INNOVATIVE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF WHOLESALE ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kuchmieiev O.

The analysis of a condition of development of methods of risk management at the enterprises of various branch affiliation is carried out. The author's vision of creating a risk management system at wholesale enterprises has been implemented. The tools of realization of the specified system in the conditions of economic activity of the enterprises of wholesale trade are developed. An innovative risk management system for wholesale trade enterprises is proposed and its advantages are identified. The developed form of the passport of risks of the wholesale trade enterprise is recommended.

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На сегодняшний день уже можно оценивать результаты использования компаниями цифровой платформы:

1. У специалистов появилось дополнительное время на работу с потребителями. В результате повышается их преданность, возрастает денежный поток, уменьшилась дебиторская задолженность. Кроме этого пропала необходимость тратить время на составление различных аналитических отчётов и справок, т.к. руководители могут в любое время в режиме реального времени посмотреть всю интересующую их информацию на компьютере.

2. Минимизируются ошибки при ведении отчетности.

3. Благодаря удобному интерфейсу программы, можно в режиме реально времени просматривать оплату потребителей за услуги.

4. Мобильность системы и применение в любом месте, исключает привязанность к одному месту для занесения данных, дает свободу перемещения для решения других важных задач.

5. Экономия на персонале, для учета и составления отчетности не нужно нанимать дополнительных специалистов, которые ранее увеличивали траты на обслуживание.

6. Сохранение сведений пользователей на отдельном защищенном и надежном сервере дает возможность не волноваться за их утрату, что в свою очередь исключает траты на восстановление информации.

Появление цифровой платформы в любой индустрии (Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Cainiao, SmartCA^ т.д.) приводит к существенному сокращению транзакционных издержек и ускорению операционных цикловучастников, появлению новых профессиональных стандартов, развитию конкуренцию и пр. Поэтому они являются катализаторами роста экономики.Создание цифровых платформ управления экономикой - это стратегически важная задача, решение которой способно не

только восстановить материальное производство, заложить основу внедрения будущих инноваций, но и обеспечить опережающее развитие Российской Федерации.

Список литературы

1. Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 7 мая 2018 года № 204 «О национальных целях и стратегических задачах развития Российской Федерации на период до 2024 года»

2. Распоряжение Правительства РФ №1632-р от 28 июля 2017 г. «Об утверждении программы "Цифровая экономика Российской Федерации»

3. А.Т. Алиев «Оценка текущего состояния и перспектив развития цифровой индустрии в промышленном производстве России». М.: Проблемы экономики и Юридической практики. №4. 2018 г. Стр.27-31

4. А.Н. Бийчук «Цифровая трансформация бизнеса в современной экономике» Экономическая среда. 2017. № 2 (20).

5. В. П. Куприяновский, А.П. Добрынин, С.А. Синягов, Д.Е. Намиот «Целостная модель трансформации в цифровой экономике - как стать цифровыми лидерами». М.: Международный журнал открытых информационных технологий. 5, № 1, 2017г.

6. В.А. Плотников «Цифровизация производства: теоретическая сущность и перспективы развития в российской экономике». СПБ.: «Известия СПбГЭУ». 2018г. Стр. 24.

7. А. Соколов «Зачем производству цифровая платформа, и почему это вопрос выживания». [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cher-emuha.com/2018/04/16/digital-platform.html(дата обращения: 12.12.2019)

8. Сервисы для ЖКХ, Биллинг ЖКХ АО «КРАСИНФОРМ». [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.krasinform.ru/services/gkh/ (дата обращения: 28.09.2020)



Кучмеев О. О.

к.п.н., доцент, старший викладач кафедри yправлiння та адмiнiстрyвання BidKpumuü мiжнародний утверситет розвитку людини «Укра'та»


Kuchmieiev O.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Administration Ukraine Open International University of Human Development


Проведено аналз стану розробки методiв управлшня ризиками на шдприемствах рiзноï галузево1' на-лежносл. Реалiзовано бачення автора щодо створення системи управлшня ризиками на шдприемствах оп-тово1' торпвлг Розроблено шструментарш реал1зацп зазначено1' системи в умовах економiчноï дiяльностi шдприемств оптово1' торпвлг Запропонована шновацшна система управлшня ризиками пвдприемств опто-вш торпвт та визначено ïï переваги. Рекомендовано розроблену форму паспорта ризишв щдприемства оптово!' торпвл!


