INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND WAYS OF THEIR IMPLEMENTATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Endless light in science
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Ключевые слова
innovation / competence / creativity / education quality assessment / learning effectiveness / innovative technologies

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Imatzoda Lutfiya Mahmadullo, Davlatova Muyasara

The article defines the factors as fundamental in the education of the future, new tasks for the implementation of pedagogical activities, the search for a new content of education, innovative learning technologies. The result of which should be formed conceptual thinking of students, the ability to learn, do, solve problems, critically analyzing various points of view. New approaches were used in planning, managing and improving the quality indicators of graduate training, as well as in expanding and achieving objective results of ongoing scientific research.

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IMATZODA LUTFIYA MAHMADULLO Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the department of higher education institutions, Institute for the Development of Education named after Abdurakhman Jami, Republic

of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

DAVLATOVA MUYASARA Institute for the Development of Education named after Abdurakhman Jami, Republic of Tajikistan

Annotation: The article defines the factors as fundamental in the education of the future, new tasks for the implementation of pedagogical activities, the search for a new content of education, innovative learning technologies. The result of which should be formed conceptual thinking of students, the ability to learn, do, solve problems, critically analyzing various points of view. New approaches were used in planning, managing and improving the quality indicators of graduate training, as well as in expanding and achieving objective results of ongoing scientific research.

Key words: innovation, competence, creativity, education quality assessment, learning effectiveness, innovative technologies

Education and science are key resources in ensuring the socio-economic development of any state, and therefore the issues of further development of education systems at various levels and increasing the efficiency of scientific activity are very urgent problems, the practical implementation of which should be the daily concern of the state and society. Modern reality is characterized by the widespread use of innovative technology technologies (IT) in education and scientific activities, which can significantly expand the opportunities for training graduates of educational institutions and conducting scientific research.

In accordance with the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030, new tasks for the implementation of pedagogical activities consist of searching for new content of education, innovative technologies for teaching humanitarian and natural disciplines, which should result in formed conceptual thinking of students, the ability to learn, do, solve problems critically examining different points of view. [1.36]

The strategy proposes the following mandatory areas for updating the content of education:

professional-state decisions on the necessary changes

• professional and public examination of the sequence of materials that implement changes, each of which must correspond to the already adopted previous one, for example: a standard, a program, samples of certification materials, an annotated plan of a textbook, the textbook itself, approbation results, etc.

• wide approbation in educational institutions, mass objective discussion, gradual and voluntary introduction of changes, mandatory additional professional education of teachers and managers, methodological support of changes; maximum "security" of changes in terms of prospects for further education of graduates (admission to universities).

• The need for changes, their management, risk reduction are the main reasons for state support, including in the form of grants in the areas listed above.

Over the past ten years, many universities of the republic have switched to new educational standards, revised the curricula of academic disciplines, updated teaching aids in the development of humanitarian and natural disciplines. The need for time to move from the direct transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities (KKN), necessary simply for existence in the modern world, to active, interactive, staged, model, experimental, story and other innovative forms of education has become necessary.

The relevance of transferring the quality of education to a new level, using scientific principles, has a number of serious reasons in the form of the achievements of pedagogical science itself (Yu. K. Babansky, A. P. Belyaeva, I. A. Bogachek, N. N. Bulynsky, V (I. Zagvyazinsky, Yu. A. Konarzhevsii, P. Konti, V. V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner, M. M. Potashnik, M. N. Skatkin, A. I. Subetto, etc.).

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and practical observations indicates that over the past twenty-five years, a significant contribution in one way or another to the development of the theory of innovative technologies has been made by Tajik research scientists: M. Lutfulloev, F.F. Sharifzoda, S. Aliyev, I. .Kh.Karimova, U.T.Baltabaeva, U.Z.Zubaidov, Kh.Iskandarov, M.Nugmonov, T.Radjabov, P.N.Satsky, B.Majidova, L.Imatova, N.N.Shoev and others ., who defined the issues of monitoring and evaluation as a result of educational activities, studied and generalized as a function of management and the task of the teacher and leader, noted the systematic nature of the evaluation process, proposed to conduct evaluation with a predetermined standard.

It is important to consider that innovative educational technology is a complex of three interrelated components:

- modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the development of subject knowledge, but the development of competencies that are adequate to modern education and practice;

- modern teaching methods - active methods of developing competencies based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the learning process, and not just on passive perception of the material;

- a modern training infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components, allowing you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

Characteristic innovative technologies:

- information and communication technologies (ICT) in subject education;

- information and analytical support of the educational process and management of the quality of education of a student;

- didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process. [2,p.80]

Along with this, modern IT makes it possible to use new approaches in planning, managing

and improving the quality indicators of graduate training, as well as in expanding and achieving objective results of ongoing scientific research.

