INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Diouani Refka

The purpose of the study is to present models of pedagogical design and an adaptive e-learning environment as theoretical and practical foundations in teaching foreign languages. The article presents several common instructional design models and principles that can be used in the design of an enterprise language learning system ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) is the development of e-learning strategies using instructional design model approaches and providing a practical framework for the implementation of these theories in the classroom. The study includes literature analysis, presentation of innovative methods of application of PD (pedagogical design) models in teaching foreign languages. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the development of successful online language courses based on the principle of PD and communicative languages of instruction. The author describes methods for creating a student-centered online language course that raises the level of students' knowledge in meaningful cultural contexts. In addition, the article has important educational implications for future research on the impact of adaptive online learning on the interaction of foreign language students. The results highlight the need for more quasi-experimental and descriptive research to better understand the benefits and challenges of implementing adaptive e-learning in higher education for language learners. The findings made it possible to formulate guidelines for teachers. To complete this work, with the help of the PD and ADDIE model, curriculum developers, teachers can create curricula that encourage students to learn foreign languages more autonomously and effectively.

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ков в период их обучения: результаты эмпирического исследования // Социальные отношения. - 2016. - №4(19). - С. 121-129.

4. Дзялошимский И.М., Пилмун М.А. Культура коммуникаций 8 условиях цифровой и социокультурной глобализации: глобальный и региональный аспекты: монография. - М.: Белый ветер, 2018.

5. Кондрашина 6.В. Формирование коммуника-1 ивной культуры учители в условиях цифровой трансформации образования // Психология. Ие-Iорико-криIи ческие обзоры и современные ис следования. - 2020. - Т.9. - №>5А. - С. 33-40. DOI; 10.34670/AR.2020.93.51.006

6. Кузьмина Н.В. Созидательный вектор фундаментального образования // 1нновац1йш гид ход и до виховання студентсько'1' молод1 у вищих на-вчальних закладах: матер!али М1ЖИар. наук.-практ. конференц!! (м. Житомир, 22-23 траеня 2014 р.). Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ iM. 1. Франка, 2011, - С, 20-78. URL: https://core.ac.uk/downioad/pdf/ 42974977.pdf {дата обращения: 23.09. 2022).

/. Курашееа C.B. Формирование коммуникативной компетентности будущего учителя: автореферат дис. ... канд. пед. н.: 13.00.08, - Кемерово, 2006.

- 24 с. URL: https://search.rsl.ru/ru/record/ 01003258458 {дата обращения: 18.09. 2022).

8. Проблемы и перспективы цифровой трансформации образования в России и Китае, II Российско-китайская конференция исследователей образования "Цифровая трансформация образования и искусственный интеллект". Москва, Россия, 26 -11 сентября 2019 г. / А. Ю. Уваров, С. Ван, Ц. Кан и др.; отв. ред. И. В. Дворецкая; пер. с кит. Н. С. Куч мы; Нац. исслед. ун-т "Высшая школа экономики".

- М,: Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2019. -155 с.

9. Тращеев C.B. Проблемы развития коммуникативной компетентности будущих педагогов школ в условиях цифровизации общества // Гуманитарный научный вестник. - 2020. - №4. - С. 31-34. URL: http://naukavestnik.ru/doc/2020/04/ Trashcheev.pdf (дата обращения 22.08. 2022).



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Днуани Рефка, аспирант. Институт иностранных языков, Российский университет Дружбы народов, Москва

Цель исследования - представление моделей педагогического дизайна и адаптивной среды электронного обучения в качестве теоретических и практических основ в обучении иностранным языкам. Статья представляет несколько распространенных моделей и принципов педагогического дизайна, которые можно исполь зова ть при проектировании системы корпоративного изучения иностранных языков АРО!Е (Анализ, проектирования, разработки, реализации и оценки) является разработкой стратегий электронного обучения с использованием подходов модели педагогического дизайна и обеспечение практической основы для реали зации этих теорий в классе. Исследование включает анализ литературы, представление инновационных методов применения ПД (педагогический дизайн) моделей в преподавании иностранных языков. Научная новизна заключается в разработке успешных онлайн-курсов языка, основанных на принципе ПД и коммуникативных языков обучения. Автор описывает методы создания онлайн-курса обучения языку, ориентированного на учащихся, который повышают уровень знаний учащихся в значимых культурных контекстах. Кроме того, статья имеет важные образовательные последствия для будущих исследований влияния адаптивного онлайн-обучения на взаимодействие студентов иностранных языков. Результаты подчеркивают необходимость проведения более квазиэкспериментальных и описательных исследований для лучшего понимания преимуществ и проблем внедрения адаптивного электронного обучения в высших учебных заведениях для студентов, изучающих иностранные языки. Сделанные выводы позволили сформулировать руководящие принципы для учителей. Для завершения этой работы с помощью модели ПД и АРОН: разработчики учебных программ, преподаватели могут создавать учебные программы, поощряющие учащихся к более автономному и эффективному изучению иностранных языков.