The analysis of a condition of development of methods of risk management at the enterprises of various branch affiliation is carried out. The author's vision of creating a risk management system at wholesale enterprises has been implemented. The tools of realization of the specified system in the conditions of economic activity of the enterprises of wholesale trade are developed. An innovative risk management system for wholesale trade enterprises is proposed and its advantages are identified. The developed form of the passport of risks of the wholesale trade enterprise is recommended.

Ключовi слова: ризик, шновацшна система, пвдприемства оптово1 торпвт, система управлшня ризи-ками, паспорт ризишв.

Keywords: risk, innovation system, wholesale enterprises, risk management system, risk passport.

Formulation of the problem.

In a changing environment, the activities of the wholesale business as a whole are always associated with risk. Risk is an economic category that reflects the peculiarities of the perception of the interested parties of economic relations of the objectively existing uncertainty and conflict, which are inherent in the processes of goal setting, management, decision-making, evaluation, burdened with possible threats and untapped opportunities. Wholesale companies face a huge number of negative factors that affect the end result of their activities - the amount of profit: instability of supply, late and incomplete payments to consumers, difficulties in attracting credit resources and more. The result of effective risk management determines the economic effect for wholesalers.

Logistics is currently the main innovative tool in business management. The main problem of domestic logistics is the problem of optimizing material and related flows in the field of commodity-money circulation. Its important aspect - Analysis of the scientific literature and practical aspects of wholesale trade enterprises showed that the risk management system at these enterprises is insufficiently studied and systematized. Thus, the issue of creating an innovative risk management system in wholesale enterprises is quite relevant in market conditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Various theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of risk management in the activities of commercial enterprises are studied in their works by such domestic and foreign authors as: Balabanov IT [1], Borovkova VA [2], Maeshko OI [3], Raevneva OV [7], Tokarenko GS [8], Uspensky VA [9] Shapkin AS [10] and others.

Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem.

Despite a significant number of scientific and practical works, there are still a number of insufficiently studied methodological approaches to risk management in wholesale trade.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of risk management in wholesale enterprises, identify gaps and shortcomings and develop an innovative risk management system in these enterprises, which would ensure continuity, cyclicality, complexity and completeness of the functions of such management.

Presentation of the main research material.

The quality and outcome of risk management in wholesale enterprises largely depend on the compliance of the selected management methods identified during the analysis and assessment of risk factors. Despite the fact that the issue of developing risk management methods is quite popular in the scientific literature and there is a generally accepted typology of the nature of the impact, the choice of risk management methods for wholesalers remains an important scientific and practical task. It is the lack of transparent information and methodological support, as shown by the results of the study of risk management practices in trade, significantly inhibits the dissemination of ideas and concepts of such management.

In order for the risk management process at a wholesale enterprise to be effective, in our opinion, an appropriate innovative management system must be established. Given that the management system in general - is a set of elements necessary to influence the subject of management on the object of management, the risk management system of wholesale trade is proposed to be defined as a set of methods and tools (organizational, economic, technical) for risk management at the above enterprises. The emphasis on the integration of such a system requires its inclusion in the overall management system of the enterprise, when the level of risk and probability of its occurrence become important criteria for management decisions in management, along with cost, cost, time and other criteria.

If, according to the results of the study of risk management practices in wholesale enterprises, fragmentary risk identification is traditional in the industry, then in the innovation system the risk management process should be coordinated by the head of the trading company, and the tasks of risk identification and minimization In addition, the innovation system provides the ability to make management decisions at the tactical and strategic levels, taking into account the probability of possible loss of operating profit due to risk situations in the areas of procurement, transportation, sales or after-sales service. That is, the risk management process must be continuous and cover all activities of wholesale trade enterprises.

Taking into account the defined provisions, we have developed the main directions of integration of the risk management system into the management system of the wholesale trade enterprise (Table 1). Traditional management system

Table 1.

Comparative analysis of traditional and innovative management systems risks at wholesale enterprises

Characteristics of traditional and innovative risk management system at wholesale enterprises

Traditional system Innovative system

Fragmentary approach - each unit responds independently and at its own discretion to emerging risks within its functions Integrated approach - the process is coordinated by management, each manager considers the functions of risk management as part of their work

Unsystematic and episodic - risk assessment and response occurs sporadically on an intuitive basis Continuity and cyclicality - the process of risk management is continuous

Separation - attention is focused only on a particular aspect of risk, the results of which do not affect the overall planning process Complexity and coordination - all types of risks are studied, managerial decision-making is coordinated with the planning process

Limited risk management functions - the main functions that are implemented within risk management are their analysis and evaluation Completeness of risk management functions - all risk management functions are performed from their identification to management and control

Source: compiled by the author according to sources [1; 4; 7]

Such a system, in addition to methodological support, from our point of view, covers information, personnel, financial support and organizational support.

