address various risks. For example: a flight simulator can help prevent serious accidents caused by aircraft crashes when students make mistakes.
3. Space and time limit. VR technology can travel around the universe, monitor atomic particles, and perform virtual tours for years or even centuries.
Virtual reality is directly related to many areas of human activity such us: medicine, biotechnology, designing, marketing, art, ergonomics, entertainment [3].
The virtual process occurs only in a particular virtual space, which is influenced by the interaction of important virtual objects.
Virtual learning in the broad sense is the process and its implications for the interaction of its main subjects with the direct teaching and learning of the teacher.
In a word, virtual reality technology is a teaching technique used in education, a high-teach didactic tutorial, and an educational technology that provides insight.
Thus, the use of virtual reality in the learning process is one of the high-quality and high-quality teaching methods, and the up-to-date information that influences students' creativity, the formation of a specific cognitive motivation, the learning curiosity, and the creation of a harmonious mental environment technologies.
References / Список литературы
1. Incheon Declaration / Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all. Р. 47-48. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 03.03.2020).
2. Grigalchik Ye.K., Gubarevich D.I. Obuchaem inache. Strategiya aktivnogo obucheniya. Minsk, 2003.
3. Zinchenko Yu.P., Menshikova G.Ya., Bayakovskiy Yu.M., Chernorizov A.M., Voyskunskiy A.E. Texnologii virtualnoy realnosti: metodologicheskie aspekti, dostijeniya i perspektivi // Natsionalniy psixologicheskiy jurnal, 2010. № 1 (3). S. 54-62.
Abstract: the article analyzes the most effective innovative technologies in the course of teaching a foreign language in a medical college, such as distance learning technologies, mobile training innovative technologies, training (M-Learning) and also their advantages and disadvantages because the modern trend of the world development contributes to the modernization of society in all fields and education is no exception. In this regard, there is the tendency to the strengthening of the role of foreign language in the process of training qualified personnel with professional competence.
Keywords: analysis, innovative technologies, pedagogy, teaching methods.
Проценко Анжелика Алексеевна - преподаватель английского языка, Красногорский филиал
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Московской области,
Медицинский колледж № 1, г. Красногорск, Московская область
Аннотация: в статье анализируются наиболее эффективные инновационные технологии в курсе обучения иностранному языку в медицинском колледже, такие как дистанционные образовательные технологии, мобильное обучение (M-Learning), а также их достоинства и недостатки, потому что современная тенденция мирового развития способствует модернизации общества во всех сферах, и образование не является исключением. В связи с этим наблюдается тенденция к усилению роли иностранного языка в процессе подготовки квалифицированных кадров, обладающих профессиональной компетентностью. Ключевые слова: анализ, инновационные технологии, педагогика, методы обучения.
The modern trend of the world development contributes to the modernization of society in all fields and education is no exception. In this regard, there is the tendency to the strengthening of the role of foreign language in the process of training qualified personnel with professional competence. However, the formation of professional competences is impossible without introduction of modern information resources in the learning process. Foreign language learning in medical colleges is considered as an obligatory component of professional training. The main thing is not only to master communication skills in a foreign language, but also to acquire knowledge of the specialty. Currently, with the mastery of a foreign language, the authentic medical literature, websites, articles, research works on this language have the opportunity to attend international conferences, congresses, study and traineeship abroad; to exchange experience and knowledge with foreign colleagues. That's why professionally-oriented foreign language teaching recognizes the current priority. The aim of language education is the study of medicine through the language.
Currently, trends in medical education aimed at introducing innovative models and technologies of training, which should improve the quality of medical education. With the development of information technologies in the learning process of medical students introduces methods such as electronic and blended learning. Quite common was blended learning, which is used in the integrated courses and for the development of communication skills.
The modern student needs to be motivated and interested in the learning process, to get information only from authentic sources to be mobile in the process of using this information in practice. Internet resources are the most popular sources of information according to their mobility. Methodology of ESP (English for Special Purposes), English for special purposes, is a collective concept that combines a variety of modern resources and their application in education. Technology web quests helps to form and develop in students the following competencies: use it for solving professional problems; ability to find multiple ways of solving a problem situation to determine the most sustainable option to justify their choice; the skill of public speaking, as it is necessary to publicly defend the project, to answer questions or participate in discussions.
Another modern trend in teaching English for professional purposes is a scientific debate. At the stage of preparation for the debate students have to mobilize all your knowledge and ability of speaking in a foreign language, to use their critical thinking and develop unconventional thinking. As for learning a foreign language in medical school, here are faced with the task of presenting a competent material with a complex thematic focus. The combination of traditional teaching methods and new technologies in this aspect are the use of virtual environments to support students' motivation becomes one of the productive approaches in education.
The application of distance learning technologies in medical education has become an integral part of training medical students. Every year there is something new: virtual patients, electronic medical courses for the tablet PC, virtual microscopes, and massive open online courses. However, despite the obvious advantages of distance learning technologies are still urgent issues associated with information overload on electronic educational resources, the need for quality control of information, its interpretation and relevance, as well as the statements of copyright of these resources.
Foreign language training of students is the humanitarian component of education, which promotes the creative potential of student personality, develops his independence and initiative. There is a need to pay more attention to the organization of independent work of students, which in modern conditions it is advisable to supplement the interaction of the student with the information environment. To prepare students for independent work with information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language contributes to a better understanding of the chosen topic, analysis and systematization of the received material, planning and description of the results of their activities.
With the advent of mobile phones and tablets has increased the importance of mobile applications in education. Mobile learning (M-Learning) is a learning opportunity regardless of place and time, through a number of mobile devices. Mobile learning is an e-learning using mobile device, not limited by location or changes in location of the student. Training can take different forms, namely: using mobile devices for students to access educational resources connect with other users to create content in the classroom and beyond. Mobile learning includes activities needed to achieve learning goals. Mobile learning is often the "easy content," and is often used to provide students access to audio, text messaging, participate in polls, text chats, maintaining and perusing abstracts. Of course, mobile technology is not and never will be a panacea for education, however, is a powerful and often overlooked tool which can bring the education to a new level. Thanks to mobile learning increases opportunities and equal access to education, personalization of learning, instant feedback and assessment of learning outcomes, learning at any time and in any place, development of continuous learning, ensuring the link between formal and informal learning. Today the number of connected mobile devices, mainly mobile phones for the first time exceeds the number of inhabitants of the planet. The possibilities of mobile technologies in the field of education are impressive and in many cases well-justified. In a world in which increasing dependence on communications and access to information, mobile devices are not a passing phenomenon. Since the power and capabilities of mobile devices are constantly growing, they can widely used as educational tools and to occupy a central place in both formal and informal education.
References / Список литературы
1. Dudley-Evans T. Developments in English for Specific Purposes. - Cambridge University Press, 1998. Using English. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www. Using English. com/articles/ teaching-english-for-specific-purposes- esp.html (date of access: 03.03.2020).
2. [Electronic Resource]. Wikipedia URL: http:// wiki/ %C2% E8% EA%E8 (date of access: 15.03.2020).