Ключи вые слова: адаптивное обучение; педагогический дизайн; А ОРИ: модель; арабский язык как иностран-



DO! 10.24923/2222-243Х.2022-45.38



The purpose of the study is to present models of pedagogical design and an О Diouani Refka, 2022

adaptive e-learning environment as theoretical and practical foundations in

teaching foreign languages. The article presents several common instructional

design models and principles that can be used in the design of an enterprise

language learning system ADDiE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation

and Evaluation) is the development of e-learning strategies using instructional

design model approaches and providing a practical framework for the

implementation of these theories in the classroom. The study includes literature

analysis, presentation of innovative methods of application of PD (pedagogical

design) models in teaching foreign languages. The scientific novelty of this article

lies in the development of successful online language courses based on the principle

of PD and communicative languages of instruction. The author describes methods for creating a student-centered online language course that raises the level of students' knowledge in meaningful cultural contexts, in addition, the article has important educational implications for future research on the impact of adaptive online learning on the interaction of foreign language students. The results highlight the need for more quasi-experimental and descriptive research to better understand the benefits and challenges of implementing adaptive e-learning in higher education for language learners. The findings made it possible to formulate guidelines for teachers. To complete this work, with the help of the PD and ADDiE model, curriculum developers, teachers can create curricula that encourage students to learn foreign languages more autonomously and effectively. Keywords: Adaptive E--learning; Instructional design; ADDIE model; Arabic as a foreign language.





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DSOUAN! Refka, Postgraduate student, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


During recent years the topic of using technology in education become more important, not only because We are in the 21th century and we should be innovator, but also because the digital tools facilitate the role of teachers and motivate the students to be engaged in the learning process. For this reason, the concept of smart collaboration has been gaining importance in recent years. Since Leon and Colettf (2008) "The adoption of technology in education is one of the key factors for teaching and learning to improve: we must engage the students by using digital tools, allowing them to participate actively in the process of learning and improving their academic performance. As well as for teachers to communicate both synchronous and asynchronous especially in teaching foreign languages, in higher education institution. In addition to complete educational process in the context of digitalization we should make sure that the educators have a digital literacy and have a soft skill can help htm to use learning management system (IMS) can achieve their objectives and serve learner interest, in the digital world for educators of higher education institutions, teaching and ¡earning process is not always the most important issue that needs to be addressed. It is more important to keep pace with the developments in technology. [6, c, 315] Digitalization has already changed the way we live and think. And it will continue to change how we will do things at work, home, and everywhere in between.

To complete educational process are many factors must be taken into account; Digital literacy of teachers, interactive content, motivate learner, design online courses serve the students interest and achieve teacher's goal.

Therefor this paper aims to identify the role of synchronously and asynchronously technologies in teaching process specially to improve communicative skills of students in higher education. We also propose an implementation of the ADDfE using in the developing of language online learning. The factor that was considered good teaching practices for online learning environments.

Research methodologies

There are a numerous study that addresses the benefits of using information communication technologies in education, especially in teaching foreign languages, an issue that become the centre of interests among researchers, particularly in designing and creating aids that cater to the learner needs. The traditional teaching ofFL needs to be changed to the modern method, which uses an adaptive e-learntng environment to facilitate the interaction of communication. Instructional design increase the strength of the motivation because the ¡earners are involved

in these attractive and fascinating activities, in addition, ID models can provide content course and aid communication between parties.

in the last two decades, according to the relevant literature, there are various proposed educational models, such as ASSURE, Dick and Carey, and Gagne, many of which are based on ADDIE. because ADDIE is the most widely recognized in many universities as Harvard also in people's friendship university of Russia they organized online courses in instructional design for the teachers and PhD students to develop their digital competencies and try to include this technology in teaching process, especially in the institute of foreign languages we started to develop a digital content for the learner of FL as Arabic, French and English using instructional design software; Ispring suite, Adobe Captivate, cloud App. [2, c. 66]

Automated artificial intelligence systems, digital educational games, virtual reality worlds, and other online applications have been introduced into the educational process offering adaptability and personalization. However, the use of ID models is required in order for such systems to be able to achieve an ideal educational framework for the assimilation of knowledge and development of complex skills as required by modem competitive reality.

