + 3(R2RyR)x = 0


iRt + -[R, Ry]x + 3[R2, (R2)y]x = 0, (10.1)

2[R,Ry ]x + 2 R

R3 = R, tr(R) = 0, det(R) = 0. M-V equation (10,1) is a (2+l)-dimensional integrable equation. Its LE reads as

% = Ui%, % = Vi%,


U1 = -AR, Vi = -aA'R + A ([R,Ryi + aifl2, (R2)y]).

In order to find its gauge equivalent equation, we consider the transformation

R = $-1E$,

where £ = diag(1, 0, -1) Let us we assume that $ satisfies the following equations $x = - A£ + Q, $t = (112A2 + inA + /i0 )$y + V $,

with a given matrix Q; here V is an unknown matrix and = consts. The compatibility condition $xt = $tx gives the following two equations:

Qt -Vx + [U, V] - (12A2 + I1A + |)Qy = 0 (10.2)


At - (12A2 + 11A + |)Ay = 0.

Equation (10,2) is the desired nonlinear Sehrodinger type equation coupled with the equation for the potential v(x, t). At the same time, equation (10,2) indicates that in this case, we have a nonisospeetral problem, where A = A(y, t).

11. Conclusions

Nonlinear models describing interactions of long and short (LS) waves are given by the Yajima-Oikawa type equations. These long wave-short wave interaction models were derived and proposed with various motivations, which mainly come from fluid and plasma physics. It is well known that in these long wave-short wave equations is that a long wave always arises as generated by short waves. In this paper, we study some of integrable LS models, namely, the Yajima-Oikawa equation, the Newell equation, the Ma equation, the Geng-Li equation and etc. Any integrable equations admitting the Lax representations, generally speaking, are gauge equivalent to some integrable generalized HFE, In this context, it is interesting to find the gauge equivalent counterparts of the above mentioned integrable LS models. In this paper, the gauge equivalent counterparts of integrable LS models (equations) are found. In fact, these gauge equivalents of the LS equations are integrable generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet equations with self-consistent potentials (HFESCP), The associated Lax representations of these HFESCP are given.


This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant AIM 1971227.

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Zhaidarv Mvrzakulova, Gulgassvl Nugmanova, Nurzhan Serikbavev, Kuralay Yesmakhanova, Hal bay Mvrzakulov Eurasian National University, Satbavev str. 2,

010008, Astana, Kazakhstan

Ratbay Mvrzakulov Eurasian International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 38th str., 27/1,

010009, Astana, Kazakhstan E-mail: rmyrzakulovSgmail. com

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