The modernization of education in the Russian Federation is the central and leading task of the educational policy of our country. The modernization of education is a comprehensive, comprehensive renewal of all parts of the educational system and all parts of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of modern life while preserving and multiplying the best traditions of national education.

Modernization is the renewal and improvement of the essential elements of the education system in accordance with the requirements of modern times with the support of students and their parents, scientists and teachers, public bodies and the state. There are two main parts to this definition:

The first is the essence of modernization as the improvement of the existing educational structure by changing the educational policy, forms and methods of education management, updating concepts, pedagogical forms and methods in all the main elements of educational activity.

The second part of the definition of modernization is the conditions for its support by citizens, the pedagogical community, society as a whole and the state. This is a condition for the unity or coincidence of views of citizens on key issues of assessing the state and prospects for the development of education. A historical review and analysis of the results of the six main stages of the transformation of Russian education shows that this kind of unity of views on the problem of modernization of education under consideration has not yet been achieved.

Along with this, modern IT makes it possible to use new approaches in planning, managing and improving the quality indicators of graduate training, as well as in expanding and achieving objective results of ongoing scientific research.

For this purpose, the National Scientific and Educational Computer Network (NREN) TARENA (Tajik Association of Users of Academic, Research and Educational Networks) was created in the republic.

The national scientific and educational network TARENA allows using IIT at the modern level in the following fundamental areas in educational and scientific activities:

- improvement of the educational process (creation of Electronic Educational Resources (EER), interactive teaching methods, self-training and self-control, distance learning, etc.);

- development and implementation of a system for planning, measuring and managing the quality of specialist training;

- expanding the depth of theoretical research using GRID technology;

- conducting videoconferences, seminars and visual theoretical and experimental studies;

- establishing a continuous creative connection between teachers and students, supervisors with graduate students.

The modernization of the education system should promote the development of critical and creative thinking skills in students, combined with the development of mutual respect, tolerance, understanding of democratic forms, making coordinated decisions and implementing plans. It is important to remember that ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) emphasizes the development of creative and critical approaches, visionary and innovative thinking, and the empowerment of people to act in conditions of uncertainty and solve complex problems. Based on this, at this stage, favorable conditions are being created in the republic for the development of ESD, which are based both on the previous achievements of the state system of education and science, and on the achievements of the current stage.

The strategic goal of the current corporate national scientific and educational network TARENA is the creation of a high-speed modern NREN, which will be used by the educational and scientific community to introduce promising, innovative Internet technologies in educational and scientific activities, taking into account world achievements.

Based on the data, we believe that the fundamental directions for using NREN TARENA in a single CAREN system to improve education and research are:

1. Improving the educational process (creating electronic educational resources, an interuniversity electronic library, introducing interactive teaching methods, self-training and self-control, educational portals, distance learning, and others).

2. Organization of video conferences and seminars at the republican and regional levels in order to establish a continuous creative connection between scientists from Central Asia, European countries and the countries of the Pacific coast.

Tajikistan is systematically and consistently implementing a system of actions agreed with the international community, which provides for measures to transform educational standards, curricula for the development of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines in the field of science and education. The solution to this important problem requires the modernization of existing educational technologies, the restructuring of the consciousness of students, and also contributes to a significant restructuring in education and science.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the National Strategy for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030 declares the principle of consistency, the principle of integration of natural science, socio-economic and legal aspects, the principle of scientific character, the principle of combining theory with practice, the principle of effectiveness or the relationship between goals and learning outcomes, the principle of personality-oriented learning aimed at self-development of the creative potential of the individual.

However, the high scientific and theoretical level established by current programs and textbooks is not fully assimilated by all students. There are omissions in the modernized curricula, which should reflect the key competencies and general knowledge of students in the direction of mastering the natural, exact and mathematical disciplines. Therefore, at this stage, much attention should be paid to the creation of textbooks in different disciplines of different levels of complexity, which allows maintaining a high level for those who have a penchant for these disciplines. It is also necessary to introduce various forms of teacher retraining and variable programs for different approaches in covering educational material.

The main institutional points for the development of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines in education and science should be:

- development of a national system for assessing the quality of education, including national standard assessments for checking (measuring) student learning outcomes, including competence standards in education levels;

- introduction of a modern curriculum in general education institutions based on a competent approach (and with an emphasis on scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical specialties);

- to conduct joint research in pedagogy and branches of education, to use domestic and world experience in the development of disciplines, to prepare the scientific foundations for successful forms of education in general education, higher professional schools.