According to Ali {2008} the demand for distance education has been rapidly growing with factors directly related to the context of the labor market (economic, social, and political) and to their interaction on an international scale. Moreover, several researchers have observed that the use of Instructional design models and theories is a new concept in the modern education system and the need of this technology is growing. Campbell confirmed that, ADDIE model in is an instructional design whose idea inspired many curriculum designers to suggest other forms and design models. (Campbell, 2014; Chevalier, 2011; Davis, 2013;Khadimally,2015; Wang & Hsu, 2009). Therefor Robert Maribe Branch in his book about the models of ID demonstrates that the effectiveness of this technologies is design promotes high fidelity between learning environments and learner and the implication of the ADDIE model to the systems design facilitates the complexities of intentional learning environments by responding to multiple situations, interactions within context, and interactions between contexts. [4, c. 8]

It should be noted the communication is the most important point in the adaptive learning environment. Some research agrees that today's education should have been more digital a long

time ago, but that after the pandemic, these news media receive the importance they have, as Sanchez explains: "The implementation ofdifferent tools technologies such as forums, video-conferences, QR codes, elements multimedia, created by Moodle and other tools are more accepted in environments learning related to training and professional development". (Sanchez, 2014)

In this study we identify the role of synchronously and asynchronously technologies in teaching process specially to improve communicative skills of students in higher education. We also propose an implementation of the ADDIE using in the developing of language online learning. The factor that was considered good teaching practices for online learning environments. In the digital world for educators of higher education institutions, teaching and learning process is not always the most important issue that needs to be addressed. It is more important to keep pace with the developments in technology. Digitalization has already changed the way we live and think. And it will continue to change how we will do things at work, home, and everywhere in between. [3, c. 65-68]

Teaching languages is different from the other discipline is not a mathematic or architecture to knowing the rules. The objective of teaching language and grammar is for using and communicate with others about a different purpose.

To achieve this goal, we should make sure that the process of learning continued and not only in the classroom but also the students must have unlimited access to the courses to better memorize the information. That's why the using of asynchronously and synchronously tools are more effective than only online meeting.

Instructional design is a complex practice, it generally involves the most effective ways to provide knowledge and skills to learners, also is very simple because the tutors need to understand the needs of students and then transfer the lesson from traditional classroom to digital interactive content to improve their communicative skills. With ADDIE help to create a student profile in the context of adaptive online environment because include a practical phases; analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation as mentioned in first figure the well-established ADDIE model is used, diving the entire process into 5 stages.

Analysis: Needs, tasks, requirements, participant's current capabilities.

Design: Learning objectives, delivery format, activities and exercises.

Development: create a prototype, review, and develop course material.

Implementation: training implementation, tools In place and observation.

Evaluation: Awareness, knowledge, behaviour and results.


information with the students' dedication and perseverance (e.g., Creasman) Additionally, the phrase "good practices" includes a number of aspects that make the teaching personalized, collaborative, and challenging by enabling an active, experiential, authentic, and democratic approach. Therefore, it is important to take into account some parameters in educational planning, such as the socio-cultural context of the learners, motivation, and expectations of the curriculum. [1, c. 20-301


Instructional Design in teaching FL


Dcvïï top-men t

Figure 1 - ADDIE Process

Principles and strategies of using Instructional Design. Instructional design is an iterative process of planning performance objectives, selecting instructional strategies, choosing media and selecting or creating materials, and evaluation. Because curricula are usually structured around content rather than human capabilities resulting in gaps between broad goals and specific objectives designers should work backward from desired outcomes of human performance using a taxonomy of learned capabilities to group and sequence objectives, then plan external conditions to support internal conditions for learning.

Teachers should arrange external learning events that support individual learner differences in internal processing. Performance objectives are specific statements of a learning outcome, or what a learner should be able to do. The learned capability verb designates the learning outcome and the action designates specifically how this outcome is expressed. \S, c. 45]

Good teaching practices in distance learning FL are the utilization of collaborative learning, active learning, social presence, and the supportive role of the instructor, including the provision of different learning experiences to enhance both the interaction and learning process in general, and finally the balancing of the amount of the course

Administrator* Adding

^^JÍTearner ^ Logging — and

exploring M toe course

Figure 2 - The method of using LMS system


Figure 3 - The storyboard for teaching Arabic

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which accelerated adopting instructional design that influence the development of knowledge and oral comprehension in FL of the students of Baccalaureate institute foreign languages of Russian they attempt an online course of Arabic language for the beginners.To start with, we have created a storyboard in LMS which include audio video materials and interactive exercises to put the learner in the centre of education process.