Risk management information support consists of software and information databases to support risk management processes and procedures. The formation of such databases, in our opinion, should be based on key risk indicators and grouped by areas of activity of trade enterprises (purchasing, transportation, sales and after-sales service). The database built in this way is convenient for monitoring the risk, because it is the indicators that are its main objects.

In addition to risk indicators, we propose to include the following additional information in information databases: persons responsible for identifying and implementing risk management methods; planned and actual terms of implementation of methods, status and frequency of their use; additional costs for the implementation of risk management methods; references to documents confirming the fact of implementation of methods.

Of course, both the formation of an information database of risks and their processing require the use of resources, which include the most important, from our point of view, labor and financial. Even if a wholesaler does not separate the risk management function, expanding the authority of the managers of the company's divisions requires additional time to perform such responsibilities. The availability of sufficient financial resources is a necessary condition for the introduction of many risk management methods, as the search for new suppliers, and research of consumer demand, and the introduction of control systems are accompanied by certain costs.

An important component of an innovative risk management system is its organizational support, which should clearly define the procedure for dealing with risks. In order to organize a variety of information about the risks identified by areas of activity, we propose to carry out their certification, which means their description in a formalized form.

Problems of risk certification are considered mostly not at the scientific and theoretical level, but

from the point of view of practical aspects of their solution: how the risk register should be compiled, what information should be included in the risk passport, etc.

Summarizing the existing practical approaches [5, p.13], we note that among managers at different levels there are both extremely concise approaches to the development of risk passports, and quite broad, which aim to most fully describe the characteristics of risk. For example, experts of the business weekly "Expert" consider sufficient only two sections of the risk passport, which would provide information about the frequency of the risk situation and the severity of its consequences [5, p.14]. Managers of IDGC of Center, JSC define five main sections of the risk passport: risk information; risk management measures; realized risks; procedures for responding to a risky event; key risk indicators [6].

The broadest approach is presented in [2; 3], where the project risk passport is proposed to be developed in 17 sections: identifier; name of risk; project code to which the risk relates; type (risk or uncertainty); probability; degree of influence; risk class; object of influence; risk category; responsible person; causes of risk; implementation criteria; date of relevance; prevention methods; response strategy; response actions; risk status.

In our opinion, this approach is more in line with the task of developing an innovative risk management system, as it allows to agree on the causes, objects and methods of risk management and provides comprehensive consideration of the most significant risk characteristics (probability and degree of impact).

At the same time, it should be noted that the sphere of activity of wholesale trade enterprises differs significantly from the project activity for which the above-mentioned recommendations on risk certification were developed. Therefore, the allocation of sections "project code" or "type (risk or uncertainty)" is impractical when developing a risk passport. In addition, given the above author's suggestions for evaluating logistics and typology of management methods, in our opinion, important sections of the passport should be key risk indicators, the type of risk management methods and management methods themselves. This approach will organizationally link the factors, objects, probability of

risk with methods of minimizing them, as well as contribute to the formation of a full-fledged information base for decision-making in the field of risk management.

Since the risk passport determines the procedure for working with them, in our opinion, one of its sections should also be the "periodicity of monitoring", which sets the frequency of tracking key risk indicators.

Taking into account the proposals and comments, we offer this form of risk passport for the wholesale trade (Table 2)

The recommended form of the passport of risks of the wholesale trade enterprise is the important document of organizational and information maintenance which is used in all processes of management of risks of the wholesale trade enterprise.

Table 2

Recommended form of risk passport wholesale enterprises

№ section Namenation Content Description Stage management

1 2 3 4 5

1 Identifier Risk code and name Code and name of risk according to a single classification within the enterprise Identification risks

2 Risk level Minimum Low Average High Critical Qualitative value, which is selected on the recommended scale depending on the amount of operating profit loss Risk analysis and assessment

3 Probability of losses Losses are almost impossible Losses are unlikely Losses are probable High probability Losses are almost inevitable Qualitative value selected on the recommended scale depending on the expected frequency of operating profit losses Risk assessment

4 Risk class Acceptable (A) Justified and admissible (B) Admissible, but Unwanted (C) Invalid (D) The value is selected automatically depending on the level of risk and the probability of loss of profit Risk assessment

5 Object of influence Tangible objects (goods) Intangible objects (reputation) Financial objects (cost) Staff Determined for each type of risk in order to minimize tangible, intangible, financial and labor losses Certification