- in order to strengthen the influence of science on the socio-economic development of the country, converge scientific and practical needs, expand the range of practical research and increase their effectiveness in the development of the humanities and natural disciplines, create conditions for the processing and practical use of innovative technologies.

- providing all educational institutions with wide access to the Internet and increasing the level of equipment of classrooms with computers.

An important feature is to ensure the importance of the fundamental nature of different disciplines, a high level of theoretical knowledge of students in the assimilation of disciplines, orientation to the future, studying problems and finding possible solutions. It is necessary to organize such an educational environment that ensures the development of independence, initiative, striving for self-improvement, and forms the skills of critical perception of information.

Innovative technologies in education are such an organization of the educational process, which is built on qualitatively different principles, means, methods and technologies and allows achieving educational effects characterized by: mastering the maximum amount of knowledge; maximum creative activity; a wide range of practical skills and abilities.

To identify the most optimal innovative forms of education that contribute to the study and development of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines, we note the main requirements that must be taken into account:

- the transition to new educational technologies, taking into account the latest achievements in the field of science, engineering and technology, based on a competent approach to teaching natural, exact and mathematical disciplines;

- the use of information and communication technologies, project-based teaching methods that meet the needs of schoolchildren and students in the integration of knowledge and skills in the field of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines;

- preparation of methodological recommendations on innovative educational technologies of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines.

Education for sustainable development should train a specialist who is able to actively comprehend the global problems of our time, act in conditions of uncertainty and insufficient information. To do this, he must, first of all, have abstract, critical, creative, logical-theoretical and intuitive thinking.

The problem of finding, supporting and educating intellectually gifted children has now acquired the status of state importance in most developed countries. The development of children and

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the human intellectual potential of people from a young age to formation is a priority of any state, and the main forces and means should be directed to support gifted children, favorable conditions should be created and modern innovative programs and technologies should be introduced.

The state policy for the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation requires constant attention and comprehensive support for the most talented and gifted children and youth who have extraordinary talent and good abilities in mastering knowledge in various disciplines. Consider innovative forms of education, which are conceived as developing, student-oriented mechanisms aimed at the individual cognitive activity of schoolchildren and students, in particular when teaching natural and exact disciplines:

1. Learning through discovery (teaching discovery) or learning by the method of (guided) discovery is an independent form of cognitive activity of the teacher, in which he finds the answer to the question posed on the basis of his experience, previous knowledge and freely available materials. Discovery learning theory is based on modeling and "acting out" various problem situations, which allow participants not to receive facts and knowledge in a ready-made form, but to "discover" them themselves in the learning process. Research Mitenev Yu.A. [4] showed that students understand a concept better when they discover it themselves than when it is communicated directly. Polat S.E. [7] proved that the material obtained by this method was better retained in memory after a long period, and also contributed to better transfer, which was expressed in the ability of students to use the learned principles in solving other types of problems.

2. Learning through the active participation of students or collaborative learning is a special form of cognitive activity in which learning takes place in such a way that all students are involved in the learning process. The teacher is faced with the task of properly organizing the space in order to include all participants in the training in the mechanism of mastering the material, making each individual contribution, sharing knowledge, ideas and methods of activity. In practice, this form of learning is widely used under the name of interactive learnin

3. Collaborative learning is an approach in which participants in the process gain knowledge through the active joint search for information, discussion and understanding of meanings. The role of the teacher here comes down to the fact that he sets the topic for the students, and then creates such a favorable communication environment, a psychological climate in which students could work together. At the same time, unlike other learning technologies, the teacher is a full participant in the educational process - a fellow student.

Problem-based learning. It is a student-centered teaching method that encourages them to acquire new knowledge by solving complex and multifaceted practical problems in the context of problem situations. Working in groups, students themselves determine what they already know, what they need to learn, as well as how and where to find new information that is of great importance for solving the problem [6,45-47].

5. Interdisciplinary learning - underlies the very concept of sustainable development and is an integral part of its study, in which the student considers the task assigned to him from the prism of various disciplinary angles in order to find a holistic solution to the problem. Here it is necessary to note such approaches as multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary, which, although they have common features, reflect various specific features of education for sustainable development.

Responding to all the formulated requirements of education, these forms of education provide a comprehensive and multifaceted consideration of the problem. Their application involves the active use of information and communication technologies, which significantly increase the effectiveness of training.


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