Table - Software required to develop linguistic skills

Software Purpose

SoundCloud Record audio/ sound

Text Speech Converting from text to speech

ToPhonetics.com Help learner to pronounce new

words correctly

Camtasia Screen recorder and video editing

Education quality standards are measured by using a meaningful online learning and the

Computer Algorithm to orchestrate the interaction with the learner.

Design strategies of e-learning using ADDiE model approaches and to provide a practical framework for implementing those theories in the classroom improve communicative skills of learner FL.

The paper shows that there is a many online tools, theories and approaches for learning are presented as instant solutions. That's why was carried making sure that iD programs is suitable for all students and can be tricky when they all have different needs and abilities.

Instructional design focuses on outcomes that can be measured in a reliable and valid way, help learners perform the behaviour that will be expected of them in the reai world. So, the study confirmed that the ID is a team effort which usually involves team work. [6, 314j

There is no different between teaching and ID because the first one is about communicating information effectively and helping learners to develop and the second one is about the organization of digital content and preparation instructional materials so that "teaching" can move forward.


The effective ID is teaching languages is must be well structured the ADDIE model have a positive impact in the academic results of students Therefore the criteria of the teacher interviewed as part of this research work, the adequate development of oral comprehension skills is essential, as it allows communication between individuals and the development of the student's oral expression in a foreign language, such as Arabic.

To increase communicative competencies of students and their participation in the courses, it

is necessary that the teachers transform the teaching process by implement ADDiE to motivate students to participate actively and effectively in the courses

After what has already been mentioned in the previous section, the strategies used by teachers must adapt to new technologies, strategies interactive multimedia, which allow students to assimilate the knowledge of more concrete way, in this way the pupils construct their own learning by fixing a long-term vocabulary and positively increasing their class participation.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Is Almelhi A.M., Effectiveness of the ADDIE Mode! within an E-Learnlng Environment in Developing Creative Writing in EFL Students. Engl. Lang. Teach., vol.14, № 2. 202.0. C. 20-36.

2. Ali, S., Ali, L. Efficacy of Gagne's Nine Events of instruction in improving the performance of undergraduate medical students. Academy of Health Professions Educators, № 1 (2). 2015. C. 65-68.

3. Amiti F., Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning/ Eut. J. Open Educ. E-Leam. Stud.N' 5 .2020. C. 60-70.

4. Branch R.M., instructional design the ADDiE approach. Georgia: Springer .2010. C. 169-203.

5. Cunningham A.C., and Mary L.R. Influencing the instructional design strategies of new teachers; Foreign language and technology teacher education. Foreign Language Annals 35, № 1. 2002, C. 43-60.

6. Jahlilehvand, M., Sludy the impact of Merrill's First Principles of Instruction on Students Creativity. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. № 1 (2). 2016. C. 313-317.

7. Sharif A.S., Cho, int. J. Educ. Technol. High. Educ/ 21st-century instructional designers: bridging the perceptual gaps between identity, practice, impact and professional development, №12. 2015. C. 72-85.

8. Washington Y. M., Estephania A. L., l'impact des nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement de la langue française, university de Guayaquil. 2021. C, 90-104,

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Kasko Zhanna Agasievna, PhD of Pedagogical science, Associate Professor Buyanova irina Borisovna, PhD of Pedagogical science, Associate Professor Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.F.. Evseviev, Saransk

The purpose of the study is to develop diagnostic tools for studying the level of formation of practice-oriented training of a teacher-researcher at a university. Research competence is a necessary condition for openness to scientific and pedagogical innovations, the ability to organize pedagogical work in a search mode and is a factor in the continuous professional development of a teacher. In this regard, the requirements for the level and quality of mastering research competence by the future teacher at the stage of university training are increasing. The authors identified three dusters of research competencies, each of which equally affects the practice-oriented training of a teacher-researcher at a university: the value-semantic basis of research activity in education, the cognitive basis of research activity in education, and finally, the technological tools of research activity in education. The scientific novelty lies in the development of diagnostic tools, as well as the definition of criteria and indicators of the level

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