6 Key indicators System of indicators for risk tracking The list of indicators which allow to investigate losses on spheres of activity of the enterprise of wholesale trade Certification; measurement; risk analysis and tracking (monitoring)

7 Reasons Causes of risks A list of events or phenomena that Lead to risk situations Certification; analysis

8 Criteria Criteria for risk implementation The list of conditions, the fulfillment of which indicates that the risk situation is realized Certification; rating

9 Responsible persons Subdivision, surname and name responsible persons The unit and or employees who are responsible for the implementation of management processes risks Planning

10 Date of validity Date End date when a risk situation may arise. After this date, the logistical risk becomes irrelevant Planning

11 Periodicity of monitoring The period during which key indicators are monitored Frequency of observation of key risk indicators Monitoring and control

12 Type of methods Type of risk management methods lt is chosen depending on the level of risk and the probability of its occurrence Planning

13 Management methods Risk management methods A list of risk management methods that should be used by those responsible to minimize risks and their consequences Planning

14 Activities Risk response measures Specific actions performed by responsible persons within the accepted risk management methods Planning

15 Status Identified Tracked Warned Implemented Closed Current risk status by completion of management influences Monitoring and control

While sections 1-8 provide information on risk identification, measurement, analysis and assessment processes, sections 9-15 are important components of planning, monitoring and control.

Based on the developed form of the passport of risks of the enterprise of wholesale trade, we consider it necessary to define those basic moments which should be considered at planning of risks of the enterprises of wholesale trade:

1. Definition of responsible persons. The process of planning the costs of implementing risk management methods can be divided by type of work and time of their implementation, but its results must be clearly defined and communicated to the executors of the plans. Due to the fact that the activities of a wholesale company are carried out in different areas of the value chain, the appointment of one responsible person will not ensure the planning of all the necessary and relevant information. Therefore, from our point of view, it is advisable to choose those responsible for the areas of risk: procurement, transportation, sales and service. Given the lack of specialized risk management units in most wholesalers, the functions of those responsible for implementing risk management methods can be entrusted to the managers of the relevant units. Such functions do not require full employment and may therefore be combined with other functional responsibilities.

2. Adherence to the principles of the general policy of risk management at the wholesale trade enterprise, according to the relation of the management to risk. f management's policy is to make the most risky decisions, then a system of plans should be developed to implement risk management methods in optimistic, baseline and pessimistic scenarios.

3. Development of a budget for risk management. Such a budget significantly affects the choice of methods that should be used to minimize risks and their negative consequences.

4. Coordination of the main measures for risk management with the current operating activities of the wholesale enterprise.


In order to ensure the effectiveness of the developed scientific and methodological approaches, it is

proposed to introduce an innovative risk management system at wholesale enterprises, which ensures the continuity, cyclicality, complexity and completeness of the functions of such management.

It is proved that significant information and organizational support of such a system is risk certification, for which a standard form of risk passport of wholesale trade enterprises has been developed, which consists of 15 sections and fixes the content of measures and persons responsible for their implementation during identification, measurement, analysis, risk assessment, planning, monitoring and control.


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2. Borovkova V.A. Risk management in trade. SPb.: Peter, 2014. - 288 c.

3. Risk management methodology - a summary of my experience working on projects [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://habrahabr.ru/us-ers/Darkus/topics.

4. Meshko O.I. The main stages of the risk management process. Bulletin of Chernihiv State Technological University. Series. Economic sciences. - 2017. - № 3 (52). - P. 57-65.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

5. Passport of possible risk. Expert. - 2016. - № 40. - P. 12-15.

6. Risk management policy in IDGC Holding, JSC [Electronic resource] - Access mode: www.mrsk-1.ru/docs/Regulition6.doc.

7. Raevneva O.V. Management of enterprise development: methodology, mechanisms, models. H.: INZHEK, 2016. - 496 p.

8. Tokarenko G.S. Methods of risk management in the company. Financial management. - 2016. - № 4. -P. 130-143.

9. Uspensky V.A. Methods of risk management. Finance and credit. - 2014. - № 7. - P. 43-50.

10. Shapkin A.S. Economic and financial risks. Valuation, management, investment portfolio. M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 544 p.



Назаева М.И.

ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный педагогический университет», кандидат экономических


Россия, Чеченская республика, г. Грозный

Назаева П.Х.

Студентка 3 курса, профиль «Экономика и управление в образовании» ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный педагогический университет», Россия, Чеченская республика, г. Грозный

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